Watch the First 10 Minutes of ‘Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality’


Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality (2017) is finally here, launching today on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. And yes, it’s all the wonderful weirdness of the show mixed in with some seriously fun object interaction courtesy of the game’s spiritual predecessor, Job Simulator (2016).

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality was created by Owlchemy Labs and Adult Swim Games. Voiced by show creator Justin Roiland, the VR game is everything Rick and Morty fans need to calm their nerves before the rest of season 3 comes out later this summer.

*insert ‘blaze 4/20’ joke here*

If you’re looking for an extended look at the game or more information, check out our full review here to find out why we gave it a 9/10.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Benjamin Taylor

    VR is just a gimmick. It wont last more than a month.

    • Michał Krukowski

      There are three kinds of people:
      1. Those who didn’t have Vive on their faces
      2. Those who had cardboard only and now share the bullshit reviews
      3. Those who had Vive on their faces and know that its the future of gaming

      There is one kind of people which does not exist:
      4. People who had Vive on their faces and say VR is a gimmick

      I guess you’re either 1 or 2, because 4 simply don’t exist, and if you’d put it on, you’d be 3. Don’t worry, prices will be reduced and soon you’ll probably join the group 3.

      • Jason Neill

        never has truer words been spoken. im playing onward at the moment and i am amazed. i have been into vr for about 3 years now thats saying something.

        • Michał Krukowski

          I actually read that over internet “you just cant put Vive on your face and continue thinking that VR is just another overhyped tech”, and I felt like “never has truer words been spoken” myself :D

          Since I’ve bought mine, I frequently invite friends to check it out. I have loads of fun simply watching their faces, as their jaws drop in awe.

          “Michal, this is fucking crazy” ain’t something I sparsely hear. The reactions generally vary between:
          “O KURWA”
          “This is fucking crazy”
          Mixed panic/awe shouts

      • Benjamin Taylor

        I own a Vive I was totally trolling. I commented this because on the back of the magazines in the video he pulls off the shelf they say vr is a gimmick. That joke came from the steam community section someone was upset that rick and morty was only for vr so they started bashing vr and said it was a gimmick and i thought it was funny they put it in the game. :)

        • Michał Krukowski

          Then, kind sir, I have to admit that this round you’ve been better at the internets.