Mind-bending Adventure ‘Anamorphine’ Delayed Until Late Q1


Virtual reality is unique in its ability to allow you to immersively explore the interior of the imagination, including the darker sides of the psyche, the parts that we fear to confront, but inevitably wish to excise from the mind. That’s what Anamorphine is trying to accomplish with its deep, mind-bending dive into love, loss, and the mental anguish of seeing a loved one fall into depression.

Update (01/16/18): Artifact 5 has announced on its blog that the surreal adventure ‘Anamorphine’ will be delayed from its original January 16th launch date “until this Winter/very early Spring.” Here’s the full statement below:

“After putting the team through their paces and more, Anamorphine is looking excellent, but still needs a few final weeks of polish. After around three years of work, the last thing we want is to bring it out just a little too early, when the extra time will make sure a huge impact on the final product. So no, you won’t be able to get Anamorphine on January 16 as previously announced, but you will see it later on this Winter/very early Spring. We’ll put out an announcement when we have the new date! Thank you all for your support and patience. We can’t wait to put Anamorphine into your hands.”

Original article (10/05/17): Created by Artifact 5, Anamorphine follows Tyler, a young man in post-traumatic denial. Visiting his relationship with his wife Elena, you visit milestones of their relationship and experience the fallout of a tragic accident where Elena, a professional cellist, is robbed of her ability to play the cello, which compromises her livelihood and major emotional outlet.

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In a reality-splitting feverdream, you experience Tyler’s mental turmoil as it warps his past and he struggles to come to terms with his guilt and inability to help Elena while she quietly slips into depression.

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If you hadn’t already guessed, Anamorphine isn’t a game as such, providing no action buttons to allow for object interaction of any sort. Rather, you’re left with the choice to freely explore parts of Tyler’s past, and have to decide whether to move on, or let the overwhelming darkness consume you.

Artifact 5 will be showing Anamorphine at IndieCade October 6-8 in Los Angeles. The experience will be launching in winter 2017 on PC, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation 4, and Playstation VR.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 3,500 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Jean-Sebastien Perron

    All games with telepotation cause depression.

    • This comment has cured me of it.

    • Joe Black

      lol it’s not really a game. But still.. WP sir :D

    • yag

      Locomotion options make life more worth living.

    • Ragbone

      I have to teleport in real life :(