‘Arizona Sunshine 2’ Coming to All Major VR Headsets in December, First Gameplay Trailer Here


Vertigo Games finally revealed the release date for its upcoming sequel to Arizona Sunshine (2016), which is set to bring us back to the dusty post-apocalyptic desert for another tango with the undead hordes. Also: the first gameplay trailer.

Arizona Sunshine 2 is slated to launch on all major VR headsets on December 7th, which the studio has confirmed will include a co-op mode as well as single player campaign at launch.

We’ve also got our first look at actual gameplay, which admittedly doesn’t look terribly far off from the previous CG trailer released back in May. There seems to be plenty of opportunities to blow up, dismember, and roast the hell out of the shambolic enemies—all in the search of ‘Patient Zero’, which is supposedly the game’s main objective.

'The New Salsa Academy' Teaches You All The Right Moves, Now Available on Quest

Coming to Quest 2/3/Pro, PSVR 2, Pico and SteamVR headsets, you’ll find Arizona Sunshine 2 is also now available for pre-order as a Standard Edition and Deluxe Edition, with each edition including exclusive digital items. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Standard Edition ($50): Pre-orders include the Biker Bark Vest, Worker Watch, and Ducky Weapon Charm in-game exclusive bonuses.
  • Deluxe Edition ($60): Available at a 10% pre-order discount. Includes everything in the Standard Edition, plus the Freddy Hands Skin, Doggy Weapon Charm, and Undead Buddy—turning your loyal four-legged friend into an undead killing machine.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • g-man

    First Gameplay Trailer Here on YouTube

    • Chris Meeks


      • NotMikeD

        He’s saying there are pre-order bonuses.

    • Octogod

      Why, we have ourselves a time traveller!

      Welcome to the year 2023.

  • Sky Castle

    Loved the first game. And nice to finally see a decent PCVR game again.

  • Kenny

    Looks great. I hope this does well on the PC side.

    • ViRGiN

      SPOILER ALERT: it won’t.

    • Arno van Wingerde

      Here is me hoping that there will be a Q3 version those “close enough” that many people won’t see much need for running it on PC or PS5!

    • shadow9d9

      PC users don’t buy games unless there is an 80% off sale or it is part of a bundle.

      • Cless

        As someone that knows how publishing works, and the numbers most games move around on PC, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
        Most games make their most sales and money in the first week or two since they launch. Then each consecutive time its put with a discount it gets a small peak of extra buyers that will decrease with time.

  • ApocalypseShadow

    Getting it on PS VR 2. Hope they can pull it off.

  • Steve Goodwin

    Has anyone come across information on how many players the multiplayer supports?

  • Cl

    Looks like dead island in VR

  • xyzs

    I will get it when it’s available on Steam :)

  • dextrovix

    So looking at the game’s trailer, release is on Meta Quest, PSVR2, SteamVR and Pico. That would suggest whilst there is a PC version which should have superior graphics, it’s only available on Steam via SteamVR.

    Where’s the release on the Meta Oculus store, only I noticed recently games seem to be exclusive on the Meta Quest and there isn’t a PC release on Meta Oculus at all?

    It appears Meta are pushing for exclusive development for Quest headsets and don’t want to release titles on their PC-only store.