While Oculus doesn’t offer much publicly in the way of understanding how well individual apps are performing across its VR storefronts, it’s possible to glean some insight by looking at apps relative to each other. Here’s a snapshot of the top 20 Oculus Quest games and apps as of February 2021, now including the ‘most popular’ apps based on the number of reviews received in the last month.

ℹ️ Why We Publish This Data

While the SteamVR library already has a comprehensive tracking database thanks to SteamDB, Steam 250, and more, no similar database exists to track applications on Oculus storefronts. We publish this data to give users, developers, and analysts insight into the Oculus app landscape.

Some quick qualifications before we get to the data:

  • Paid and free apps are separated
  • Only apps with more than 100 reviews are represented
  • Rounded ratings may appear to show ‘ties’ in ratings for some applications, but the ranked order remains correct

Best Rated Paid Oculus Quest Apps

The rating of each application is an aggregate of user reviews and a useful way to understand the general reception of each title by customers.

Rank Name Rating (# of ratings) Rank Change Price
#1 The Room VR: A Dark Matter 4.89 (5,102) ↑ 1 $30
#2 ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos 4.89 (653) ↓ 1 $40
#3 Cubism 4.86 (262) $10
#4 Yupitergrad 4.83 (144) New $15
#5 Moss 4.83 (4,052) ↓ 1 $30
#6 The Thrill of the Fight 4.82 (4,327) ↑ 1 $10
#7 GORN 4.81 (1,899) New $20
#8 Walkabout Mini Golf 4.81 (1,490) ↓ 2 $15
#9 Wolves in the Walls 4.8 (133) ↓ 4 $9
#10 I Expect You To Die 4.8 (2,837) ↓ 2 $25
#11 Blaston 4.78 (934) ↓ 2 $10
#12 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 4.77 (4,813) ↓ 2 $30
#13 Pistol Whip 4.77 (5,831) ↓ 2 $25
#14 In Death: Unchained 4.76 (1,970) ↓ 2 $30
#15 SUPERHOT VR 4.75 (10,419) ↓ 2 $25
#16 Trover Saves the Universe 4.74 (1,117) ↓ 2 $30
#17 Racket: Nx 4.73 (1,281) ↓ 2 $20
#18 Job Simulator 4.72 (6,067) ↓ 1 $20
#19 Vacation Simulator 4.72 (1,764) ↑ 1 $30
#20 Down the Rabbit Hole 4.71 (813) ↓ 2 $20

Rank Change & Stats Compared to January 2021

Until You Fall, Shooty Skies Overdrive

  • Among the 20 best rated Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 4.8 out of 5 (±0)
    • Average price (mean): $22 (±0)
    • Most common price (mode): $30 (±$0)
  • Among all paid Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 4.3 out of 5 (±0)
    • Average price (mean): $19 (±0)
    • Most common price (mode): $20 (±$0)

Continue on Page 2: Most Popular Paid Oculus Quest Apps »

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Cdaked

    Saints & Sinners for 15$, are you sure? Some links are also wrong.

    • AU

      Yeah, many of the prices are wrong; it’s probably the result of removing a cell instead of row or something like that.

    • benz145

      Keen eye! Thanks for spotting those errors. Should be all fixed now.

      • Cdaked

        Sorry, but it seems not fixed at this moment.

        • benz145

          Apologies, the original cached version may still be showing. I’ve flushed the cache; if you see this note at the bottom of the last page you are on the latest version: “Update (February 19th, 2021): A prior version of this article had incorrect links and prices on some charts. This has been corrected.”

          • Cdaked

            Yes, now it seems to be fine.

  • guy

    Page 4 doesn’t exist – 404’s

    • Elizabeth Tipton

      Get $192 per/h from Google!…(a1008) Yes this is best since I just got my first pay-out of $24413 and this was just of a one week… I have also purchased my McLaren Speedtail right after this payment…(a1008) it is really cool job I have ever had and you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it >>>> https://meumessage.com/pT07Tdb ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • benz145

      Apologies, this is fixed.

  • Brian Elliott Tate

    https://vrdb.app has probably the most Oculus data. Not anywhere as detailed as SteamDB, but good for what it has to work with.