Eye of the Temple is an upcoming room-scale puzzle game that basically turns you into Indiana Jones—torch, hat, and bullwhip included. Now developer Rune Skovbo Johansen says the full game is aiming to release on SteamVR headsets sometime this spring.

Until recently, Rune Skovbo Johansen worked at Unity as a senior software engineer, working on Eye of the Temple as an indie developer in his spare time. Although originally hoping to release in 2020, since leaving his position at Unity’s Copenhagen, Denmark offices Johansen says in a tweet that he’ll have more time now to focus on getting the game out.

We went hands-on with the Eye of the Temple’s demo back shortly after it was released on Steam in August, and we were really impressed with what we saw. The demo hosts a vast temple complex where you dodge and duck your way through perilous traps and genuinely head-scratching puzzles.

In the impressively large demo (it took us 45 minutes to complete), you use your bullwhip to grab out-of-reach levers, which control everything from moving platforms to giant stone puzzles. The level design is extremely dense too, so much so it feels like standing inside of manual watch.

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One of the most unique features of the game is the room-scale based locomotion style. You move through the game primarily though moving platforms, which sometimes are simple stone pavers that navigate above death pits, and other times on rotating stone cylinders, which require you to physically back up in your space so you can stay on top of them—sort of like a real-life log roll.

If the finished game is half as impressive as the demo, it’s clear we’re in for a room-scale treat the likes of which we haven’t seen since the early days on consumer VR. The demo is still available for free on Steam too, supporting SteamVR headsets including Valve Index, HTC Vive, Windows MR, Oculus Rift, and Oculus Quest via Link.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Pulstar44

    Can’t wait for this game.

    • Torsten Balle Koefoed

      Me too. I really enjoyed the demo.

  • Skippy76

    I am a beta tester for this game and it’s by far one of the BEST VR experience i had using true room scale gaming. This game better win some serious awards!
    The dev is very commited and receives criticism with a well opened mind!

  • Andrew Jakobs

    Looking forward to playing it.

  • Ad

    It’s great to see they’re prioritizing PC. I’ll definitely pick this up. I hope the Tundra Tracker campaign does well enough that they could support some PC exclusive features like body tracking that fit well with these design.

  • fragments_of_a_hologram_rose

    Thoroughly enjoyed the free demo, this is a release day purchase.

    So good to find a roomscale game, reminding me of early Vive days in 2016.

    The immersion of playing roomscale on PCVR is unrivalled, the clever use of movement in this game brings that immersion to peak especially walking the barrels.

  • Alex

    Noice !

  • I’m intrigued by this game. All people that have tried the demo came out excited from it!