oculus rift demo

IGN is running a series of segments talking about the future of gaming, their latest episode takes a brief look at where we are on the road to virtual reality gaming. Naturally the Rift is mentioned; IGN interviewes Oculus Rift head mounted display creator Palmer Luckey and also gives the HMD a try with Doom 3. Learn more about the Oculus Rift here.

You can find IGN’s Future of Gaming Episode 5 embedded below. The Oculus Rift segment starts at 5:16.

Luckey is humble as usual in the interview, reiterating the that he and his company have not made any major technological breakthroughs, rather the time has come that, with an smart choice of parts, a worthwhile high FoV HMD can be sold at a price that gamers can afford. In the video, IGN’s Nick Vargus sits down to chat with Luckey and then gives the Oculus Rift a try. Oculus LLC CEO Brendan Iribe, who notes that novice players find it easier to pick up games with the Rift than a regular controller,  joins the two during the Oculus Rift demo. Vargus says he can’t wait to buy the Oculus Rift and that he “can see why developers and consumers would be really excited” about the Rift.

Oculus LLC ran a Kickstarter campaign for the Rift back in August which blasted past its $250,000 goal and went on to raise $2.4 million, ranking the campaign #6 in highest grossing Kickstarter projects. Over 7000 developer kits ordered. If you missed the Kickstarter, you can now pre-order the Oculus Rift developer kit directly from Oculus’ website.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Bennett Hepburn

    Ben, Thanks for posting great content and useful information as always. As a patent writer and inventor, the info you post is always insightful. The stuff the I learn here, will help me to push my own ideas out even further.

    • John Mink

      Hey bennet, just thought I would leave a comment and say that one of the best ways you can give back to sights that you find helpful is to tell your friends about them and spread the word!

    • Ben Lang

      Thanks Bennett, as John mentioned, a simple way to help me keep bringing you quality information is to spread the word and follow along! A ‘like’ on Facebook or a follow on twitter goes a long way in supporting the site. Please feel free to check out either of those options from the icons toward the top of the sidebar!

      In what way does VR pertain to your patent writing or inventing?

  • An interesting game being made using Kinect and the Oculus Rift is on kickstarter today. Its intense even without the Rift. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1651409827/project-21-twelve