Late last month we spotted Google job postings that heavily pointed toward the company developing its own high-end mobile VR headset. Now a new report from Financial Times indicates the company plans to launch the headset this year.

Google’s Cardboard initiative offers a cheap way for users of even dated smartphones to experience an entry-level VR experience by relying entirely on the smartphone for processing, sensing, control, and display. But Samsung’s Gear VR headset sets the bar much higher thanks to on-board hardware and special cooperation between the headset and the phone, putting Gear VR in another league entirely.

google cardboard v2 io 2015 (5)

Now it seems that Google wants to make a competing device, and they could launch it this year, according to Financial Times [paywall]who cite “people familiar with [Google’s] plans.”

Supporting much of what we surmised from the earlier job postings, the Financial Times report describes a Gear VR competitor:

The new headset will be a successor to Cardboard. the cheap-and-cheerful mobile VR viewer that Google launched in 2014, and feature better sensors, lenses and a more solid plastic casing… Google is expected to release its rival headset, alongside new Android VR technology, this year. Like Cardboard and Gear VR, the new headset will use an existing smartphone, slotted into the device, for its display and most of its processing power.

The report further indicates that the headset would be compatible with a wider range of smartphones than Gear VR, which is currently limited to five of Samsung’s phones (depending upon which of the three versions of the headset you own).

VR Comfort Settings Checklist & Glossary for Developers and Players Alike

See Also: Apple’s Latest VR Hire is Top Researcher Doug Bowman

That makes sense to leverage Android’s huge range of handsets and partners, but it remains to be seen how inclusive such a device could be; a quality VR experience is perhaps the most processor-demanding activity a smartphone can undertake, and an OLED display is necessary for ‘low-persistence’, an important technique which significantly reduces blurriness for a sharper and more comfortable experience.

See Also: Google’s New ‘Cardboard Design Lab’ App Uses VR to Teach You About VR Design

The Financial Times report indicates the headset will launch alongside “new Android VR technology.” We suggested previously that Google may develop the VR headset as a Nexus device, their flagship brand which cooperates with prominent hardware partners on high-end Android devices. The headset may come alongside a new compatible phone and VR-ready version of the Android operating system. This could lay the foundation for other Android hardware partners to create compatible phones for the headset, or perhaps open the door for an entire Android VR headset ecosystem, just like we see with Android handsets.

The launch of a Google VR headset will put the company in a curious position with Samsung, who is of course a major player in the Android smartphone ecosystem and has collaborated with Google to produce Nexus devices in the past. A new Google VR headset could potentially be compatible with Samsung’s Gear VR-compatible smartphones, or it could exclude them; either way, the platform politics are likely to get awkward fast, especially with prominent Google products like YouTube still missing from Gear VR.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • kalqlate

    I imagine to continue to avoid licensing/lawsuit issues with Apple, who has recently been awarded a patent for phone-based VR, Google will not sell the device directly to consumers but will instead release a reference design for Cardboard V2 and V2-optimized phones that other manufacturers will build and sell. Hopefully, the V2 design/platform will support both untethered and PC-tethered modes allowing it to also support more demanding PC-based VR experiences, making it compatible and competitive with PC-tethered solutions like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

    • DonGateley

      Samsung/Oculus/Facebook seems to have gotten away with it with the Gear VR. “Seems” is the operative word.

      • kalqlate

        Haha…Yes, “seems” indeed! Waaaaay, way back when Jobs first introduced the iPhone, he said on stage then that Apple would defend their patents viciously. There was silence for several years, then… WHAM!!… lawsuits started flying. In the case of mobile VR, I think it may be similar: Slience, then…. WHAM!!

        • DonGateley

          After the market has unambiguously defined their value.

          • kalqlate


  • DonGateley

    If they do the job as well as the Gear VR I am ready to dump the Samsung/Oculus/Facebook entry with its walled garden of heavily curated content in a heartbeat.

  • Steve

    Apple trying to patent phone based VR is like Bill Gates if he had tried to patent computers in the 1980s.

  • Todd Solomon

    Actually, using the Sideload VR app, there’s an AMAZING youtube experience. Give it a try sometime. SBS 3D works as well.

    • benz145

      Of course, but the point was about having official support.