Hands-on: ‘Obduction’ is VR’s Spiritual Successor to ‘Myst’


Obduction is an upcoming adventure puzzle game for Oculus Rift from Cyan Inc., the creators of Myst (1993) and Riven (1997), and if the thought of seeing those intensely atmospheric worlds in virtual reality excites you, than I shall say no more. Except I will, because that’s why they pay me.

Much like Obduction’s critically acclaimed forebears, the level I experienced safely keeps game characters and creatures at arm’s length as you trek through the world with the weighty feeling of being truly alone. You have no companions, no enemies, only a mystery laid out before you that only a keen eye and persistence can solve.

In a tribute to the point-and-click style of Myst and Riven, Obduction uses a node-baded teleportation system which highlights predefined warp markers for you to select on your way through the desolate and vast world. Moving around like this admittedly seems a bit limiting at first – jumping from hotspot to hotspot instead of just ‘walking’ with the left joystick on the XBox controller – but the tugging nostalgia that it evokes really can’t be denied. Although I was assured that a ‘free roam’ option would be available at release, which uses snap-turn and traditional first-person VR locomotion mechanics, I relished the idea of playing it point-and-click style – if only for old time’s sake.

Kaptar Stairs - Obduction E3 Early Access Screen

I look down below me to see a thick fog rolling in. Warping from glowing blue marker to glowing blue marker, I make my way across a metal scaffolding perched atop a cliff. Above me, a pair of giant multicolored crabs minding their own business skitter across the high rock face. Inching ever closer to a platform on a rocky outcrop, I find a single lever and a valve wheel. Toggling both to no effect, I start to zoom around the rusty little platform to find a second, larger valve wheel. Aha. Turning it causes the structure to release an audible groan. Returning to my original lever and valve wheel, I try again, this time extending a second scaffolding across the gorge to a winding set of stairs carved into the rock face.

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Traversing down the cliff side, I run into pieces of some ancient behemoth machine littering the way. The further I descend, the more ruins I find until I happen upon a giant room containing a bottomless pit and a 500 foot crankshaft standing lengthwise above me. More levers, more valve wheels, a button pad containing numbers and Cyrillic script. Turning the right levers and wheels I extend a sort of propeller. Catching wind emanating from the endless drop below me, the massive crankshaft slowly comes to life. I’ve awoken a machine of some sort – and that’s when the demo ends.

The scale of things in Obduction impresses a near instantaneous fact upon me: you are small, alone, and a new comer to an alien world – one very much like our own, but different enough to give you serious pause.

Graphics in Obduction easily rank with some of the larger productions we’ve seen in VR up until now, including Crytek’s The Climb, a recently released title I called ‘the best-looking VR game I’ve ever played’. And with a promise of between 5 and 15 hours worth of puzzle-driven gameplay, of course depending on how long each of them takes you, Obduction is poised to become one of VR’s most hotly awaited titles of this year – and only just so.

Fans following the game’s 2013 Kickstarter, which gained a whopping $1.3M and busting the initial crowdfunding goal by over $200k, may not know that the VR version was built as the result of reaching stretch goal. The studio has of course entertained investment from outside sources other than the Kickstarter campaign, but the thought of not being able to really engage in the grandiosity of Obduction’s world is disheartening.

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Obduction’s VR version launches on July 26th exclusively on the Oculus Store, and is priced at $29. Owners of the VR version will be able to also play the desktop version, but take note that the only way to access the VR-enabled game is via Oculus Home. The developers made no comment regarding the possibility of supporting additional headsets.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Bryan Ischo

    More oculus exclusives … sad face …

    • Muddy


    • OkinKun

      This game was always lined up for Oculus Rift.. since long before Vive even existed.

      • Bob Oblong

        Was it ?

        “Though the game was anticipated to be out in 2015, production delays pushed the game into a 2016 release. In March 2016, alongside a teaser-trailer, Cyan announced the game would be available in June 2016. Cyan later pushed the release by a month to July 26, 2016, citing a major Unreal Engine update as one reason for the postponement; the extra time enabled them to implement a virtual reality version for Oculus Rift systems.”

        Doesn’t sound like it. And being developed on oculus doesn’t mean much considering all the early games were using DK2 kits for testing. It’s even slated for a Mac release.. come on now. OpenVR/SteamVR is a LOT easier port than going to apple

        • RawwrBag

          It really depends on the engine. If you use Unity, you get the Mac port effectively for free, while the transition from Oculus SDK to Steam SDK requires code changes.

      • Bryan Ischo

        That was back when “Oculus Rift” == “VR”. It seems patently obvious that what people wanted was a VR version of the game available for them to play on their preferred VR system, which at the time could only be anticipated as being an Oculus product since they were the only ones known to be on the path to releasing a consumer HMD. But the interest should have been transferred to any VR headset that the game could reasonably be run on, since that was the spirit of the initial interest.

    • beestee

      You might as well just imagine that these exclusives don’t exist.

      “these exclusives are games that wouldn’t exist (or wouldn’t exist in quite as polished a form) if not for Oculus’ often substantial funding investment”


      • Bryan Ischo

        Sure, I’d happily do that, if everyone else, especially review sites which put the games in front of my face on every page load, would do the same …

        Although, there is some logic there. If the game would have come to the Vive on date X normally, but Oculus paid extra to get it done six months earlier, and it comes out on the Oculus at date X – 6 months and STILL comes out on the Vive at date X, then there really is nothing to complain about at all as a Vive user.

        Not sure if that’s what’s happening in every case, the majority of cases, a minority of cases, or no cases … but it’s possible.

      • sudoshinji

        The crowdfund raised more than a million dollars for this project, it would have existed either way and was basically done when they took the oculus bribe.

  • Fanatoli Guyoff

    I was thinking this would be cool to get for my family as I just got vives/gaming computers for all of my kids/grandkids and nephews/neices (yeah I’m really buying into the fun of this VR stuff, I guess I could have bought a couple of them cars for this much hee hee) but it sounds like they are locking it to that older oculus vr headset, is this correct? Hopefully they can update it to run on the newer ones so I can get it for my family members. I think many of them would enjoy it. It seems like it would be more fun on a headset where you could walk around more. I don’t know all this technology lockout stuff though is for the younger folk. I’ll buy what I can buy for the one I got.

    • Frdjck

      Older headset? Vive is not older or newer than the Oculus Rift, they are just from different company.

      Oculus has offered technical and financial help to a lot of develloper since the beginning, this is why some game are coming first to the Oculus Home (the oculus rift marketspace).

      Since Valve and HTC didn’t give permission to Oculus to add Vive support to the Oculus Store, you can use a software called Revive to play games that are only on the Oculus Home at the moment.

      • J.C.

        Valve and HTC have not blocked anything, Oculus/Facebook is putting up a wall to push people to buy their headset. Of course, that’d have probably gone a LITTLE better for them if they hadn’t decided to put all their money into game dev and zero into actually shipping headsets to their buyers.
        I have a feeling that once the Oculus motion controllers come out and they’re finally on equal footing with the Vive, the Oculus store will announce that they’re letting Vive users use their store.

        • Frdjck

          Block? I used the wording “give permission” for a reason. Your argumentation seem to be a copy/paste of any reddit comment found on /r/vive or /r/oculus so I won’t take it personally. let’s agree to disagree?

          All we know for sure is that the Vive headset cannot be used officially on the Oculus Home and that a software called Revive can be used to bypass this limitation. Who’s at fault, HTC/Valve or Oculus, who really know for sure? Who really really know for sure indeed. The Internet? I sure hope not.

          For you comment about Rift shipping, I have a Rift in my possession, so they at least ship one. I’m lucky I guess?

          I understand a little about being angry about exclusivity, I listen to the Bethesda Press conference at E3 and when they announced Fallout 4 coming to HTC Vive, my first reaction was “Exclusive??” and I was sad thinking in a parallel universe it will be the case.

          I just hope one day Vive and Rift users can be friends again like it should have been from the beginning. Peace my friend, may the VR war end soon no matter who shot first.

          • Bryan Ischo

            It is impossible for Vive support to require “permission” by Valve, and illogical to suggest so. Valve’s API for using its device is open and available to Oculus who could create a software layer that would make its games work on the Vive just as easily as Revive did – even more easily, in fact, because Oculus wouldn’t work against itself by putting hardware checks in like they did to Revive when trying to kill it.

            There is exactly one reason that Vive hardware is not supported by Oculus Home and the games that can be bought there: Oculus does not want any of their games to be playable on another headset. And they are willing to put hardware checks into their software stack to try to keep others out.

          • Bryan Ischo

            “For you comment about Rift shipping, I have a Rift in my possession, so they at least ship one. I’m lucky I guess?”

            Do you really need an answer to that question? YES, you are lucky, when compared against the thousands of Rift customers who ordered early and still haven’t received their HMD yet.

        • Amoliski
      • Fanatoli Guyoff

        Sorry I meant older in technology because of the Oculus missing the movement support and tracking and a controller. I heard they are going to update it later. It’s a shame they fell behind though, it seemed like they got off to a good start but just got shafted by development hurdles. I could understand this wrong. I’m old so technology is confusing. I just learned that sick means something is cool.

      • bangarangbatmobile

        >Older headset? Vive is not older or newer than the Oculus Rift, they are just from different company.

        IR cameras are old Tech, light houses are not.

        >Oculus has offered technical and financial help to a lot of develloper since the beginning, this is why some game are coming first to the Oculus Home (the oculus rift marketspace).

        This game was kickstarted, originally, at 1.3 million, they’re kind of kicking their supporters in the face by selling out to FocUlus.

        >Since Valve and HTC didn’t give permission to Oculus to add Vive support to the Oculus Store, you can use a software called Revive to play games that are only on the Oculus Home at the moment.

        You mean, since Valve didn’t want to give Facebook the options to track it’s users, Vive owners are locked out of their store by the logic of “we need things on our store to sell but we won’t sell to everyone” which is just plain genius. Not. If they really didn’t care what hardware you used, Revive wouldn’t be patched out, after it has proven that it is possible to do, without FocUlus’ hands on Vive/steamvr.

        • OkinKun

          Actually.. IR cameras are NOT older tech.. The principles behind them, visual camera-based tracking, is probably more future-compatible, than the Vive’s lighthouse laser system.
          There isn’t really any way that the Vive’s lighthouse system can be converted into a mobile/wireless VR system. It will need to switch to a visual-camera based tracking system, to make that leap..
          The Rift has the advantage here, because they’ve already been spending the last few years, working with camera-based tracking.. And Oculus is already thinking about mobile inside-out camera tracking for their next mobile headset. To allow positional tracking without any external hardware. Vive’s lighthouse system has no way to do that.. It’s actually more comparable to Valve’s QR-code room, because that’s what their lasers are replicating, wall-mounted positional references.

          • bangarangbatmobile

            >future-compatible, than the Vive’s lighthouse laser system.
            Gen 2 is not of discussion, nothing will be advanced during gen 1 which means lighthouse comes out on top. It much better tracking on a much, much bigger playing field, hands down.

            >There isn’t really any way that the Vive’s lighthouse system can be converted into a mobile/wireless VR system.

            Again, This is gen 1, who is doing wireless tracking now? The mobile market and only the mobile market, which will be a LONG time before it is even close to being as good as PC+hmd combo. Another fun fact, you have to plug Constellation into your PC, each camera takes a slot. Lighthouse just plugs into wall, making it the more mobile option, in Gen 1. Who’s to say Valve doesn’t ditch it for Gen 2? Or expand on the idea. Which brings me to my next point, Mobile VR? That will be mainly for casual stuff. The real stuff happens at home, just like mobile vs console vs PC.

            >Vive’s lighthouse system has no way to do that.. It’s actually more comparable to Valve’s QR-code room, because that’s what their lasers are replicating, wall-mounted positional references.

            You do know that the rift has dot sensors on the headset right? Which is pretty much just a reversed method of the QR tracking. Which means the camera is tracking it, instead of the headset tracking the lasers.. How is this better? If you duck too low boom. lost tracking from camera. If you’re not constantly facing a camera. Boom. lost tracking. You’ll need at least 2 camera’s, 3 would be much better. Lighthouses are already reported to be much much better for tracking in a moving space.

            >The Rift has the advantage here, because they’ve already been spending the last few years, working with camera-based tracking..

            Valve has been prototyping VR for a very long time.
            “But then Iribe got a call from Michael Abrash, an engineer at Valve; the gaming software company had conducted VR research for a while and had begun collaborating with Oculus. Valve had a new proto­type, and it didn’t make people sick. In fact, no one who had tried the demonstration had felt any discomfort. Iribe, who was famously sensitive to VR-induced discomfort—“cold sweat syndrome,” he calls it, or sometimes “the uncomfortable valley”—flew up to Valve’s offices outside Seattle to be the ultimate guinea pig.” hmmmm…

            Also, Oculus has been reported to have a much higher motion sickness rate vs. valve at all of the demo conventions. Hell, oculus was straight up handing out ginger to help people cope with feeling like shit after playing in the oculus.

            Might want to look into Palmers lawsuit too, funny how he is being accused of skating with an HMD he was commisioned to build for another company, skates with valves tech AND employees, and people still think they’re the ones doing the revolutionizing. He would be nowhere without valve and Carmack.

            >And Oculus is already thinking about mobile inside-out camera tracking for their next mobile headset.

            Lol.. “Oculus is also working on a second, outward-­facing camera that will be part of the headset itself. The Valve proto­type used such a camera to read fiducial markers on the walls for tracking, but Oculus seems to intend it for very different applications. For one, Carmack says, it can function as a pass-through camera, allowing Rift-wearing users to see what’s happening in the real world—a kind of external heads-up display that would allow you to grab a soda, for instance.”

            Another stolen idea, that was actually included in Vives demo and release. Which is now compatible with HololensAR somehow, which is p-r-e-t-t-y cool.

            Good luck playing roomscale without Chaperone(something I am sure will be copied(cough stolen cough) from valves idea-bank.

            “According to the report, the new tracking features combine sensors, markers and an external camera to keep track of the wearer’s body and head position. There’s an assumption that Valve Software is actually rooting for Oculus VR, and has no plans of its own to ship a Valve-produced headset.” Poor valve…

            That said. This is Gen 1. Anyone speculating about gen 2 or mobile market is doing just that, speculating. Mobile market will be for casuals such as the current mobile market, real VR will be right where it is now until the tech grows A lot. Sure mobile, untethered VR is the endgame but just because mobile is mobile/untethered, does not make it the winner over something that tracks and looks/renders 1000 times better. Valve has taken gen 1. Oculus is only shooting itself in the foot by not letting people into their market, not that I’d download FocUlus home anyway. I simply do not trust facebook with my information. period. Neither does valve, or notch. lol.

          • Bryan Ischo

            Both headsets require a fixed component (lighthouse sensors or constellation tracking camera), you wrote an awful lot of nonsense based on an initial false premise.

            Oculus may be “thinking about” inside-out camera tracking, but maybe HTC and/or Valve is too. Oculus has mentioned it in the past but mostly in the context of saying why it can’t be done with Gear VR.

          • Amoliski

            What you’re saying makes no sense.

            In THIS generation of hardware, neither headset will be ditching the base stations (oculus cameras, vive lighthouses). There is no ‘Future Proof’, because the next generation of headsets will probably use completely new tracking systems that won’t be compatible with the current stuff anyway.

            The Rift has no cameras built into it, it only emits IR with the LEDs that the camera can pick up. There’s no way they will be able to adapt the current headset to use true inside-out tracking (though the vive actually does do inside-tracking right now, though not the kind you are thinking of.), so calling either one future-proof based on that is completely false.

            If you’re saying that you should pick the Rift now because you can use the Rift software in the future… that’s just saying that you should CHOOSE to be locked into a more restrictive store. If someone with a Vive decided to buy a Rift, they can play all of their old Vive games on it (now that OpenVR supports touch controllers). If a Rift owner buys a Vive, almost NONE of their Rift software will work. Which one sounds more future-proof to you?

        • Frdjck

          “This game was kickstarted, originally, at 1.3 million, they’re kind of kicking their supporters in the face by selling out to Oculus.”

          Sorry to burst your bubble, but I just check the kickstarter page and the stretch goal at 1.3Million was “Oculus Rift support + localisaton” and the campaign was for Windows and MacOS support ( no vr if the goal was not met ). As much as I can read, only Oculus Rift was going to be supported from the beginning. So “no kicking their supporters in the face” in this case. No “Selling out” either since Oculus support was planned from the beginning.

          For the rest, I’m not here to defend Oculus or Facebook, I don’t really care about them really. We are each entitled to our opinion, I may be wrong about my preference for Oculus and I don’t have a facebook account for the same reason you hate facebok, but I don’t trust HTC more than I don’t trust Facebook. HTC is not a really good technology company, they release smartphone that I consider crappy ( my personal opinion and probably not related to their capacity to make a great VR headset ) and I don’t trust them to support their hardware in the future based on their (evil?) practice of abandoning support for their old products in the smartphone market once they release a new product (again personal opinion based on personal biases).

          No one is right if only one is not right, this is the golden rule of opinion.

          • bangarangbatmobile

            Kickstarter was before the oculus buyout, Dev’s said it was coming to Vive, until oculus bought them out too. Just like Giantcop was set to release on steam then magically didn’t release the day it was supposed to and then oculus exclusivity was announced. because money.

            HTC has created a separate entity for VR only. They want this to work. They need this to work. Their phones aren’t that bad, they just don’t have samsung/apple level PR and have shit customer service. Samsung phones were blowing up left and right and people were still buying them in droves. Just because the masses find appeal in something, doesn’t mean it is the best.

            HTC might not be the greatest tech company, but they’re only the manufacturers. Valve is/was calling the shots as far as the tech goes and HTC won’t be the only player in the SteamVR game. We will have options, unlike Appl-errr Oculus. Hell, Vive will most likely have 3rd party controllers (realistic gun play anyone?)

            Your kind of right, opinions are like assholes..but my opinion comes from an unbiased course of actions. I owned both dk1 and dk2 and would have been considered an oculus fanboy, until everything started to fall apart. It took a lot for me to cancel my CV1 preorder and jump ship and place all of my cards in valves hands and I couldn’t be happier. The vive is a complete system, the software is so much better than oculus home. Customization out the booty. The hardware is all there and it works 100% as advertised, no smoke, no mirrors. Are oculus’ even shipping yet? Did all day 1 pre orders get their oculus’? Vives are shipping within a week of ordering.

            There really isn’t any argument that vavle/htc is currently winning gen 1 and will continue to. Oculus literally only has exclusives to pull some weight in their direction, which they’re totally buying out and not “supporting from the beginning” at this point.

            Everyone that I have demo’d the vive to is just blown away. Oculus only demo’s have resulted in “cool..” instead of “OMG, I need this in my life, this is going to change the future etc.”

            >I just hope one day Vive and Rift users can be friends again like it should have been from the beginning. Peace my friend, may the VR war end soon no matter who shot first.

            I completely agree, it’s a shame the company you support doesn’t feel the same way. We wouldn’t even be having this argument if they didn’t sell out and then fall back on mostly everything that was ever said. Valve wouldn’t even be balls deep in to the VR game if it wasn’t for the shadiness of palmer/oculus and their motives.

            The rift may sell well, it may even sell more at some point, but it will take a lot for it to come out on top as “the best.” It’s going to be the same war as Pc vs. Console and Android vs Apple. Them not letting other users access the oculus store creates a huge divide in an already small market. It is literally as if Rockstar just said “hey, we want you to only play our game on Sony TV’s, so if you don’t have a Sony TV, you better buy one if you want to play GTA6.” It’s literally the worst business practice, ever. Why not just have in store exclusives instead of hardware? You make the point that valve doesn’t want to play nice with oculus, letting them into their HMD but valve has no problems supporting the Rift HMD on steam. I cannot blame valve for telling them to pound sand and not letting the the oculus home process spy on my PC.

          • Amoliski

            The Rift promise happened before Vive joined the scene. If the devs wanted to support ALL of their backers, even those that made the smarter choice in headsets once the Vive was announced, they could have implemented the game in OpenVR so both headsets would work with it. Instead they took a pile of money from Oculus and implemented it in API that cuts their target market in half.

        • Bob Oblong

          Double whammy too. Kickstarter was in 2013. All those regular PC gamers who are into Big Fish / Puzzle games were anticipating a late 2015 release. Their “VR” delay benefits hardly anyone. Not the PC/OSX players, nor the countless Vive players.

          In Lucky’s E3 interview he joked he was hoping they would be caught up from their January preorders by August.. So really.. what’s the point of this at all

      • Amoliski
    • OkinKun

      Obduction has been planned for the Oculus Rift, since it’s kickstarter.. Which was before the Vive was even announced.
      So give it time, maybe they’ll eventually add Vive support.
      Although, if you’re considering games in the short-term, next couple years.. There may be a LOT more games which are exclusive to the Oculus Rift.
      Also, the Oculus Rift is NOT the older headset. They both came out a few months ago. And later this year, Oculus will launch their Touch controllers for the Rift, which are an even better VR controller than what Vive has! lol

      • Raphael

        Except for the fact that Oculus is alienating more and more people so that will help drive development towards steamvr. Now that developers have much quicker access to the Vive things should start to change.

      • realtrisk

        Considering that Vive’s controllers are nearly flawless in tracking and function, That Rift is a piece of crap, and no-one has played with Touch, your statement has been pulled completely out of your ass.

        • OkinKun

          False. The Rift is not a “peice of crap”. They are virtually identical in the types of VR experiences they can give, both can do seated and room-scale VR, and both have roughly the SAME tracking quality, despite different tracking technologies.
          Have you been living under a rock? Oculus Touch has been all over E3 this week. MANY people have played with Touch.
          The Touch controllers are better than the Vive’s, because they’re more ergonomically shaped, to keep your hands positioned on the controllers, in a predictable way. Whereas Vive can be held in several different ways, so Developers can’t predict where your hands are. This gives you better hand-presence in VR, making the virtual hands feel more like your real ones.
          Also, Touch has features that the Vive controllers don’t.. Touch can sense if your fingers are touching a button, even if you’re not pressing it down, so if you lift fingers off, it knows that you’re making finger-gestures like pointing. Seeing your fingers wiggle, somewhat like your real hand, and that it all lines up right.. That will hugely enhance hand-presence, and THAT is why Touch is a better VR controller. It pushes VR input even further than the Vive can.

          • bangarangbatmobile

            Except Rift cannot do room scale like the vive and if it could, you’ll need yet another (3rd) camera so you do not loose tracking. The cameras have less fov, tracking drops after about 3.5 sq.meters vs Vives 15×15. Constellation Camera FOV 90, Lighthouse FOV 110. This has all been reported. Hell, the rift looses tracking if you bend down too low. Not to mention those cameras have to be plugged into your PC.

            >The Touch controllers are better than the Vive’s, because they’re more ergonomically shaped, to keep your hands positioned on the controllers, in a predictable way.

            Lol, better for ergonomics.. Looks and feels like you’re holding a coffee cup. That’ll be real immersive with gun and sword games, haha. The vive controller is pretty much a steam controller cut in half, which is pretty comfortable. I’m sure you’ll bring up finger tracking next, which isn’t nearly as good as it sounds if you ask anyone that isn’t a fan boy. In fact, you’re much better off buying a leap motion than depending on Oculus “finger tracking.”

            Oh, look, you did exactly what I thought and I didn’t even read ahead, haha.

            Next, there is a concern that the speed of a tracked object could be a factor for the Rift, i.e. while a head moves slower, hands can move very quickly. In order to counter act this, Oculus may be overlapping their tracking cameras and using prediction software. We don’t yet know how much of a problem this may be, but this is not a trivial aspect of tracking, it’s rather a big deal, and it may be cause for the delays and/or the need for an additional forward facing camera. IF this is true, it’s a very big difference between the Rift and the Vive.
            We do know that the faster hand movement with motion controllers are not an issue for the Vive, as we have seen videos of people doing things like flipping their controllers:
            Here’s a video of a guy tossing around his controller:
            https://youtu.be/iWproPHhHd0?t=636 (should be at 10:36)

            Additionally, the Vive does not need to appear to have to reconfigure it’s basic room-scale configuration to do “fine control” as implied by Palmer. The default set up and the two tracking nodes appear to be all you will really ever need for about any kind of interaction. Again, you can clearly see in the above video a near 1:1 mapping of the controller, at fairly fast speeds, which is about as “fine” a tracking as you can get with about anything.

            Additionally, the Rift has to do some processing overhead for each added camera. We do not know what this overhead will be, only that it will grow with each camera added as the Rift has to run prediction on each camera. This could be an issue that isn’t being discussed. The Vive does not suffer from this as the base two tracking light houses are enough, so you really won’t need to add additional tracking or incur additional potential overheard to improve your tracking solution.

            Also, the vive has features that the rift never will. Such as 3rd party controller support and eventually full customization of vive controller ala steam controller. Skins, Home skins, Roomscale skins, and Chaperone, which valve is nice enough to let rift users benefit from whilst playing Steam sold games on a Rift headset.

            >That will hugely enhance hand-presence

            Lol, just like the xbox controller it shipped with? lmao.. FocUlus knew they were way behind the game, which is why touch wasn’t shipped at release and they had to scramble to add such features. Instead of useful ones, such as a front facing camera to see your play space or eventually have mild AR.

            >THAT is why Touch is a better VR controller. It pushes VR input even further than the Vive can.

            xD xD Stop.. I can’t eve.. hahaha….If this were true, you wouldn’t have to wait 6-12 months for said revolution. It wouldn’t have shipped with an xbone controller. Let’s ignore the fact that 3rd party controllers are going to be a thing and I’ll be able to hold a gun to shoot in gun games instead of what ever bones FocUlus wants to release. Oculus had no idea valve was coming full force and needed to be the first to market, which they failed at horrible. Half packaged system being sent out at a snails pace. Do day 1 preorders even have their Rifts yet? Vive’s are shipping within 3 days of ordering at this point.

          • OkinKun

            Saying “Rift cannot do room scale” basically invalidates your opinion. You couldn’t be more wrong. You waste a lot of words saying a LOT of misinformation bullshit that is just not accurate. Junk spread by haters. I could address each point, but it’s just not worth it. There are already plenty of videos that have done it better than me, if you don’t believe them, that’s your problem. Denying it only makes you look willfully ignorant.
            The Rift CAN do room scale, the EXACT SAME as the Vive. All it takes it 2 cameras, 1 on each side of the tracking area. NUMEROUS videos have been posted by devs with early Touch dev kits, showing off Touch working in a room-scale scenario, setup exactly like their Vive is, working EXACLT the same as the Vive.
            And frankly, Rift is lighter, more comfortable, clearler/less SDE, and it’s Touch controllers are smaller and better shaped to keep your hands in the same place on the controller, which allows for better hand-presence than Vive has.. AND it has finger-tracking, which Vive simply can’t do.
            Once Touch comes out, there will be NO REASON to buy a Vive, The Rift has all VR games, including Rift exclusives. ;P

          • bangarangbatmobile

            I didn’t say it couldn’t do roomscale. Maybe re read my comment. I stated it cannot do room scale *like the vive can.*

            Many videos that prove me wrong? Based on tech that isn’t released at controlled demos? Okay..

            It’s clear that Lighthouse is going to be 100% the superior “room scale” experience, because it was designed with that in mind. Not only that, Lighthouse is designed to be scaled up to very large areas, WAY bigger then the typical room. The rift, on the other hand, is only designed for the small space that is expected to be available to the average person. Remember, it started out as “the rift is a SEATED experience”. The fundamental way that it works, has not changed since then, only enhanced. The strength of the Vive is it’s unbeatable LARGE-SPACE tracking of headset and hand controllers, with extremely low latency, and down to the millimeter accuracy. The advantage of the Rift is it’s simplified practicality ( and probably cost ), for the average user, and top-notch display, optics, built in sound and hand controllers that are a bit more useful, intuitive and ergonomic. Oculus is literally trying to be apple.

            >All it takes it 2 cameras, 1 on each side of the tracking area. NUMEROUS videos have been posted by devs with early Touch dev kits, showing off Touch working in a room-scale scenario, setup exactly like their Vive is, working EXACLT the same as the Vive.

            No chaperone (unless you piggy back on steamvr) and doesn’t even come close the the size of the area VIVE can support. I Can take my vive to my back yard and backyard scale as lighting conditions permit. Don’t want to fry my shit under the sun.

            >And frankly, Rift is lighter, more comfortable, clearler/less SDE, and it’s Touch controllers are smaller and better shaped to keep your hands in the same place on the controller, which allows for better hand-presence than Vive has.. AND it has finger-tracking, which Vive simply can’t do.
            Once Touch comes out, there will be NO REASON to buy a Vive, The Rift has all VR games, including Rift exclusives. ;P

            Holy shit, are you palmer? Or are you being paid by palmer.. lol. “simply can’t do” , “And frankly, ” I am pretty sure I am arguing with palmer lucky right now, fellas!

            You act as if that is a bonus. You know the reason for the walled garden and exclusives, right? It’s because oculus knows they do not have the superior hardware. Vive forced oculus’ hand in roomscale and touch. If it weren’t for them, you probably wouln’t be tasting either until GEN 2. I don’t care about any of FocUlus’ exclusives, I do care about the ones they’re buying out just because they have deep pockets. Dev’s that they have no funded from the beginning, like they claim, just flat out buying exclusives. It’s pretty desperate. Palmer has already said that they’re focusing on steated and 180* with 360* “doing just fine.” Doesn’t sound like a whole lot of confidence.

            Who needs oculus “finger tracking” (which is the barest of finger tracking) when we have things like Leap motion. Not to mention 3rd party controller support that htc/valve are open about.

            The best part… I literally had to walk away laughing at this comment “Once Touch comes out, there will be NO REASON to buy a Vive” Holy hell.. hahaha. There is literally no reason to buy a Rift because the VIVE ALREADY HAS THE FULL PACKAGE AND SHIPS WITHIN 3 DAYS OF ORDERING YOU BLOKE. I already have the whole package. It’s a shame about the sell out exclusives, but I don’t want to support sell out devs anyway. I’ll be skipping them when they come to Steam store too. Other than that, I’m missing a seated experience, ohhhh no. I’ve got VR desktop, Vorpx, and sims to fill the seated void. I barely play them though because I am too busy room scaling to care.

            I’ll leave you with this pill to swallow, although I am almost positive you’re not even reading my posts,

            “The latest preview build of Job Simulator differs from that of the Chef and Store Clerk builds not in terms of the gameplay, but the delivery of it. Playable for the first time on the consumer version of the Oculus Rift using Oculus Touch controllers, sadly Job Simulator is a perfect example of why some videogames designed for the HTC Vive won’t translate 100% intact to Oculus VR’s motion-controllers. Occlusion is a big deal for Oculus Touch, and given that a lot of Job Simulator asks the player to turn almost 360 degrees and interact with objects behind them it was certainly a less pleasurable experience on Oculus’ hardware.

            A slight turn too much and tracking would be lost. It’s a simple and straightforward issue, but one which will be very hard to overcome without expecting consumers to invest in additional hardware. The issues didn’t come from simulator sickness and some might expect, but clear-and-simple annoyance: Job Simulator works perfectly on HTC Vive, but the experience is marred by technical issues with motion-input on Oculus Rift.” -Job simulator devs

          • OkinKun

            “I didn’t say it couldn’t do roomscale. Maybe re read my comment. I stated it cannot do room scale *like the vive can.*”
            Yes, I fully understood what you meant, no need to reread. And I’m telling you you are wrong. The Rift CAN do roomscale, exactly like the Vive can. The end result is the same, and the once Touch comes out, the Rift will be able to play EVERY Vive game, simply because Touch was shown to work with Steam VR in the last few days.
            AND considering the Rift has it’s exclusives, many more announced for Touch recently… Rift remains the better choice, better library, better quality hardware, with all the same features and more. You’re comment amounts to nothing more than fanboy trolling Rift hate. I wont be responding any further. I love how wrong you are tho. ;p

          • Amoliski
          • Amoliski
          • David

            Wow, Rift Fanboy much?

          • Amoliski
          • Amoliski
          • Amoliski
          • realtrisk

            It’s a piece of crap because the headphones are prone to having shorts in them, my brand new Rift’s left ear keeps cutting out, and if you are unlucky enough to have to wear glasses, Rift makes NO allowances for being able to re position the screen distance. This is something both DK1 and DK2 did, yet the option was removed on CV1. The headset smashes your glasses into your face, producing incredible pain within fifteen minutes of putting it on. I have to stuff a wad of kleenex between my glasses and my nose in order to even play the stupid thing. That kind of garbage design quality is why Rift IS a piece of crap.

            And don’t get me started on the fact that they can’t even make it mirror audio to the second monitor. What’s the point of having video output to a second source for people to watch, if there’s no audio output as well? It’s like a bunch of monkeys were their design department.

            As for all your claims about Touch, they are just that, claims and hearsay. Oculus is not above paying off for good reviews and exclusives, so I will reserve judgement on the Touch until I have it in my hands. Wiggling fingers sounds like a stupid gimmick to me. Even then, there is no room scale built into its function, and that is the best part of the Vive.

          • Amoliski
          • Amoliski
        • Amoliski
      • Amoliski

        “which are an even better VR controller than what Vive has! lol”

        That’s just false. At best they’re evenly matched with both having advantages for different games (Vive for swords/bows/holding things, Rift for hand gestures).

        Vive still has the better room scale solution with:

        – Easier setup (plug the lighthouses into an outlet and you’re done, Rift requires powered USB3 extension cords)

        – Better tracking volume (Rift breaks down as the distances get closer to the 5m x 5m based on limits of the camera’s resolution and optics.

        – Vive remotes are also larger which makes them harder to occlude.

        Oculus is heavily pushing 180° experiences (every demo at E3), the default configuration is two cameras at either end of your desk pointing in the same direction, and they still avoid talking about full roomscale.

        I own both the vive and the rift, but if I had to pick one or the other, I’d take the Vive without a second thought.

        • OkinKun

          You don’t have Touch yet, but even without it, the Rift is more comfortable to wear in every way other than maybe glasses. There is no reason to hate on the better hardware, just because of disagreements/misunderstandings about business practices. lol
          Many developers who recently got the Touch dev-kits are saying that their Vives are now collecting dust!
          They’re NOT evenly matched. There is a fair comparison between comfort, presence and hand-presence, visual clearity, and plenty of small things which make VR better. All of which the Rift does better.
          – The Rift is easier to setup, by EVERY review out there. And a USB port is just as easy to deal with, as having to have a power-outlet in the right spot on your wall. <_< Nothing with the Rift needs a power outlet, while EVERYTHING with the Vive does. Are you really that bias, to make the claim of "easier"? lol
          – Sure, the Vive's tracking system can handle slightly larger areas. But do most consumers need that? No. And both the Vive and Rift's tracking systems can be expanded with additional stations/cameras. Additionally, I'd make the point that the Rift's camera-based tracking system has a higher-tracking-resolution the closer you get to the cameras, possibly higher than Vive's, resulting in higher tracking quality, in smaller consumer spaces. Which is a good thing. And if you have 1 camera on either side of a space, distance from cameras wont matter much.
          – Oculus is NO LONGER pushing the 180 thing. None of the E3 demos were all that limited this year. And if you look at some of the latest Touch-dev footage being put up on youtube, you'll see them PLAYING 360 Vive games with Touch, without any trouble at all.
          There is NO 180 issue anymore. That is a COMPLETE MYTH. It all depends on how u setup ur 2 cameras.

        • Amoliski
      • bangarangbatmobile

        Except it was listed on Steam, with a release date and was removed the day after said release date, which means FocUlus bought them out mere hours before the release was supposed to happen. Now what? You have to wait for a game for touch controller to come out? YEa…. Oculus is the BEST thing for VR right now. ha.

      • Amoliski
    • Bryan Ischo

      Wow, that is very generous of you and goes a long way towards encouraging VR adoption by the most impressionable consumer group – young people. I salute you for all you’re doing for VR! And I certainly hope your kids/grandkids appreciate it!

    • Amoliski
  • Boudge

    Another Facebook/Oculus theft! WOW! Please stop with this sob story about Oculus putting up money and that gives them the right to steal games? That’s such nonsense. HTC/Valve for the win. Facebook & Oculus MUST be realizing that they are seriously enraging the VR community and losing A LOT of face.

    • Frdjck

      This is a legit question: Is anyone ever ask HTC and Valve about them giving permission to Oculus to add the Vive Headset to Oculus Home?

      I see a lot of people being really angry about Oculus, but how come some of this anger don’t go to HTC and Valve. Maybe I miss a twitter post from Gabe Newell about him saying that it’s all Oculus fault or Palmer Lucky taking officially the blame, but as far as I understand Valve and HTC don’t want Vive users to use the Oculus Home. They want Vive user to use Steam or other really small vr marketspace like wearvr, but not their competitor Oculus.

      If all the Vive users would campain on reddit and twitter to HTC and Valve about them giving permission to Oculus to add the Vive to the Oculus Home compatible headset, maybe Oculus would do so?

      I understand that it’s far easier to blame someone else than ourselves when things don’t go our way, so I don’t assume anyone will truly understand what I mean. Thanks for ready my answer to your comment, peace and may the VR war end soon!

      • bangarangbatmobile

        This is a legit question. What respectable, moral company would ever let FACE-FUCKING-BOOK get their greedy little hands on their API’s or access to anything knowing that Facebook tracks, spies, and reports it’s users to police and FBI. Who. In. Their. Right. Minds?

        • Frdjck

          I don’t want to upset you more by answering your question. Sorry If I disappointed you. Value is so personal, sorry if I can’t relate to your hate. Hate is not in my mentality. Have a good day and a nice weekend!

          • bangarangbatmobile

            lol..The good ol’ internet high road. Who is hating? You asked a question. Anyone that owns a Vive, 90% more than likley doesn’t want facebook to have access to it’s API/processes/etc. because facebook tracks everything. The second you install Oculus home, it’s tracking you. Which lead to my question, who the hell, in their right minds would want this? Because I swear, I have to be mad? Logic..

          • Frdjck

            You are perfectly sane, I don’t have a facebook account for the same reason. I’m not here to defend facebook or Oculus and in a perfect world all the games would be in all the stores. But we are not in a perfect world ( a perfect world would be boring, no? ) and all the games are not in all the stores. I have a Oculus Rift, so I defend the headset I have. I don’t really care if Facebook know how long I play Lucky’s Tale since this is not important to me. My personal life ( like who is my friends and what I talk about with them ) is important to me much much more and this is not something I do on digital media at all.

            Real humans generally don’t understand what I like, so I am very confident that a robot won’t be able to put me in a category to sell me targeted stuff. I’m omnireligious ( a term I invented to say I care about all the religions ), so if I have committed a crime, you bet I will go to jail with a smile. So Facebook can report me to the FBI, I don’t care ( and I’m French Canadian, so the FBI don’t have jurisdiction in my country anyway ).

            I understand that we are on the Internet, so I didn’t want to say that you were a hater, only that your post was displaying some hate ( for facebook ). May the peace come to the VR community!

      • Amoliski
    • OkinKun

      SHEESH GIVE IT A REST! There was NO THEFT here!
      This game was lined up for Oculus support, ever since it’s kickstarter stretch-goal for Rift support. Oculus didn’t steal any game here.
      Obduction may someday get Vive support, but it’s going to get Rift support first, because that was always the plan.. It’s not as easy as you think to support multiple headsets..
      Oculus doesn’t lose any face over your ignorance.. And there is NOTHING wrong with Oculus taking some of the Risk of the backs of VR developers, by funding their VR games, and asking for timed-exclusivity in exchange for that risk.. Oculus is helping to get more developers into VR, by doing this.

      • bangarangbatmobile

        *looks at giantcop* which had a steam release date, didn’t release on that date, than announced it’s an oculus exclusive.

        No theft, just a scummy closed doors buyout that probably put more money into pockets than the consumers would have simply because oculus wants teh exclusives.

        I hope valve does release Half life 3VR and only locks out the Rift. Shit would be savage.

        “Oculus taking some of the Risk of the backs of VR developers, by funding their VR games”

        Supporting/funding them from the beginning and buying out games are two different things. The former is a normal, moral business practice. The latter is just trying to strong arm the competitors because your product is shittier than theirs. Reminds me of when Mr. Burns ruins Lisa’s lemonade stand because who needs competition. Oculus is taking zero risk throwing money at their problem since facebook is pretty much printing money.

        • OkinKun

          The way the Giant Cop developers described it, it doesn’t sound like a scummy move at all. -_- It sounds like it was a good business move. They needed funding to keep making their VR game, and Oculus funded them.
          They NEVER said they weren’t making a Vive version. The Vive version will still come out later, after releasing on Touch first. It’s a timed-exclusivity, which is TOTALLY FAIR. Oculus doesn’t need to be entirely charitable on this, they deserve a little advantage for the money they’re putting into VR game development. -_-
          The VR industry would not have as many games/developers, if Oculus wasn’t throwing their money around. Regardless of exclusives, they’ve consistently been making investments in the VR industry, to build it up to a consumer-level industry. Hardly anyone else is making those kinds of investments.

          • bangarangbatmobile

            Of course they’re not going to come right out and say “these motherf—kers gave us a fat sack of cash to piss off vive owners.”

            Valve has been making the same investments and are now offering to loan devs’ money on their games, which they won’t have to pay back if their game does not succeed. Which is pretty lenient.

            Just because valve isn’t making huge announcements about who they’re funding, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. The only reason Oculus is doing it is for PR. “We made this happen, no one else.” As if most of those dev’s wouldn’t be giving VR a shot without facebook bux. I won’t even go into how shady it is to just straight buy out anyone that could be competition for their store.

        • beestee

          @Half Life 3 VR being Vive exclusive

          Would never happen. Because money.

          • bangarangbatmobile

            I know diiiiis. Valve aren’t idiots, more people that have access = more money coming in. I was just saying how epic it would be if valve locked oculus out of HL3 but let all other HMDs have access.

    • beestee

      Complain to the developer for selling-out if anything. The developer has the choice to accept or deny the funding that Facebook/Oculus is offering for timed exclusivity. The Serious Sam VR developer turned them down.

  • Roger Anthony Essig

    instabuy. so glad this has been made, it looks beautiful.

  • Badelhas

    The more I get to know Oculus, the more I prefer HTC/Valve

    • Oscar

      Exactly my thoughts! I loved Oculus first, but their foul play and dirty business, the lies, and all the sh*t they’ve done recently just fills me with disgust!

      • Badelhas

        I’m on the verge of ordering the HTC Vive, I’m just waiting for the nvidia GTX 1070 and the first proper AMD 480 reviews and comparisons to be available.
        My only fear is that my investment (and it’s a big one, at least for me) is that after the initial hype passes I trow it in a table, like I did with the nvidia 3d vision kit. And that in a couple of months a better and improved (resolution, lenses, etc) VR headset is launched, turning my headset outdated. What do you think?

        • Oscar

          I’d say wait a bit! Not only is both the Oculus and the Vive very expensive now since they just launched and the hype is through the roof, but they also contain quite a few teething problems and also lacks quality content, there’s only a handful of quality content for these headsets and most content consists of VR demos and lesser applications. In just 6 months there’s gonna be a more content and in 12 months a ton and so forth…

          And on top of all of this, there is several other alternatives in production that very well might be a superior product. StarVR, OSVR 2.0, Infinitus Prime, etc
          Personally I’m waiting for StarVR, the significantly higher field of view is gonna make a ton of difference. If it takes too long to arrive then I’ll prolly go for the Vive when the prices starts to fall, but right now, in Sweden where I live, it costs nearly 1200 dollar, and as I see it the Vive isn’t worth that much, as a early entry level VR HMD. If a premium high-resolution HMD would cost that much and there would be plenty of content already I’d gladly pay that much.

          In the meantime though, I would advice against jumping on the early VR HMD train and weather the hype storm a while longer.


          • Badelhas

            Your right, of course. I live in Portugal, and as you can image 900 euros plus the gpu is a lot of money to me (our minimum wage is 500 euros, I earn 1100) and there’s gonna be more content and better VR tech in the future http://wccftech.com/nvidia-virtual-reality-device-light-field-2018/
            If only I could try it before deciding… But it’s not even available in my country, I would have to order in from Germany. But I am very eager to get it at the same time.

          • Oscar

            Yeah it’s a lot of money for a HMD, especially since it’s the first generation of headsets. I guess that in the coming months retail stores will stack up on the Vive, in Sweden there’s 4 online stores who is selling it, but as soon as they get them in stock they are sold out extremely quickly, but as recent news point out, HTC will be speeding up supply line to get more units out.

            I would pick a guess that stores in Portugal might get it sooner or later so you can check it out before you decide. For me, I’d gladly wait some more, for more content and higher quality. Nvidia just released a new technology too called Simultaneous Multi Projection which allows two separate rendered images to be rendered at about the same cost as one rendered image, this will significantly improve performance in VR, since VR requires two separate rendered images for each eye. This opens up for VR headsets with say, a 4K display. Since the new Pascal architecture and the Simultaneous Multi Projection only renders at 4K, not 8K. And with the upcoming GTX 1080Ti, will probably have enough horsepower to manage 4K in most games.

          • Chris Danahy

            Sorry to be a buzz kill but StarVR and Infinitus Prime have both said they will be corporate OUT of Home experiences only. Barring that the $250 US price of the new RX480 makes it a good choice for a budget VR rig and yes the Vive is expensive but I have mine (got it over a month ago) and I am blown away by it every day.

          • Oscar

            Ye I know, was sad when I heard it :(
            Let’s just wait another year then…

            Rumor has it that Galaxy S8 will feature a 4K display specifically designed for Gear VR. And I and Father bought the latest version of GearVr for his S7 and the quality is quite great. By the time S8 comes, and let’s say it has a 4K display, I think more VR makers are gonna jump on the 4K train. The Rift and Vive are just too low res for me.

        • David

          I keep hearing people compare VR to things like 3D TV’s that turned out to be a fad but this comparison seems ridiculous. VR has been around for many years. The first time I tried it was over 15 years ago. Obviously at that time the tech was pretty clunky but it still blew my 10 year old mind away. The thing to keep in mind is VR is an immersive experience while 3D TV, Movies, etc. are passive. No one wants to shell out big $$$ to sit and observe.
          VR is not some new gimmick and it has already proven its worth over the years but the technology just wasn’t there (until now) to bring it to the masses. There is no harm in waiting but for me I have been waiting long enough and after I got my Vive from FedEx yesterday and had it set up in about 3o minutes it became readily apparent that it was worth every cent.
          I’m glad that I am getting in at the ground level and I really can’t wait to see things improve in leaps and bounds as we find new creative ways to put it to good use.

          • Badelhas

            I also bought the Vive along with Nvidia 1070 and finished mounting everything tonight. I only played Valve “the lab” but I loved it. Gonna try more tomorrow

  • CMcD

    And this is why I’ve held onto my rift even after my vive arrived. I need this game in my life.

  • Frikster42

    “Obduction’s VR version launches on July 26th exclusively on the Oculus Store” <- If this had been at the start of the article I wouldn't have read it.

  • Buddydudeguy

    Not only is it NOT coming out “July 26th” but VR support isn’t even at launch.

    Fuking pissed off right now :(