A new charging dock from Meta, apparently for Quest 3, has been revealed through regulatory certification. As with Quest Pro’s dock, the goal of the new dock is certainty to streamline headset usage by encouraging users to keep it charged and always up-to-date.

Friction in VR—all of the clunk associated with putting a thing on your head, fitting it, then, going through menus to get to the software you want to use—is a tough challenge the industry has been slowly chipping away at over many years.

One major piece of that friction comes with keeping headsets charged and up-to-date. It’s an all-too-common occurrence for someone to forget to plug in their headset after a session and then realize the battery is dead the next time they have the urge to use it. Worse still, if it’s been a while since they plugged the headset in, it’s likely to need updates to both the core software and specific apps before it’s ready to go.

This is a clear issue, and one that Meta has attempted to address with an official charging dock, first sold alongside the Quest Pro headset. The dock charges both the headset and controllers, making sure everything is juiced and keeping the headset powered on and updated (well, when the auto updates actually work).

It would seem the company was happy with the benefits to retention brought by the Quest Pro dock, as a new charging dock—almost certainly for Quest 3—has been revealed by regulatory certification through the US Federal Communication Agency.

The FCC is tasked with certifying products with electromagnetic emissions to be safe and compatible with regulations. Products utilizing radio, WiFi, infrared, etc. need certification before they can be distributed for sale. Certification by the FCC marks one step closer to the launch of consumer electronics product.

The documentation reveals that the dock includes “wireless charging function for left and right controllers,” apparently up to 2.5 watts. That’s pretty slow compared to what we see from wireless charging on modern smartphones, but may be more than adequate for the Quest 3 controllers which don’t need as much power as a smartphone or the headset itself. The actual Quest 3 headset will continue to charge via direct contact as we can see by the pins revealed on the underside of the headset.

– – — – –

Wireless charging is an interesting change from the Quest Pro dock which exclusively relies on direct-contact charging. One reason for this change is likely that the current method of docking the Quest Pro controllers is quite awkward—sometimes leading to the controllers not charging when it looks like they should be. The headset itself is much easier to place in the proper location.

The Quest Pro controllers must be angled somewhat awkwardly to make proper correct contact with the dock for charging | Photo by Road to VR

A Quest 3 dock with wireless controller charging could create more tolerance for mispositioned controllers, leaving less room for user-error.

One big question is whether or not the dock will be included with Quest 3.

Considering Meta’s goal to keep the sticker price of the mainline Quest headsets low, we’d guess it will be made available as an optional accessory. But there’s a chance that Meta deems the dock important enough to the overall user experience that they opt to include it right in the box.

With Quest 2 Widely Sold Out, Meta Aims to Make Quest 3 Price More Palatable with 0% Financing

If it did come in the box, this would be the first time the company included rechargeable controllers in its consumer line of VR headsets. All prior consumer headset controllers from Meta have required AA batteries, though it’s always been easy enough to add recharging to the controllers through inexpensive rechargeable AA batteries.

The Quest 3 dock will unfortunately almost certainly not be compatible with Quest 2 controllers because the newer headset is using a new controller which the company calls Touch Plus.

Image courtesy Meta

The new controller does away with the tracking ring that has always been present on the company’s consumer VR controllers, and will likely include the hardware necessary for wireless charging.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Naruto Uzumaki

    its not going to be much better than the quest pro or pico 4 my opinion pico 4 is like 10 percent better than quest 2

    • MeowMix

      pico 4 is like 10 percent better than quest 2

      but then the Quest2 got a 25% performance boost update ….

      • kraeuterbutter

        its not only about the chip..
        the pico4 feels MUCH lighter
        it has lot bigger FOV
        it has way better E2EC
        and it has one of the best stereo-overlaps of all headsets

        i have two QUEst2, had the QUest1 and the pico4
        for me the difference Quest2 to pico4 is much more than only 10%

        • ViRGiN

          maybe – for a product coming out about 2 years after quest 2 i do expect some improvements. on that front it perhaps half-delivered. however it’s pico, china, super early ecosystem and nowhere near as much support, incl customer as meta. pico is a no brainer for anyone really interested in vr that isn’t a pcvr fanatic who buys games from steam.
          quest 3 renders pico 4 obsolete. pico 4 still isnt available in markets where it could potentially matter. we’ll see how they will continue to support it – this is their first real product for consumers.

          • kraeuterbutter

            well, here in europe it was much harder to get a Quest2 (at least for German people) than the pico4
            for me – i own 10 headsets – it was since long time the first headset with kind of a “wow”-factor
            i use it primarly for pc-vr
            index for fast games with zero latency.. Reverb G2 -> the pico4 has mostly replaced it, even so the displays of the reverb g2 are better, everything else (lenses, komfort, stiky and stiff cable, software, controllers) are not good at the REverb G2
            for me the Pico4 is now my daily driver
            hope the Quest3 will use the AV1 codec for streaming that the XR2gen2 is capable of, and it will have better WIFI-antennas, and the decoding of the videostream goes faster, so less latency
            as long as meta allows crossbuy, i can play every crossbuy-game also with the pico4, in better quality than with the Quest2

          • kraeuterbutter

            the lenses of the QUest3 are said to be the ones of the Quest Pro -> if so, they should be better than the ones of the Pico4, less glare, even better E2EC
            BUT: the Quest Pro uses also kanted displays which some negativ effects and: to get wider field of view (which is still less than Pico4) it compromisses with the stereo overlap, often overseen..
            so stereo overlap is worse on the Quest Pro and i fear: also on the Quest3
            there Pico4 is for me king in the moment – often underrated

    • xyzs

      I had both the q2 and pico4.
      Even if on paper the pico was way better, in reality it’s not really. The pico os is actually pretty well polished compared to quest but the distortion while moving the head around is terrible. That was so bad i sold it after just a few days. The sweet spot of the lenses is also disappointing.

  • Nevets

    They’ll need some serious software announcements to sell enough of this hardware to displace Quest 2. My money’s on GTA SA as one of the front runners. And some traditional platformers would be wonderful… Like Pandemonium on PS1. A most underrepresented genre. And no, Ven sadly doesn’t cut it. Way too frustrating with no level or stage skip.

  • ViRGiN


    • Ookami

      be quiet

    • Guywithamouse

      Only the Valve Index what? Your post doesn’t even make sense.

  • Steve Evans

    (fanboy rant coming…) The only thing the image caption says about the Quest Pro docking station is the controllers need to be put in at an awkward angle. Really? That’s what you want to focus on? Once you’ve done it a few times, it’s simple and easy. I love how it vibrates when in place, so I know they are charging. I also love the simple, minimalistic design. It packs easily into my case. I love this docking station!! (breath, breath, it will be ok)

  • MeowMix

    I buy dis

  • But FCC images showed that the Quest Plus controllers have an AA battery inside. So I guess it should be a rechargeable battery if there is a wireless charging system

  • Rupert Jung

    Releasing this headset without eye tracking is a mistake. That’s a pass for me.

    • CrusaderCaracal

      Boo hoo. Who actually uses eye tracking aside from the same losers that get full body tracking just to sit in front of a mirror and look at their stupid anime avatar on VRChat

      • Arno van Wingerde

        uh… no. PSVR2 uses eye tracking to render just the central part you are looking at (maybe 10% of the area) at high res, everything else at low-res. I tried moving my eyes to see if I could cheat the system, but it is fast enough to be unnoticeable. This allows PSVR2 to compete with high-end PC setups that have 10x times the graphics power!

        • CrusaderCaracal

          True actually mb

  • Guywithamouse

    Sept 27th is just a paper launch. Not sure why people are so stoked about this. You won’t be buying one till the 10th probably.