Resonite, a new social VR platform from the principal creator behind metaverse app Neos VR, is set to launch into early access on SteamVR headsets this week.

Update (October 3rd, 2023): Resonite is slated to launch on October 6th at 11:00 AM PT (local time here) on Steam. The developers say the app is now ready to make its first steps into Early Access:

“We reached a point where we are confident that major issues will be sorted out and we’d generally prefer not to make all of you wait longer and delay the launch. There will still probably be some bumps, but we’ll smooth them out as time goes,” the studio announced on its Patreon.

“We’re very excited to open the new platform and experience our work. We have a lot more for store in you as well coming in the future. The launch is just beginning of this new digital universe and with your help and support, we’ll continue shaping and expanding for many years (and hopefully decades) into the future.”

Resonite seems to have already resonated with backers, as the metaverse platform is now garnering over $25,000 per month through Patreon. Check it out on Steam here. The original article follows below:

Original Article (September 25th, 2023): There’s a fair bit of drama surrounding Neos VR, something you can read up on over at Ryan Schulz’s blog, which delves into the cryptocurrency-fueled rift between principal developer Tomáš “Frooxius” Mariančík and Karel Hulec, CEO of the app’s publisher Sorilax. The two have completely parted ways, with Hulec still managing Neos while Mariančík is now heading a new team developing Resonite.

From what by all accounts was a bitter split, Resonite is emerging from the controversy, bringing with it what Mariančík describes as a “novel digital universe with infinite possibilities.”

“Whether you resonate with people around the world in a casual conversation, playing games and socializing or you riff off each other when creating anything from art to programming complex games, you’ll find your place here,” the app’s Steam description reads.

Like Neos VR, Resonite heavily focuses on in-app content creation, allowing users to create their own interactive avatars, art, gadgets, and “complex interactive worlds and games.”

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There’s no release date yet for Resonite (see update), however the app’s Steam page says it’s launching into early access sometime in October. Whatever the case, Resonite doesn’t appear to have ambitions to launch on Quest, PSVR 2, or mobile hardware currently, essentially setting it up to be a PC-exclusive experience likely appealing mostly to enthusiasts.

We’re curious to learn more about Resonite, and what sets it apart from Neos. Whatever the case, there seems to be a fairly substantial expected migration of Neos users to Resonite, as Resonite’s Patreon page already boasts over $14,000 monthly donations.

According to cached pages, support for Neos VR’s Patreon has decreased significantly in the past two years since the project included its own cryptocurrency and friction arose between its creators; near its all-time high of over $18,000 per-month donations, today Neos garners a little under $5,000 per month from backers.

Newsletter graphic

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • ViRGiN

    Doesn’t really matter, it’s going to be attended by the very same people – furries.
    It’s metaverse for furries, just like VR Chat is for weebs.

    Horizon looks better than ever.

    • druss666uk

      I think we found the one guy trading NCR on this news article lmao

      • VRSeek

        Nah it’s mark fuckerburg and he’s pissed threads and meta isn’t doing anything but losing him $$$

        • ViRGiN

          he should make furryverse, that would bring billions, not just dollars, but also billion people.

        • ViRGiN

          so many ex-neos refugees trolling here. stick to your furry discord please.

  • Andrew Jakobs

    Uhh, what I see in this trailer isn’t anything that the Q2 and certainly Q3 would not be able to do.

    • ViRGiN

      nobody asked for your opinion

      • Andrew Jakobs

        And really nobody wants your negative opinions. More and more people are blocking you, with good reason. Why even post a comment like “nobody asked for your opinion”?
        He says the trailer shows something he thinks is only prerendered, while it’s obvious not even that great graphics, games like Red Matter 2 and the Star wars games on the Q2 show. So I merely point out that the trailer is probably just ingame, unless he has seen a different trailer as I have.

        • ViRGiN

          why havent you blocked me yet?
          you are the biggest troll here.
          do yourself a favor, take a shower, and rethink your choices.

      • Hi Virgin. I don’t generally think sanitizing things to be 100 percent positive all the time is helpful to honest discourse, so please don’t take this as me asking you to do so, but please keep conversation on topic.

        • CrusaderCaracal

          Get a grip

  • “Whatever the case, doesn’t appear to have ambitions to
    launch on Quest, PSVR 2, or mobile hardware currently, essentially
    setting it up to be a PC-exclusive experience likely appealing mostly to

    • ViRGiN

      Not enthusiasts, but furries who don’t go outside.
      Neos was the fasted app to introduce new features, like obscure HTC mouth tracker, but they never made a single step into actual usability, and instead were fascinated by their own circle jerk.
      They introduced credits long before any of the nft/cryptoshit. Claimed that you can earn money by selling your creations. Yeah, selling to non-existent userbase.

      Neos has been pretty much dead since inception.
      It’s not even on a quarter of a scale of VR Chat.

      Failed project, but those addicted to it sees it as the best thing ever – just like Alyx.

      • blendshape

        @moderators – please block this user from the comments, they are spreading disinformation.

        • ViRGiN

          you literally made an account here, because you got personally offended by calling things out how they are.
          i bet you have nicely rigged tail avatar.


          • blendshape

            WRONG, Bucko.
            (Trust me, you have no idea.)

          • ViRGiN

            ah, yes, i’ll believe you cause you came out of nowhere, butthurt by calling out neos as furry metaverse and the fact they tried to build ‘sell your creation’ economy.
            instead of saying bullshit, say actual counterpoint, cause you appear as a complete whacko that nobody has ever heard about before, immediatly calling for help cause someone wrote something you don’t like.

            get a life.

          • ViRGiN

            @moderators – please block this user from the comments, they are spreading disinformation.

          • ViRGiN

            resonite is out (at least for some), and just like i predicted, its fully ridden with furries.

            YOU WERE WRONG, BUCKO.
            (TRUST ME, YOU HAVE NO IDEA)

          • CrusaderCaracal

            @moderators please ip ban this user they are being mean

        • CrusaderCaracal

          Hate to break it to you but sometimes you have to deal with people who don’t agree with your opinions. I know it’s absolutely devastating when everyone doesn’t blindly agree with you. Sucks to suck

      • Comet Blitz

        Its feature set and general usability has nothing to do with the fact that everyone’s a furry, it has to do with the fact development effectively never progressed past the early access phases. The game was intended to be much more accessible for the average user, but then it spent 2 years being stuck in dev hell because Karel was a stubborn ass and refused to let Frooxius make the game he wanted to make after he forced Crypto into the game.

        That’s why Resonite exists. So Frooxius can actually make a game instead of leaving his project to rot in crypto hell. I have full faith in Frooxius to make something accessible to more users, because THAT was the biggest failure of Neos.

        >The highest selling VR game on steam and a masterpiece of VR Game design
        >A failure


        • ViRGiN

          Everything valve is worshipped. If you think a game with 3 guns and few enemies, without ability to kill the crab with melee is a masterpiece, then just lol. Valve can never do wrong.

        • ViRGiN

          Also highest selling vr game on steam?
          Is that an achievement or something?
          People would buy half life card game. The most popular titles on pc are actually gorilla tag and beat saber.

          • Comet Blitz

            Yes, that is quite literally an achievement. Gorilla tag is free, so ofc it’s going to be so extremely popular, and Beat Saber is more or less a mandatory VR experience. Alyx is a full priced game and still managed to outsell Beat Saber on the largest PC gaming platform on the web. So yes, that is, in fact, an achievement, when Alyx has half just over half the lifetime of Beat Saber and FAR less longevity.

          • ViRGiN

            Gorilla Tag is not free on PC. Why you claim alyx outsold everyone? You don’t have any data to confirm anything like that. We do have player count data, and alyx is a ghost town compared to gorilla tag.

            You sound like you’re just simping for anything valve.

    • CrusaderCaracal

      Please don’t associate vr enthusiasts with the furry “simmers” who spend 2k on bodytracking to sit infront of a mirror on VRChat

  • Frooxius is a genius, I’m sure this is going to be great!

  • “It’s been a bumpy ride for social VR platform Neos VR over the past two years partly due to being removed from Steam for heavily featuring its own cryptocurrency.”

    It’s been on Steam during the downtime. It was only down for a month since Steam’s deadline for crypto relations to be removed around October of 2021. This resulted in an update that remove the mentions of NCR/KFC (the testing currency), which compiled with Steam’s requirements.

    EDIT: Source: literally check Steam. It’s right there.

    • ViRGiN

      damn, they banned their competition while keeping csgo casinos alive.
      never change valve.

  • blendshape

    The trailer actually was captured in game, and the VR experience is far more breathtaking than what the trailer can show. This platform is beautiful.

    • ViRGiN

      yup, furry confirmed.

  • blendshape

    The trailer was captured in game, and the actual VR experience is far more breathtaking than what the trailer can show.

    • ViRGiN

      you’ve said it alread; since the app is not out you seem to be very closely tied in.
      is that you frox?

  • There was a Quest build, but it was VERY janky.
    Part of the issue is that objects are dynamically loaded in, rather than a bundle of assets for a scene. In theory, it’d be possible to disable some assets or change what is loaded based on the platform, something that can already be done based on things like the “potato” badge.

  • druss666uk

    Speaking as someone whose been around regularly on the platform, it’s going to be very interesting to see what gets made on Resonite with the updated engine. It’s probably important to note that it’s not just a game made by furries for furries, it’s community welcomes everyone. For instance, there is a huge JP community that is just as big, and they developed some of the best game worlds you can visit on the platform. There’s a thriving racing group on there that develop race tracks and entire car systems. There’s a creator jam community that hosts an annual competition every year. There’s a casual gambling community that organises game nights.

    Neos was a tool that any talented person can pick up and make something special, like Garry’s Mod. Resonite seems to me like a heartfelt return to that kind of thing.

  • Hate to come back with another correction. Neos VR’s Patreon, during the peak of the whole crypto rush, was at $108k for Nov 2021. It remained at $103k for December, before plumeting when the CEO drama really got started, specifically with an unannounced poll in the Discord regarding what to do with the remaining NCR tokens to enter the market early or not.