Announced at a Nokia media event last night in Los Angeles, the company has finally put a price to OZO, it’s professional grade 360-degree camera rig revealed back in July. Nokia is asking an upfront deposit of $5,000 for the $60,000 camera array. We hope it comes with a carrying case.

Pre-orders are now open for Nokia’s futuristic-looking 360 camera, a rig that boasts eight synchronized 2K x 2K sensors capable of 30FPS spherical and stereoscopic video capture with on board eight-microphone spatial audio array—all this and more in a beautifully milled aluminum alloy body for the low low price of $60,000. Did we mention that an extra ‘digital cartridge’—a rechargeable battery and 500GB SSD combo—is going to cost $5,000?

Price aside, Ozo is pushing some pretty compelling features, like instant video feed stitching for real-time VR preview, and wireless operation via its on board 802.11 Wifi module. To demonstrate the wireless capabilities of Ozo, the media event featured a live performance by LA rock duo Best Coast, and broadcast the concert playing from the roof of the Capitol Records tower in Hollywood—a site seven miles away the Ozo event itself—in 3D 360 over the Internet.

To inspire future Ozo-owners yet further, the rig was on show strapped into a drone suspended from the roof of the venue.

President of Nokia Technologies Ramzi Haidamus says that Ozo is “designed for the professional creators who will answer the most exciting and intriguing questions about the possibilities for virtual reality.” The emphasis is on ‘professional’ here, as the pre-order page requires a US-based company and US-issued tax ID number to proceed with checkout.

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Our executive editor Ben Lang went hands-on with some test footage captured by Ozo at the big reveal in July, saying that it’s “up there with the best 3D VR video capture I’ve seen…”

See Also: Hands-on: Nokia’s OZO VR Cam Impresses with Capture Quality, Unique Playback Solution Has Pros and Cons

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Foreign Devil

    60K for only 30 fps capture?

    • Jim Cherry

      When was the last time you saw a movie in a theatre running at more than 30fps. Also there are plenty of 4k recording rigs that don’t do more than 30fps. You have to remember recording live video is different than interactive content.

      • Bryan Ischo

        You have to remember that the content is being recorded for the purpose of playing in a VR headset, where 30 FPS is not acceptable. It doesn’t really matter what is acceptable in theatre presentation, that’s not relevant to the topic at hand.

        • RoadToVR

          Actually, as long as the video is played inside an environment / sphere that tracks and updates according to head movement at 75Hz+ the video frame rate can be de-coupled and still be reasonably comfortable. Although yes, the higher the frame rate the better of course.

          • Mat

            Sure comfortable headtracking is possible but essentially you need a) to wrap every video in a virtual environment and b) the video is still only 30fps. It seems like an odd decision for a video cam that costly and specialised for vr-movies. I’d rather expect 120fps tbh.

          • RoadToVR

            You don’t need an environment, and every 360 video you see does this essentially anyway, albeit as simply as mapping the video onto a sphere.

            As I say, this isn’t ideal, but it’s far from being the worst experience ever. Stitching artefacts on problematic stereoscopic captures can be far more annoying and uncomfortable.

  • Mat

    30FPS? Can’t be true, can it?

  • Anton Bar

    60,000 US Dollars. Wow. Who are they planning to ship it to in Q1 2016?

    • Me

      The live-feed porn industry? They’ve got deep pockets.

  • Pre Seznik

    This is not a VR camera, as it only has one lense facing any one direction, which means there’s no depth. Can we please agree that you need two separate views for each eye for anything to be classified as “VR”? Please?

    • benz145

      The lenses are 195 degree field of view, so there is stereo coverage across most of the camera’s view.

      • Pre Seznik

        Oh, okay, that makes sense. Sorry!

        • benz145

          No problem : )