Oculus has officially confirmed that Toybox, the highly anticipated multiplayer sandbox application built from the ground up to show off the Oculus Touch motion controllers, will be made available to every touch owner for free after launch.

Oculus Touch debuted at a special event just prior to E3 2015 alongside the final retail design for the Rift and went on to make quite an impression at the gaming expo shortly afterwards. At the time however, it was early days for software Touch support.

At Oculus’ E3 booth backstage booth, there was just one application on show to demonstrate Oculus Touch and its capabilities. Toybox was an unapologetically barebones application, filled with what Oculus founder Palmer Luckey described as “programmer art” (simple, flat-shaded 3D objects) all brought to life with a realistic physics model. The demonstrations were given to two players at a time, each occupying a separate ‘room-scale’ booth isolated from one another, each kitted out with two Oculus sensors.

The players joined each other via networked systems, communicating via the Oculus Rift’s integrated microphone. There were blocks to stack, shrink rays to use on your companion, table tennis bats, fireworks to set off and slingshots to play with. Toybox was indeed an apt name for the demo, but most importantly it was an incredibly effective way to show how accurate and effective Oculus’ ‘Half moon’ prototype controllers were, powered by the same outside-in ‘Constellation’ tracking as the Rift itself, really were.

oculus-touch-6The application was a big hit and after HTC’s Vive made its debut at GDC earlier that same year, sporting their extremely impressive room-scale tracking and incredibly precise SteamVR motion controllers, it felt like the wait for Oculus’ own answer to the question of hand presence in VR had been well worth the wait.

Now, as we approach the launch date for Oculus Touch on December 6th, the question remained as to whether Toybox would remain a trade show demo app only or whether the wider public would have a chance to sample its delights once hardware reached them.

A few days ago, Oculus’ Head of Content Jason Rubin tweeted to clarify the state of the Touch’s freebie content, seemingly letting slip that Toybox would indeed make its debut at launch. However, some confusion remained whether this was an official announcement or an error on Rubin’s part. So, we reached out to Oculus for clarification and they confirmed that Rubin’s tweet was indeed accurate and Toybox will join Dead & Buried, Oculus Medium, First Contact, Oculus Quill, Robo Recall and The Unspoken as packed-in content for all Oculus Touch pre-orders.

We took at look at each of the free pieces of content made available to Touch owners in this article a couple of days ago and it’s hard to argue that Oculus isn’t going out of its way to give those still on the fence about investing in Oculus’ motion controllers a chance.

Here's 17 Pieces of Free Content You'll Get With Oculus Rift + Touch

Ben Lang also took an in-depth look at Oculus Medium, the company’s impressive virtual sculpting and modelling application. We’ll have a full and detailed review of Oculus Touch up on launch day so check back then for our verdict.

'Oculus Medium' Review
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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded RiftVR.com to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • Firestorm185

    Sweet! I’m glad they’re adding that as another free title. I was wondering if I’d ever get a chance to try that one!


    I was able to pre-order TOUCH just yesterday from BestBuy with guaranteed delivery on Dec 6th. It would seem Oculus has a much better handle on the supply vs demand issues, than they did on that other product they launched last March. (Ha Ha) It’s $314 here in Canada. I guess this counts as my self-serving Christmas gift to myself. Looking fwd to reading & hearing all the comments & reviews about this critical addition to the Rift ecosystem. The stable of games/apps for Touch, looks quite promising.

    • benz145

      Glad you locked one down, surprised you didn’t do so sooner ; )

      • CURTROCK

        I gambled on BestBuy. Lucked out…this time.

    • Get Schwifty!

      Cool if you get it on the 6th, suspect ordering from Oculus for pre-order I will have to wait a few days : (

      • Firestorm185

        I hope not! Ordered mine from Oculus the first day they were available, would be disappointing to not get them until like the 15th or something.

        • Get Schwifty!

          Yeah me too – within an hour or so of it available (pre-order from priority though). I would sincerely hope original pre-order folks get shipped first.

          • Firestorm185

            Same. I do have priority status, but that’s only nice if it actually helps us at all.

          • Firestorm185

            Hey Schwifty! Hope yours gets shipped soon! Just got the tracking number in for mine! Says it’ll be here by end-of-day tomorrow! So excited! (Also, another confirmation, not even the same shipping company as the earphones. They went with UPS vs. USPS/DHL.)

  • Ned Hoon

    In the bottom video at 0:17 with the roman candle it just seems so natural and fluid when picking it up and lighting it.

  • David Dewis

    I had forgotten that all of the early demos had used only two sensors. It does make me think that I will be okay with just the second sensor that comes with touch, set up in a 180° Layout.