Facebook’s fragmented approach to social VR hasn’t gotten any better with the launch of Quest. The company now has four separate social VR apps, and none of them are currently available on its newest headset.

With Oculus, Facebook has aimed to build the premiere VR ecosystem, but when it comes to allowing users of the company’s different headsets—Go, Quest, and Rift—to actually interact with one another, it has completely dropped the ball.

Facebook has lofty ambitions for what the far future of social interaction could look like with VR, but between the parent company and the Oculus brand, there’s a confused smattering of different social VR offerings which do a poor job of connecting users across the platform. Let’s review:

  • Facebook Spaces (available on Rift & Vive)
    • Allows users chat and share Facebook content (like photos and videos), draw in 3D, and video chat with non-VR users via Messenger
  • Oculus Home (available on Rift)
    • Allows users build virtual homes and invite friends over to talk and visit
  • Oculus Rooms (available on Go & Gear VR)
    • Allows users to decorate a virtual home and invite friends over to talk and visit, play mini games, share Facebook content (like photos and videos), and launch into other VR apps together
  • Oculus Venues (available on Go & Gear VR)
    • Allows users to watch live VR video content together

As you can see, before Quest came along, there was already a complete division among Facebook’s social VR apps which kept PC users (Rift) and mobile users (Go & Gear VR) completely separate. If you happened to own a Rift and had a friend which jumped into VR with Go as their first VR headset, there’s unfortunately no easy first-party way for you to connect with your friend in VR.

With Quest now on the market, things have only become more fragmented. While it was at least possible for Rift users to connect with other Rift users, and Go & Gear VR users to connect amongst themselves, Quest doesn’t have access to any of Facebook’s social VR apps. We would have expected at a minimum that Quest would get Rooms and Venues to link up with the company’s other mobile headsets—and it might one day—but at launch, Quest is a social island unto itself.

Facebook Shows Off Research Aiming to Deliver Truly Realistic Avatars

It’s an unfortunate situation because it fails to leverage the Oculus ecosystem that Facebook has spent so much time building. The company now has five headsets on the Oculus platform, and it’s baffling that there isn’t at least a basic first-party social VR service that works between them all. For a social media company that thrives on the network effect, Facebook has been surprisingly obtuse about social VR.

Individually, some of Facebook’s social VR apps are quite compelling. It’s too bad that your invite list is limited by which Oculus headset your friends own. | Oculus Rooms, image courtesy Facebook

The current state of things is as if there were a Windows version of Facebook that would only connect to other Windows users, and a Mac version of Facebook that would only connect to other Mac users—while Linux (Quest in this rough analogy) wasn’t allowed to access Facebook at all.

When we asked Facebook about the state of their social VR offerings at the launch of Quest the company told us that they want to “push for having social layers that sit above all the headsets and work together,” but they have no specific plans to share. So it seems like it’s going to be a while yet until the company manages to make the Oculus platform feel like one socially connected group.

Luckily, third party developers are bridging the gap. Some social VR apps like Bigscreen manage to interconnect users on all of Oculus’ headsets, and even headsets outside the Oculus ecosystem. So even if Facebook doesn’t have it figured out yet, there’s at least somewhere in VR where friends of almost any headset can come together to be social.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Joseph M


  • jj

    they stupid or are making one big app that holds them all

  • gothicvillas

    I’m surprised they don’t have Facebook VR in itself.. not that I have an account anyway

  • WyrdestGeek

    Well when you put it like that, that *does* seem like a glaring oversight for them, especially considering their business’ core model — selling all the user data they can get their hands on.

    Maybe they’ll address it soon.

  • paul convey

    God knows why Oculus rooms isn’t here on launch… I use it all the time with family. I may have a crack at side loading it if they don’t release it.

  • Kevin Wei

    It’s ridiculous that you have to connect your friend through the same model, it won’t attract
    users widely. Hope 3rd party can fix this bug. We need an totally open VR world

  • Stefan Küppers

    Even as a vive guy and someone that uses his fb profile maybe once every 2 month I really liked facebook spaces. I am a sucker for avatars with necks and arms instead of floating body parts. I am really amazed on why they didn’t push it as their core vr hub and instead splintered in that many project each of which seem to suffer from to few resources individual.

  • Grey Lock
