Facebook today announced that their long-awaited standalone VR headset, Oculus Quest, is now available for pre-order. The mobile VR headset, which starts at $400, is slated to ship on May 21st alongside the PC VR headset Rift S across 22 countries.

The company’s US retail partners include Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart and GameStop, and will be available for purchase both online and in stores. You can also pre-order Quest through Oculus’ online store too.

Oculus Quest will be available to demo at Best Buy stores around the US, beginning May 21st. Find your nearest Best Buy demo here.

Read our full review of Oculus Quest

The Quest headset bundle is starting at $400 for the 64GB version, and $500 for the 128GB version. Since Quest doesn’t feature support for external media like microSD, you’ll have to choose wisely which model fits you best.

The box will include the Quest headset, two Touch controllers, a power adapter, a charging cable, glasses spacer, two AA batteries (for Touch), and all of the applicable guides/warranty info.

Image courtesy Oculus

Oculus Quest is the company’s first standalone VR headset with 6DOF tracking, meaning you don’t need external sensors or a PC to jump into many of the games that made the Rift what it is today. Four embedded optical sensors track your head and controller movements in 3D space using Oculus’ Insight tracking system—the very same used on the company’s new PC VR headset, Rift S.

Oculus Quest Review – The First Great Standalone VR Headset

Quest and Rift S share a few more capabilities too, including the new Touch controllers which are optically tracked by the headset, offering the controller input parity across Rift (S). The company is also launching Quest with 50+ VR games, including many of the fan favorites ported specifically to Quest to fit its Snapdragon 835 mobile processor.

Games include: Superhot VR, Beat Saber, Robo Recall, Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs, Creed: Rise to Glory, Dead and Buried 2​, I Expect You To Die, Job Simulator, Tilt Brush, Orbus VR, and many more. Check out the full launch lineup to learn more.

Oculus Quest Specs

  • Pricing: $400 for 64GB, $500 for 128GB
  • Weight: ~100g more than Rift (470g)
  • Audio: Integrated open-ear, two 3.5mm audio jacks for external audio
  • Display:
    • Resolution: 1,440 × 1,600 per-eye (2,880 × 1,600 total)
    • Type: Dual OLED
    • Refresh Rate: 72Hz
    • Field of View: ~100 degrees (unconfirmed speculation)
    • IPD Adjustment: Hardware adjustable
  • Tracking:
    • Type: ‘Insight’ inside-out (no external sensors) – four cameras
    • Capabilities: Supports 6 degrees of freedom head and controller tracking
    • Recommended Environments: It should work in almost any lit indoor environment.
    • Recommended Playspace: Oculus Quest works with your environment, so you can play standing or sitting, in spaces big or small.
  • Compute:
    • No tether: On-board Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 and active cooling
    • Battery: 2–2.5 hours battery life
  • Passthrough:
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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Steven Lee

    Very disappointed that the Oculus Quest will be available May 21st. Such a bummer!!!

    • Smokey_the_Bear

      I agree, I was hoping to BUY it today, not pre-order. :(

      • Steven Lee

        Starting to lose the hype. I have a Samsung Odyessy + HMD

        • Smokey_the_Bear

          I used to own the original odyssey, sold it, and vowed to never again own a wired headset.
          I’m bummed about waiting longer, but not about getting it, still very much looking forward to it.

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