Oculus Reveals More Quest Launch Titles in Fresh Teaser Trailer


PAX East officially starts tomorrow, and to keep the Oculus Quest hypetrain chugging right along, the company today released a new video showing some of the confirmed launch titles coming to Quest in Spring 2019. Yes, there’s a few new ones we didn’t know about until now.

Update (March 28th, 2019): Owlchemy Labs reached out to us to clarify that ‘Vacation Simulator’ is not a Quest launch title, and will be coming sometime around the holiday season 2019. We’ve corrected this in the body of the article.

Update (March 27th – 3:11 PM ET): It appears the comment section has come through once again! The remaining titles in the list are Face Your Fears 2, Virtual Virtual Reality, Bait! and VRChat.

Original Article (March 27th, 2019): In the video, you can see many of the previously confirmed Quest launch titles prominently featured such as Superhot VR, Beat Saber, Sports Scramble, Robo Recall, Dead & Buried 2, Journey of the Gods, Moss, and Star Wars Vader Immortal.

New to the line-up is CREED: Rise to Glory. Although mashed in with all the other launch titles, Vacation Simulator is confirmed to launch at a later date.

Curiously enough, in the last bit of the video, we can also see a few titles quickly flashed on screen through the headset’s lenses including Job Simulator, Fruit Ninja, Rush VR, Ultrawings, Drop Dead, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Eleven Table Tennis, and Angry Birds VR.

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There’s a few we weren’t able to identify, so if you see one that isn’t in this list, please leave a comment below.

Oculus told Road to VR that all of the games shown in this trailer will be available “on launch day” for Quest (see update), so it’s logical to assume everything above is going to be apart of the 50+ list of titles available at launch. When that will be, we still don’t know, although we have our hopes set on Facebook’s dev conference, F8 2019, which takes place April 30th to May 1st.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Xron

    One of them is Bait Vr, you can see a dude with a fishing rod near him (Gear Vr title). Did not see The Climb though… was waiting for it…

  • Quincannon

    We are also releasing Apex Construct for Oculus Quest!:-)

    • HomeAudio


      • Quincannon


        • Sebastian Ang

          On Day One?

    • Matt

      That is really awesome! I loved that game.

      • Quincannon

        Awesome to hear!

  • blankco

    I think I saw VrChat

    • Miremare

      Yep, I think you did.

    • Arcticu Kitsu

      Saw the avatar when they panned out from the headset at the second half. It’s also confirmed on Twitter. Quest needs it for that boost, and it has it now. Awesome!

  • Ted Joseph

    I cant STAND the rubber arm stamina in Creed II. In fact, it ruined such an amazing game, that I constantly go back to The Thrill of the fight! I have been sending notes to the developers of Creed II to add an option to turn the stamina rubber arms off, and NO response… It is a damn VR game. Why have simulated stamina? Simulated stamina is for button mashers…

    • Justin Davis

      Because it’s too easy to flail wildly without simulated stamina since you’re not hitting a real person and feeling real resistance.

  • Miremare

    Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator both on Quest will help it gain a lot of traction!

  • Luke Cooper

    If quest supports custom songs on beatsaber ill be trading in my psvr

  • Adrian Meredith

    Its an impressive line up of ports but its V much mobile graphics on display here

    • TheObserver

      True story. I am more excited for Quest 2 (?) although this can become quite successful.

      • Marcus

        Then without proper IPD adjustment? No, this Quest is the best we will get.

  • Kevin White

    Looks good to me! The thought of being completely untethered and able to set up wherever I want, including in a 25′ x 25′ area at work (evenings / weekends) is definitely enticing.

  • Marc-André Désilets

    OMG I’ve lost a bet. They can’t do robo recall on Quest. Mannn this looks bad, no shadow, no reflection and the robot is a 3d sprite. Shame.

    • sfmike

      It’s about game play and fun not graphics.

      • Marc-André Désilets

        Yes and No. Robo recall was a awesome tech achievement on PC that was created 3 years ago. The “fun part” of rebo recall is playing with the with the physics, throwing objects, taking their head off to block bullets and throw it to another enemy. There’s something called a “minimum viable product” and from what I see here, I’m not sure it will be achieved on the quest with this game. I really wanted to be amazed by this port.

        • cartweet

          Every gameplay mechanic you describe will most likely be there. What will be missing is the graphical fidelity. But come on…this is a mobile chip the size of your thumbnail going against a dedicated desktop with one of the most if not most visually impressive VR game. But if it’s the same experience/gameplay you want I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

          • Marc-André Désilets

            If it’s only the graphic fidelity that is missing it’s not a big thing, and I’ll be more that happy to play it. The only thing that worries me is that with the little we saw I’m not sure they’ll be able to keep all the mechanics with the visual limitations of the platform. It still requires a lot of processing power to decapitate a robot :P

          • Firestorm185

            If it is an imposter then it’s probably used to clear up space on the chipset when objects are rendered in the background or far away, I highly doubtful they’d do something like that up close. Yeah, it is a big jump down in graphical quality though, just take a look at the shot of the hand holding the bullet, the bullet is orange there, not shiny and brass colored.

      • HybridEnergy

        It should be about both.

    • Kevin White

      What is a 3D sprite? Do you mean it’s a sprite (but taken from rendered graphics instead of hand-drawn)?

      • Marc-André Désilets

        Sorry I meant 3d imposters.

        • Kevin White

          Ahh. Interesting, I hadn’t really heard of that.

          “The Impostor Tool allows an artist to generate a 2D approximation plane of the provided mesh up to 360 degrees of viewing angles. This is great for distant objects, FX, and much more.”

          It actually is kind of like a sprite then. I’m not so sure that’s being used in that Robo Recall shot (2 seconds) but maybe. It’s a pretty big downgrade overall.

          • Marc-André Désilets

            it’s the little white line around the character that makes me think it my be a sprite with transparency. By coworkers this it’s probably a 3d models with all shading baked to it’s texture but I don’t know… I don’t feel it. Anyway can’t wait to see more of it anyway. Creed is looking very nice for the kind of device they are using to render it ;)

    • Firestorm185

      I sincerely doubt the robots are sprites, unless you can somehow interact with 3D sprites, as Robo recall’s main pulling point was that you can tear the robots apart. the rest though, yeah, looks pretty bad for Recall.

      • Marc-André Désilets

        That’s what I think too but when you look at the “very short” demo we have here, by looking at the shading it really looks like a imposter :S

        Same for the cars, and the general shading… I don’t understand how it con look this bad. And there’s only 1 enemy on screen… it doesn’t look good for this port.

        You can look at my other post to see the video about 3d imposters.

        • Rosko

          I’m not sure what people are expecting with the quest, its not going to be pretty, they are going to be basic looking games.

          • Marc-André Désilets

            And oculus is claiming “vr pc quality” on the go…

      • Marc-André Désilets

        You were right and I was wrong and I’m really happy about it. The game looks way better than I was expecting :)

        • Firestorm185

          I’m so happy with how it turned out too! And no worries, all’s well that ends well! Can’t wait to try it Unplugged myself!

    • HybridEnergy

      I just saw that, if you pause it, I played Robo Recall 2 days ago. It looks like complete freaking ass in this video. What happened to that awesome looking shine and vibrant atmosphere it has?

  • Jason Shelly

    Vacation Sim is not a launch day title.

  • knuckles625

    Virtual Virtual Reality is one of the last ones (tall walking robot). Separately, BoxVR has been confirmed on Quest according to their page

  • Virtual Virtual Reality is at 1:16
    Anyone know what’s at 1:11? Not sure what that could be.

    • Firestorm185

      Not quite sure, but it almost looks like the art style of Windlands 1.

  • Firestorm185

    VRCHAT?!?!?! WHAT THE HECK!?!?!? yes plz

    • Arcticu Kitsu

      VRchat hype! Shall allow VR newbies to roam about VRchat nicely. It needed VRchat, and now Quest has it. :)

  • Foreign Devil

    There’s really no need to limit the power of hte console by wearing it on your face. Next Gen of Quest will likely be a seperate console with a 5G connection to simple lightweight HMD.

    • Firestorm185

      I’d love it if that worked without artifacting, but I don’t think the tech is quite ready yet rn, although coming soon I hope.

    • airball

      isn’t portability a huge motivation for not doing that?

      • Kevin White

        He’s saying the future AR/VR headset will be just a dumb screen. Well, it’ll need to collect information about your position and send it to the collective, but beyond that, your game will be rendered on a big computer located in the desert and then streamed to your dumb screen. Basically Google Stadia for VR. That eliminates the need for you to even own the thing doing all the physics and graphics.

        In Ready Player One, their headsets weren’t doing any processing (again, other than tracking and sending transformation data). Everything was rendered on 500 acres of supercomputers and then streamed through a 7G connection with 30 microseconds of latency to the screens and audio drivers and sometimes the haptic suits.

        • Smokey_the_Bear

          Someday (looks out across a field, and the sun begins to set) someday (as he slowly lowers his head, with a little grin, and his eyes tear up).

        • Jason Lovegren

          The headsets in ready player one was the worst lol.
          Prison headsets reminded me of Sega’s attempt at VR.
          Then aimless people running the streets with what appear to be generic headsets. The fact that they show the tech in the beginning (endless treadmill, hap-tic suit ECt) then ends up standing in a small trailer room and my favorite in a van suspended with cords.

          • Kevin White

            Yah, the movie was super-moviefied and unrealistic (the book was better), but the screen tech point still stands. The future is streaming (for better or worse).

      • Marc-André Désilets

        What if you can get the best of the two world. Being able to use portable games/applications and stream your high-end content from your pc ?

  • Arcticu Kitsu

    Awesome! Now I can use Quest to hook people into VR thanks to it having Beat Saber & VRchat; Especially VRchat. Shall be awesome seeing people roam about VRchat in the way they managed to make it happen, however it happens. Trailer even showed Star Wars so that’s nice.

    1:15 in video VRchat confirmed & in the tweet. Hype! I have an Oculus Rift but this is good news for Quest :)

  • Manuel Riger

    WoW look at robo recall what a big grapic cut is that…… looks really bad compared to pc version comon.

    • airball

      Wouldn’t it be surprising if it looked as good? How could it?

    • HybridEnergy

      Wait till you see The Climb I bet. lol

  • Paul Schuyler

    Racket NX?

  • HybridEnergy

    Damn, the robo recall looks like complete ass. lmfao

  • 144Hz

    You can only do so much with a snapdragon 835.

  • MW

    Thanks but I have similar games and same hardware in my 1 year of phone. Gear VR from Samsung was a similar product-and a failure in long term. So as much as I want to support VR mobile HMDs are complet mistake. VR has to be the best to be at all.

  • Jason Lovegren

    I’m mainly worried about the latency. The graphics being watered down is a duh moment (Mobile tech) however the 72hz screen and shame the rift S has 80hz, that just blows in my book. Unless they really found a way to make it truly as smooth as OG rift (which I doubt) in the trailer I can see lag everywhere, I hope it’s just the trailer, because I love the idea, but any lag just ruins the experience.

  • mrkingbob

    I’m not sure, but i think i maybe saw windlands in the end

  • Pizzy

    Anyone know if we can charge and use the Quest at the same time yet? That is the main and only question I have that I want answered. It’s a pretty big deal. I for one could careless if I need to wear a battery bank and have a cord running up to the Quest if it means more play time.

  • wow.. sounds fascinating to me. Thank you for sharing it with us!
    Virtual Reality Games