Oculus have today announced that Playful’s virtual reality platformer, Lucky’s Tale, will join CCP Games’ EVE:Valkyrie inside the box of every new Oculus Rift VR headset shipped at launch.

See Also: EVE: Valkyrie Will Ship With Every Oculus Rift at Launch
See Also: EVE: Valkyrie Will Ship With Every Oculus Rift at Launch

Hot on the heels of the recent news from CCP Games that their made-for-VR multiplayer space shooter EVE:Valkyrie will ship with the consumer Oculus Rift at launch in Q1 2016, comes more great news for those of you thinking of opting for the VR headset at launch. Lucky’s Tale from Playful Corp will now join that title in the box with every headset sold.

Playful‘s 3D platformer, which has you controlling Lucky the fox across myriad pitfalls and bouncing onto copius enemies in a colourful, cartoon gameworld, has followed the Oculus Rift’s evolution closely. First unveiled at GDC 2014, what some saw as an unlikely genre to grace virtual reality actually turned out to be one of the more immersive and fun titles to appear on any VR system.

Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus, said of the announcement:

We always believed there was an opportunity for platformers in VR, but it wasn’t until playing Lucky’s Tale and working with the Playful team that we truly realized its potential to change how people view this genre of gaming forever. Lucky’s Tale delivers on everything you want in a next-generation VR game – it’s thrilling, full of adventure, and incredibly fun to play.

See Also: Lucky’s Tale Developer Playful Gets $25M Investment
See Also: Lucky’s Tale Developer Playful Gets $25M Investment

The planned contents of the consumer Oculus Rift headset is starting to look pretty substantial now with Lucky’s Tale, EVE:Valkyrie and of course an Xbox One wireless controller joining the headset and tracking camera. The question is: how much will all of this cost us? One we can’t answer yet, but it’s heartening to see Oculus aiming to give potential buyers as many reasons as possible to jump into VR on day one, and less reasons to complain in terms of content to enjoy.

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A nice footnote to the story is that one of Playful’s, Paul Bettner, was one of the original $5000 backers of the Oculus Rift Kickstarter campaign.

This story is breaking, we’ll update as we learn more.

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded RiftVR.com to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • Steve Randall

    Apparently they’re renaming it “Luckey’s Tail”…

  • lanthas

    “Delivers on everything you want in a next-generation VR game”
    What if I want textures? :D

    Nah, the more games with native VR support the better.

  • David Mulder

    Honestly, I seriously do wonder what the influence of this will be on the price. A low price is absolutely crucial and stuff like the Xbox controller and multiple bundled games does make me worried a tiny bit.

    • user

      the influence will be nothing if they use the investment money.


      I think compelling/quality content is even more crucial than price. Curious: we know the CV1 will be apporox $400, so at what price point do you think it will be too much? $450? $500?

      • David Mulder

        Well, all current signs indicate a $500 price point… which I think is definitely too high for the majority of consumers. Something along $399 would seem a good marketable maximum from the reactions I have seen.

    • sntxrrr

      I don’t think price is crucial in the way you portray it.
      I think VR will only break through to a larger audience once the HMD gets below $100-$150. That won’t happen for a couple of years so they need to get as many early adapters (who are okay with a bigger investment) on board as possible. Including such diverse game genres with the Rift helps that effort so I think it’s a good move by Oculus.

      Having said that, I think a price above $500 would be a bad move.

      • care package

        Morpheus will be what non-early adopters pick up early on, just because it’s Sony and plugs into a console with a base now of over 20 million. It will be as standard as the console the day it’s released.


    I suppose price is always an issue, and will remain so until Oculus moves their 1st million units. Stacking the CV1 with VR content that sets the standard, makes good sense. Just sold my current gaming PC, in anticipation of the pre-sales announcement. Brand new “Rift” box, will be my 1st purchase upon delivery of the CV1.

  • care package

    Play Mythos Of The World Axis if you want to experience what a platformer is like in VR. It’s not even the same thing anymore. It’s like you are moving a real tiny man around a real tiny dungeon.