Following a Bloomberg report which claimed Sony had cut its production forecast for PSVR 2, the company flatly refuted the claim.

Update (January 31st, 2023 – 12:51PM PT): Sony refuted a Bloomberg report earlier today that claimed the company had cut its production forecast for PSVR 2 in lieu of lower than expected pre-orders. Speaking to, the company said it has “not cut PlayStation VR2 production numbers,” and further claimed it is “seeing enthusiasm from PlayStation fans for the upcoming launch, which includes more than 30 titles such as Gran Turismo 7, Horizon Call of the Mountain, and Resident Evil Village.”

The original article, detailing the Bloomberg report, continues below.

Original Article (January 31st, 2023 – 5:31AM PT): Slated to launch on February 22nd, Sony was expected to produce an initial run of two million PSVR 2 headsets, however a recent Bloomberg report maintains the company has reduced those forecasts to just one million in the first quarter.

Citing people familiar with deliberations, Sony reportedly told a supply partner to expect reduced display panel orders, allegedly stating that it only expects to sell 1.5 million units between April 2023 and March 2024.

Only Aiming to Meet PSVR (2016) Unit Sales?

To put it into perspective, the original PSVR for PS4 sold two million units after about 14 months on store shelves. At the time of PSVR’s launch in October 2016, over 70 million PS4s were in the wild, making for a pretty large potential install base.

Out of the gate, PS5 unit sales were largely held back by the global manufacturing cooldown starting in 2020, so many of those console sales are probably fairly recent. At CES 2023 earlier this month, Sony said it has sold 30 million PS5 consoles to date, noting at the time that December 2022 was the biggest month ever for PS5 console sales.

Here’s a chart of PSVR unit sales spanning launch up to 2020, showing an early bump to one million sales, and a slower protracted growth period to five million units over the course of three years.

Data courtesy Sony

Although less than half as many PS5 consoles are in the wild in comparison to PS4, the VR landscape has changed a great deal over the years. Market leader Meta hasn’t released Quest 2 sales figures, however analysts suggest Meta has shipped somewhere between 10 and 15 million Quest 2 units since launch in late 2020, meaning potential interest in VR is at an all-time high.

Shiftall Reveals Quest 'Expansion' Controller, New SteamVR Controllers

Provided the reports are true, Sony is only hoping to essentially match its original sales figures of PSVR over the next 14 months, which may signal it has markedly lower expectations for its next-gen VR headset overall. But why? In the end, it probably comes down to the all-in price of PSVR 2 and the lack of strong anchor titles to convert PS5 owners.

Photo by Road to VR

At its cheapest, PS5 costs $400 (no disc drive), while PSVR 2 (and included controllers) costs $550, putting the all-in price of just the hardware at just around $1,000. This is undoubtedly a barrier to entry for newcomers, especially since the company’s best PS5 sales period was just a month ago. Brand new PS5 owners may not be able to rationalize another large gaming expense, especially in face of a worsening economic recession.

Then there are launch titles, many of which are remastered versions of extant Quest and PC VR games. Of the 30+ PSVR 2 launch day games announced by Sony, there are really only a handful of standout anchor titles: Horizon Call of the Mountain, Gran Turismo 7, and Resident Evil Village—the last two are flatscreen games getting VR compatibly support at PSVR 2’s February 22nd launch.

'Ember Souls' Brings 'Prince of Persia' Style Hack-and-Slash Action to Quest Next Week

Notably missing is the slew of innovative first-party, ground-up VR games like Astro Bot Rescue Mission and Blood & Truth, as well as taster packs like PSVR Worlds. The lack of heavy investment in exclusive content out of the gate may signal Sony is again forecasting long term growth similar to the original PSVR, casting it more as an optional accessory than a must-have expansion of its console gaming experience.

Granted, Sony has to think more in the long-term for its VR headsets than, say, standalone manufacturers like Meta, HTC, and Pico Interactive. Sony likely doesn’t expect to ship a prospective PlayStation 6 until 2028, recent reports contend, which means this is possibly the only PlayStation-compatible VR headset we’ll see for quite some time.

For now, at least, PSVR 2 represents class-leading hardware, but it will only be able to attract and retain users in the long-term with an increased focus on exclusive content, better bundling strategies, and a PS5 install base that will hopefully continue its path towards strong growth like we’ve seen in the recent months.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • gothicvillas

    Still hyped for it but i agree lack of 1st party titles is a bit worrying. Hope Sony soon shows off whats on cards. I’ll take TLOU mp in vr :)

    • ApocalypseShadow

      How many is Sony supposed to make for launch? They have GT7, Horizon and Fantavision.

      1st party is never going to have a lot. Even Nintendo doesn’t.

      But the article from Bloomberg was a lie anyway.

      • gothicvillas

        yes i know it was a lie. Terrible journalism from the current MSM. And I agree, I dont expect having loads of games at launch but I would appreciate a hint of whats coming, what to look forward. That would help.

        • ApocalypseShadow

          We all would. But no business is going to lay all their cards out on the table immediately. They have to play the game right.

          That means holding some cards closer to the chest until they are ready to be played. It’s the same with flat gaming. Sony’s didn’t launch showing every game they are making for PS5. They showed us over time. At launch, they didn’t announce Wolverine or Spider-Man 2 or the LofU Remake or whatever. They were announced later.

          It’s the same as why Facebook hasn’t said anything about GTA or Assassin’s Creed or anything new from their in-house developers. We know they are making something. It just takes time to find out.

          Patience is a game in of itself.

  • ViRGiN

    Perhaps re-releasing majority of Quest and PCVR ports was not the best strategy?
    Yeah, Pavlov VR, a 6 year old “early access” stuck completly in 2017 mechanics will be a game changer… Pavlov trailer had about 10x as many views on YouTube compared to other VR announcements.

    But I’m sure we will see laughable ideas like “maybe they should support PCVR out of the box then the sales would be much better!”. Yeah, NOW Sony will port all their awesome games to make few pennies through PCVR market.

    • STL

      Pavlov is my ONLY hope, but just a small one. Anmd as you write much too old. Iron Sky – gone. Eagle flight – gone. Skyrim – gone. Maybe a Farpoint 2. Maybe. No the right games, not the right sales!

  • LazyFox

    I want it to succeed and all, but i’m invested in the PC VR and Quest ecosystems… I’ll probably get a PSV2 eventually to try the exclusives, but that’ll be towards the end of its lifecycle.

    There are others in my boat, but the issue is that VR is no longer a novelty. Many more people wanted to try VR once than are fully invested in keeping up with the product lifecycle. Also, PSVR1 was one of the most limiting popular headsets in terms of functionality, so those who only tried PSVR1 may have an unfair perspective of what VR can do.

    • ViRGiN

      See, it was never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. It’s a world wide phenomenon that such a large percentage of population universally agreed to keep all their digital purchases in one ecosystem. I too have a bunch of steam games – but i always bought them with the consideration that i will play them right here right now – the “fun fact” that “you can” play these games 10 years later it’s absolutely irrelevant. VR has next to nothing that will be considered “retro vr” that has real value. This isn’t legend of Zelda or super Mario world.

      • Arno van Wingerde

        Ha! Just wait till they release VR Pong and you see a huge white pixel coming your way!

      • I disagree.
        “Superhot” immediately springs to mind.

        • ViRGiN

          When i wanny to remind myself how terribly awful and extremely simple vr games were, I’ll just YouTube it and watch 3 minute gameplay. In 10 years I’ll be too busy playing GTA6 vr without using praydog mod

  • Andrey

    I was really thinking that an article like this will appear in a year or so. But Sony exceeded my expectations even there! Though, in a bad way, of course…
    I was going to wait for ~one year, probably until E3 2024 and it’s announcments, to finally say it, but this article is making me saying it right now.
    As for now PSVR2 is a total flop. And it is likely to continue in the future, until PSVR3 if it ever will be released. Why?
    1. Jim Ryan doesn’t believe in VR. A couple of years ago, right before PSVR2 was officially presented, he said something like “VR is great and all, but it’s not time for it”. And after that he was announcing and presenting PSVR2 and that was hilarious. The point is that Sony doesn’t strongly believe in VR as a whole. Sony is much better than Microsoft in that aspect of course, but it’s still not even close to Meta (well, Meta is bad too because it is trying to lead everything into metaverses and forgot about gaming, but that’s another problem).
    2. To add to the previous point – there are no games. AAA games. Real AAA
    games I mean. There were rumors about CoD VR, about Rockstar’s cancellation of GTA’s VR mods. But there are just no real exclusive VR games from them. Not on the launch, not in the perspective in the coming year or two.
    Here is my situation, just for an example: I do not own PS5, but ready to buy it as well as PSVR2 if there are at least 10 AAA or A/B rank games that I am interested in.
    There is Horizon. It’s not my ideal VR game (because Horizon should be an open-world game imo, just like full-blown main games), but fine, let’s count it. Gran Turismo 7? Well, okay, but it is just a port. I like racing in VR, so why should I play GT7 instead of Assetto Corsa, Project CARS, DiRT, etc.? For microtransactions? RE8 is the same – it’s just a port and there is a mod to play it in VR on PC (not to mention that I prefer RE series with 3rd person view and never played 7th and 8th games because of that). Firewall Ultra? It’s not even close to AAA level. I love fps very much, but I can’t say that I want to play this game at all. The Dark Pictures Switchback? I don’t like pure horrors with obvious screemers, so count me out.
    Aaaaaand… That’s all. All other games are either indie games or ports of the older games from PC – or both. There is nothing to wait for, literally. Last of Us VR? God of War VR? Marvel’s Spider Man VR? Something like Killzone or Resistance for VR? Uncharted VR? Maybe Little Big Planet for VR at the very least? Nothing. There is even no Skyrim/Fallout VR ports announced (because Bethesda is under Microsoft right now I guess?). Even a little teasers/trailers for any of mentioned games could make me believe in Sony and PSVR2 and even pre-order it.
    So, okay, maybe they will announce a lot of games on the next PSVR2 State of Play? Or on their conference in June? Maybe. But I highly doubt it, especially after this article. And, let’s imagine they have many other big cool games in production to announce – why the hell they are waiting and, as a result, already got “lackluster pre-orders” and thinkig about producing less headsets too? Isn’t that awkward?
    I will repeat it again – Sony doesn’t really believe in VR. It’s just trying to do something while Microsoft is not doing anything VR-related on Xbox. But they are totally not sure about anything and they don’t want to spend much money on VR games or make publishers create VR games or optional VR modes for non-VR games (except for maybe Capcom with their RE series, but it’s purely because horrors are working great in VR). But that’s the main problem – without investments there won’t be growth.
    Noone around people intersted in VR I know is going to buy PSVR2 as for now. On the most non-VR gaming-related sites under the news related to PSVR2 and it’s games I read the same comments like “It’s too expensive and there are no good games to even think about buying it” and so on. And people – general audience, not VR enthusiasts – are right. There is no reason to spend 1k+$ on PS5 and PSVR2 if you already have PCVR or standalone VR of any kind. And even if you don’t have it, it’s easier to buy Meta’s headset just because there are Assassins Creed VR and GTA SA VR coming in the future – as well as some other exclusives that will be announced both on Meta Gaming Showcase in April and Meta Connect in October for Quest 3 releae – and all the multiplatform VR games will be also playable either through Link or even as standalone apps.
    I want to be wrong. I really was waiting for PSVR2 before the announcment. It is a great headset both by technical specifications and looks. But there are no games to play on it except for the Horizon and no games to wait as well, at least for now. And I am afraid that it will remain the same in the future – Sony won’t push VR to it’s “golden age” because it just doesn’t want to do that, it’s too afraid of a failure and potential financial losses. Imo, we can only expect one or two (if we are really lucky) not full-blown (like Horizon is not open-world) AAA VR games per year from them at max.
    And that’s really sad.

  • Hardly surprising ….

  • Till Eulenspiegel

    Sony released their exclusives like Uncharted 4, Sackboy, Spiderman, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, The Last of Us, etc on PC, they even made the PS5 Dualsense controller compatible with PC, Mac and iOS devices.

    They had to do this to recuperate losses due to PS5 shortages. However, in the long term, it lowered the sales of the PS5.

    70 million PS4 sold at the time PSVR was launched.
    30 million PS5 sold at the time PSVR2 launched.

    They should be glad to get the same sales figure as OG PSVR according to this ratio.

    • Peter vasseur

      You clearly have no clue what you’re talking about.

  • eadVrim

    Teens and lazy people don’t like VR.

  • Jamesjr

    Is it strange that PSVR2 cut its sales projections in half, the HTC Vive XR elite will probably only sell a few hundred thousand headsets but I am still worried I will not be able to get a Quest 3 when it releases because it will sell out past Christmas?

    • Bob

      Not sure what planet you’re from but the HTC Vive XR elite will not sell in the “hundreds of thousands”.

      I can guarantee you this.

  • BG

    This article hit the nail on the head for me. I bought a PS5 last year specifically because I knew PSVR2 was coming (HYPED). I thought I would jump on my pre-order link when it came, but now I’m padding the brakes. Too expensive and none of these launch titles have me excited. Still optimistic, but nothing compelling me to shell out $600 at present.

    • STL

      Couldn’t agree more on every word you wrote.

  • Christian Schildwaechter

    We will have to wait for actual teardowns of the PSVR 2 to determine how much it costs to build. But given that almost all of its advantages are due to the power of the PS5, the specs of the HMD itself not being a huge leap over what we already have and the extra hardware for eye tracking and haptics not really being expensive, I still doubt that it more expensive to produce than a Quest 2 that also needs a lot of flash memory, RAM, battery and a powerful SoC.

    So Sony pricing it at USD 549, when the base PS5 is available at USD 499/USD 399 digital only, shouldn’t be due to including anything particularly fancy and more due to them expecting that people will buy it anyway. They may have come to that conclusion when they saw the prices people were willing to pay to scalpers when there simply weren’t any PS5 available anywhere, but there is a difference between being willing to pay a lot for a device because it is objectively rare, and being willing for something that is overpriced to begin with. Nvidia RTX 4000 prices seem to follow the same sales logic with the same customer response.

    Sony having to lower the forecasts due to lackluster preorders doesn’t have much to do with the early (p)reviews we have seen so far, as these were positive across the bank. It could of course be due to still too few people caring about VR, but given how enthusiastic a lot of people were for the PSVR 2, and how disappointed many were about the price, this is more like something Sony themselves screwed up by basically being too greedy. With dire consequences for all of VR, as low sales projections will make game developers more hesitant to invest into PSVR 2 projects, which also means less possible ports to PCVR. Of course Sony could still lower the price or offer attractive packages for the holiday season, but all in all I’d say they messed it up by making stupid decisions based on wrong conclusions from consumer behavior during supply shortages.

    • Peter vasseur

      Of course this is assuming your correct. What hmd has eye tracking for $550? Which ones have haptic built in? Also which ones actually have oled screens? All the hmds that have all of these features are $1500 plus, not to mention a 2-3k comp to run it. People poopooing in price are cheap asses. Stick with the junk mobile quest 2 of you want cheap. Better yet just rock the old phone vr systems those are cheap.

      $550 is cheap for what you’re getting, put valve or htc on this and it instantly is over $1000. Valves hmd is $1000 and the only thing really better is fov. One can argue sound and knuckles, but you’re paying extra $450 For that.

      Just bizzare how it’s ok if it’s on Pc at that price but a console oh hell no. When pc people Rush out to spend $500-1500 on a graphics card, then turn around and complain about a hmd at $550. They all lose any credibility they had, like the Bloomberg writer.

    • Arno van Wingerde

      Unlike Meta, Sony does not throw money out in order to build market share. I would be happy if they focus on producing good games for it, rather than using that money to subsidize their VR glasses. Because just about everybody here agrees that the lack of games is the largest threat to VR. If i see that the performance is as superior to the Quest 2 as you would expect from the PS5 vs Quest2 hardware and if there enough good games, PS5 might conquer the VR market.

      • Christian Schildwaechter

        But just about everybody here also agrees that the lack of games is due to the small market size, as AAA developers shy away from making any huge investment if they cannot expect to make their money back. So if you are asking for developers to still create great games despite the lack of customers, you are also asking for subsidizing VR, only that you expect software to be sold at a loss instead of hardware.

  • Klingon

    It still has a WIRE! REALLY!

    • Peter vasseur

      Better than ps1 level graphics with 2 hour battery life.

      • shadow9d9

        No, it isn’t. 1. The battery strap gives it 4 hours. 2. Quest 3 comes out this year, which will change things yet again. No wire is a game changer. Wireless freedom of movement in a massive area, with no breakable objects vs a wired attachment to a console in a room with a breakable tv, and forced use of headphones.

        • Peter vasseur

          Really? While I will concede wireless is a nice feature. That’s about all the quest has going for it. My psvr1 has better graphics then the quest 2. Has a better fov and that was dated the day it came out. Doesn’t say much for the quest hardware. When you want to play something with better quality you need to plug it in to a computer. Which makes it just like any other wired hmd. Except it has the smallest fov and lowest resolution, or the major pc hmds.

          I’m not even going to bring up psvr2 because that headset is so far advanced over quest2 . It’s like trying to compare a jv team with a pro team. Quest 3 may be better than two but it’s not going to be better than psvr2 or a higher end pcvr hmd. Plus it’s going to cost like $500,600,7,8 or something to that effect when they discussed price for it. I’ll take my wire with my Ps5 level graphics over your wireless with ps2 level graphics.

  • Dragon Marble

    Sony denies this. This article needs to be updated.

    • vancleefmustache

      Yep. Sony is claiming this is not true. The author of the Bloomberg article also has a shoddy reputation for reporting on false information. Buckle up everyone. It’s going to be a bumpy ride of disinformation the next month or so.

      • Octogod

        Do you really think Sony would respond to this by agreeing?

        “Oh yeah, fam – this shit sucks. $550 for some sequels? We may or may not have been high as a kite while pricing this thing.”

        They are publicly traded and needed to respond, but they aren’t obligated to tell the truth on manufacturing numbers.

        • vancleefmustache

          Who’s to say? But they are responding with a denial. I would say the main issue with this story is the fact that the Bloomberg author has written false articles like this before citing the exact same source from the same person who provided false information on the previous article.

      • Dragon Marble

        OK, now I’ve seen the actual quote, it starts to read like a nondenial denial.

        Bloomberg says Sony reduced “projections”.

        Sony says we did not cut “production”.

        Both could be true. This is not a strong denial and it does not bode well for VR.

        • MeowMix

          Yup, SONY issued an ambiguous and soft denial. The door is still open and doesn’t fully refute the Bloomberg piece.

          • ZeePee

            Lmao not ambiguous at all. A pretty straight denial of cutting production in response to lower than expected pre orders.

            They’re not going to say what number of pre orders they have, but they’re saying they certainly are not cutting production as bloomberg falsely claimed, and that’s all you need to know. That says enough.

        • ZeePee


          Bloomberg said Sony was cutting production in response to lower than projected pre orders.

          Sony denied this by saying they are not cutting production.

          I don’t expect them to announce their pre orders either way, that’s not a policy of theirs.

          But they’ve made it clear that production numbers are not being cut, so that’s all you need to know.

          Some people are just looking for excuses to believe its not going well.

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            Bloomberg said pre-orders were low, meaning production will be lowered after the launch, once demand for pre-orders and initial shipments to stores has been met.

            Sony said production hasn’t been lowered yet, but it still may be after the launch, once demand for pre-orders and initial shipments to stores has been met.

            So: Bloomberg talks about the future, Sony answers by talking about the present until now. Different things. Sony doesn’t produce the PSVR 2 in time once they have been ordered, they want some pre-built stock and may have anticipated not being able to ship all pre-orders in time, so there is no 1:1 correlation between (pre-)orders, current production and future production.

            Sony avoided commenting on either the number of preorders or their future production plans, so they basically ignored the Bloomberg claims. All they said was that they are still producing PSVR 2 in anticipation of the launch at the same rate, which may of course change in the future.

          • sfmike

            Haters gotta hate and so many tech reporters depend on “VR is Dead” articles to make their monthly quota of topics to submit for publication. It worked for 3D TV and now they have switched to VR as their favorite target.

    • Jonathan Winters III

      Or deleted.

    • Kenny Thompson

      This is the move for Sony, true on not. You don’t want a DOA rumor running a muck, killing what little demand there is. My money is on it’s to expensive (PS5 + VR) when you have Quest 2 out there for standalone and PC.

      • Peter vasseur

        Stand-alone is last gen junk, and pc is far more expensive. Sony vr set up is cheap and as good as pcvr, and light years ahead of junk mobile vr.

        • JakeDunnegan

          Now you sound like a Sony fanboi.

          If “last gen is junk” then tell that to Steam’s VR service where Quest 2 is running 42% of VR games on Steam.

          • Peter vasseur

            Yeah because it’s cheap, not because of quality. If money wasn’t an issue why wouldn’t everyone want a varejo or however is spelled. Speaking the truth about the tech isn’t being a fan boy. A fanboy is when no matter what, you’re not objective enough to admit there are things that are better in other hmd. Index has a wider fov which is nice. Quest has wireless which if it didn’t limit the power would be the great. But none of them have the overall level of Quality that psvr2 has at this price point. Nothing fanboy ish about it, just the truth.

          • JakeDunnegan

            Calling a two year old set like Quest 2 “junk” doesn’t sound like an unbiased review. I’ve had the Rift, Rift 2, Quest 2, & SonyVR, and though a word like “junk” is subjective, to try to lump them all together like they were literally like the mobile VR (which, I had that too, on my Samsung Note 8) – yeah, it comes off like you’re a huge fan of Sony’s product and incapable of judging the others fairly.

            Nothing wrong with that, but don’t pretend it’s from objectivity.

            The PSVR2 can be great, yet, it doesn’t make everything that came before it “junk”.

          • Peter vasseur

            Actually it does make everything else junk, that’s kinda how tech works. That doesn’t mean they are worthless and still not fun to use. No different then people complaining about backwards compatibility. I don’t buy new tech to play the old stuff from a more limited generation. As soon as there is something with better tech the old tech becomes obsolete thus its more or less junk. Of course ones man’s trash is another treasure. We’re talking next gen tech not nostalgia.

            Quest only advantage is wireless but is the weakest power wise, and once you plug it in, why bother with inferior fov and resolution. Pcvr is far more formidable and with enough money the best level.

            At this present time nothing will match the quality and the price of a psvr2/Ps5 system. Pcvr is not $2000.00 better than what psvr2has to offer. It wasn’t in 2016 and it isn’t now. As for price against quest 2 $500 for that or $1000 for psvr2. The extra $500 is more worth the price for the quality difference than the difference between pcvr $3000.00 min vs $1000.00

            Ultimately it comes down to software, and there’s always better tech on the way, as of now psvr2 overall package is tops for the price.

          • JakeDunnegan

            Oh good lord. After your first line, I couldn’t even read the rest of your post.

            Good day, sir. I said GOOD DAY.

          • Peter vasseur

            Need a safe space from the violent words?

          • JakeDunnegan

            Not particularly. Were your words violent?

            Just going on your first line in your previous post, you are saying essentially, that any time a new model of something comes out, then everything else is “junk.”

            As an IT professional for the last 20 years or so, I can assure you, that’s not “how tech works.” Not even by the people who design it.

            Take a company like AMD – their motherboards are built to hold multiple generations of CPUs. Ergo, despite new models of Mobos coming out, the old ones are not “junk” as they are perfectly capable working with the most recent CPUs.

            Or video cards – despite new ones coming out, you’d have to be insane to jump from a 3090TI straight into a 4xxxx model, as there are so few games capable of taking advantage of the tech. But, some people, I guess, will feel like the 3090ti is “junk” and will have to go get the latest thing.

            So, you do you.

            And my comment about “Good day” – is basically a joke. Not sure if you saw the recent Will Ferrell Christmas movie, but it’s from that.

            Cheers. ;)

          • Peter vasseur

            Junk as far as cutting edge goes. I’m glad that you’re not a snowflake. Motherboards are designed to work with a few generations of pcs but new boards come out that offer better stats, while the old board still works it’s on its way out.

            A motherboard with gen 3 pci is junk compared to one with gen 4. It may still work but not as good as the board that has gen 4. I don’t see people wanting to buy a gen three when they are building a new computer. Granted gen three will eventually get designed out all together like disc drives and floppy discs.

            I can play the same games on my Ps4 and 5 but they run far better on the Ps5 so why would I bother with the Ps4 anymore, slower and clunkier. At that point it’s sits in a box or closet and never get used. Which of course still works and may even still hold some value. Tech wise it’s old hat and junk soon to be recycled or in the dust bin of history.

          • Arno van Wingerde

            I think this post is would you should have posted above. Basically there 3 levels. But in contrast to what you claim, each 3 have their markets.
            Quest 2, Pico 4 are : wireless , cheap, have a lot of app but are hardware-limited.
            Got more money to spend for better graphics? Get PSVR2. Mind that although your experience will be great now, it will look limited in 2028 – with no upgrade options even if you have the money. Also, there may be less games for than for the Quest, even if those can be higher quality games. For the most expensive but best – and moreover continuously up-gradable: get PCVR.

          • Peter vasseur

            The psvr2 may look limited. It’s possible, but I don’t think so, the only thing that will cause that is a super pcvr hmd. Which isn’t going to happen due to cost. While I can’t speak to the content of pcvr, from all the people complaining pcvr is dead and get crap. What dethrones psvr2 level quality? It will take a massive upgrade in power and wireless and form factor, with a great price, thats most likely not happening in 5 years. That statement was more true when vr came out in 2016. I think the playing field has been level quite a bit with psvr2 and pcvr, quest is a super distant 3rd.

            While pc is upgradable it still refugees investment far more than a console vr. At the end of the day if you can spend 5-10k your always going to have the best vr on a pc. But you will never touch the price of psvr2 system on pcvr and get the same level of quality for several more years.

            I still stand by my Junk comment for all those who can’t handle it.

        • shadow9d9

          Junk “mobile” Nintendo Switch is now the 3rd best selling console of all time. You are sorely out of touch.

          • Peter vasseur

            Not if it cost $500.00 and it’s two generation old tech. We’re talking cutting edge and switch is nowhere near that. Ps2, wii, why aren’t those still being used? They were the best selling consoles. If numbers sold is why it’s not dated tech then people should still be using those and not even be concerned with vr.

  • JakeDunnegan

    Not surprised. I was interested in ordering it until I saw that price tag and went, “Whoah, Nellie!” Oh, and inflation is through the roof. So, while we are no longer technically in a recession, it’s now starting to FEEL a lot more like a recession.

    And the PSVR2 is about twice what I was looking to spend.

    • Peter vasseur

      You will never get a new hmd that’s good for $300.00. Your expectations are flawed. You can always rock a quest 1 that was obsolete the day it came out.

      • JakeDunnegan

        As noted below, the PSVR2 is a peripheral. It’s still using a wire. And if my expectations are flawed, I imagine a lot of other people’s are as well. One wouldn’t expect to double the cost of their console to add VR to it.

  • Rudl Za Vedno

    Not surprised at all. Console gamers are more price sensitive that PC users. Add looming recession and hyper inflation into the mix and $600 price tag becomes a no go for lots of potential PSVR2 buyers.

    • Peter vasseur

      Yeah I’m strictly a console player and price isn’t a problem for me. Because I actually understand the tech and I’m not just a one genre player. Enjoy those tired flat screen games, I’ll be rocking my psvr2 with plenty of content At launch.

    • Arno van Wingerde

      As a rule, yeah, but since graphics cards went into absurd price territories, PSVR is a massively better proposition than PCVR now in terms of price quality, like Peter Vasseur says: about the same quality at a third of the price.
      So, for people like me with a Quest 2, but no game PC, a PSVR2 is a much more sensible upgrade right now than setting up a PCVR system.
      However, for PCVR there are loads of VR-modded AAA Games and stuff like Flight Simulator, which are not available for the Quest due to its humble hardware. The big question is whether they will make it to PSVR…

  • sfmike

    Sadly, I think the haters are beginning to take their toll on VR the way they did on 3DTV making it the “cool” thing to say VR is dead. Once public perception has been even minimally changed by the haters and sales plateau then the manufactures start to take note and further development and promotion of VR is shelved by the board of directors to increase corporate profits. Just look at what Microsoft did with their lackluster attempts in the VR market and now their pullout. These are perilous times for VR.

    • Dragon Marble

      Yep. And the VR community helped a lot by hating each other. Just see how we trashed AAA but flawed titles like MoH, and how we trashed high-end, boundary pushing hardware like the Quest Pro because Meta finally dared to make a profit, and how we punish indie developers for charging anything above $20. I am sure some are laughing at the “PSVR2 flop” right now.

      • Jonathan Winters III

        This!!!! The entitled generation.

      • NL_VR

        Yep many of those on these boards

    • STL

      Its about shiddy games, not about technology, not about haters. I love VR but I can’t play any good (Fortnite, Call of Duty, Wolfenstein, Battelfied-like) shooter on it. So why would I buy it?

      • sfmike

        Have you tried Population:One?

        • STL

          Is there Population:One on PSVR2?

      • Peter vasseur

        If you are only interested in one style of game that’s your issue not vr’s

    • Jonathan Winters III

      Yes and the haters have been at it for years. But if not for Zuck’s deep pockets and dedication to consumer VR, there would be NO market for AAA VR titles currently.

  • Christian Schildwaechter

    Counter update:

    – Bloomberg said that Sony reduced their projection for how many PSVR 2 they expect to sell due to disappointing pre-sales
    – Sony responded by saying that they haven’t reduced the production numbers.

    That is not a contradiction, and Sony didn’t address their projection of sales or the number of pre-orders at all.

    Sony’s order system seems to include a waiting list option that was implemented in case pre-orders surpass production capacity, but this doesn’t seem to have happened. So if Sony had expected a lot more pre-orders and not being able to deliver all of them on launch, they may now have reduced their projection for sales, but still have too keep production at the same level to fulfill the actual pre-orders and initial shipments to stores. In this case a reduction of production numbers would follow only later, after the launch.

    Sony seems to refute the report by Bloomberg, when in reality they commented on something different and avoided responding to the actual claim of lackluster pre-sales.

  • STL

    Again: there is not ONE game in the list preventing me from sending back my PSVR2 as soon as I have received it (preorder). Not one! Sony completely fails my expectations. People love to play Fortnite and shooters of such a kind. No game in this area! Ask EA to bring Battlefieldheros back to PSVR2 and you have millions of customers going to VR! Makes me want to go over to Japan and shake them till they understand! Gosh, I’m so angry with Sony!

    • Tommy

      Are you saying you want more shooters?
      Sony will have Alvo, Pavlov, Crossfire, Firewall, Compound, D-Day, Distortion, Zombieland…

    • Peter vasseur

      It’s not Sony’s problem that you’re a one genre game player. The problem is you not Sony and not the games.

  • Tommy

    I don’t care how many sell or don’t sell. I just want to play with my new toy :)

  • ApocalypseShadow

    As if Bloomberg would have this information on hand.

    Sony’s going to surprise gamers at launch. Then we can come back to this article later.

  • Rupert Jung

    Don’t understand why they didn’t manage to get HL: Alyx for launch (or ever). They could also make a deal with Meta for their PC titles (Stormland, Asgard’s Wrath, Lone Echo 1/2…)

    • Tommy

      They will probably get Stormland 2 as an exclusive now that Sony owns Insomniac

    • ApocalypseShadow

      Who says they haven’t already? No company is going to announce all their games at launch.

      • Peter vasseur

        Exactly so many people have no clue.

    • GrabtharzHammer

      Alyx is just a good game. It’s only hyped as much as it is because there really isn’t any other good VR games on PC. Horizon will be a longer, less linear, more engaging combat and exploration experience than Alyx by far. I’ve beaten Alyx twice and it’s just a linear game with very simple gunplay. Since the movement is so slow don’t even bother switching the cover your at in a gunfight, (not that you need to with stand still enemies) unless you teleport.

      Alyx is a good game. But not even having weapon holsters or any exploration whatsoever was a real let down. The story is where it shines, so replay ability is lacking. I only did it twice for the gnome achievement.

      It would be nice to have the option to play it for people who haven’t had the chance on psvr 2. But you’ll find that you had more fun in something like Horizon. Obvoiusly I haven’t played Horizon, but I’ve seen enough to know it’s far more engaging and will be much more of an interactive experience and actual video game.

      • Jeroham Ortiz

        Counterpoint: The mods give Alyx fixes, upgrades and quite a lot of replayability. Unfortunately, PS5 will unlikely have mod capability.

        • GrabtharzHammer

          I’ve played the mods worth their salt. The gameplay never changes. And 99% of console games don’t need fixed. I’ll take it.

    • shadow9d9

      We don’t need rehashes…

  • Peter vasseur

    The all in price is not $1050.00 you can buy a digital Ps5 for $400. But at Tue end of the day it’s $1000 but for this level of quality that’s cheap. To match this on pc you’re at closer to 3 k.

  • Peter vasseur
