‘Resident Evil 4’ VR Mode Launches on PSVR 2 with Free Demo


The official VR mode for the Resident Evil 4 (2023) remake is now available on PSVR 2 as a free download to the base game. For those that don’t already own the game, Capcom has also released a free demo to give you a taste of the most immersive way to play this classic zombie horror shooter.

Update (December 15th, 2023): While a VR version of Resident Evil 4 (2005) has been available on Quest since late 2021, a complete remake of the game with modern graphics was released earlier this year.

And this week Capcom released a free VR mode for the game on PSVR 2, offering the most immersive way to play. Not only are you ‘in’ the game thanks to the headset, the VR mode takes the player into first-person, compared to the non-VR mode which is played in third-person.

Alongside the release of the PSVR 2 mode for the Resident Evil 4 remake is a free demo that can be played even if you don’t already own the base game.

And while the Resident Evil 4 remake is also available on PC, it seems unlikely that we’ll ever see the VR mode on that platform. Capcom has released VR modes on PlayStation for Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil 8, and now the Resident Evil 4 remake, but never for the PC versions of those same games.

The original article, which covered the release date announcement for the VR mode, continues below.

Original Article (November 30th, 2023): In the new VR mode, you can tackle the game’s main story, which pits you against crazed villagers, huge creatures (some may say even Gigantic), and other epic boss battles. Yes, that means you’ll be able to upgrade and blast away with all of the weapons from the main story.

While the PSVR 2 mode will be free to players of the game, the studio also announced it’s putting out a free demo at launch, which lets you experience the start of the game as well as try out the shooting range so you can get a taste for how each weapon shoots in VR.

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What’s more, the game’s VR implementation was done by the same development team behind the full-length VR experiences of Resident Evil 7 biohazard and Resident Evil Village—two extremely well-done VR modes in their own right.

And just to avoid confusion: the VR mode coming exclusively to PSVR 2 on December 8th however isn’t the same as the Quest-exclusive refresh of Resident Evil 4 (2021), which was remastered from the 2005 original by Armature Studio using new textures and including its own self-developed, VR-native controls.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Dragon Marble

    This is too much. 2023: best year eVeR.

  • ApocalypseShadow

    Another win for VR hybrid gaming. Another win for PS VR 2. And yes. With a wire. Sony keeps getting them AAA and high end VR games. And 2024 is going to bring more.

    • silvaring

      Fuck Sony, exclusivity in VR right now is a cancer, not a cure.

      • ApocalypseShadow

        F Facebook. Exclusivity on the Quest store is a cancer. F Valve. Exclusivity on Steam is a cancer. See how ridiculous that sounds that after all these years, companies aren’t allowed to support their own products with exclusives.

        You guys sound so silly with that nonsense. Netflix should put their content on Disney. Paramount should put their content on Prime video. Etc etc. Ridiculous.

        Nintendo can’t have content to promote their platform. Sony can’t have theirs. You guys had no problem with RE4 VR only on Quest. Never said a thing about PSVR getting it. Or PC. Or any exclusive game. Now that Sony is getting a way better version, besides making or getting exclusives for themselves, now you got a problem.

        Go email Capcom. Don’t get mad at Sony because Capcom is putting it on Sony’s headset. Cope a little more. GT7 don’t need to be on Quest or PC. What’s the point in trying to sell a product or the headset if your games are elsewhere? See Microsoft’s console sales as an example. Putting games everywhere kills hardware sales.

        Do entitled guys like you know how business works? Or you just feel entitled to it all without buying the platform that the content is on? You think VR is niche. Sony’s headset is niche on PS5. They have the right to make their own product grow. Valve and Facebook got money. They need to start using it.

        • NL_VR

          But you are wrong. People were upset Re4 VR was Quest exclusive and also other games.
          You take the victim role as i have seen many in the PSVR community do which is the same stupid thing to do as beeing and ignorant fanboy on “input any platform”

        • Alan

          The hypocrisy in this response is insane. continue to suckle on sony a little bit more why don’t you. Just because other companies do it, does not mean that they are in the right, but you’re straight up supporting it, and apart of the problem. Instead of defending it, you should be supporting sony setting an example, and not continue to be apart of this stupid trend. Sony is by far the most guilty of this trend, and if you dont want to admit that, then you truly are a sheep.

          • ApocalypseShadow

            Continue to cry it’s not on another platform and you need to play the one with a wire. I really don’t care that Quest didn’t get it.

            Gamers say PS VR 2 has no games but when it gets then, guys like you complain. Cope. I really don’t care.

        • kobalt00

          loool why are you trying to justify gatekeeping vr games from others. this is the reason why vr is never going to go mainstream/ really grow in popularity. people dont all own, quests, pcs, and playstations, they have one or the other (mostly) . don’t get me wrong many companies are guilty of this. but backing up sonys decision is pathetic. this is a win right now for sony but in the long run it will result in sony giving up making vr games since theyll see its not profitable. vr is in a fragile state, not calling companies out for stuff like this will result in the death of VR. and like the other guy said sony is by far the worst offender of the bunch. Your answer shouldn’t be mocking the guy for being upset that its exclusive. like seriously grow up. you can be apart of a gaming community, (xbox, ps, or pc, or even quest ) and acknowledge that exclusivity is not a good thing. You just look like an ahole that looks down on those who arent apart of your favourite console community, or aren’t rich enough to own all of them. obviously people are going to be upset if they can’t play an exclusive game. people aren’t going to go out and purchase every platform. but don’t defend the actions, you just come off as an obsessed fanboy

          • ViRGiN

            shut your mouth, even if it launched in microsoft store, you would be whining like a baby that it’s not sold on steam. for you steam is the only store.

          • LOL

            Ignorant troll alert.
            Do not feed it…

          • ApocalypseShadow

            Capcom made the deal. The game will be the best it will be by concentrating on less hardware and focus on PS5 gameplay, visuals and haptics.

            Not every game is going to come to every platform. Sometimes, developers choose a platform based on support, ease of development, being paid for development or having marketing done for them.

            I can’t gate keep a game as a gamer. That’s just an ignorant statement. What I can do is support Capcom for releasing it on PS VR 2 and not downgrading it for stand alone.

            Have you emailed Valve to push them to make HL Alyx on Quest and PS VR 2? Okay then. Shut up.

          • david vincent

            “this is the reason why vr is never going to go mainstream/ really grow in popularity”
            The main reason is friction. Most people do not want to wear tech things on their face.

        • silvaring


      • ViRGiN

        fuck steam

        • LOL

          Ignorant troll alert.
          Do not feed it..

    • Sean Lumly

      Yes! And I’m so glad for it. Here’s hoping to see more AAA (and indie) hybrid games in the near future!

    • Bartholomew

      AAA VR games not available on PSVR2:

      – Half-Life: Alyx
      – Skyrim VR
      – Fallout 4 VR
      – Microsoft Flight Simulator VR
      – Dirt Rally 2.0 VR
      – Lone Echo
      – Lone Echo 2
      – Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond
      – Stormland
      – F1 2023 VR
      – Star Wars: Squadrons
      – Asgard’s Wrath
      – Asgard’s Wrath 2
      – Assassin’s Creed Nexus
      – EA Sports WRC VR

    • Sonyboy

      Lol…Quest 3 blows psvr 2 away….it beats it in every single area even has better games. psvr will never have anything like Asgards Wrath 2….Quest also just got Lego game not coming to psvr…sorry but anyone getting a VR needs to know the truth what they are getting before they buy….if they fully understood most would take Quest 3 hands down…better everything.

      • ViRGiN

        but psvr2 has 0,00053265 teraflops more power! you can’t argue with facts! sieg fail steamvr!!1

        psvr2 makes zero sense as a headset, as it was outdated on release day. that’s not an opinion, that’s a fact. yet the pcvr elitists are dying to get it connected to pc to play steamvr games exclusively. obviously, this will never pan out, no matter how much progress a developer of a failed app will post. it’s just not happening.

        • LOL

          Ignorant troll alert.
          Do not feed it….

          • Anonymous

            Real ignorant troll alert!

            He maybe extreme but still way better than the likes of you who cannot formulate an argument.

        • Sonyboy

          You are 100% correct….I have both but my friend only has psvr and is upgrading to Quest 3 after using mine. I’m a Sony fan but they dropped the ball with psvr

          • Arno van Wingerde

            Seriously? Yes: cable, separate sound, horrible sweet spot. But also OLED, way…better graphics and excellent haptic experience and of course fewer but superior games. I do enjoy my Quest3, but I am seriously thinking about getting a PS5+PSVR2 so I can get decent graphics and games for a change…

          • ViRGiN

            Do it, but don’t pretend like PSVR2 is a good headset lol! Samsung Odyssey had OLED panels years ago, just like CV1 did. Now you can go ahead and masturbate about pixel pattern and stuff, but in the end, PSVR2 is still a shitty headset overall.

      • Runesr2

        Nothing on the Quests holds a candle to RE4 Remake VR, which is some of the very best VR content ever made.

        You have to be significantly cognitively challenged if you think Quest 3 is even close to the power of a PS5, lol.

        Quests using bottom-end phone gpus like Adreno 650 (Quest 2, 1.2 tflops) or 740 (Quest 3, 2.4 tflops according Meta, reduced to save battery). PS5 is about 5 times stronger than the Quest 3 phone gpu – and 10 times faster than the Quest 2.

        Having tried RE4 Remake VR surely that game is light-years ahead of any phoneVR garbage. And that includes Asgard’s Wrath 2 and Assassin’s Creed Nexus (running in 45 fps, lol).

        • Sonyboy

          Yeah its good game but As yards Wrath 2 is better sorry. The pros agree. Plus imagine all that power of PS5 for few games and rest same as Quest. I prefer playing on Quest 3…pancake makes psvr look like outdated crap. Can you watch Netflix on psvr ? Oh you cant…only thing psvr has is few games…Quest 3 has THE BEST GAME and lets you do tons more. Sorry but Quest 3 is clearly the better option.

          • ApocalypseShadow

            Who cares about that other stuff when it’s about playing games on your VR headset?

            Quest 3 does have good technical features. But no games that take advantage of the power. Not even Asgard’s Wrath 2 came out looking better. It’s the Quest 2 version. Lol. You got ripped. You got to wait for them to upgrade the game for a later date. That’s ridiculous. You also don’t have any mixed reality killer apps. Nothing to justify paying more than $500. The battery life is a joke. The headset won’t even charge properly with an external battery. Quest 3 isn’t perfect either.

            PS VR 2 destroys Quest 3 on graphics, haptics, and has more AAA games. Quest can barely fit any big games without using up the space. Don’t lie. Tell the truth.

            The reason you guys are complaining is because you didn’t get RE4 Remake VR. It’s possible it will come later just like RE4 came to iOS platforms. You just didn’t get it. You may not get it at all.

            But the reason you’re blabbing is because you think Quest should be able to play every game. “I can play stand alone. I can play on PC.”

            ***But you can’t play PS VR 2 games with Quest.***

            So, you bitch and complain and downplay PS VR 2 because you can’t play its games. You want it to fail because you think all these games are only going to come to Quest. You’re entitled gamers thinking you deserve every game. I’ve played many consoles over the years from Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, NEC, etc. If there were exclusives I wanted, I bought the platform. You guys don’t want to spend the money or don’t have the money and just complain. As I said, not every platform is getting every game. You either DEAL WITH IT or buy the platform.

            But I really don’t care that Quest didn’t get it at launch or maybe never. That’s for you to worry about.

          • Sonyboy

            Sorry your butthurt….AW2 is bigger better than anything psvr 2 has….sorry mate but you can do tons more with Quest 3 scene the games are better.

          • BajoSjok

            *Cough*No Man’s Sky…*cough*Gran Turismo 7…*cough* But in all honesty, PSVR 2 could use a fully-fledged RPG-style adventure game where you can sink hundreds of hours in. I keep my PSVR 1 connected too so i can dive back into Skyrim VR anytime i desire. It still dwarfs any attempt at something similar including your beloved AW 2. Just sayin.

          • vancleefmustache

            I can instantly think of a better game than Asgard’s Wrath II and it came out in 2019 and was named Asgard’s Wrath I. It probably didn’t help that the first scene they put you in is the tavern from the first game reuses the assets from the original game with a highly significant drop in the quality of graphics. “Wow, look, it’s all the Gods from the first one in spectral washed out poopy yellow color now that will only appear when I get close to them”

            I chuckled when I got to the first battle in AW2 Anyone else notice how similar this is to the battles in Horizon – Call of the Mountain with the giant arena battle where you move around in circles and just dodge the enemy shots. In honesty, I think Horizon did it better. I just love the fact that this was crapped on for this purpose and now they are using the exact set up and Asgards getting all of this praise as being next gen VR which is clearly not. I imagine a lot of that is due to the fact that pixels have a way of looking much better when you are getting paid by the company to do the review.

            Look, I think Meta being wireless and being able to wire into a PC is great. Anyone who is trying out VR for the first time will be blown away with games like Assassin’s Creed and AWII. It’s just that for us that have played on PSVR or PC, our minds have been blown by this quality a long time ago.

          • Sonyboy

            Wow….cool then blow your mind some more with gwaphics horizon climbers and a RE game with state of the art Fresnel repo blurs.

        • shadow9d9

          A 20 year old game with reprojection blur, not built for vr from the ground up, , on a short wire with fresnel lenses with absurd levels of mura and a tiny sweet spot. And I’d rather not play VR again than play yet another zombie game.

          • Zenji101

            Exactly correct – and why I sold my headset at a massive loss after pre-ordering – got caught up in the insane hype. So disappointing.

            Mind you, I do quite like zombie games ….

        • Sonyboy

          But its not light years ahead…sorry AW2 is better….go play 2-3 gwraphics games though and strut….Quest 3 blows psvr 2 away…sorry its sad but true.

      • vancleefmustache

        As someone who owns both PSVR2 and Quest 3, I can say your statement is inaccurate. Asgards Wrath 2 is fine but it is night and day when switching head sets and seeing the graphic fidelity. Resident Evil 4 on PSVR2 is two gaming generations ahead of both Asgard’s Wrath 2 as well as ACN.

        I think what Meta has released in the last month has been amazing for mobile VR gaming and will get a lot of non gamers into VR which is great but to say that the Quest 3 blows PSVR2 away is laughable. I mean, Epic Roller Coasters playing on PSVR2 looks better than Asgard’s Wrath 2 on Quest 3 just by the fact it’s running on much powerful hardware.

        Anyone who hasn’t really tried PSVR2 has no idea how much better everything looks. Even the Quest ports that are on PSVR2 pop out so much more beautifully than the low res washed out foggy look that I see on Quest 3. It’s pretty telling when one of the biggest complaint about PSVR2 is there are too many Quest ports on it. Well, if you are going with a Quest than all you will have is Quest ports.

        • Runesr2

          Fully agree, although I think your fine arguments are wasted on the young Quest kids in here who only have tried using a phone gpu for VR experiences.

          • ViRGiN

            You must be playing #1 pcvr game, five nights at Freddy’s 2

          • Sonyboy

            I like both headsets but if you only got one Quest 3 is by far the better choice…..sorry psvr 2 is 95% same as Quest games…WoW….and RE and horizon climber…there is nothing as big and deep as AW2 and probably never will be so go ahead keep playing 2-3 games with Gwaphics

        • Sonyboy

          Dude Epic Roller coasters looks better than AW2 on Quest also. LMAO….but just to be clear no one is saying psvr 2 doesn’t have few good looking games.

    • shadow9d9

      More and more rehashed ports of old games in the boring and overflowing zombie genre. Sony’s silence is deafening.

  • NL_VR

    Been playing this game. Really good game. glad i never played it flat.

  • gothicvillas

    Outstanding VR experience on psvr2!! Wow factor everywhere. Im stoked! Capcom takes the cake this year.

    • Runesr2

      Could not agree more. RE4 Remake VR is among the best VR content ever made.

      • ViRGiN

        Ignorant troll alert!!!

  • Runesr2

    Looking forward to the RE4 Remake VR Mode review on RoadToVR. If there’s no review, then this once great site, which now is heavily biased for bottom-end phoneVR, is truly dead and worthless. 2c.

    • ViRGiN

      Ignorant troll alert!!

  • Guldhammer_DK

    You guys who argue against each others platforms, or about exclusives, etc – can’t you just be happy that VR is being developed at all – and give a little bit of that feeling to new readers, instead of the opposite? You guys are hurting VR much more with that constant bad attitudes towards each others platforms in public forums…please stop it, and just enjoy the different platforms. :-)

    I have personally owned all Oclulus and Meta headsets, and a couple of PCVR ones, and mobile phone ones, etc. Now I just bought a Quest 3, and also a PS5, so I can try some of Sonys exclusives soon. I look forward to try them, even though there is a wire, or the lenses aren’t as good as metas….I dont give a damn – I just want great VR experiences….no matter which platform has them.

    I say bring on more VR!! :-)

    • ViRGiN

      You do realise the biggest “console warriors” are actually PC users who can’t fathom NOT publishing on Steam?
      Even if the game came out in every single store but Steam, they would hate this “exclusivity”. For them it’s not exclusive if it’s exclusively on Steam.

      • Guldhammer_DK

        Maybe you are right – but no matter who it is, it’s a bad habit to trash talk other VR platforms. It hurts the overall vr platform in general, because new users could be scared away, and regular users maybe stop visiting the news sites, or become negative by reading so much negativity. It’s a bad spiral, which VR doesn’t need or deserve.

        • ViRGiN

          It needs it far more than being senslessly optimistic for no real reason. If someone gets turned off by reading any of this – so be it. It’s stupid to be turned off by a bunch of anonymous posts.

          • Guldhammer_DK

            I will have to disagree with you here. I belive VR needs a bit of blind positivity in the news sites comment sections. The various doom mongers and platform warriors, should bring their discussions into some private places – like a specific Reddit or Disqus thread. A place where they could trashtalk as much as they wanted, without hurting newcomers or “I’m just happy for VR” people.

            Think about it guys. :-)

          • ViRGiN

            It had a lot of blind positivity for years prior. And your average customer with look on YouTube where the narrative is fully controlled. Websites like this one or Reddit are not for average customers. You’ve had so much positivity from all the shills and it turned into nothing

          • Guldhammer_DK

            Maybe so – but nevertheless a bit of politeness and good spirit goes a long way.

            Have a nice christmas :-) https://media2.giphy.com/media/ZYFmOJAafzvXy/giphy-downsized-small.mp4