Valve this week updated its monthly Steam Hardware & Software Survey to fix issues resulting in anomalous VR population data. The corrected figures return the survey to being one of the most useful pieces of public data about the trend of consumer PC VR usage.

If you’ve been following along closely you might have noticed we haven’t reported on the VR data in Valve’s Steam Hardware & Software Survey data in several months. While it has been a largely reliable indicator over the years, starting in May of 2022 the data began to swing wildly in ways that didn’t seem to comport with any trends in the real world.

After not hearing anything from Valve for several months on the issue, this week the company finally told us that it has now fixed “a few issues” with the data collection and reporting, and “expects to have more accurate results going forward.”

The company also provided us with corrected data for the months in question (May, June, July, & August); while we didn’t get the full set of corrected data (since the survey only shows the current month’s data), we got the most important data point for each month (the percent of all Steam users with connected headsets), allowing us to update our estimate of VR headsets in use on Steam.

Monthly-connected VR Headsets on Steam

Each month Valve collects info from Steam users to determine some baseline statistics about what kind of hardware and software is used by the platform’s population, and to see how things are changing over time, including the use of VR headsets.

The data shared in the survey represents the number of headsets connected to Steam over a given month, so we call the resulting figure ‘monthly-connected headsets’ for clarity; it’s the closest official figure there is to ‘monthly active VR users’ on Steam, with the caveat that it only tells us how many VR headsets were connected, not how many were actually used.

While Valve’s data is a useful way see which headsets are most popular on Steam, the trend of monthly-connected headsets is obfuscated because the data is given exclusively as percentages relative to Steam’s population—which itself is an unstated and constantly fluctuating figure.

To demystify the data Road to VR maintains a model, based on the historical survey data along with official data points directly from Valve and Steam, which aims to correct for Steam’s changing population and estimate the actual count—not the percent—of headsets being used on Steam.

The updated data shows that, on average, VR saw slight growth over the Summer with an estimated 3 million monthly-connected VR headsets on Steam in August.

While normally we’d have a further breakdown of specific changes in the share of indiviaul headsets and headset vendors on Steam, we haven’t (and don’t expect to) receive that corrected data at this point, so we’ll have to wait for next month for new figures.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Guest

    Wonder how many are virtual VR headsets (bots) in their numbers.

    • knuckles625

      If there’s a reason to do that, it’s not especially obvious to me. It’s not like Valve is a public company trying to inflate their stock price.

      What purpose would it serve to have a computer with steam installed plus a virtual headset?

      • ViRGiN

        the same purpose of even publishing BROKEN data for months, and not even replying for months to those who questioned it. valve DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK about vr, never have, never will. if the stats shown 300% of all steam users owned a headset, they would still publish it.

        actual in-vr-games numbers have been absolutetly shrinking, and heve NEVER EVER even reached to HALF of ALYX numbers from release date 901 days ago, where OVER 40k people ran alyx at once. never ever again steamvr have seen even half of it, despite vr becoming cheaper thanks to quest. never ever had it even 20k at once across ALL vr games, incl alyx. pcvr is a fucking joke.

        • Mosea Curnfa

          What’s your deal with Valve?

          • ViRGiN

            Deal? Complete disappointment by anything VR-related.
            Tons of lies over the years, including wireless being a solved problem in 2017, promising of cheaper lighthouses towards end of 2016; the status of steamvr; the mechanics of alyx being years behind even indie games; supplying devkits of their controllers for developers for years and not doing anything with them other than a handshake demo.

            There is literally not a single positive thing regarding valve involvment. None.

          • NL_VR

            He is a troll. He always talk shit about VR. He’s “disappointed and calling people names” I don’t think he even uses VR because lots he says make no sense at all if you like VR games.
            He is a result of “steam fanboys” raining these boards earlier.
            You know fanboyism.

            Data and leakers have shown Valve is developing a new VR headset.
            It seems it will be the Steam deck version of VR headset. You will be able to run pcvr and stand alone pcvr for what I have understand. As like Steam deck can run windows pc games.

          • ViRGiN

            oh wow. data and leakers. your boy sadleyitsbradley? lmao

            you’re clearly paid by valve steam propagandist. steam deck is a glorified, SUPERHOT (haha) 720p 30fps gaming device. have fun wearing a hotbrick on your face, playing x86/x64 binaries of essentially mobile games.

            Maybe check your sources regarding cheaper lighthouses and wireless addons – those were “leaked” years ago.

          • Paulie Poo

            You need to go outside and touch grass or get laid, jeez my dude chill the f out.

          • ViRGiN

            stop getting triggered you valve shill.

          • Paulie Poo

            He’s a virgin that’s his deal.

          • Sven Viking

            He’s someone who simultaneously thinks Valve “DOES NOT GIVE A **** about vr, never have, never will”, and that Valve pays shills to comment on VR news sites in an attempt to trick people into thinking they care about VR.

          • sebrk

            Lets just say that for someone fully convinced about the death of PCVR (whatever that may entail) he sure is interested in the same. My advice is for him to so something else with his life. It’s just sad at this point.

          • Ookami

            he probably doesn’t have a social life outside of this comment section. Sad, really.

          • *I* don’t have a life outside this comment section.
            Really: all I do is eat/sleep/Quest 2/here.
            But you don’t see *me* crowin’ about it!

          • Ookami

            not to nearly the same extent, yes.

          • Cless

            Oh man, that’s some good self-depreciating humor, and NOT everything in bold! Here is an upvote.

          • Ookami

            his comments are rife with these contradictions. It’s really funny reading them.

        • sebrk

          I came here only to read basement virgins take on the whole ordeal. Now I can finally sleep again.

          • ViRGiN

            hey look! another guy got triggered at facts.

          • Paulie Poo

            Bro, the only one triggered up in here is you, clean your room, take a shower and go outside.

          • ViRGiN


            if you didn’t get triggered, you wouldn’t be commenting here pretending like you have any sort of authority here.
            get lost. jump into volcano or something.

    • ViRGiN

      definietly plenty. games like pavlov inflate their playerbase by half this way. and pavlov is always in top 5.

    • Lucidfeuer

      Good question, I have tidbits of answers…

      • Guest

        Oh, throw us some tidbits, even if it some Meta-corps!

  • Ookami

    cool. At least they did something and didn’t leave us in silence…

  • Finally!

  • Christian Schildwaechter

    Interestingly the fixed graph still follows the trend of the false date. Numbers reported from March to August were
    2.13%, 1.89%, 3.24%, 1.87%, 6.67%, 2.23%.
    Multiplied by the average 132mn Steam users reported for 2021 this means
    2.81mn, 2.49mn, 4.28mn, 2.47mn, 8.80mn, 2.94mn,
    with May and July being the bad data outliers.

    Unfortunately the corrected numbers for May, June, July and August that RoadToVR got from Valve weren’t included in the article, and their base seems to be larger than 132mn, but for the non-outlier months the graph shown pretty much still matches the data we got before. So I had to guess the corrected numbers from the graph, making the following even more error prone than it would be anyway:

    Looking for possible causes of the wrongly reported numbers, I tried to find any relations between them and the now corrected data. Nothing too obvious found, and the two unrelated thing below are more likely random chance than the actual cause, but nonetheless:

    – The original May number was 3.24% ≈ 4.28mn, but the corrected graph now shows the number as about 3.24mn, so maybe the user numbers were incorrectly transcribed as percentages.

    – 8.8mn in July would have been 356% of the 2.47mn in June. My estimate for these numbers from the corrected graph above was 3.4mn and 2.5mn, with a suspicious factor of 1.36. Given that you can express any percentage as a factor, this means 136% total or 36% added, making it possible that somehow 36% (or 35.6%) turned into 356%.

    This is of course extremely speculative. I’m looking for such connections because I worked in data management for clinical research for a long time, where you had to find similar errors that often happened when people manually transferred numbers to forms. And it is a very good argument why you should always report the actual numbers in addition to showing the graph, because this would allow checking if this is just coincidence or if the precise numbers would match.

  • Arno van Wingerde

    Hm… what I seem to see is a modest rise of “0” to 1 million until about February 2020, then a jump to 2 million in April 2020 followed by another modest increase till 3 million today.
    So, a bit of speculation here: if that jump is Half Life: Alyx then it is clear that VR is not so much held back by hardware innovation, but by the lack of AAA games… meaning that Sony PSVR2 and Apple have a much better chance to conquer a large piece of the market, provided they offer good games…

    • Christian Schildwaechter

      That jump was HL:A, making a good argument for the lack of content being the problem. On the other hand the (smaller) next jump a few month later was the Quest 2 introduction and matching holiday season, with a significant drop a few months later, indicating a lot of people dropped out again. The same repeated a year later for the 2021 holiday season, making a good argument about the importance of cheap hardware. The cool down we saw mid 2021 is now somewhat mushed in (still) very jump 2022 Steam data.

      • Sven Viking

        Yeah, good content and affordable hardware to play it on make a lot of sense as important factors.

        • Christian Schildwaechter

          It just occurred to me that there must be at least a third factor. The available content and affordable hardware certainly isn’t perfect, though good enough to at least stay interested. But apparently this doesn’t apply to a significant part of those who got their Quest 2 as a Christmas present.

          2021/2022 saw a high jump for Jan/Feb/Mar, then a short drop in April followed by a small or despite the correction still strangely large jump up in May. The rise after January in 2021 might be due to not everybody getting their Quest 2 in time, while user counts in 2022 stayed flat in Q1. So statistically most of those that bothered to even unpack the device and connect it to Steam on average stuck to it for three to four months only.

          This in contrast to the HL:A release that caused a lasting doubling of user numbers. There may be a number of reasons. As these are Quest users, it could be that some of them only connected to Steam to play HL:A, and when they are done after a few weeks, they go back to Quest native titles only. But last October I used the data RoadToVR publishes every month for the number of new ratings in the Quest store top 20 as a second source, and found a very similar curve with a decline from January to April, small rise in May and lower numbers for the rest of the year, indicating that this isn’t only Quest users on Steam, but Quest users in general.

          I’d argue that nobody can run out of either Quest or PCVR titles worth trying in just a few months, and since the dropouts stuck to it for at least some time, they must have found the experience worthwhile. Since they already had the cheap hardware and the loss in interest can’t be HL:A or a general lack of titles only, my best guesses for the third factor would be Wow-factor and/or ergonomics.

          The Wow factor is very strong at the beginning, but wears off after some time of trying VR yourself and showing it to others, while the rather bad ergonomics are something that many will tolerate for some time, esp. if it is covered by the Wow factor, but get more annoying over time if no way to improve it is found, as comfort becomes more important once VR usage moves from mostly high excitement to include more regular, casual and relaxed use.

          So we would need good content to draw people in, affordable headsets so they (or whoever pays for their gifts) are willing make the jump, but then also a convenient and comfortable experience to get them to stick around and try more titles after the initial rush. We sort of have the first two at least somewhat covered, while the third is IMHO still seriously lacking, but hopefully improving.

          If the main problem is actually the Wow factor wearing off for most new users, VR might be in more serious trouble, as this would sort of permanently relegate VR to a short term gadget for the majority, and isn’t easy to work around.

          • Sven Viking

            There are a lot of good games on Quest and PC but I think “lack of AAA games” still applies to be honest. Even on PC where there’s a good backlog and some good flat2VR mods, a lot of people only really follow new games.

            You’re right, though, there’re definitely more than two major factors and I think comfort/friction is definitely one of them. I propose “having more celebrities pretend you look cool while wearing VR hardware” might potentially be another.

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            Hm, never considered the “celebrities making it look good” factor. Not even joking, this could give Pico a significant advantage, if they somehow manage to tap into the gigantic TikTok crowd and get enough of their influencers to start creating “cool” mixed reality video snippets.

    • O K

      hahaha Apple? You are kidding right?

      • sfmike

        The minute Apple doesn’t make a billion dollars on AR/VR in a couple quarters they will drop it like a hot potato.

        • ViRGiN

          just like valve did?

        • Christian Schildwaechter

          You seriously underestimate Apple’s long term perspective. They’ve been actively developing AR/VR (and buying lots of companies related to it) for many of years. E.g. 2013 they bought PrimeSense, founded in 2005 and creators of the depth camera in the 2010 Xbox 360 Kinect, with a similar sensor now rumored to be included in the upcoming Meta Cambria/Quest Pro to improve room and hand tracking over the current 2D camera/SLAM based solution.

          They also posted a job offer for a Senior Display Systems Engineer in 2015 that included the following requirements:

          * Candidate must be experienced in selecting and designing with a variety of display (monitor and projection) technologies.
          * Candidate must understand how to drive displays from multiple synced sources at high frame rates with low latency.
          * Candidate must understand the key issues associated with developing extremely high fidelity VR environments.
          * An understanding of computer graphics algorithms associated with warping and calibration.

          Apple isn’t driven by quarters, they are driven by decades. They also provide service for their product much longer than pretty much everybody else. Technically the 2023 realityOS will be based on the by then 35 year old NeXTSTEP OS they bought in 1996, which everybody else copied since then. And any impression of short term developments is more driven by their secrecy, revealing products only shortly before they come to market, even if they have been in development for dozens of years.

          • draez

            The market in general only supports two maybe three major players in any space just because of market share. Look what happened when Microsoft tried to buy their way into the phone market. Apple is too little, too late. They have no mindshare on gaming, they have no mindshare on VR or AR. On top of this they already stated their headset will not be cheap – as in pricing into the thousands. Look at what Oculus did by going in the exact opposite direction and selling at a loss – a move that had been done before to great success with consoles and even typewriters if you want to go way back. Give away the hardware, sell them the recurring service.
            Its always possible Apple could surprise us but they are starting very late into the game and they aren’t really helping themselves by announcing it’s going to be very costly when it comes out. Of course there are those that will buy it just because it’s Apple. lol

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            Lots of claims, very little evidence, so:

            – There are very few markets with only two or three players, most have more, like cars, computers, printers, phones, clothing, furniture, household appliances, tools, soft drinks, books etc.
            – Even “platforms” usually have more players. Mayor gaming platforms are Window and Xbox, Playstation, Switch, iOS, Android, Web.
            – People claiming Apple has no mindshare in games usually think about Macs and forget iOS, which puts Apple in third place after Tencent and Sony regarding total global revenue from gaming (ahead of Microsoft, Google, Activision, Nintendo etc.), and on the top regarding total global profit from gaming, raking in more money from it than Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and Activision combined.
            – Apple were not the first to release laptops, mobile phones, watches, MP3 players or headphones, yet became very success in each of these categories. Many of the first movers in these areas no longer exist.
            – Pretty sure Apple doesn’t care about VR at all. What we will get next year is a controllerless AR HMD realized with VR plus passthrough, probably intended to give companies and developers the tools to start creating software for the actual Apple AR glasses, the technology of which is still a few years away from being usable. Once true AR glasses not relying on passthrough are available, Apple will drop VR functionality.
            – Apple already owns AR. Just like people thinking about Macs while ignoring iOS regarding gaming, they only think head mounted AR glasses while ignoring phone based AR, which is completely dominated by Apple, with every iPhone since the 6s from 2015 being AR capable. Not all of these are still in use, but nobody else shipped around 1.4bn AR capable devices.
            – It doesn’t really matter if people deny that this is actually AR when Pokemon Go alone had generated USD 6bn revenue by June 2022, six times the combined revenue of all Quest apps ever sold as reported by Meta in 2022-02. Apple not only makes the most money, but also has the most 3rd party developers using their platform, including big shots like Ikea, Walmart and others using AR to sell kitchens for thousands of USD instead of games for dozens.

            Nobody can see the future, but neither betting that the places in a just emerging market are already occupied and fixed nor betting against Apple is a particularly good idea. And I’m pretty sure even Pico could seriously mess with Meta’s plans if they somehow convince enough TikTok influencers and their 1bn+ monthly viewers that VR isn’t some geeky stuff for gaming nerds that makes you look stupid, but a hip device to create and experience mixed reality content that makes you look cool like coming from the future, and most certainly not like the derpy inhabitants of the Meta metaverse videos.

          • draez

            Lots to unpack in this one.. this bird likes to chirp.
            All markets have more than two or three players but the mindshare comes down to three at the most in terms of a household name that endure. That’s the point, not that there aren’t other companies creating for those markets. Look at the 90s console wars, how many are left that are still household names? Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo only remain with Microsoft securing a spot by undercutting the competition in price but having built in features that the other two didnt. IOS does not have a console and there have been many android console attempts – all that failed because they didn’t live up to the existing feature set and mindshare of the big three.

            In PCs there is Windows and Mac as the mindshare. Many have come and gone but those two are the ones that are known brand names.

            In phones, it’s Android and Apple.. in that order. People love to pretend Apple has some sort of corner with the iPhone but Android dominates that sector easily.

            Smartwatches have Apple and Android variants with Apple having a healthy lead – but all the others that came out are almost non existent in marketshare.

            I’m not sure why you are attempting to clump mobile gaming with PC or console gaming – they are entirely different markets. You don’t get triple A games specifically for phones.

            Lastly, who said anything about Pico not being able to shake things up? Right now Quest has no competition.. Pico would be great to keep Quest on it’s toes so I’m not sure where that contradicts what I’ve been saying. Quest has no competition right now, so raising the price up $100 really was an easy play for them since there’s no challenger. I may even pick up a Pico4 if it turns out to not have the problems the Pico3 does.
            Also, lol at the Metaverse videos. They are pretty cringe but I didnt buy into Quest because of their commercials… so that’s ok.

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            You are basically trying to save your “only three player” claim be redefining categories down until they fit your argument, but that is not an argument, that is just avoiding pretty much all of my responses to your claims.

            But okay: I named Window and Xbox, Playstation, Switch, iOS, Android, and Web as players, that you then split down into:
            – Xbox, Playstation, Switch
            – iOS, Android
            – PC, Mac

            Those borders may be traditional, but are arbitrary, esp. since the different gaming sectors have gotten more similar over time, both regarding technology and performance as well as type of games available. Everything now plays hires 3D graphics and runs on some standard architecture, the days of significant hardware differences are long gone.

            I could sort Switch with the other mobile platforms, or group Xbox, Playstation and PC as x86 vs. Switch, Mac, iOS and Android as ARM based. Or PC and Xbox as running Windows vs. Mac, iOS, Android and Playstation some variant of Unix plus and the Switch a proprietary OS. Or sort by the money they make, average price, number of generations, size of audience, primary input type, average customer age and so on. But they are simply all gaming platforms, and there are clearly more than three big ones.

            I’m not sure why you are attempting to clump mobile gaming with PC or console gaming – they are entirely different markets.

            Same attempt, same answer. Gaming means anything involving (digital) games, no matter whatever the elitist PC gamers think of console gamers, or what the console gamers think of mobile gamers. Reverse that hierarchy, and you get the actual order of the size of each segment, including how much money they make and therefore how much attention they get from the gaming industry. And today the only real difference between consoles and PCs is the open vs closed shops, PC, Xbox and Playstation are all based on current PC hardware and usually get the same AAA games too.

            You don’t get triple A games specifically for phones.

            Again an arbitrary definition. AAA is defined by production and marketing budget as well as team size, which usually factors into the costs. There are mobile AAAs like Epic’s iOS exclusive Infinity Blade 1-3, and if you compare total budgets, a lot of mobile titles are AAA due to their insane marketing campaigns and huge developer counts, many of them working on improving monetization. That is of course not what most PC gamers consider an AAA title, but again, that doesn’t really matter.

            Sure you can define whatever subsegment you want and then consider that the only valid base for your count, but gaming is a business, not an ideology, and the only fixed rule is “Follow the money”.

      • Sven Viking

        Certainly you don’t often see “Apple” and “AAA games” in the same sentence.

        • Arno van Wingerde

          You are right, I meant they might capture market share on the business side of things, but the way I wrote it suggest I see major games coming on Apple’s VR kit. Sorry, should not have brought in Apple after the story of the games sale.

        • Christian Schildwaechter

          True, but their users care, even if Apple itself doesn’t, and their tech has been quite a driving force for VR. Unity, used for the majority of VR titles, was initially a MacOS only game engine. The first affordable consumer VR viewer (2012 FOV2GO by USC Mixed Reality Lab, where Palmer Luckey worked part-time) was enabled by the iPhone 4 retina display, the first hires mobile phone display.

          Epic Citadel, still my favorite tech demo, created to demonstrate the Unreal Engine’s capabilities for iPhone games, was the precursor for the first ever mobile AAA, the iOS exclusive “Infinity Blade” 1-3. And if you ever took a ride on the now infamous Oculus Rift DK1 RiftCoaster, which spawned hundreds of YouTube videos of the first VR users loudly screaming and thereby introducing lots of people to the immersiveness of VR, you have actually driven through the Epic Citadel, because it was included as a demo asset in the Unreal Development Kit used for the creation of RiftCoaster.

  • Tabp

    Not surprised new data issues cropped up, since there have been a lot of suspicious factors in certain months for a long time. It’s nice to have a correction now. The uptrend remains, but it has been linear since the Half Life boost ended. Hardly surprising given how starved the market has been for new headset technology and major game releases. Index 2 when?

    • ViRGiN

      when no person on earth is willing to pay full price for 3+ year old headset.
      so keep waiting.

      • Cless

        That’s a pretty good point. I wonder if their costs of making them went down at all?

        • ViRGiN

          If their costs only went higher for something they absolutetly do not subsidize, then they are a horrible planners, which they fully are btw.

          • Cless

            Well, I thought they were bad hardware planners until I saw them deploy the Deck and their repair service. So maybe there is some hope…? But I’m not convinced until I see it.

            Also, the last two years everything has been going up. Like, even Apple just raised like 21% their latest phone here in Japan to make up for it, and Apple is good at this stuff. And so did Meta with the Quest 2, for the same reasons. So if it stays on the same price I guess it counts as a “discount”… Still wouldn’t buy the index at this price and time.

          • ViRGiN

            Let’s not compare a pair of lenses with two screens and gyroscope, closed in a plastic shape anywhere near the same level of complexity as iPhones. Quest 2 was subsidized. Deck is. But obviously they made more money in the first month from on-Deck-Steam sales than all years of VR combined.

            I wouldn’t buy Index at that price even on release date. That thing was a complete joke. And since it doesn’t really make money, and there is enough demand, they can keep selling the old hardware indefinietly. Just look at Nofio kickstarter. They collected more money than actual VR game developers on PCVR.

          • Cless

            I mean, many VR headsets take a lot of the same components that phones, or quite similar. I would argue its fair to compare them, specially since their pieces are subjected to the same geopolitical pressures that make the price go up or down.

            And yeah, the index was a tad too expensive for me too, even on release. It is an okay headset, don’t get me wrong, but just okay for that price… okay doesn’t cut it, specially those displays, if they had gotten some BOE OLED panels like their prototypes had, then most likely it would have been a better value proposition, since image quality would have been so much higher.

            And well, I don’t think is fair to compare the market for portable gaming to VR at all. There is a reason portable consoles sell way more on average than their bigger counterparts.

          • ViRGiN

            “Portable gaming” as in steam deck alike, aka handheld PCs were a thing for years – for essentially double the price. Then you have huge corporation like valve coming in, and offering more for less, essentially wiping out entire competition. The “openess” of deck is not a factor at all, it’s not noble to open to “other stores” when you have like 95% control over all software sales in the industry.

            And no, I don’t agree with vr headsets sharing a lot of components of the phones. Especially lighthouse tracked ones. There is no GPU, no CPU, no GPS antenna, no GSM antenna, no SIM card slo, no memory card, no operating system to write. Lighthouse driven headsets are essentially monitors with gyroscope – your computer is doing all the hard work. You might have cameras with inside out tracking headsets, but hey, Quest 2 has 50% of steam, and then it’s index with 15%. Nothing else matters.

            If everyone is raising prices, so will Valve. Not because they have to, but because they can. Won’t surprise me if next year deck will get more expensive. Would be weird to raise price of something that is barely out yet for many.

          • Paulie Poo

            Oh Boy, I see the Virgin is still at it. You literally writing essays up in here. Go outside!

          • ViRGiN

            day 256, still getting triggered by virgin comments.

          • Paulie Poo

            I have like 30 comments total in disqus compared to your 1800 comments. If anybody is about getting triggered it’s you bro. Loser vibes, get out , meet people and stop whining about everything.

          • ViRGiN

            i’m commenting the articles, you’re telling me to touch grass or something. get the hell out and get a life.

  • ViRGiN

    ah yes, and deckard is coming “soon”. dude stop getting so excited about something that doesn’t exist. you’re such a disappointment

  • This corrected survey is also wrong!
    When Steam asked me to participate on the survey last year, my VR headset was not detected, but I was thinking it was a Steam bug. But this summer I participated again in the survey and again saying no VR headset was detected. I checked everything. But in the VR section was saying: No VR headset detected… And my Windows Mixed Reality was connected! I checked all drivers, opened VR Apps and everything was working correctly, I restarted, nothing, I was thinking there was a Windows 11 problem, so I tried on a Windows 10 installation also with same results.
    I tried about 10 times or more (even with SteamVR running a game) until the survey correctly shown a Windows Mixed Reality headset connected. If all Windows Mixed Reality users are silenced like my case, it could be a big impact in the charts, maybe the world is full of WMR headsets (some are cheaper than Quest, and I know a lot of people using VR only thanks to the low price of WMR, but able to play SteamVR games better than Quest).

    • ViRGiN


      • Paulie Poo

        I just noticed you went through all my disqus comments and downvoted them, even ones on other articles. Total loser vibes. I feel sorry for you.

        • ViRGiN

          thanks for confirming you did get triggered.

          • Paulie Poo

            Buddy I’m not the one spending all my free time tacking down someone elses comments in order to downvote them. You literally live on here, sad. Please go outside, meet real people, maybe even find someone to love and that can love you.

          • ViRGiN

            so yet again you got triggered. instead of being outside, making love, eating salads, playing with the dog, you are out there giving a life lessons to a virgin online? LMAO! once again you are commenting on me, and not the article. you’re an embarassment.

          • shadow9d9

            You seriously need to get a life.

          • ViRGiN

            You seriously need to get a life.

  • Cragheart

    It’s not rising as dynamically. It must be because of prices and lack of software.