Vertigo (2016) proved to be an ambitious room-scale VR title that pioneered the medium alongside the best of them back in 2016. Now ostensibly overhauled completely, Vertigo Remastered (2020) refreshes the VR shooter’s threadbare low-poly aesthetic with a richer, more immersive art style that, among other apparent tune-ups, puts a fresh coat of paint onto this plucky indie title. At its core, it’s still very much a fun and unique VR game that seems to have aged pretty well, warts and all.

Vertigo Remastered Details:

Publisher: Zulubo Productions
 Zach Tsiakalis-Brown, George Eracleous, Errol Bucy
Available On: SteamVR headsets
Reviewed On: Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest (via Link)
Release Date: July 21st, 2020
Price: $25


Spirited away to an alternate universe, you find yourself deep below the surface of a planet in a sprawling science facility teeming with robots, aliens, and a few choice pieces of gadgetry to help you along your way back to the surface. Run by Planck Interdimensional Energy Solutions, the absolutely massive facility houses a quantum reactor which no doubt caused your disappearance from your universe in the first place. It also plays host to a good mix of combat, puzzles, and exploration, all of it lovingly framed with a tongue-in-cheek, Portal-esque, Half-Life-adjacent vibe.

What it lacks in depth and finesse, it seems to make up for it in pacing, atmosphere, and variety.

Image courtesy Zulubo Productions

Like the original title, Vertigo Remastered boasts plenty of arcade-style shooting combat, which in this case means absolutely zero ammo or health pickups—both auto-regenerate. This sets the mood for basically the whole game: you’re on a one-way ride that you will complete eventually. Granted, to make that trip more smooth you should anticipate when your laser gun is about to run dry so you don’t end up reloading during a critical moment, and how your health ‘feels’ given how colorful the world still is. Fade entirely to black and white, and you’re tossed back to your last auto-checkpoint.

There’s only a few weapons available in the entire game, a baton and three guns. Each gun is basically rendered obsolete when you pick up a new one. Instead of finding new guns though, you instead focus on sucking up energy globules with your teleportation wand.

Image captured by Road to VR

Why? In effect, this rewards the player by exploring the entire game by letting you unlock various cool things in the game’s tech tree, like faster shooting, reloading, teleporting, gun upgrades, etc.

Oh, and besides making it possible to traverse wide gaps or other non-continuous walking path, you can basically forget the teleport wand completely. Not like it helps in a firefight anyway. The inventory UI isn’t the quickest way to access weapons/tools anyway, so if you’re intent on using it, you might as well leave it locked to your non-dominant hand while you used your other for something, well, more useful.

Image courtesy Zulubo Productions

Vertigo Remastered features a classic enemy progression, with new types arriving one-by-one until you have to fight them all in various admixtures. I would have liked more variation in enemies, as the game basically serves up a half-dozen types that fundamentally act as samey bullet sponges, which seems to be the case on all three difficulty levels. Without any real indication of whether they’ve taken critical damage or not before exploding, you’re basically just acquiring a target, shooting, reloading, rinse and repeat. Were it not for the well-varied boss fights, which act as fun and interesting intermissions to the overall tepid shooting experience, I don’t think I would be nearly as charmed by Vertigo Remastered as I am.

Image captured by Road to VR

And boss fights are a real highlight of the game anyway, as you use one-off tools and mechanics to defeat the larger-than-life enemies.

Outside of its heavy emphasis on shooting, it also offers a nice mix of puzzles. Although there’s no real progression in terms of skill building, the four hours it took me to beat were well spent. I never felt like I was doing the same task twice when it came to puzzles, which is just how it should be in a shooter-adventure.

One of my favorite bits of Vertigo is the whimsical transitions to wildly different parts of the facility. You might find yourself boarding an enemy dropship only to break out through the glass of a geodesic biodome, putting you in the next part of the facility, and not at the surface like you may have hoped. Or maybe you think you’re clever by avoiding a set of metal detectors and hunkering down in the baggage carousel to carry on to the next area, only to find yourself detected by the automatic ‘oversized baggage’ protocol which then shrinks you down to the size of a kumquat, leaving you to sally forth to eradicate an alien pest which was previously just an underfoot annoyance. You’re always left guessing at what’s next, and this has me forgiving some of the grunt work the game asks of you in the shooting department.

Image courtesy Zulubo Productions

This crazy and whimsical tone is underlined with a thin thread of seriousness surrounding the plight of the human employees, who have all mysteriously disappeared. Provided you don’t read too much into the auto-playing employee logs littered everywhere, it basically stays well within its lane as a comedic, light-hearted ride. Besides, if fiction has taught us anything: you should never really give a shit about anyone in an alternate universe.

In all, the game is a fun and worthwhile time, but is also somewhat hampered in the Immersion and Comfort departments. Read on to find out why.


Like its 2016 forbear, it stridently offers the player a physics-based gaming experience that can at times completely flip out in weird and unexpected ways. When the stars align and physics weirdness doesn’t creep in, shooting and puzzle solving can be a pretty hitch-free experience, although that’s invariably not always the case with Vertigo Remastered.

For example: grabbing onto anything solid and moving away will instantly turn you into Stretch Armstrong. You’ll magically lose items that are lock-tight in your hand while riding on elevators. You’ll curse as you drop a keycard on the ground for the third time and mash it into the reader panel because the key is fiddly and requires seemingly expert guidance to find its home. It doesn’t break the game, but it does break immersion.

Image courtesy Zulubo Productions

Focalizing on the issue: object interaction is just iffy most of the time. In order to pick something up, you can 1) bend over and pick it up, which isn’t fun at all in VR or 2) enable crouch by moving your joystick down, which is doubly not fun in VR because it’s too easy to activate on Touch and is just about the more gamey, non-immersive way of achieving the singular goal of picking something up from the ground. Force grabbing would have been much more appreciated here, and it’s something I’m hoping for in the upcoming sequel, Vertigo 2. There doesn’t seem to be a way to disable crouch, which is a shame.

And despite all these negatives, I still want to root for Vertigo Remastered. Seeing past physics weirdness and even some of the comfort issues listed below, it’s more good than bad, more fun than frustrating, and it does it all in a package that I still can’t believe was created by a small, independent team. Even when it’s janky and silly things happen it’s still fun and rewarding. Even when it’s clear the developer didn’t know how to get you from point A to point B, you appreciate the heartfelt understanding that its users are here not to be bored. We must be entertained, and entertained I was.

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While the game has benefitted from a full graphical overhaul, some of the very 2016 VR concepts used in Vertigo Remastered linger from the previous version.

Multiple times throughout the game you’re put on a wild cart ride of various manufacture that can cause nausea in the same sort of users that would actively avoid VR rollercoasters. The remaster polishes up these sequences graphically, but still presents them in their full, herky-jerky glory. I’m the sort of person who needs to look down or close my eyes entirely when the world goes topsy-turvy and I’m not controlling it.

Smooth locomotion is available with variable snap-turning, which helps keep the user comfortable in many situations, but not all. Both head and hand-relative smooth forward motion is available. Vertigo Remastered is equally playable in seated and standing mode.

As for smooth locomotion (read: not smooth turning), when the firefight gets heavy and you have to dodge projectiles from multiple enemies, you’ll most likely instinctively revert to the tried and true FPS method of strafing and blindly moving backwards. You tend to not dodge with your physical movements, but rather with your joystick. If you’re susceptible to any amount of motion sickness, you’ll need to pay close attention to how much you locomote in-game, otherwise you may find yourself a bit green in the gills.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • blue5peed

    This game is awesome hoping for more of the same in vertigo 2 wish I could pre-order it already.
    This Zach kid is making AAA devs look bad lol XD

  • Andrew Jakobs

    haha, ran to steam to buy it, seemed I already bought the original last october in a steamsale, and I guess got the Remastered version for free.. Now that’s great.

    I whish more developers of older VR games would update their games to work with the newer headsets.. Games like ‘Robinson the journey’, is a great game, but it was never really properly tested for even using the original Vive controllers (left/right hand switched, tracking of the hands go haywire sometimes), and having to use resolution multiplier to actually get a sharper image on my Vive Pro and seemingly even on the 2.0x it could be sharper. Also having to move your head in the menu’s to point and having to use the upper part of the vive touchpad (without actually having any hint on how to use the controller at all until later), just a few minor tweaks to the game to support native resolution and better tested controls (and maybe even teleporting as an extra locomotion) would sell a lot more copies, as people are looking for AAA looking games, and Robinson is exactly that, even now once you have set it up and know how to use the controls. Same goes for the adventure game ‘Alice VR’, with only a couple of minor tweaks (this game also need native resolution detection instead of resolution multiplier) it could sell extra copies.
    There are more older games that are excellent if they have some upgrades, they were one of the first games out and back then ‘we’ didn’t have a good understanding of what works and what not (but then again, it’s still not clear what really works and what not, as so many people like different ways of locomotion for instance (so as a developer you should try to support as many as you can). Not detecting and using the native resolution is absolutely a no no anymore.

    • DeenVR

      Bro we don’t need an essay

      • Andrew Jakobs

        Bro, we don’t care about your useless comment.

        • Rosemary

          I got rid of my job after working for the same employer for a long time, I required legitimate revenue, I was not exploring for the “get rich quick” home kits you can find all throughout the internet. Those are likely to be pyramid programs or stuff where you have to sell off to your buddies and household members. Just a few months ago I landed up on a terrific online work opportunity. From the net I acquire roughly about 8,000-9,000 Dollars each 4 weeks It is indeed more than enough to certainly replace my earlier workplace income, specially thinking of I actually do the work approximately 20 hour or so each week in a home office. I quite simply required a reliable program to make money for me personally and also my family. The nice thing of doing work via the internet is that I am usually home with the little children, I save lots of money. Honestly, it is much simpler than you might think. I got the guidance kit and then within 4 weeks I started out generating over $4,000 once a month. The guidelines are incredibly simple, you don’t have to be a computer expert, however you must be aware how to use the net. If you can fill forms and also browse internet sites, you can do it easily, You do not even have to sell off something and no one needs to purchase anything. It is truly as easy as being on Youtube or twitter.Here’s the simplest way to start —->

      • david vincent

        “We” is stupid.

      • king kong

        just dont read it. you dont HAVE to be annoyed by everything


    I love Vertigo!

  • I think another thing worth mentioning is how jello-y the melee feels. Especially during the first boss fight, when you’re constantly swinging the lightsaber back and forth to attack and deflect projectiles, the arms move unnaturally slow, even compared to something like Boneworks. It makes attacking things and swinging at things not feel super polished. Still, love the game though.

  • benz145

    Thanks for reading our Vertigo Remastered review! Please note the following before commenting so that we can have a thoughtful discussion:

    • We scored this game 6.5/10 – ‘Good’ by our linear scale.

    • Even if the text of the review focuses more on critique than praise, or vice versa, the score aims to boil down the reviewer’s overall opinion of the experience.

    • If you haven’t played the game, understand the limits of your knowledge.

    • If you have played part of the game, your experience may differ from those who have completed it in its entirety.

    • Road to VR does not ever accept payment for reviews or any editorial content.

  • LowRezSkyline

    I just bought and tried this game; apparently it has no teleport. So yeah, that’s a refund. Seems like the kind of thing (teleport is or isn’t supported) would come up in a lengthy review like this.

    Ideally all reviews should cover some basic information right at the
    top, including platform, type-of-motion/teleport support, online/coop
    play, that sort of thing.

  • Jonathan Winters III

    6.5? That’s a pretty oddball negative rating, compared to the general public’s ratings of it, which are actually 95% positive for of all Steam purchasers of the game.