Thanks to ReVive, a hack that lets SteamVR-compatible headsets play Oculus Rift exclusives, anyone with an HTC Vive can enjoy a number of unofficially supported games from the Oculus Store. Here we take a look at 5 of the games you shouldn’t miss—of course with the appended “buyer beware” warning that the Revive hack caries with it.

For non-Rift owners, losing access to a game you bought on the Oculus Store isn’t likely at this point, but it’s not something you should ignore either. Back when Oculus modified their DRM in a way that prevented Revive from functioning, thus blocking Vive users from playing Oculus games in their library, community outcry over the decision eventually led Oculus to reverse that particular stance on DRM, saying that in the future they wouldn’t use headset verification as part of the platform’s security protections. Despite the risk, we still think these Oculus exclusive games are worth playing.

Before you start, download Revive here and don’t forget to check out all the games on the Revive compatibility list.

Robo Recall

People used to think that fast-paced, high-action games would be too disorienting for new virtual reality users, but in Epic Games’ Robo Recall (2017)you can teleport around at full speed as you blast away at the game’s evil (and hilarious) robot army. If being able to tear your enemies literally limb from limb and beat a robot over the head with their own dismembered arm isn’t astounding enough, the level of detail and polish put into this game will make you reassess what’s possible in VR. This is another Touch freebie you’ll have to pay for as a Vive user, but at $30, you’d be hard-pressed to find something with this level of polish at this price on Steam.

Find out why we gave Robo Recall [8.5/10] in our review.

‘Robo Recall’ on Oculus Store

Lucky’s Tale

You can probably burn through this charming, family-friendly 3D platformer in a weekend—providing you’ve got a gamepad on hand—but at exactly zero dollars, Playful’s Lucky’s Tale (2016) is an easy sell. As one of the first third-person games for Rift, Lucky’s Tale helped define the Xbone Gamepad-era of VR gaming that Oculus is leaving behind now that the controller is no longer being bundled. Whether you’re racing with Lucky through lush trees, dodging swamp pits, battling menacing bosses, or mastering mini-games, youʼll feel like you’ve truly gone inside the world of a video game thanks to the magic of VR.

‘Lucky’s Tale’ on Oculus Store

Veteran XR Studio Behind One of VR's Most Recognizable Early Experiences Raises $3.5M

Dragon Front

With a fantasy-meets-WW2 setting, this collectible card game takes place on a 4×4 grid battlefield featuring rampaging giants, intimidating war-machines, and soaring projectiles. As a freemium game from High Voltage, there’s still plenty of opportunity to play an exciting single-player campaign if collecting (and buying) card packs in multiplayer isn’t really your thing.

‘Dragon Front’ on Oculus Store

Dead and Buried

There’s plenty of gun slinging fun in this Western-inspired multiplayer shooter. Darned tootin’ if you can rob a runaway train, defend from zombie hordes, or battle it out in an old saloon—of course with your trusty six-shooters by your side (and a stick of dynamite for good measure). While this is free to Touch owners upon activation, if you’re looking for a well-rounded little shooter with a cowboy flair, the $40 sticker price may fit the bill.

‘Dead & Buried’ on Oculus Store

'Metro Awakening' Interview Reveals New Screenshots, Game Details & Locomotion Options

Esper: The Collection

Esper: The Collection gives you access to Esper (2016) and Esper 2 (2017)—two finely-crafted and ultimately intriguing puzzlers that give you psychic abilities to solve increasingly challenging tests. As an agent of ESPR, an organization set up to deal with the outbreak of telekinetic powers, you travel to exotic locations (not just your desk); solve puzzles, discover secrets, stop villainous plots, and fall unconscious multiple times. Interact with an array of characters, voiced by notable actors, Nick Frost, Lara Pulver, and Sean Pertwee, and Eric Meyers. Since you’re using your telekenetic powers, this isn’t a game that’ll use Vive controllers to their fullest, but it’s still a great options if you’re looking for a more passive, seated experience.

‘Esper: The Collection’ on Oculus Store

Lone Echo & Echo Arena

Two of the most well-received Oculus-funded games—both the campaign mode Lone Echo (2017) selling for $40 and the free multiplayer mode Echo Arena (2017)—are easy for Vive users to play thanks to the games’ native 360-degree setup. If you’re skeptical of the zero-g locomotion scheme, we suggest grabbing Echo Arena first, which doesn’t require Touch activation to nab for free. Either way, you’ll be amazed at how comfortable and immersive flying through space can really be in the first-person (i.e. not Adr1ft).

Find out why we gave Lone Echo [9/10] in our review.

‘Lone Echo’ on Oculus Store

‘Echo Arena’ on Oculus Store

Wilson’s Heart

Wilson’s Heart is a gritty first-person thriller from Twisted Pixel that jaunts through gads of sci-fi tropes ripped directly from the silver screen. As one of the most beautiful and visually cohesive VR games out for Touch, the game takes you through a black-and-white universe as experienced by Wilson, a hospital patient recovering from a curious surgery that has replaced his live-beating heart with a strange machine. Ripping it from your chest, you find it gives you a growing number of abilities to help you not only fight against your personal demons, but also some very real ones that have passed into the world thanks to experiments done by the brilliant, but clearly insane Dr. Harcourt

While falling into some overly campy territory, garnering it Wilson’s Heart a [7/10] in our review, the game is definitelty worth a play-through if you can find it for cheaper than its $40 sticker price.

‘Wilsons Heart’ on Oculus Store

'Pokémon Go' Studio Releases Mixed Reality Pet 'Hello, Dot', Now Available on Quest 3


Don’t say we didn’t tell you *not* to button-mash your gamepad before stepping into Chronos (2016), a third-person adventure by Gunfire Games. Slashing at enemies with the long-trained penchant for beat-em-ups will get you exactly nowhere in this Zelda-inspired, Dark Souls-ish-level of difficulty game where dying in the game physically ages your character. Starting out with either an axe or a sword, you leap through a multi-dimensional transport crystal to hunt down a dragon that has ruined your world. As an interesting mix of high-fantasy and a retro post-apocalyptic world, Chronos gives you plenty to gawk at, and even more to worry about as you hack and slash your way through dimensions.

Sitting at 4.5/5 stars on the Oculus Store, it’s a score we can easily get behind.

‘Chronos’ on Oculus Store

Edge of Nowhere

Edge of Nowhere (2016) is a third-person VR survival horror game created by Insomniac Games that strands you in the icy wasteland of Antarctica, leaving you with only a pick-axe, a shotgun, and some rocks to defend yourself against a bloodthirsty ancient species that lurk inside the snowy caverns. The lack of supplies makes for tense gameplay and forces the players to be creative and conserve resources, creating tense moments when you’re forced to decide whether you should use that last shotgun shell and blow the head off the horrible beast lurking nearby or just try the more risky route and sneak past. As a gamepad game

Find out why we gave Edge of Nowhere one of our highest ratings at [9.5/10] in our review.

‘Edge of Nowhere’ on Oculus Store

What’s your favorite Revive-able Oculus exclusive? Let us know in the comments below!

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Me

    No, just no. If Vive users want games on their platform, they shouldn’t buy stuff and use a hack to support another platform. That’s just nonsense and counterproductive, you’re just sending a single and very loud message to devs: money is made on the Oculus Store, not on Steam.

    Now if people still want to shoot them in the foot, yeah sure, buy unsupported games with awkward controls designed for the Touch. Or just sell your Vive and buy a Rift ? This trend is like freemium, everyone wants their cake and eat it, it will not work and we will all end up with very expensive paper weights.

    • ShiftyInc

      At least Vive users have the option to play these games. If it says for Vive on Steam then your out of luck with your Rift. That seems worse to me then using a 3rd party tool to run a game.

      • joemitz

        Actually, almost all SteamVR games work on Rift regardless of stated compatibility, thanks to OpenVR. The controls may not be perfect, but the games are playable.

        • ShiftyInc

          The ones i tried in the past flat out did not work. but that has been a while ago now before i only had the Rift.

          • joemitz

            Huh that’s weird. In over a year of owning a Rift, that’s never happened to me. Perhaps you were having issues with steamvr itself?

          • ShiftyInc

            I don’t recall all those games again, but Raw Data was one of them at the time. Back then there was no Rift support. and there was no way i could get it to work.

          • joemitz

            I didn’t own Raw Data myself, but I do recall other Rift users owning it and talking about it on Reddit. I had it on my wishlist for a long time…

      • Schorsch

        I can *literally* play *ANY* “Vive Game” on the Rift…and I don’t even need a hack that has overhead for it like Revive is. Because: There *is* no such thing as “vive games”. Vive games are OpenVR,….which the Rift can play as well.

        • ShiftyInc

          Then what are those 100+ games with just the vive icon on steam? Cause your sol trying to play those on a rift. And those wont even work with any hack/mod.

    • Luke

      Uplay, Origins, Steam, PStore, Marketplace, Windows Store, GOG Galax, Nintendo Store, Google Play, Amazon Game Studios: those platforms are for any monitor tv. so with Oculus restricting games to oculus VR monitors is too bad imho. It’s a monitor by the way.

      • Get Schwifty!

        Its really not, so the analogy falls flat. VR is anything but just another monitor…

      • joemitz

        I’m tired of the “it’s just a peripheral” argument. nah son, it’s a cutting edge full blown technology system, that at this time happens to require a PC to power it

        • ummm…

          and that pc can only run the oculus store and not steam vr or vv? it happens to need a pc to power it? well your mom HAPPENED to birth you but she doesn’t now? is that the argument? i suppose as time marches on you dont see it. for you time is just one non linear jumble. right now VR is a peripheral – steamvr prooved it. its artificial exclusivity. and that goes both way.s

          • joemitz

            lol, I enjoy your style, ummm… well said.

          • ummm…

            thx, but any bit of wisdom i impart is purely accidental, i assure you. im very moody – and im likely just being a *itch, lol.

            it is one thing to defend the right of oculus to be a walled garden. to deny it given the current hardware infrastructure required is utterly ridiculous. The auto industry was forced at a certain point to allow independant mechanics to work on their products. thats because the contract with the consumer allows the consumer to purchase the product and the service for it freely. it benefits the consumer greatly, and there is no reason to artificially induce the consumer to be at the mercy of the “Creator” and btw bill gates and jobs didnt invent the pc. our FREAKING TAX PAYING PUBLIC FUNDED THE GOVERNMENT TO INVENT the tech that the pc took advantage of. we need patent reform in this country because if they want to talk IP and the rights of creators to protect their IP then maybe they should start paying for the freaking cotton gin.

            also, this is all my opinion. i got a vive because i support their principles and usability – even as they only give me digital distribution.

        • NooYawker

          “that at this time happens to require a PC to power it”
          That’s literally the definition of a computer peripheral!

          • ummm…

            ooooo good one. i missed that.

            edit: or used too many words.

          • joemitz

            Semantics perhaps – but do you catch my meaning? I personally wouldn’t put a complex VR system in the same category as a mouse, keyboard or monitor. Rather I see the PC as one part of the whole VR system. And VR will eventually move beyond PC and into self-contained devices. Its reliance on PC is temporary. The same cannot be said of a monitor, mouse or keyboard. I just think that calling VR a peripheral is greatly over simplifying it. Oculus is creating a brand and ecosystem that will mature beyond it’s current PC constraints.

        • Henry Yopp


          [puh-rif-er-uh l]


          – A device or unit that operates separately from the CPU but is connected to it.

          So yay, it’s a peripheral, the platform is PC.

          • joemitz

            This has already been pointed out by another astute person such as yourself. Your skill in reading a dictionary is commendable, however.

    • Get Schwifty!

      It’s not going to change, be happy there is the Revive hack which works pretty well in most cases. Even if your basic thesis (Vive users not supporting Oculus Home will curtail the mythical “walled garden”), the reality is with Vive keeping prices higher for no real reason and with Oculus substantially cheaper along with a good games, a move by Vive users to not support even unofficially development with Oculus Home actually makes the lines of choice clearer in Oculus’ favor as a growing, vital platform that is cost effective, and users of Revive effectively fly under the radar money-wise. Something to consider.

      The other aspect is that reasonably one can expect that games which become available through Oculus Home will end up in a reasonable time on Steam. These games represent a tiny, tiny fraction of the market, and Steam is in zero danger of not being seen as a primary distributor (VR or otherwise) to make money.

      • ummm…

        wow schifty. you really have outdone yourself.

        – why should we be happy that there is a hack that voids all of our consumer protections? I’m not asking for the protections if i use it. im wondering why you think we should be happy about it. ridiculous.
        – Can you cite where the vive is keeping higher prices. YOu’d have to disprove that the vive doens’t give extra value (even future proof value) or that the rift isn’t artificially made cheaper – like chinese goods.
        – So the walled garden is a myth? not a valid business model? interesting tell that to apple and facebook.
        – Its growing, by limiting access to properties? No sorry, you dont grow by limiting access, and voiding consumer protections. People dont spend hundreds of dollars to a monopoly unless the monopoly has NO competition and if the NEED for the product is there. look at ios and android
        – so how does oculus corner the market while steam isn’t going anywhere? how do they grow in favor if steam is going nowhere? how do they grow if devs prefer the vive. how do they grow if the walled garden is always dismantled over a short period of time?

        youve got a lot of blind spots and contradictions. We are both varying degrees of biased, but you should cover up – yours is MAJORLY showing.

        • Get Schwifty!

          You clearly haven’t thought about this enough…

          Unless you live under a rock they have officially stated they (HTC) have no current plans to lower prices, preferring to market themselves as the “upscale” product while releasing fixes and improvements at a premium.

          As for Revive, I’m not saying you should be happy about a hack, but then again, you didn’t pay to play, PC or not. That being said…. much of the market will say should I get Oculus with a good price and access to Steam games, or buy Vive and in turn have to hope Revive works….

          My point was that the more Vive users turn their nose up with the use of Revive (which is all your going to get unless you wait for it on Steam), that generating less “interest” in FB and constraining to a Steam camp is going to set up two distinct ecosystems, and actually HELPS Oculus…. why? Because a lot of users will see it just as I described in the previous paragraph. Most are not into a religious war about “open platform” the way early adopters are and some devs. They want to invest in a quality product with a total package at a good price… Oculus is playing in that direction more than Vive currently.

          Not sure how you could construe my saying Oculus was cornering the market away from Steam, I said nothing of the sort nor implied it. Rather, my point was regardless of Oculus, Steam is going to be fine and is so entrenched nothing will hurt it.

          Oculus can very easily grow while Steam isn’t perceived to grow for one simple reason, Oculus users aren’t restricted in the least from buying and in most cases playing games on it. The question of dev support is not all that relevant in the near term because it’s clear Oculus/FB will fund development for the time being, likely years. Easily Oculus holds 40% or so of the market, if not higher. Let’s say with their price cuts and quality software, and ability to use Oculus freely with Steam the market shifts to say 60:40 in favor of Oculus then devs most certainly will line up to support it, “walled garden” or not.

          No contradictions whatsoever, except on those points you have misunderstood or not considered deeply enough. If you think “walled gardens” can’t succeed please don’t tell Sony…

          • ummm…

            i didnt read because its not important. im sure there are some good points in there. history means nothing to you. im not even sure what you are trying to prove. that oculus will be the only option? that oculus is the best option? that oculus can do no wrong? i just dont get it.

          • Get Schwifty!

            History shows “walled garden” can work depending on how they are executed, see Sony, Apple, etc. My point was that Vive users not using Revive actually works in Oculus favor because it helps establish two ecosystems, and Oculus’ body of software is looking quite good now. Steam via Valve may get a few AAA titles, which they are banking on, but again, it’s actually forcing the two ecosystem setup by users with one technology or the other NOT using any available means to play games. In effect, I am saying it’s a GOOD thing for users of Vive to use Revive…. for the whole market.

          • ummm…

            very true. oculus has access across the board. and they have more polished titles exclusive to their hardware. but, ios and apple didn’t keep dominance for long with that tact. you’d have to assume developers would only want to develop for the rift. As the user base grows you will find that oculus is less interested in paying out the cash to keep things exclusive, as that gets more expensive when developers see further profit in having their IP be available to all hmd users. for you to say that the end game is the rift dominating indefinitely (as if it does now), then id say that flies in the face of markets. Things go from niche to mainstream. When it goes mainstream walled gardens dont work. not so say that they can’t make any money doing that, but it wont be prefered by the consumer – and btw i am already playing superhot on my vive. and its awesome. and ill probably see some more of the rift propertie ssoon too. its a short sighted approach, but also one that protects them in the early market stage.

        • labowsky

          You need to actually read before you comment kid. most of what you said has nothing to do with his comment.

      • NooYawker

        The reason Vive has to keep it’s prices realistic because they need to make a profit from the hardware they sell. Facebook on the other hand, makes all it’s profits from data mining. I mean, the company paid 19 BILLION for whatsapp.. you think losing millions selling Rifts at a loss is a big deal compared to all that user data? Different business models. Same reason Google gives away android for “free” There’s always a price to pay.

        • Get Schwifty!


        • labowsky

          Lol google gives away android because its better for licensing, they didn’t have to buy licensing to use UNIX like apple did. The vive does not cost anywhere near its asking price to produce

          • NooYawker

            Lol. You think google profits from licensing?
            You’re correct the vive does not cost anywhere near its asking price. Nothing does. It’s how most companies make money. The build something and sell it at a a profit. Except Facebook and google.

          • Carl Galilee

            Plenty of companies sell products at a loss to tie consumers in and generate revenue further down the road or simply promote their brand. Off the top of my head, Sony, Gillette, Porsche, Nespresso.

            I find it interesting that Valve don’t want to stump up cash to support software development. Granted they don’t have the reserves that Oculus do, but they are hardly on the bread line.

    • joemitz

      It’s hard to blame some Vive users for wanting access to Oculus’s library. Steam is full of shovelware, unfortunately. Oculus titles are setting the benchmark for VR. anyone who doesn’t try lone echo or echo arena is really missing out

      • ummm…

        ive got plenty of full content for my vive. i dont bother with the shovelware. i dont have to.

        I suppose ill just hang out here in the vr past……….you know way back when vr just came out………and hope that the new AAA support for the vive coming will ……ahem…..resuscitate a dying piece of hardware……..tongue firmly in f***in cheek.

        • joemitz

          haha. I was already prepping for a rebuttal and then I read the 2nd paragraph.

      • NooYawker

        I bought a few games from Oculus, just like many people who use the rift get games from Steam. I bought 3 games from oculus, wilsons heart, chronos and edge of nowhere. great games to play sitting down because they were developed for rift users, the majority don’t have room scale. I play them when I’m feeling lazy and don’t want to stand up.

        • joemitz

          I personally don’t find roomscale games to be all that more compelling than standing 360 motion controlled games with good locomotion design (and surely most touch-owning Rift users [read: almost all Rift users] are capable of 360 setups. Two sensors is all that is needed.) Lone echo/echo arena is an EXCELLENT example. No other VR game has given me such an incredible feeling of freedom of movement. That might be just me though.

          • Caven

            I’ve noticed the same thing myself. As a would-be developer, I’ve been finding that the freedom of movement afforded by a good artificial locomotion system opens up a lot more possibilities than room-scale does. I do like the ability to move around in a room-scale space, but I find 360-capability to be far more versatile overall.

          • Kris Bunch

            Please as a Dev include free locomotion along with comfort locomotion. As someone who does not get VR sick I HATE being only being able to use the comfort option. Users should be able to choose.

          • Caven

            My development is actually focused on free locomotion. If I can figure out some way of adding comfort features that don’t compromise gameplay, I’d be happy to implement them, but my priority is freedom of movement over maximum comfort. In particular, I don’t think teleportation would really work with the sort of gameplay I’m going for.

        • Kris Bunch

          I play almost all my Rift games standing up. I only have 2 sensors but I can turn all the way around. Sometimes the sensors lose my hands while facing backwards. But in games I do not find it at all immersion breaking to use one of the analog sticks to turn my view. As long as there is free locomotion it works fine. Rift now has room setup as well with the 360 by adding a 3rd sensor.

    • NooYawker

      I agree, but Wilsons Heart and Chronos are really great games. I highly recommend them for people that don’t always want to run around in their VR. Avoid Edge of Nowhere because it runs like shit on Vive. Artifacts everywhere.

      • Simplex

        Not anymore, it was fixed.
        There’s just some flickering of textures outside but it’s not game breaking, I recently finished the game on Revive without problems.

    • Ya know, there are folks out there w/ a Vive pirating Oculus games :)

      • Firestorm185

        Oh no! Call the police! xD

    • Matthew Schmidt

      I would argue it sends a stronger message of the type of content gamers want. I don’t particularly like Steam, and the marketplace is filled with trash – so if Oculus has the games people want then so be it.
      As for the hardware becoming paper weights – the reality is the next wave of hardware is already going to pretty much make the current stuff paperweights anyway – so I wouldn’t worry too much about that.

      • Kris Bunch

        Which is just the way it has always been with PC tech. The next gen will be better and what you have now will need to be upgraded. So that isn’t an issue.

        • Matthew Schmidt

          Exactly my point – you don’t ask for games to be less graphic intensive because you want your graphics card to last forever.

  • ale bro

    as a vive owner i’m never going to get on board with any game that requires me to use a gamepad – most of these early oculus games are designed for gamepads

    • joemitz

      half of the games on this list are not gamepad games

      • NooYawker

        Only one or two utilizes room scale.
        Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing.

        • joemitz


    • Micky

      Hi, now that the steam knuckles controllers are hopefully not far away, I am thinking about getting a vr headset, just wondering what the real world screen door effect is like with the vive.

      • ale bro

        SDE never really bothered me on OG Vive. For the smallest SDE, I would go either Vive Pro or Samsung Odyssey

  • Ryan

    I had a Rift (kickstarter backer) and played a lot of these seated style games. As a Vive owner now, they just don’t hold my interest. I was going to install Revive this weekend, and just couldn’t find a compelling reason. Played Raw Data and Sariento instead.

    • joemitz

      lone echo and echo arena are the new benchmark for VR. it’s worth your time to try them, believe me. raw data/sariento can’t hold a candle to them. and they are not seated/gamepad games btw.

    • We have both systems at work and have tried most of the games available. You have got to try Echo Arena. It’s fucking unreal.

      • Ryan

        Sounds like Lone Echo is the one from this list I might enjoy. Still hard to swallow spending $40 and time on a hack to play it.

        • Swallow it, bro. Nice and deep like.

        • joemitz

          I’ve bought a few expensive games since I got into VR but Lone Echo is the first one that really felt it was worth the cash. I can’t speak to how well it runs on revive, however…

    • Schorsch

      Ha. Yet another user who never tried Touch..and *thinks* that the wands are the best controllers ever. Also…ever since Touch was released in November 2016, I hadn’t played that needs the controllers. They collect dust. There actually are only like 2 titles or so left which don’t support Touch. This makes me question how bizarre your reply is because you obviously seem to think that most titles for Rift are controller based? They are so little supported now that the Rift doesn’t even include them anymore. The ONE bigger title I can think of who didn’t support Touch, Eve Valkyrie, they just added Touch as well. Means: Right now I don’t think there is anything else than Chronos & Lucky’s Tale that still support controllers.

  • ummm…

    to each his own, but i would never give money to a business that doesn’t support its product for my hardware. It shows such antagonism towards the freedom of choice for the consumer, and a disruption of the contract between the creator and the consumer, to such an extent that I won’t be able to sleep at night.

    if you dont mind, have at it. but you create the world that you promote, and i dont want to promote this.

    • Ombra Alberto

      If everyone gave their money. Perhaps Oculus would decide to open completely to the free market.

      The enclosure would not be convenient.

      • ummm…

        no no no no. it shows disdain for my principles. i suppose we should let go of net neutrality too?

        Its not even passive disdain, its the active disdain of them (hypothetically) asking us to purchase products with no consumer protection, and then after we pay for our “rights” they will let us have it. the working man/middle class always finds a way to surrender their rights. you could get elected to office.

      • NooYawker

        Think about how companies like Facebook and Google makes money. Do they care about selling software from third parties?

    • Get Schwifty!

      The market just doesn’t give a shit though what you think… that’s the end result. Before you get all offended meditate on what I am saying…

      • ummm…

        actually the market only cares about WE do.

        • Get Schwifty!

          Trouble is the early adopter crowd here is not representative of the market…. for some reason they like to think they are, but they are barely 1-2% of the market at best. Hardly a significant factor in sales. The vast market is value driven to significant degree, and right now Oculus will be perceived by many as the better value.

          • ummm…

            possibly true. but when i did my research before spending hundred of dollars, which is what many people do, i went with the vive. that was more than a year ago. who know what a new consumer sees, but what i saw was a better value from the vive – and i think i still do, really.

        • NooYawker

          Not FB or googles market. Sales number mean nothing to them.

    • Schorsch

      Someone else who was likely not even born when Steam was released, right? Because when this happened, EVERY gamer was outraged. They demonized Steam as the worst thing ever to happen. Steam does also “datamining” and pops up intrusive ads, and that Valve takes 30% from every sale of the VR crap that is on Steam…you obviously think this is “all ok”, right?
      “Your world” is not better, except that you’re a biased fanboy and can’t see the hypocrisy of what you say.

      • ummm…

        Settle down buddy. Im in my mid flipping thirties. We all know the arguments against steam, yet I’d rather steam than Facebook. Old convo so I’m not interested in articulating an argument but hey Facebook or steam – I made a choice based on my vr preference. Enjoy whatever you have.

      • Micky

        oh I remember very well when steam was released, first halflife and a few vive games, then other games popped up. before you knew it, you had to link your cd key to steam and have internet for activation, thus killing the second hand pc game market.

  • Claus Sølvsten

    I just want cross platform.

    • NooYawker

      There is no cross platform for PC VR systems, it’s running off a PC. It’s artificially made into an exclusive.

      • Claus Sølvsten

        This comment was actually for facebook spaces:)
        Wonder if gear vr and rift users can use facebook spaces together and then vive users can use revive to also be on facebook spaces:)
        Want to create a room in facebook spaces on vive using revive so my brother can join in on gear vr.. anyone know if that is possible?

  • Tim Wiseman

    RockbandVR! By far the best oculus game on revive. You’ll need the Xbox one guitar and the microsoft wireless dongle to connect it to the pc but the game plays great

  • Schorsch

    Amazing: This is a list of the currently best super-polished AAA titles for VR. And the Vive people here in the comments: NOTHING.BUT.NEGATIVITY. As always. One can only SMH.