As reported previously, the virtual reality injection driver that lets you play your favourite games in virtual reality is now released. This update bring with it a host of technical enhancements, and a selection of newly supported games such as The Witcher 3, Mortal Kombat X and Star Wars classics Jedi Knight II and Knights of the Old Rebublic.

One of the most significant updates yet to VorpX, version 0.9, is now out and ready for download for existing customers. The new release is built on Oculus’ SDK 0.8 and takes advantage of important new features to enhance player experiences such as Direct Driver Mode and Asynchronous Timewarp. There’s also an entirely overhauled DX11 Geometry renderer which will in time bring more supported DX11 titles with it.

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Away from the rendering tech however and the latest VorpX adds some innovative new features. You now have a dedicated Video Player Mode, allowing you to watch stereoscopic 3D movies with all of the above rendering tweaks with no fuss. The feature leverage’s popular open source media players VLC or MPC-HC so should be a user-friendly and familiar option to many.

Arbitrary resolution modes allow you to pick a resolution your PC supports and also to tweak aspect ratios for better FOV, whilst Crystal Image brings the rendered image much closer to that which you’d expect from a native Oculus Rift application or game.

In terms of playing the games, enhanced gamepad support has been almost completely re-written and now includes hot-plug support, multiple gamepads and the ability to override axes is in there.

Star Wars VR 'Vader Immortal' Trilogy is Getting a Huge Discount, But Still No Quest 3 Upgrade

If you already own VorpX, you should receive an automatic update, if not then why not support Road to VR and buy a copy right now? Check out our VorpX portal right here.

Full list of new and optimised game profiles are below:

  • Mortal Combat X (G3D/Z3D), optimized for Virtual Cinema Mode
  • The Witcher 3 (Z3D), optimized for Virtual Cinema Mode
  • Crysis 3 now has full G3D
  • Amnesia (G3D)
  • Amnesia – A Machine for Pigs (G3D)
  • Quake II (G3D)
  • Quake III (G3D)
  • American McGee’s Alice (G3D), optimized for Virtual Cinema Mode
  • Star Wars – Knights of the Old Republic (G3D), optimized for Virtual Cinema Mode
  • Star Wars – Jedi Knight II – Jedi Outcast (G3D)
  • Star Trek Voyager – Elite Force (G3D)
  • Return to Castle Wolfenstein [2001] (G3D)
  • Heavy Metal FAKK 2 (G3D), optimized for Virtual Cinema Mode
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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • Don Gateley

    It would be so nice if this could be brought to the Gear VR but Samsung/Oculus/Facebook would never allow such a profit eating app on that device. What I hate about the Gear VR is the white knuckle control they exert on what it can be used for. That thing is like the razor that is subsidized to sell razor blades and they are never going to give up the monopoly they now have on its razor blades and the profit spigot they can put their cup under.

  • bji

    Now, if only VR games with motion didn’t make me feel unpleasantly weird. Because just about every game not designed for VR has tons of uncomfortable motion.

    I’m trying to work on my VR “sea legs” though, by playing Windlands a couple of minutes each day.

    • laser632

      For a couple of mins every day? You need to get Nolimits 2 and sit with that for at least an hour each day. I assume you have no “judder” when u look around?

      • bji

        No judder. But when I move around in Windlands, it starts to get uncomfortable, and I close my eyes and still feel myself moving. I do feel like things are improving. I used to feel weird just running up and down hills, now I can tolerate such running for a while. Also jumping used to be an immediate bad feeling, now I can jump most times without discomfort.

        The problem with a roller coaster simulator like Nolimits 2 is that (I presume) you cannot control the motion. So you can’t push yourself a little further each time. With Windlands, I can run a bit and then stop when I don’t like the feeling, and repeat this many times.

        • bji

          It’s definitely working. Five or ten minutes inside Windlands running, jumping, falling, etc, is getting more and more comfortable each time I do it. I was able to make my way onto one of the hanging leaf balls in the tutorial level with minor discomfort, whereas the first time I did that, I just about lost it.

          In a weird way I feel like at the same time I am losing a little bit of the visceral feeling of depth within the game, but that could just me my imagination.

          • laser632

            I was on Windlands last week and found it unnerving for the first 10 mins at least. Especially on the training where you have to use the two ropes and then you reach those explosive balls. After that it was easy for me.

            Mirror’s Edge can certainly make me feel like I’m going to fall. I got it working with vereio perception last week. Everything looks a bit zoomed in so that makes it worse. Should have tried to modify the field of view for the game.

            It’s good that you’re getting used to the motion in these games.


  • VRGarfield

    Good to hear that it’s working for you, and Windlands is indeed a good game to practice :) I’ve adapted relatively quick to that feeling where you indeed feel like you’re still moving when you close your eyes, though I must say I started my VR adventures with very calm simulations of just a room, house of whatever ;)

    I also recognize the feeling of losing depth a bit in VR simulations. I’ve had it after owning my DK2 for a couple of months, but after a while it slowly returned back to normal. Haven’t had it since.