With just two months to work with early and constantly evolving hardware from Valve, Cloudhead Games had a challenge before them: create a SteamVR-ready demo in time for the HTC Vive reveal at GDC 2015. Denny Unger, President & Lead Creative Director of Cloudhead Games, tells us what the company has learned about developing for SteamVR during this dev sprint, and also conveys a strong affinity for the system’s capabilities.

Denny Unger, President & Lead Creative Director of Cloudhead Games

As VR game developers go, Denny Unger’s studio, Cloudhead Games, is about as old as they come. The studio launched a Kickstarter for their forthcoming title, The Gallery: Six Elements, at the beginning of March, 2013, about a month prior to the first Oculus Rift DK1 units shipping out to developers.

The studio began production after raising 127% of their $75,000 goal for a Myst-like VR puzzle-exploration game. From the beginning, the studio’s focus was on the immersive capability of the Oculus Rift, and there was a clear vision of intuitive input (beyond a controller or keyboard) using something like the now discontinued Razer Hydra motion input controller. Given that the game was developed alongside the Oculus Rift and other up-and-coming VR hardware, it wasn’t clear exactly which combination of VR headset and input device would fit the game’s immersive goals. Until now.

Two years post-Kickstarter, the studio’s VR development expertise was plain enough to see that Cloudhead was invited to what Unger called “Valve’s secret summit” at the end of 2014, a ‘hush hush’ gathering of a handful of VR developers wherein Valve privately revealed a prototype version of their impressive SteamVR system. In January, the developers received the prototype to begin work creating demos for the platform that became the talk of the town at GDC 2015 earlier this month.

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The ‘V minus-1’ prototype still used horizontal vertical cell phone displays. Eventually the system was fitted with two custom 1,200 x 1,080 displays.

“The initial hardware was very prototype, 3D printed and raw. We were getting gear as fast as the guys at Valve could print it out and glue it together!” Unger told me. And while it was exciting to see the evolution of the prototype, it added an extra challenge atop the mere two month window that Cloudhead had to create a show-ready demo that would accompany the reveal of SteamVR and the HTC Vive.

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See Also: HTC Vive and SteamVR Hands-on – A Stage of Constant Presence

“It was great to see the iteration happening but it was also a tremendous challenge as SteamVR was in a constant state of development to match the new hardware. So as a consequence, our build for the demo was constantly changing to match little tweaks that occurred as a result of that iteration.”

But the challenge paid off; by the time that the studio received the HTC Vive dev kit toward the end of their two month sprint, the studio finally had a clear vision of what platform their game could ship with.

“As it stands currently we have assurances from Valve/HTC on release timelines and a stable minimum spec that we can build towards. We know what the hardware can do and when it will be available to the public,” said Unger. “So from that standpoint any studio that is serious about VR now has a rock solid solution to hitch their production schedule to. That’s a breath of fresh air for anyone who has been in this space from the beginning.”

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If your user can sit on the ground, you better test what happen when they do.

And from the sound of it, Unger and co. have been mighty impressed with the system.

“Lay on the floor if you want, jump around, crawl, use both hands to juggle or put together a puzzle, the system doesn’t care, it just works! It’s the key thing that makes buzzwords like “Presence” mean something tangible.” Unger told me. “And you can’t do it half way either, Presence does not live without giving people an intuitive way to interact with the world around them. You need those things to ground people in the experience, in their avatar, in the world. Everything else might feel right in other systems until you’ve had a chance to try it as it should be, then there’s no going back.”

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Though the studio only had two months to develop a demo experience for the system, the work of the past two years served as a good head start. Below you can see the full Gallery SteamVR / HTC Vive demo gameplay:

“Fortunately, a number of the systems we had already designed for The Gallery: Six Elements did translate. Everything to do with manipulating, constraining and interacting with objects using your hands came over to the Vive without too much fuss,” Unger said. “Because the fidelity of the system is so high, it smoothed out a number of things that we previously didn’t have the tracking quality for—catching is a good example of that.”

However, Unger told me that there were (and still are) challenges associated with moving from a seated experience to one where players can not only physically walk around a large space, but also reach out and interact with the world.

the-gallery-six-elements-bottle“Accounting for [the physical play area], total positional tracking created some challenges with respect to our previous body persistence systems. Elbow hinting and body position in a volumetric space, where a user can stand, crouch, and lay on the ground, are new challenges. And with three points of tracking it’s a major challenge to get right,” he said. “So in the end we deferred to hands because we didn’t have time to implement our simulated root tracking system.”

While all of the SteamVR / HTC Vive demos shown thus far placed users in a static environment, the studio’s vision for The Gallery requires being able to locomote players beyond their physically limited walking pace. Cloudhead and others are experimenting, but it’s still an unsolved challenge.

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“The end goal is to create a holistic solution that works for seated, standing 360, and full room-scale experiences. The user should be able to switch between these modes at will. And because users will have variable space constraints, our locomotion system has to scale to any useable size,” Unger said.

“We aren’t there yet but lessons learned from creating ‘VR Comfort Mode’ will help to avoid discomfort, or at least understanding what not to do when driving the space. Forward moving velocities are pretty safe as a rule (as are vertical) as long as you don’t scale them unrealistically and the user is completely in charge of driving the input. Ultimately locomotion solutions will always come down to preference and I think providing users with options will be important until the language of full room-scale locomotion is established.”

Despite the challenges of designing for a player that has so much freedom of movement and interaction, Unger is incredibly enthusiastic about the platform.

“For us, the Vive hardware helped us realize a pretty stubborn dream we’ve had from the beginning on The Gallery. The complete freedom to move around unconstrained, using your hands in a completely natural way, is VR wish fulfillment,” he said.

Now that Unger has had his “VR wish” fulfilled, I can’t wait to see what the studio dreams up next.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • ttakala

    “The Gallery requires being able to locomote players beyond their physically limited walking pace. Cloudhead and others are experimenting, but it’s still an unsolved challenge.”

    I’ve looked into this locomotion issue for two years now. We have a pretty good solution for using Kinect to track the user body pose and location. If the player wants his avatar to move beyond the body tracker’s range, he can use a handheld wireless controller (PS Navigation controller in our case) to make the avatar walk or run for long distances:

    Treadmills are interesting, but I believe that for most applications users prefer to use a controller for long distance locomotion.

    The above mentioned features and more are available to Unity developers in our VR toolkit:

  • Don Gateley

    Wow! I’ve enough experience using the Rift to be able to easily imagine this in an immersive HMD. One has to wonder what Oculus can bring now (er, rather, whenever it does) that is much superior.

  • William Wallace

    http://www.mtbs3d.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=13764&start=0 Wow! Denny grew a goatee, here is denny YEARS ago, with me (as martinlandau) and palmer luckey at MTBS3D, in this post denny introduces himself and asks, VR for common man, where palmer, as palmertech later down in the article, answers, Palmer PERSONALLY endorses the Kevin Williams, out of home entertainment solution in denny’s thread. Based on superior hardware, superior software, more SPACE, super forcefeedback systems and peripherals, super motion simulators, etc, he says go for the Kevin Williams disney, dave and busters, chuck e cheese, out of home location based solution. Palmer, assumingly, was so SUPPORTIVE of this out of home kevin williams solution that Palmer allowed kevin to interview him in his book, about the out of home immersive frontier, the very first book to interview palmer luckey. Gateley, palmer has said everything has going horribly right! PL;DR Palmer Luckey Didn’t Read

  • ttakala

    “The Gallery requires being able to locomote players beyond their physically limited walking pace. Cloudhead and others are experimenting, but it’s still an unsolved challenge.”

    I’ve been looking into this locomotion issue for two years now. We have a pretty good solution for using Kinect to track the user body pose and location. If the player wants his avatar to move beyond the body tracker’s range, he can use a handheld wireless controller (PS Navigation controller in our case) to make the avatar walk or run for long distances:

    Treadmills are interesting, but I believe that for most applications users prefer to use a controller for long distance locomotion.

    • peateargryphon

      “I’ve been looking into this locomotion issues for two years now.”
      What are your thoughts on tricks like this: http://ict.usc.edu/pubs/Leveraging%20Change%20Blindness%20for%20Redirection%20in%20Virtual%20Environments.pdf
      (I so badly want to see this done in VR–even it can only be applied to a game such as Anti-chamber or any other in the genre where the rare detected change would be acceptable.)

      • ttakala

        Heh, funny that you should mention that paper, I was present in VR2011 in Singapore where Suma presented it. I thought it was very interesting and showed it to my colleagues when I returned home.
        There has been other, similar tricks presented since then. Honestly, I think these techniques have limited use, and mostly in games that specifically try to mess with your head (deja vu, something changed in the matrix). If you constantly use such tricks the user eventually notices it. He or she will also have hard time forming a consistent mental map of the corridors. You would need to be pretty talented to be able to imagine the exact geometry that the game wants you to understand while being aware of its bag of tricks.
        TLDR; I believe these tricks have limited usage in a limited number of mindfuck apps.

        • peateargryphon

          Yes, I suspected people might notice the tricks after a while but I haven’t seen a full scale test to prove it.
          However, I am less worried about the locomotion problem after reading about some Valve’s and even Cloudhead’s solutions.
          Still, it brings about some interesting game concepts…

          In a much larger space, there are redirected walking technics that no one would notice, and while that will never have a large home audience, it could make for some awesome VR theme parks.
          The “theme park” setup also enables wireless HMD’s retaining high fidelity graphics. (potentially using something like lighthouse to precisely track the many users HMD’s and beaming the video over essentially “fiberless fiber”–it’s very tractable with enough money) One can dream…

          • peateargryphon

            I realize the redirected walking wouldn’t be applicable in the shared (multiple user) space, but the potential of a high-budget VR experience in the near future is still exciting.