A VR version of Sega’s futuristic block-breaker, which you might remember from its launch on Dreamcast in 2001 or in arcades throughout Europe and Japan, is now live on PSVR 2, dubbed C-Smash VRS.

Update (June 23rd, 2023): C-Smash VRS is now live on the PlayStation Store for PSVR 2, priced at $30. If you’re looking to try it before you buy it, there’s also a free demo that includes a short slice of both the game’s single-player and online multiplayer modes. The developers also included a new trailer, which we linked below this upate.

The original article announcing C-Smash VRS follows below:

Original Article (February 14th, 2023): The game is bringing an immersive twist to Cosmic Smash’s low gravity squash-meets-blockbreaker gameplay, including single player, co-op, and 1v1 multiplayer modes—that’s what the ‘VRS’ stands for, both virtual reality and versus.

Besides bringing the futuristic racket sport to VR, C-Smash VRS is also set to rekindle some long dormant memories with its thumping OST, which seems to be inspired by the original’s ambient techno score; new tracks are being composed by DJ Ken Ishii (Rez Infinite) and Danalogue (The Comet is Coming, Soccer 96).

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The game is currently under development by indie studio RapidEyeMovers, with the IP licensed from Sega. The studio says it’s working with VR veterans Wolf & Wood (The Last Worker, The Exorcist: Legion VR), and designers Cory Schmitz (Rez Infinite, Sound Shapes) and Arkotype (Polytron) to bring it to PSVR 2 later this year.

While we don’t have a launch date yet, a free demo of C-Smash VRS for PSVR 2 is coming to the PlayStation Store on March 23rd. In the meantime, you can wishlist the game here.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • MOT

    Looks like it could be one of those relatively simple but very addictive and fun vr games. Especially in muti player.

  • kool

    Virtua cop and racer please!

  • XRC

    Soul Caliber please

  • Tommy

    Doesn’t look great but could be fun with multiplayer.

  • ApocalypseShadow

    Was interesting on Dreamcast. Wonder if they’ll add anything extra to it?

    But we need virtual cop, house of the dead, etc

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Yeah, house of the dead, dead storm pirates and Time crisis were excellent onrail ‘lightgun’ shooters with the Move controllers for the PS3, still love playing those games on my 3 meter wide projectionscreen.

  • Manu

    Space channel 5

    • James Cobalt

      That already got a VR release (albeit a neutered version of the game)

  • Seems cool!

  • polysix

    No thanks. Graphics are a dis-service to VR and need to stop with this abstract/cartoon stuff. 8 years of this stuff, it’s time for change.

    GT7 level graphics for VR from now on or people will never take virtual ‘reality’ seriously. Cartoon gfx are obviously a cop out AND rely solely on the ‘novelty’ of VR rather than do anything to enhance the illusion of VR.

    • gothicvillas

      Yeah considering it’s on ps5, they could have added a little bit of something. Game is great it’s just not great to look at it.

  • Fartknocker69

    Dumb post
    You can deselect whichever mode you want to play for matchmaking, you can rematch after you win a match so you don’t go back into matchmaking.

    • gothicvillas

      I play it all the time because I love squash. You thought I don’t know how to choose online mode? At times I try all the modes. Choose 1st one, 15min later no one. Okay I’ll try next mode, no one. And so on.
      Same for rematch, from 10 rematch requests I’m lucky if 1 chooses it!
      I think it’s You who is not the sharpest tool in the shed.