Firewall Ultra, the next-gen sequel to the popular PSVR-exclusive shooter, launches next week and with it, a co-op PvE mode supporting up to four players.

Set to launch next week on August 24th on PSVR 2, Firewall Ultra is just around the corner. Today developer First Contact Entertainment revealed the game will go beyond its pure PvP roots with a co-op PvE mode. While it doesn’t sound anything like full-featured campaign, the studio claims it has been planning the mode from the start.

Called Exfil (short for Exfiltration), the new mode will see up to four players battling bots across the game’s array of maps as they seek to activate objectives and then return to an evac zone for extraction.

When you first load into a mission in Exfil, you’ll hack into one of two available access points to reveal the laptop locations and then make your plan of attack. Will you try to split up to cover more ground as a squad, or will you stick together to cover each other’s backs? Do you plan to sneak through corridors and try to remain undetected for as long as possible, or will you roll up guns blazing to wage war? The choice is yours since every level in Exfil is like a miniature playground with a wide assortment of options and possible scenarios.

First Contact says it has “designed each map to accommodate both PvE and PvP game modes so you’re always uncovering new pathways through levels and finding great flanking spots to take out enemies.”

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The studio says it has spent time making sure the AI enemies are more than just cannon fodder.

“At the start of a mission the enemy units won’t know your location, so they’ll simply be preoccupied patrolling around the map. Once you initiate a hack and start firefights, that’s when things get more intense. Reinforcements equipped with various weapons will dynamically converge on your position from around the map in unique ways to keep you on your toes,” the studio says. “AI enemies also have an assortment of gadgets at their disposal, similar to players, with the ability to throw out grenades, lay traps, breach rooms by kicking down doors, and even deploy C4 charges. These aren’t your run of the mill AI bots that just run into the line of fire blindly—they take cover, flank you, and react to your moves intelligently.”

Co-op VR experiences are great, but the odds are low that many of your friends have their own PSVR 2 headset to play with you. Luckily First Contact says the PvE mode can be played privately with friends (or solo) and includes public matchmaking to join you up with other players.

Firewall Ultra’s Live Service Ambitions

While predecessor Firewall Zero Hour on PSVR eventually transformed into a live service game with regular seasons that brought new maps and other content, First Contact says Firewall Ultra is being designed as a live service title from the ground up.

Firewall Ultra is designed as the kind of game you can keep coming back to again and again over time on your PSVR 2 and consistently find something fresh and new to do and see. As a live service title, that means constant updates with new content such as maps, weapons, and contractors, as well as redesigns for locations like the shooting range and safehouse lobby environment,” the studio shares. “We want this to feel like a living, breathing world that evolves over time. Just like the world of Firewall Ultra is five years into the future from the previous Firewall title (Firewall Zero Hour), as time goes on, Firewall Ultra itself will also see changes.”

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To that end players can almost certainly expect seasonal paid battle passes, just like the original game, which could offer new cosmetics and maybe even contractors for a fee.

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Firewall Ultra launches on August 24th, 2023 at 8AM PT, exclusively on PSVR 2. The game is priced at $40 for the standard edition and $60 for the deluxe edition; pre-orders are available now.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • 7empest

    I played ZeroHour from basically day 1.
    I know about 100 full time players and most are not gonna buy it because there is no aim controller.
    FCE has totally disregarded the people who made the original a success. I blame Trevor (In game ID is Rekliss) for not relaying the importance of the aim gun to the developers, after all he is their QA guy.

    • ViRGiN

      Isn’t aim controller up to Sony to release? And they did that cause controller tracking was outdated the day psbr1 released. 99% of vr fps community don’t need gunstocks. Looks like 100 of these players are unable to adapt and step out of their comfort zone.

      • kool

        Outdated maybe but the aim tracked pretty well. They’ll be there day one again, with gunstocks no less.

        • NotMikeD

          I’m glad if yours did, but MY Aim controller did not track well… drift city, ESPECIALLY in Firewall (for some reason it worked a bit better in Farpoint and MUCH better in Dick Wilde). For that reason I could never really get into Firewall–it was just too frustrating watching that gun inevitably start to rotate slowly in my hands. Nothing feels worse in VR than inconsistent tracking. (well maybe nausea, but I don’t get that luckily)

          • kool

            It was the lighting mine worked better in the dark with no reflections. Lol!

    • ApocalypseShadow

      I understand where you’re coming from with the Aim. I loved it for many PSVR games. But if Impulse Gear, the makers of Farpoint, wasn’t making any controller for the next headset, there’s no point getting upset about it.

      First Contact Entertainment didn’t make Aim. Sony would have to allow them to make an official controller. Which would split the base of those that have and those that don’t have it. Sony’s not into that anymore. Some had PS Move, some didn’t. Some had Aim. Some didn’t. Some used third party peripherals for movement. Some thought stepping on a disc was terrible. One unified method for VR means more support for Sony’s features built into the Sense Controllers.

      But there’s probably going to be some third party making an attachment. Or, just make one yourself.

    • gothicvillas

      I was with ZeroHour since day 1 and loved my aimgun! But, right now there is no aim gun like that but if VR gets successful and Ultra too, we may see a gun stock from Sony. For now, Im quiet excited for next week Ultra release and looking forward to it with or without a gun peripheral.

      • kool

        I might try a gunstock if they have one the aim was one of the best parts of psvr2. I hope they at least make an official 3rd party deal.

    • NL_VR

      There are 3rd party gunstocks to buy for PSVR2
      So go tell the 100 fulltime players problem is solved :P

    • Andrew Jakobs

      But it’s the PSVR2 tgat doesn’t support the aim controller, you can’t faulter the developer not for that. It’s up to Sony for adding support, or a new controller that is PSVR2 compatible.

      • ViRGiN

        Ignorant troll alert!

        • Andrew Jakobs

          Get a life. You’re the most ignorant troll around here..

  • Ron Devou

    Looking forward to this. Plenty of great games coming to psvr2 now. Crossfire looks fantastic as well.