David-WhelanOne of the most compelling applications of VR will be the educational experiences that will be possible, and David Whelan’s Immersive VR Education has been making some big innovations in this space. They’ve created the VR documentary about the Apollo 11 moon landing, which has won awards at the Future of Storytelling, Unity’s Vision Summit, and the Festival of International Virtual & Augmented Reality Stories. They also just released the alpha version of Lecture VR, which aims to be the Powerpoint of VR complete with 4D effects, networked learning environments, and opportunities to directly apply science to problems within a virtual space. I had a chance to catch up with David at Unity’s Vision Summit where we talked about Apollo 11, Lecture VR, and the future of immersive education.


Here’s the launch trailer for Lecture VR Alpha 0.1, which was released yesterday

Here’s the Tears of Joy of a father & son watching Apollo 11 that David mentions.

And here’s the Apollo 11 Trailer:

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  • VR Geek

    What an intelligent interview. Blow away with what this team is building…and FREE? Much respect! Love the accent too!