Go-Pro's Odyssey - a Google 'Jump' Camera Rig

Jim-GeduldickJim Geduldick is the Professional Marketing Manager at GoPro, which includes all of the ways GoPro cameras are used within cinema, virtual reality, broadcast television & photography. Jim talks about how the history of spherical video at GoPro goes back to 2011, and how virtual reality provided a platform to actually watch these immersive videos. He also talks about GoPro’s Odyssey camera, which is created in collaboration with Google’s Jump camera platform. He alludes that Google is doing some highly advanced post-processing with the information from the 16 cameras, but wasn’t able to provide many more official details yet.


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  • PrymeFactor

    Did he also talk about how overpriced the Odyssey is?

    Seriously sick of all the nickel-and-diming tactics of the folks making stuff for VR. From charging $500 for a 3D printed GoPro enclosure, to selling stitching software for $800, to Nokia selling a 500GB SSD for their overpriced camera at $5000…these crazy high price tags are obstacles in the way of VR, not enablers.

    GoPro is selling the Odyssey for $15000…the most expensive component is the 16 GoPro Hero 4Black cameras…which cost $8000. Where does the extra 7k USD go to?

    • Farhan Afnan Iskandar

      That’s meant for bussiness. There’s an unexpectable extra cost if you buy a bussiness class hardware, try to compare bussiness class projector and home projector. Even with such weak power, bussiness class projector have such very high price.
      The same apply for this, if you want to have a vr camera, this isn’t your camera, just be honest.

  • Stephen Jones

    Its also a shame that the big VR sites do not promote camera systems based on Xiaomi Yi camera like #Brahma6, full rig excluding software for the price of one GoPro camera.

  • Dadamlarson

    “Barrier Breaker”???? The costs of all GoPro solutions are the biggest barrier out there. With options like #Bramha6 and #KodakSP3604K I think Go GoPro is going to have to catch up quick, slash prices and come up with a good reason they haven’t done anything new besides copying Polaroid.

    Want to be innovative maybe try listening to what the industry is saying….#overpaidCEO
