One of the biggest VR stories at E3 2017 was that Bethesda’s Fallout 4 (2015), Doom (2016), and Skyrim (2011) are all coming to VR this year. VR gamers have been hungry for AAA content and it while Bethesda’s announcement is a great step in that direction, HTC says you can expect more on the way.

Photo courtesy Bethesda

Speaking with HTC’s GM of VR, Daniel O’Brien, at E3 2017 last week, the topic of AAA content in VR came up thanks to the announcements by Bethesda at the show. HTC was naturally quite thrilled to have Fallout 4 VR and Doom VFR announced with compatibility confirmed for the Vive, while the Rift has so far been left out of the party. But this isn’t the only blockbuster gaming content that we’ll be hearing about in 2017, according to HTC.

“From what we know, this isn’t the last of the AAA announcements this year,” O’Brien said.

What that content might be is anyone’s guess at this point, but one big-budget VR experience we were expecting to see at E3 2017, Battlefront 2, was completely absent from the show; last year Battlefront (2015) got a PSVR-exclusive ‘X-wing VR Mission’ as DLC. Evidence suggests Battlefront 2 will include VR content as well, and this time around we hope it will be both more expansive and available on more headsets than the PSVR alone.

Report: 'Skyrim VR' Likely Coming to HTC Vive, PSVR Version a "Timed Exclusive"

What AAA content do you want to see in VR? Let us know in the comments below.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Me

    Ah, great news, even if I’m circumspect: we’ve already heard HTC’s claiming to have superb and great experiences in the pipeline which turned to be Viveport and their collection of weird VR estate tours and strange mini-games.

    They could also be talking about short experiences like Spider-man or some 360 videos, we never know with them.

    Plus this leaves us with a good chance of being pleasantly surprised instead of the usual disappointment…

    • JMB

      Is there a specific reason why you seem to shit on almost every single article published here, or just general bitterness?

      • Me

        There’s that. Bitterness about HTC’s strategy that shifted from consumers first to arcade and business first. While the Vive is great, it’s becoming less and less a product people can afford with all the add-ons.

        Now if I see real good news and not the usual false hopes, I’m generally positive, but they become rare.

        Take archangel for instance: at first we discovered an incredible mech simulation, but then we saw it was a rail shooter. The same for Doom VFR: at first we thought yay, Doom ! And while it will probably be great,
        it’s a 30 buck ride that lasts 4 hours.

        Batman ? Maybe an hour if you’re slow. The forthcoming spider-man ? Probably less worth than watching a 360 car advertisment. Star Trek ? Fun for a few minutes it gets old quicker than warp speed.

        I’m sick of all these half assed games, Fallout and Skyrim can’t come soon enough, and they’d better deliver.

        • At least you’re thing big.

          There are fools still thinking short n arcade. They are way outta touch,

          So was Damaged Core n Chronos n Arizona Sunshine long enough for ya?

          Would you enjoy killing things in one punch in a game?

          What you think of gamepad VR games(even w/ VR support)?

          • Daemonocracy

            I fear HTC just does not understand the gaming market at all. They’re looking like 3DO back in the 90s. It’s still early, but they are in desperate need of a flagship. They need a Mario or a Sonic. Or a Halo.

  • VRgameDevGirl

    I would like the following games in VR: (HTC vive)
    Far cry
    Silent hill
    Tomb raider
    The last of us
    And others, I just can’t think of right now. ☺

    • Holger Fischer

      Test Drive Unlimited
      Nothing like a relaxing cruise through beautiful scenery in a sportscar. Who needs roomscale if you can get country scale ;o)

      • NooYawker

        Forget that, any Burnout game except Burnout Paradise. Driving like a madman into fiery crashes.

      • J.C.

        Except TDU has godawful physics. Cars stick to the ground unnaturally, except when they decide not to, or if you change elevation at all. Personally I’d rather see Forza Horizon 3 converted, but it wouldn’t work anyway, it struggles to hold 72fps on a pretty obscenely powerful rig. Also, it’s still somewhat common to flip your car in it, which is a pretty rough experience in VR, so that’s two strikes against it.

        But come ON, one of the expansions for it is a massive Hot Wheels track world. It’s painfully gorgeous and exactly as awesome as you’d hope. I SO want to play that in VR. Even if it means I’m gonna be sick from screwing up a powerslide and flipping off the side to drop a half mile into the ocean.

    • NooYawker

      I can’t play horror games in VR. Even though it’s one of the reasons I bought it in the first place, it’s too immersive for me. Turns out I’m a big wuss.
      But I would love to play the original BioShock in VR. I’m really hoping.

    • Get Schwifty!

      I’d add GTA V on that list… and maybe Witcher 3.

  • JesperL

    I have a unique idea for fluent/natural VR locomotion. I want to see this solution for movement in Skyrim and Fallout4. If anyone from Bethesda reads this, please contact me.

    • Roman

      Write it to Bethesda. Or Vive/Valve

      • JesperL

        Thank you, but Bethesda main mail results in a standard “what is your game problem”.. Calling them results in a rude reception that forewards the call to a voicemail LOL.. I need someone who knows someone within Bethesda that I can send a personal mail to.

        • George Vieira IV

          If you just want to introduce a cool idea into VR games, you should pass it on to all developers. If it’s that good of an idea, every game will start using it.

          If you want to make money with it, you’re gonna have to do the work of making it.

          • JesperL

            That’s one of the challenges. Its a cool idea, and yes, I would like to get a little something out of it.
            But I also really want it out there soon.
            I am looking for options on making it, but when I cannot do it myself, then its a challenge.
            Thats why I would love to present the idea to a company like Bethesda, that could benefit from presenting a cool new way of locomotion in VR.

          • NooYawker

            Ideas get zero. I have an idea… full front fov and 10k lenses at 120 frames per second. Now someone go do it and give me a little something.

          • Caven

            Hey, I had that idea first! You owe me royalties! Tell you what though, I’ll license it to you and we can both get a cut.

          • Doctor Bambi

            Assuming modding will be as strong for Fallout 4 VR as it is for the original game and noting the new infrastructure they’re implementing with Creation Club. Perhaps you could collaborate with a modder and make it available that way.

          • Trowsers

            I’m a VR developer and publisher. Email me here:

          • JesperL

            Hi Trowsers – Thx, I sent you a mail.

          • J.C.

            Heh. It’s like watching a patent troll come to life. “I have an idea but that’s as far as I can be bothered to take it.”

            If you have a VR headset and a computer to run it, you also have two free game engines you could prototype your idea in. If you don’t want to bother to learn how to program, tooooo baaaaad. You expect someone else to spend hours/weeks prototyping your idea to see if it has any horrible pitfalls, and for YOU somehow get paid at the end of it? You remind me of a friend’s dad, who was always coming up with (actually decent) ideas, but didn’t have the stones to see them to completion. He was a dreamer, and there’s no value in dreams.

          • JesperL

            Your arguments are not valid.
            Its like saying that if you get an idea for a car design, then you should build the car yourself.

            I have a great idea, but no experience with development. Naturally I look for someone with those skills, to form a partnership.
            If I provide a great idea, and they develop it, and we can make money off the idea together, then its a good partnership.
            And the developer will of course get the major part of the profit.

          • J.C.

            But this ISN’T a car design. That costs a rather incredible amount of money to develop. This isn’t something outside of your grasp, you just want to pretend it is. You also have this delusion that since you have an idea, you should get direct contact with a developer at a huge company. if everyone who said “I have an idea!” suddenly got contact with who they thought could develop that idea, THOSE PEOPLE WOULD NEVER HAVE TIME TO DO ANYTHING BUT READ ASININE IDEAS.

            Your three legitimate avenues are:
            Release your idea into the wild and hope someone bothers to try it.
            Learn to program and do it yourself.
            Find an Indie dev who’s willing to risk weeks/months of their own time (while you do nothing) to see IF your idea even works.

            If you have a VR headset and the rig to run it, there’s literally nothing keeping you from making it yourself. Except laziness.

          • J.C.

            But this ISN’T a car design. That costs a rather incredible amount of money to develop. This isn’t something outside of your grasp, you just want to pretend it is. You also have this delusion that since you have an idea, you should get direct contact with a developer at a huge company. if everyone who said “I have an idea!” suddenly got contact with who they thought could develop that idea, THOSE PEOPLE WOULD NEVER HAVE TIME TO DO ANYTHING BUT READ ASININE IDEAS.

            Your three legitimate avenues are:
            Release your idea into the wild and hope someone bothers to try it.
            Learn to program and do it yourself.
            Find an Indie dev who’s willing to risk weeks/months of their own time (while you do nothing) to see IF your idea even works.

            If you have a VR headset and the rig to run it, there’s literally nothing keeping you from making it yourself. Except laziness.

          • JesperL

            Wow, you sound really angry.
            Give it a rest dude.
            You dont know me, you dont know how much or little my idea takes to develop. You have no clue to what kind of steps I am already taking with this idea.
            My posts here are just harmless, and its the first time I post here about anything. I feel sorry for you, and hope you got some of your frustrations out :)

          • J.C.


          • J.C.


          • JesperL

            Your arguments are not valid.
            Its like saying that if you get an idea for a car design, then you should build the car yourself.

            I have a great idea, but no experience with development. Naturally I look for someone with those skills, to form a partnership.
            If I provide a great idea, and they develop it, and we can make money off the idea together, then its a good partnership.
            And the developer will of course get the major part of the profit.

    • David Mulder

      Ideas are cheap, implementations are expensive. In case you just want to enjoy that form of locomotion: Present it freely to the world until a developer likes it enough to implement it and it might catch on if it’s good enough. And in case it’s actually not as good as you think it will just get ignored. No need to write spam messages like this.

      • NooYawker

        There’s always some jerkoff that sees something on the market and goes.. I thought of that!!! It’s take years of work to go from concept to viable commercial product. Even some concepts hit that market and is still shit until more companies work on it. Touchscreens, tablets, and even VR has been around for decades.

    • towblerone

      I had an idea once.

    • David

      I’ll give you a million dollars for your idea! But unfortunately I am a Nigerian prince who’s money is currently tied up in an investment. I will need you to send me $5000 so I can quickly process the funds and have them sent to you.

      Believe me….

    • Caven

      Are you sure your idea is truly unique? So far when it comes to VR locomotion, there have been a lot of implementations. I’ve seen the following methods implemented or researched:

      1. Keyboard/mouse (traditional FPS movement)
      2. Gamepad/touchpad (joystick-style movement using controller, head, or play area as direction reference depending on implementation)
      3. Teleportation/dash (point controller at destination and click to automatically move to destination)
      4. Tilt/shift head to move (use head as joystick, used in games like Eagle Flight)
      5. Inertia movement (latch on to object with a grappling hook or similar tool, and let gravity do the rest)
      6. Swing arms to move (may or may not be similar to actual walking movements, depending on implementation)
      7. Jog in place (detects head-bob to trigger movement, can also use a controller or tracker(s) attached to body to detect movement)
      8. Ninja- or ski-style movement (assume a specific pose to determine movement, such as crouching with arms extended to rear)
      9. “Grab” world and pull (common for climbing games, can also be used for simulating walking)
      10. 360-degree treadmill (obviously requires extra hardware)
      11. Roomscale movement (actual 1:1 movement)
      12. Roomscale movement with speed multiplier (effectively magnifies play area by making character move farther in VR than player actually does in play area)
      13. Subtly alter movement direction to trick user into walking in circles within closed space (like Roomscale movement, but used in larger spaces to steer users away from boundaries)
      14. Neural interface via skin-contact sensors (also requires extra hardware, and currently quite crude and unreliable)

      That’s a lot of movement methods, all of which have been done in at least prototype form.

      • JesperL

        Hey Caven
        That is an impressive list. I have done a lot of research myself over several months, and I also found almost all from that list.

        I can confirm that my idea is not on that list. So I guess its still unique.
        However – my idea naturally include something with tracking, and some kind of movement, so from that list, there are a few part-similar things from maybe 2 of them. But my way to do it is unique as far as I can see.
        So far I have not heard of or seen anything like what I have in mind.

        I really appreciate your post and response. So let me explain a little more.

        Actually my idea started ½ a year ago, and involved 2 trackers, that I thought I had to develop. Then came the Vive tracker, and solved that for me. But working with variations of the original idea, I figure I can do basic game movement without trackers, just headset and hand controllers.

        However the trick is that we need movement that includes, walking, running, strafing, jumping, walking backwards, crouching and a few more, and we need to keep our hands free to wield like 2 guns, bow or sword and shield. I believe have the solution for that.

        I already have a developer friend working with me on a POC, but when we make that work, then we face a lot of challenges with forming a company, finding game developers who want to use the idea in either old VR game with a patch, or for new games. How do we do all that? How to we sell a program that is not a game, and how do we show it to the world, and prevent it from being copied?

        This is why I try to reach out to the 1 company who is coming with the first really big games from VR, where they need better locomotion. This idea would be perfect for Bethesda for Fallout4, Skyrim and Doom.

        Thx for the list, and for confirming that my idea is still very valid and has a lot of potential :)

        Best regards

  • Tommel

    I am hoping for some genuine VR content and not yet another old AAA adaption for VR. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy that Fallout and Skyrim are coming to VR, but I think it would be better to develop new concepts and game designs for VR. Therefore, I hope that they come up with an AAA production as a new brand for VR. And please, also for Oculus users. :-)

    • Get Schwifty!

      They have to release for both, but drawing in people with retrofits of games is going to be far easier and successful currently than totally new AAA content for VR.

    • They need experience n feedback so old games made anew by VR is perfect for feedback.

      Theres also a brand new Doom for VR so be happy for that :)

      Besides, everyone dreams of old games in VR.

      • Tommel

        Yes, I agree. I just think that VR has its own advantages and limitations which is why, at least for me, the best games so far are those developed explicitely for VR only (Raw Data, Robo Recall, The Unspoken, The Climb etc.). Don’t get me wrong, I like Dead Effect 2 VR as well and of course I am excited about Fallout VR.

        • Since AAA development is very risky now, the next best thing is old AAA games converted to VR and given VR support and VR games based on a well known franchise that’s longer than the average VR game.

          All this to satisfy both crowds w/ little risk.

  • Zerofool

    I suppose they’re talking about the games Valve said they’re creating and will announce this year (supposedly, at leas one of the three). If Valve is not considered AAA, then I don’t know what is. Anxiously looking forward to their announcement.

  • Holger Fischer

    If they really shut out the rift, I can spend my money on other titles or save it for the next oculus exclusive. Bethesdas loss if they do not at least give the rift owners a chance to throw their money at them. Same goes for Oculus and their exclusives, of course. Bad decisions, bad decisions.

    • NooYawker

      I don’t see any company locking out the oculus, they may come to Vive first but what company purposely limits their market unless it’s for spite? Oculus exclusives are bought and paid for by Facebook and aren’t designed to make a profit in the first place. It’s to try to lock people into their ecosystem they’re desperately trying to create.

      • Get Schwifty!

        It’s less about locking them in as it is being able to get brand going that’s fate is not tied to the whims of Valve and HTC for example by their lack of direct support for Oculus on these titles, particularly in the pro-HTC environment of Steam. Just saying, there’s a lot more to it than a simple “lock them in” reasoning for their moves.

        • NooYawker

          There’s no way you believe what you just wrote.

          • Get Schwifty!

            I most certainly do, it makes all the sense in the world. It’s all about brand identity, and they risk everything by using Steam as their primary distribution point, not to mention a platform that advertises Vive constantly. Would you want to put your fledgling product’s livelihood in that situation and expect the best?

            i’m not saying I like that situation, but it makes perfect sense from Oculus perspective. The problem here is too many people here look at it from a gamers perspective as though they are picking different graphic cards out as opposed to a company attempting to establish an brand identity.

          • They still have their store. They also have other venders to put their games.

            They don’t have to block native support for the Vive either.

          • J.C.

            Precisely. It’s not about them having exclusive games. Schwifty keeps ignoring the whole thing Vive owners are annoyed with: having to use third party software to access the Rift store, which absolutely destroys my confidence in it. I don’t give a shit that they have exclusives TO THEIR STORE. That’s absolutely fine. But they’ve also chosen to only directly support one VR setup. Schwifty constantly ignores that part, acting like it’s fine. It’s not, and Oculus is hurting themselves in the long run.

            Some of their earliest timed exclusives have shown up on Steam. So if SOME have “come across”, others will undoubtedly follow. So now it’s just a waiting game, and I can purchase the games I want with NATIVE SUPPORT. Anything with multiplayer basically demands it be bought on Steam instead, since Oculus has intentionally cut their potential userbase down as much as they can.

            When there are a half dozen competing headsets on the market, and Oculus only supports one, it won’t matter how many exclusives they have.

        • Rogue Transfer

          Native support isn’t necessary for Oculus Home/titles to work, yet Facebook have failed to utilise Open VR to even offer it for the HTC Vive or other Steam VR headsets.

          It’s actually thanks to Valve that the Rift can even run Open VR titles, hooking in to the public Oculus SDK to support things such as ASW automatically from Steam VR:

          “OpenVR,” Valve’s Joe Ludwig told Polygon. “In addition to the interface for VR applications, OpenVR also offers a driver interface that allows hardware vendors to add support for their own devices. This driver interface is part of the public OpenVR SDK and is completely open to anyone who wants to add support for a device. Valve has used that driver interface to bridge the gap between OpenVR and the Oculus SDK, which
          allows all Oculus devices to work with OpenVR.” :

          • Get Schwifty!

            My point still stands however, that they (Oculus/FB) would be idiots to leave their fate to Valve and HTC through Steam as a delivery mechanism and one associated heavily with their primary hardware competitor.

          • What about other vendors?

        • dmbfk

          Well I find I have to comment on every VR story.

      • Not for profit eh? Guess that means they don’t mind piracy from Vive users.
        Makes sense.

    • Mermado 1936

      Im a Vive user and Oculus shut out the Vive in all their titles… get use to.

      • Get Schwifty!

        Except that they leave the backdoor wide open knowingly with Revive which they effectively support, so it’s not all that accurate to say they shut out the Vive ;)

        • Due to the backlash, they did.

          They don’t like backlash so they best keep the backdoor open otherwise they would incur the wrath of a thousand suns like take 2 has.

          GTAV Overwhelmingly negative. What a sight.

    • David Herrington

      Vive users specifically made an entire program, ReVive, devoted to porting Oculus exclusives.

      After getting a taste of the exclusivity, you would think Oculus users would finally be able to appreciate how crappy the walled garden approach is. But no, instead they vow to uphold their own exclusive system instead of promoting universal ports.

      Makes total sense Oculus users… makes total sense.

      • Daitro

        Wtf are you talking about? No one vows anything.

        • David Herrington

          “I can spend my money on other titles or save it for the next oculus exclusive.”

          Meaning they will support and FEED the same type of walled garden approach despite hating when someone else does it. Hypocritical.

          • Holger Fischer

            I just pointed out, that if I am not able to spend the money on Bethesdas games, it leaves the door open to spend it in the Oculus store. You can only spend it once. I also left the possibility open to buy other games – like on Steam for example.

          • Daemonocracy

            Bethesda is far bigger than Oculus. They can go where they want and gamers will follow. It’s like when Square left Nintendo for Sony, they had their own built in fanbase.

    • Zack Davis

      These VR titles require room-scale VR, not sitting in a chair. Oculus missed the mark when they aimed for seated VR, and continued to push for stationary VR, even with multiple cameras.

      • ShiftyInc

        So why are they coming to PSVR as well then?

    • hyperskyper

      “Exclusives have to stop! I’ll just spend my money on the dozens of exclusives from my favorite company!” -typical Oculus fanboy

    • Tommy

      Until Oculus ponies up the $500 million they owe Zenimax, theu will get nothing from Bethesda.
      If you didn’t know, Zenimax owns Bethesda.

    • Daemonocracy

      Exclusives have been part of the business since the dawn of gaming.

    • Tyler Soward

      98% certain Fallout 4 / Doom will run just fine on the Rift. And if it doesn’t I’ll bet somebody releases a mod to remove the block within hours of the release

  • I fully expect to hear about more AAA VR games in the near future, across all VR platforms.

  • chicanoterp06

    I don’t mind well done ports being brought to vr…if it’s good, I will buy it. I am really getting tired of all the zombies in vr though…please anything but zombies. I would like to kill xenomorphs and predators. Seeing as I have just got back into gaming, I am not sure if there are any good games that have been made in that universe.

    • What about bugs…huge bugs?

      • chicanoterp06

        Are you talking about gunheart? I am looking forward to its release

  • Tyler Soward

    Farcry Primal would be rad.

    • towblerone

      I already prefer to sh!t in the woods, so VR Farcry Primal would be second nature to me.

      • Tyler Soward


  • David Carter

    Where is the classic Mechwarrior experience? If any game was naturally made for VR, this tops my list.

    • Get Schwifty!

      I believe someone was working on one… cant’ recall the name or article now, but you’re right – perfect fit.

      • Will Cho

        If you are referring to Vox Machinae, there hasn’t been an update(not even info) since last year. I visit the site once in a while and nothing changes.

    • Daemonocracy

      Steel Battalion! Get on it Capcom

    • George Vieira IV

      PGI said Mech Warrior 5 is on the Unreal Engine, and would support VR

  • Tyler Soward

    Would love to see a retrofit of Bioshock Infinite. Hell, all the Bioshock games. CoD franchise would be pretty swell in my opinion as well. While we’re at it how about a new Dark Forces type game where you get to do lots of cool Jedi stuff. No Man’s sky might even be worth putting some time into it if it had VR support

    • NooYawker

      Bioshock is at the top of my list, especially the first one because it was really atmospheric. I find I enjoy a slower paced game in VR.


    Im guessing that many people commenting below have not heard of the “rift” (excuse the pun) between Bethesda and Oculus, I think that is why Bethesda are possibly making some games Vive exclusives.
    My wish list includes Half Life (all of them), Far Cry (all), Duke Nukem, GTA, Battlefront, Wing Commander, Pinball Arcade, Call of Duty, Battlefield 1, Crysis, and I realise I am probably showing my age lol,

  • Des Dearman

    Quality Boxing title.
    EA Fight Night would be awesome.

    • Jay

      Thrill of the Fight.

  • Joan Villora Jofré

    Remember that one of the three games that Valve was preparing arrive this year.

  • Guy Phillips

    The Witcher 4VR…..please CD Projekt RED !!!

  • Simon Lytting

    I would love to see a VR version of Red Dead Redemption 2. Hell I would even wear my halloween cowboy costume everytime I played it.

  • Simon Lytting

    I’m not an expert on the subject, but does anybode know, when you have the code to support the Vive, is it then a big change in code to support Oculus too?

  • Tyler Soward

    Half Life 3…. And the then hell itself will declare a snow day

  • Daemonocracy

    I want to see original content built from the ground up for the Vive hardware. It would be great if Valve released a remake of the original Half-Life for VR. Even though it would be a remake, the experience would be all new.

    I honestly rather see simpler but new games than existing games ported to the Vive.

    I also see too many shooters and first person games on VR, but I think an RTS would be awesome in VR.

  • Joe Black

    I’d like to see a Far Cry game in the spirit of Far Cry 1. Where all you could do for the first few hours of the game was basically look at the awesome water and jungle and animals (for the time). And then embark on a hell of an adventure. I know that their focus has shifted from “Far Cry” to “Far Fetched” and “Points of interest Cry”, but that would be nice.

    Any simulator game of any kind would be at least interesting in VR.
    Just about any open world game.

    The Dark Souls games had fantastic level design and enemies – A no brainer.
    Bioshock. Tomb Raider. Deus Ex.

  • Jason Mercieca

    Skyrim, fallout4, doom vfr, battlezone (with strategy/building), battlefield 1 vr..

  • Jim

    Please, for the love of god, PORTAL!!!!! The portal stories VR mod was so good, but so short. i would pay £60 for a full portal game in VR, Portal and VR are a perfect match.

  • Joe O Sullivan

    Hopefully, in time, most games will have a VR version as well as a console and PC version, since the environments, stories, characters, voice actors etc will be mostly the same anyway. Obviously there’ll be differences in controls, interactions etc, but hopefully once developers get the hang of it it’ll be worth their while making VR versions. I assume they’re all watching headset sales very closely.

    It’s also nice to see so many new developers creating games for VR.. it might shake up the industry a bit. With VR it’s like people are making games because they want to experience something cool in VR, while many in the AAA industry people are just slogging away at a 9-5 job that they’re really bored of.