A massive leak featuring several promotional videos has confirmed the upcoming Quest 2’s basic specs ahead of Facebook Connect this week.

Much of the info comes from two similar introductory videos, which are hosted on the company’s Facebook Blueprint developer site. Both videos, entitled ‘Meet Quest 2’ and ‘Inside the Upgrade’, and a host of other Quest 2 instructional content are still live on the site at the time of this writing.

“Whether you’re new to VR or already a pro, this is your introduction to Oculus’ most advanced all-in-one VR system yet: Quest 2,” a description to ‘Meet Quest 2’ reads.

Image captured via Facebook Blueprint

The videos maintain that Quest 2 boasts over 50 percent more pixels than the 2019-era Quest, noted as “nearly 2K per eye.” This makes Quest 2 “the company’s highest resolution headset yet,” the company says.

While we did suspect the headset would likely feature a higher resolution over last year’s 1,440 × 1,600 dual OLEDs, with this information it’s possible to infer that Quest 2 is running on a single panel featuring at or around 3,840 x 2,160 pixels given the notable lack of hardware-based IPD adjustment seen in the first set of leaks showing off Quest 2’s exterior. There’s still no confirmation on what panel type Quest 2 is employing here, although its ‘nearly’ 2K per-eye resolution puts it above Valve Index’s on-paper pixel count.

Image captured via Facebook Blueprint

According to the videos, driving those extra pixels is Qualcomm’s Snapdragon XR2 platform, a chipset physically capable of supporting displays up to 3K × 3K per eye @ 90Hz, integrated 5G connectivity, support for seven simultaneous camera feeds, and significantly more processing power across the board compared to last year’s Snapdragon 835-based Quest.

Oculus CTO: Last Year's Keynote Hints Upcoming Announcements, But 'many pain points remain unresolved'

The videos also confirmed that Quest 2 features 6 GB of RAM, a slight bump over last year’s 4 GB, which they say will allow developers build more detailed games.

Image captured via Facebook Blueprint

A Walmart listing leaked in late August specified two models, a 64 GB variant priced at $299 and a 256 GB variant priced at $399. Although today’s leaked videos don’t confirm those price points, one of them does make mention of a version with 256 GB of storage.

The videos also make mention of the headset’s new ‘Soft Touch Strap’, which is touted for its ‘easy fitting’. Improved Touch ergonomics are also up on the list of Quest 2 improvements.

Leaked videos also included updated tutorials for hand tracking, casting, health and safety briefing, and Link PC-tethering so Quest 2 users can play standard PC VR games.

This story is breaking. Check back soon as more info comes in.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Ad

    It can’t possibly be $300, but either way this is basically a knife into the chest of the industry. This is impossible to compete with. Zuck wins this round unless Valve organizes everyone else and dedicates themselves to VR

    • Bob

      Valve are not direct competitors to Facebook nor are they going to spend every penny they have on VR because that’s not their primary focus.

      The more likely competitor to Facebook and the only company with the balls and resources to pull it off are Apple.

      Surprisingly their keynote is on Tuesday which is a day before Facebook Connect.

      • Ad

        Even assuming you were right, this has link and oculus wants to get people off of SteamVR, besides the fact that they share the VR development community. And we’ll see what happens with apple. I hope they announce something that screws up FBC.

        • Bob

          Valve will obviously keep an eye on Facebook in terms of the software front, but the advantage they have is their tracking system which is still miles ahead of what Facebook or other companies are offering with inside-out tracked headsets.

          You don’t get that anywhere else except through SteamVR. There’s a niche within every market, and Valve are exactly that and they obviously know this.

          In terms of Apple they most likely have something in the works for VR as well and not just AR since there were various patents that touched on virtual reality.

          • Ad

            The tracking is wonderful but they never pressed the advantage by pushing body tracking. They didn’t even sell radios so you could use your vive wands as body trackers on your index.

            And the tracking system is great but that’s not going to help much in this fight. We need software and for them to help other partners make headsets both standalone and PC.

          • Bob

            No doubt Valve will be actually focusing more on the software after this Facebook announcement and they will most definitely double down on their own tracking technology.

            Bear in mind SteamVR are the best alternative to Facebook’s walled garden, and not everyone will immediately flock to Facebook just because they’re offering a cheaper device for “premium VR”.

            Personally I’m hoping Apple enters the market; that will be a game changer.

          • Ad

            Facebook doesn’t care about current people, they want millions of new people to replace the existing VR market of people who know and understand alternatives.

          • sfmike

            Apple will, as always. be behind the curve and way overpriced. Nice design though I’m sure.

      • Jan Ciger

        Apple hardly, they don’t care about VR at all and Quest is not an AR device.

        • Bob

          Apple are a “quality of life” enhancement company through consumer electronics so your point is valid but there were reports and other patents flying around the internet about their interest in developing a virtual reality HMD. If you come here regularly you would know this.

    • Blaexe

      Let’s see. This has “cheaper” build (no fabric), less sophisticated IPD adjustment, cheaper strap, probably a single LCD panel vs. dual OLED and a way higher production numbers.

      The SoC is around $80. Why wouldn’t it be possible to price it at $299?

    • Lucas Cunningham

      It is simply sold at a loss, they make their money off software (and likely data) sales.
      I think they get something like a 30% cut of all sales on the headset, that’s where their profit comes from.
      Apple does the same thing with their mobile devices except they have wide margins on the hardware too. This isn’t a possibility for FB because the VR market is emerging and not yet as established or essential.

      • Lucas Cunningham

        “software sales” Operating a software brokering cartel is probably a more appropriate term they don’t directly sell much of first party stuff outside of acquired IP’s like beat saber.

      • Ad

        With these specs and a 300 or 400 price tag this is a really low price. Even consoles usually don’t lose more than 100 and they’re in a competitive industry with no data collection so legal issues aren’t going to come up. This is something else, and no one else can do this.

        • Lucas Cunningham

          It’s a billionaire’s pet project, they’ve been known to throw caution to the wind to achieve a goal.

          See Elon Musk attempting to buy an ICBM to go to Mars. etc.

          • Ad

            Again, the world is ending.

          • daww….but at least there will be a VR world waiting for you at the end…
            Just sigh here and sell your soul to an afterlife in Facebook world.
            Amazon’s UPLOAD just became a bit more relevant here. hehe.

    • Which EVERYONE is hoping for. VR devs have always encourage their competitors. Every advance gets pushed around to everyone else.
      Except in this arena. And if it really is a knife to the chest…well, hopefully they will put some serious $$$ into developing their own.
      But, here is where VALVE has the advantage. They already have the largest game store online with Steam. Sony isn’t going to push for stand alone and neither is Microsoft. Well, HP and others use Steam, so they could do the same thing as Valve. But, they mostly depend on PC compiled programs.
      Love it or hate it, this is going to change things to be much more interesting than they already were.

  • silvaring

    The performance gains from the XR2 seemed to be massive so it makes sense – https://venturebeat.com/2020/09/11/standalone-vr-headsets-are-finally-ready-to-make-a-big-leap-forward/

  • Bob

    XR2 chip at $300 or less?

    Jesus at this price and for that chip, Facebook are pretty much untouchable in the standalone market. Great news for the short term but bad news for the long term.

    • silvaring

      Nothing has been announced about Facebook having exclusivity on the chip afaik.

      • Amni3D

        True, but sadly the other players in the market basically don’t want to try. Like “Snapdragon has a new reference model, let’s drop a half baked storefront and not bundle controllers” tier.

      • Bob

        It’s not about the exclusivity but about how much they are selling it for which most other companies just don’t have the resources to subsidize.

        • silvaring

          Xiaomi, Lenovo, Dell, HP? These are ‘hardware’ companies, Facebook is a ‘software’ company. Who do you think is in a better position to sell VR headsets?

          • Bob

            And who do you think has access to an almost unlimited amount of funds?

          • silvaring

            It still doesn’t negate the fact that their focus is their software ecosystem, not really hardware. You can have money to spend, but without a genuine desire you won’t end up investing that money.

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            Well HTC is a hardware company, was a mayor player in smartphones for years and had all the VR groundworks done for them by Valve. They were much better positioned than Xiaomi, Lenovo, Dell and HP, and they couldn’t even compete with the original Quest.

            So it seems that Facebook is in a way better position to sell VR headsets, even if they are primarily a software company. Party because a Facebook hardware division that is only 5% of the company would probably still be larger than HTC. Facebook has actually been in hardware for years, though this was mostly limited to dedicated server hardware for their data centers, and by now they have without proven their will to invest into VR hardware to become the dominant player.

          • You don’t understand. Facebook’s goal isn’t “to sell VR headsets”. It’s to become the dominant ecosystem owner in the next computing paradigm, when EVERYTHING shifts from mobile to VR/AR. They’re most likely getting a great price on XR2 from the supplier because they are committing to millions of units upfront, AND because Quest is, already now in gen1, the definitive benchmark for standalone VR – and Qualcomm want to put their flagship chip in the next flagship VR device.

          • silvaring

            I know their goal isn’t to sell VR headsets… thats exactly what I said. As for becoming the dominant ecosystem, I don’t think thats the REAL goal here, and imo people who buy into that idea are just setting themselves up for disappointment.

          • dsadas

            Oculus… beacuse they are actually a hardware vr company, the others are not..

          • marcandrdsilets

            Facebook is Oculus.
            Oculus is developping vr hardware.

            Facebook is a software AND hardware company.

          • DC

            Nobody seems to be getting this in the comments lol. It’s so simple.

  • Oli Norwell

    It looks like they haven’t improved the comfort level of the strap. It’s awful to wear compared to almost anything else, PSVR feels so soft in comparison. So I’m going to pass on this one, that change was critical.

    • Blaexe

      Optional accessoires anyone? At least wait until Connect 7 before judging.

      • Ad

        It’s not Oculus Connect 7, it’s Facebook Connect 1.

        • Blaexe

          Lol, you are in rage mode apparently.

          • marcandrdsilets

            Ad is always in rage mode :P

    • Adrian Meredith

      They’re claiming it’s significantly lighter so let’s hope that’s all it needs. Or more ideally it’s swappable so third parties can make better ones

      • Ad

        Lighter isn’t enough, it’s heavier than the PC headsets, it needs a much better strap than this considering how the weight is distributed.

        • DC

          You don’t know it’s weight yet, so you can’t say it’s heavier than PC headsets. And really depending on which PC headsets you’re comparing it to, you’re just plain wrong on the facts.The Quest 1 weighs 571g, compared to the Oculus Rift, which is 470 g, and the Vive Pro which is 802g, and the Valve Index which is 809g.

          So let’s say the new Quest 2 is 450g, which is a good guess. That makes it lighter than nearly every PC headset. Including the HP Reverb which weighs 492g.

          Seems like you just have a beef with the Oculus 2. Good grief!

          • Ad

            You’re absolutely right, I forgot. Unfortunately that helps my point a lot more than yours, since it being lighter didn’t change the fact that it was the least comfortable headset. This new one is at best going to be as comfortable as a Vive, and that’s not a complement.

          • DC

            My point was you were wrong on your argument. And to that end and only that end, I was right.

            Good grief, some folks will try any angle to one up another. LMAO.

          • Ad

            I was only bringing it up because we’re discussing comfort.

          • DC
    • Amni3D

      Yeah, biggest issues with the Quest is comfort and software.

      The head straps on this *look* worse, but it’s probably lighter weight an HMD. If there’s a comfort improvement, we’ll have to wait and see.

      The software is not likely to get better in the immediate future, so the biggest issue with the Quest still remains since it’s still going to mainly be slightly lower quality backports of *some* PC titles.

      I feel Link is the only reason you should consider getting a Quest, even at a rumored $299. The Oculus Store does not justify the price.

      • Ad

        Most people don’t realize how limited Link actually is. And as a PC headset it’s behind a lot of WMR headsets.

        • Marian

          Link is good option at this moment. But yes, many people do not realize how does it compare to native PCVR. I’m using Link basically daily and many games are almost unplayable since there are distracting compression artifacts caused by encoding. Also playing over Virtual Desktop is cool option, yet still far from perfect.

          I really like Quest for being untethered but since I play a lot of PCVR games I preordered Reverb G2.

          I’d like to know if Facebook made any Link improvements on this new headset. Last year Carmack mentioned it could be possible to use native DisplayPort mode over USB. That would allow no compression and would be amazing.

          • Ad

            They would have showed that in the video. At best they may have moved Link to 3.1, but even then that doesn’t address the main bottleneck that is on the board.

          • Marian

            You are right. I guess they would say something about improved Link at least quickly. Still, we will have to wait for more details. But it is clear they are not focused on PCVR anymore so I’m not expecting much.

          • Blaexe

            This video is literally a mainstream ad. Expect lots more in-depth stuff at the keynote.

        • Amni3D

          Maybe I should’ve reworded that. I’m not saying getting it just for Link, but that it just barely justifies the price. If you were locked out from SteamVR period I don’t think the Quest deserves even $299 unless you’re a Beat Saber or VRChat power user.

          Also, I think they’ve gotten a new Link cable made? In the footage you can see a bulkier Link cable that plugs into USB A. Are they making use of 3.1 Gen 2’s bandwidth? Hopefully..

          • Ad

            The bottleneck for link wasn’t the cable. UploadVR confirmed that a 2.0 usb cable works just as well as the official fiber cable.

          • Amni3D

            Yeah, it’s more a question of the SoC than anything. But a new Link cable would be a neat QoL improvement, and the one in the footage does look a little different. Ending the cable in USB-C I think is a strange decision since a lot of USB 3.1 gen 2 ports aren’t C ports.

          • Ad

            People bought the last one for $80 like it was a gold HDMI cable, lol.

        • dsadas

          eat shit retard, this chipset can run pcvr with similar latency as native wired pcvr headsets. There is no headset capable of that… not even htc vive with the adapter.

          • Ad

            Look up WiGig.

        • OMG, you are hysterical.
          Gotta give you props, though. You have decided to just go down with the ship.

      • Adrian Meredith

        hopefully they’ll allow quest 2 only games (but I’m not sure they will) as the additional power (plus ai upscaling) should greatly increase the amount of pcvr titles that can be ported over. E.g. Lone Echo could easily be ported but asgards wrath probably not.

    • dk

      meh that’s how it’s $300 btw something like 200 grams lighter …plus there r other straps u can use …but sure if u don’t like it obviously u don’t have to buy it

  • Bartholomew

    One minute of silence for Gaben fangirls who bought the Valve Index for $999.
    Oculus and Epic stop making these little bitch*s cry. LOL.

    • Marian

      This is really lame comment. We will have to wait for direct comparison but even at this moment it is clear that both Index and Quest 2 have some pros and cons. There is no perfect headset yet and some people are willing to pay more for some features. PS: I’m not Index user, I have Quest. But we are all VR users, we should not act like we hate the other VR platform users omg.

      • Tailgun

        Children are always this way (see, console wars).

    • kontis

      Fore some people VR without FBT is useless. Oculus cannot do FBT.

    • polysix

      Different markets fool. Good luck running MS Flight simulator on a quest (even with link it would be dreadful) vs Reverb G2 or Index.

      PC POWER is still important, the power to actually add the ‘reality’ to Virtual Reality, not just being untethered. Also – being in an all in one walled garden sucks. Sideloading may or may not require credit card/phone number with FB.

      • In PCVR you can never have enough compute power. Super resolution or higher frame rates on Index can easily bring this system to its knees (8086K @5.2 GHz, 2080Ti)

        Will upgrade the GPU once AIB 3XXX cards release.


        • Bob

          I think the 3090 is a far more interesting proposition for VR than the 3080 if you intend to max out SS on a high-end device like the G2 you need the very best, the cream of the crop.

          As you said; you can never have enough GPU power for VR and if you wish for peace of mind and incredible amount of overhead you will need the 3090.

          It comes at an incredible cost though and benchmarks have yet to be made public for this GPU.

    • nejihiashi88

      lol index controller is enough reason to buy valve index

  • Chris

    Dual Display with optical IPD: YAY!
    Otherwise: NAY!

    I haven’t been able to use a single display headset with a sharp image on both eyes.

    • Ad

      “it’s possible to infer that Quest 2 is running on a single panel featuring 3,840 x 2,160 pixels given the notable lack of hardware-based IPD adjustment”

      • Zbyszek

        Yeah, but they did show a dial inside the quest a while ago, so it’s not so obvious.

      • Andrew Jakobs

        It does have a 3 position knob for IPD, but the lenses presumably have a much larger sweetspot..

    • TechPassion

      Dual OLEDs :)

    • Andrew Jakobs

      No, don’t count on it being a Dual Display, listen very closely to the video, they say “a near 4K display” and if it would be dual display they would have said it differently.

  • blue5peed

    I did not expect an XR2 Not sure how they can afford that considering the price cut and extended memory of the Quest 2. This blows the original quest out of the water. This is like the 3080 launch all over again but in VR. Quests are worthless now the quest 2 is just so much better! Second hand Quest market is about to get interesting.

    • TechPassion

      The effect of scale. XR2 for Facebook was very likely sold for cheap.

      • Tony V.

        Also they’ve made several other improvements, cheaper material, probably no fans inside for cooling the chip, 1 LCD panel instead of 2 oled, no ipd slider, 1 audio out instead of 2, … so this design could be easier and cheaper to assemble.

        • Charles

          God I hope it’s not LCD…

          • sfmike

            I will be.

          • Charles

            Until I hear it from a reliable source, I refuse to believe Facebook is THAT stupid. The OLED contrast of the Quest is one of its main draws.

          • kontis

            How about Carmack saying a year ago that they would go with LCD for Quest 1 if they already had experienced the Go and Rift S? Isn’t that a reliable source? They admitted to regret using OLEDs because of high cost and lower sharpness.

          • Charles

            It’s possible they’ve changed their opinion since that old quote.


            Don’t worry, High res LCD RGB with HDR is very close to the OLED.

          • Charles

            I’m assuming you’re talking about “local dimming” on LED LCD screens, and possibly “QLED” quantum dot technology. These do give LCD screens very respectable contrast ratios, very similar to OLED. But I’m not aware of any of these screens being anywhere close to being ready to be miniaturized and tailored to VR headsets. The “latest and greatest” soon-to-be-released LCD VR headset (the Reverb G2) has a WORSE contrast ratio than the previous Reverb model:


            Nope, Oculus wants the best screen to keep their buyers and i don’t think they’ll do the mistake twice. A RGB LCD panel with XR2 HDR feature = Top notch image quality including contrast.
            I still love my rift CV1 for its Oled panels that i usualy use in dark games but it has its sideways. My Pimax 5K+ has great contrast but not as good as Oled.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            Count on it.. one LCD display. Well one display is pretty sure if you listen to what they are saying in the video (“near 4k display”)..

        • flamaest

          I have tried headsets without an IPD slider, and it makes it harder to truly get the visuals perfectly dialed in.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            Yeah, 3 positions..

          • Tony V.

            There is a IPD setting, i think it works in a totally different way. Instead of physically sliding two panels together or apart, it just adjust the rings on a different part of the screen and your point-of-view is adapted in the software. So that would be more of a software-solution that is much simpler hardware-wise.

      • Ad

        All chips are sold at scale, but even phone manufacturers are saying the 865 is too expensive so who knows.

    • Ad

      If it really is 300, which I find unlikely, someone needs to investigate how much they’re losing on each unit.

      • digitaldeity

        What difference does it make if they are losing a lot of money? Why does someone need to investigate if Oculus/Facebook is taking a hit on each headset?

        We all know that Facebook see’s AR/VR as a long-term investment. Building up the ecosystem for long term sustainability is far more important than making money off of each piece of hardware.

        • Ad

          It used to not even be legal to under-price this much since you’re taking the money from one business and using it to work in another business where the business model doesn’t actually support it. If they sell it so low that you couldn’t argue that the 30% off apps could pay for it, it is anti competitive pricing.

          • You mean the EXACT same pricing that Sony and Microsoft use on their consoles?

          • Ad

            No one actually thins they’re making it back on software.

          • DC

            Sony and Microsoft have sold their consoles at a loss for years. I remember when Xbox launched with crazy hardware specs just to get in the game and take a share of Playstation’s dominance. In fact, even the last gen consoles sold at a loss. It’s never been not legal to do this. Do you have a source for your claim that it was once? If you do, I stand corrected. But if you don’t, downvoting this comment wont change the facts. haha. Good grief.


          • Andrew Jakobs

            Facebook is also making a lot of money on selling the software, why do you think they have their exclusive store… I just hope they would open it up like Viveport had, but it would require other manufacturers to support the Oculus SDK..

          • Ad

            They’re making money, but not enough to cover the difference.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            ah, so you’re the expert on their financial gain?

          • Mikey

            WTF are you even talking about. You are just pulling shit out of your ass and looking pretty ignorant while doing it too. Companies have sold things at a lose just to make up that loss with profits some place else for a very long time.

            Ever heard of the razor and blade model (google it)? It’s been around for over 100 years at this point and has been used in the video game console market since Nintendo (if not earlier).

            Hell Wal-Mart does it every single day of the year. They know that if you come into their store to buy a $200 65″ TV (that they only have 10 of) on Black Friday that you will usually buy something else.

            Facebook knows how much money is going to be in VR/AR so they are dumping tons of money into this market (AKA investing) to have as many people using their products as possible before Google and Apple enter the market in a year or two.

            People like my father will not switch brands once he has bought a few hundred dollars worth of games for the headset. Facebook understands that.

          • Ad

            Razor and blades is one product, but a social media company making an electronic headset is not one product.

          • Ace of Spadеs

            Consoles doing it every generation, every single console initially sold at loss, including all the latest from all brands except KiddyTendo, they the Greediest company out of all and the only one that sell consoles for profit [except WiiU that was exception] all other companies aka Sony and MS, sell ALL their consoles at LOSS, PS4 for example was loosing 74$ on each console sold.

          • Ad

            i’ve said this like 10 times. I’m saying that IF the quest isn’t selling enough software that it makes the money back, the way a console would, then it would be predatory.

          • Ace of Spadеs

            It doesnt need to make money back trough software now, it needs to be affordable to get popular and THEN when it sells well it will recover trough software and other sales.

          • sfmike

            Well this is America and billionaires make the rules now. Monopoly is the new business model the federal government is OK with now.

          • dk

            what monopoly google apple samsung microsoft sony amazon can do it…. the question is r they willing to not be profitable for 1 to 2 years…. and yes they can

      • MyMrMelon

        I think they might actually do it though, considering mark has kind of wanted to control his own “Vr oasis” and the vr market for a while know, and considering they just merged facebook and oculus, though they promised they wouldn’t. They might have done it to fund this large of a loss per unit. I honestly wouldn’t put it below zuckerberg to do that, and I honestly couldn’t care less if he did or didn’t.

    • Tailgun

      I’d already put my Quest up for sale last week as I’ve been using the Index exclusively, after setting up a nice overhead cord suspension system in the room. Now the race is on to sell that sucker before the bottom drops out of the secondary market altogether!

    • flamaest

      They can afford the massive price cut because they are now heavily mining your personal data via your FB account.

      • Jetson

        Exactly Sir and they are doing it without any shame, they are even proud of it. Check out ‘The Social Dilemma’ on Netflix. That is how they get their money back. The OQ2 is a carrot for each one of you rabbits. The only way to prevent this happening is not getting involved in their eco system how painful it might be when you love and support good technology. What a dirty trick they play on us. Really hope that the EU forbids these practices as there is this rule you can not force sales onto customers that ty one product to another. Shame on you FB, you are polluting the VR/AR scene.


      If there is an XR2 on board for $400 it will be crazy… I think the
      compromise is in the overall simplified design (one screen, ipd
      mecanism, less material, etc.)
      FB knows that we need to buy games and give our private life with our FB account.
      This represents a lot of money…

      • Andrew Jakobs

        You mean $299 for the 64GB version… $399 for the 256GB..


          Yes sorry, i mean 400 euros (i’m french)

          • Andrew Jakobs

            yeah, I’m curious to what the euro price will be.. Because if it’s 299/399 euro’s I’ll probably buy myself one very quickly (for development purposes)..

      • Cyndrome

        Where does it say one screen? There are 3 set IPD positions. Granted, not as good as a full manual IPD, this maintains the ability to have 2 screens.
        As for the price. Tech moves fast and every year you get better parts for a similar price. XR2 will cost about as much as SD835 did when they specked out Quest1.

        • James Cobalt

          You can have physical IPD adjustment with 1 screen – it just means max FOV or convergence may take a hit.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Yeah, getting a Quest for $100 or less should be doable now.. Nice as a second headset for testing..

  • TechPassion

    Quest 2 is the bait, facebook log-in is Zuck’s fishing rod :) Look guys here. This is Zuck catching all of us with his bait, on one hook :-)

    • MeowMix

      I’m hooked !

    • Fahrenuf

      Already on board.

    • Till Eulenspiegel

      The Quest 2 hardware is good. I will buy it, then hack it and sideload all the apps.

      Facebook did this to themselves, now they won’t get a cent from me for the apps.

      • Criminal

        They will get video inside your house!

      • Andrew

        Non-facebook companies made most of the apps so you’re affecting them more than you are Facebook

        • Till Eulenspiegel

          Well if more people did this, then 3rd parties will pressured Facebook to change their policy or they won’t sell their apps in Oculus store.

  • starchaser28

    This is a total game changer, no question. I sincerely hope they can keep up with the orders. If so we’ll see VR explode over the next year.

  • starchaser28

    If the 5G wireless chip enables streaming content at full resolution and low latency… Just wow. I’m guessing it won’t be long before Oculus starts working on a Stadia-like streaming service (if they haven’t already).

  • 3872Orcs

    What about refresh rate? I really hope it’s more than 72hz. If it’s at least 90hz that is perfect. I can’t stand 72hz as that definitely makes me sick in Smooth locomotion games same as I often got sick on the old DK2s 70hz.

    Everything else about the specs is impressive though.

    • dsadas

      I don’t understand people like you… not only has been leaked already and posted everywhere, but we fucking have a xr2 which is snapdragon 865… so of course there will AT LEAST 90 hz.

      • 3872Orcs

        Until we’ve got word on it officially we really don’t know for sure.

  • MentalParadox

    Facebook requires FB login now. People: You’re dead to me.
    Oculus Quest 2 is announced. People: T A K E M Y M O N E Y

    • Cragheart


    • 3872Orcs

      Yeah it’s always like that. I hope I’m strong enough to stay clear. We really need some good competition in both meanings of the word.

    • JB1968

      Exactly…they won’t get me on ANY hardware though. I’m not selling my soul to Facebook or any other ad/spyware based company.

      • TechPassion

        HP Reverb G2 is there, with 2k x 2k and Geforce 3080 RTX :)

        • Trekkie

          The 3080 has to be bought separately … duh…

        • Nelson Tutorials

          HP Reverb is not portable and it is doube the price from Quest 2 price rumours. People prefer convenience, portability over power. I do.

          • Ad

            How is it overkill for VR? My 1080ti regularly taps out. A 3080 could do ray tracing and DLSS in VR.

          • knuckles625

            A WMR headset is just as portable as a Quest if you’re playing AAA games. (They’re also the reason there are inside out headsets now). Quest with a link cable is no more portable than anything else at this point

  • Till Eulenspiegel

    The performance gap between old and new headsets is so big, it immediately made the original Quest obsolete.


    • marcandrdsilets

      Developpers will still make games and experiences on both platform for a while. Maybe they will be higher fidelity on the quest2 but they all will be available on both of them. They don’t want to lose the market share.

  • dsadas

    I would expect that a writer for the second biggest vr website would know that this has manual ipd adjustment. It has small(1) medium(2) and big(3).

  • xyzs

    Wow. I am impressed. Hope these screen are RGB too!
    I was not expecting the great XR2 in this new Quest and that’s amazing to see it being used for real at a good price. So much gonna F5 the order page on the 16th.

  • naundob

    How difficult can it be to bring it in different colors?

    • marcandrdsilets

      It’s not more difficult. It’s just way more complex to manage the inventory and production lines. They could always sell sell first party ‘skins and cases’ for it but I don’t think it’s a priority for now .

    • martin

      hopefully dbrand or colorware will cover quest 2

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Yeah, I also want it in black, because white and cloth isn’t a good combination for keeping it nice white once people with sweaty dirty hands getting a hold on it (or myself after eating some chips and forgetting to wash my hands)..

  • Duane Aakre

    I sure hope Facebook has worked out how a person can have multiple headsets on one account. I can see myself buying a 256 Gb version for myself and installing corrective lenses.

    I would probably get a 64 Gb version for guests to use and just load it with the games guests always want to play like Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, etc. I don’t particularly mind if I have to buy a few games twice for the second headset, but I want to understand if I can set them both up from my smartphone and can I have them both in use at the same time through my facebook account.

    • Adam Kontras

      You can have multiple headsets on one account already. I’m doing it…

      • Duane Aakre

        Good to know. Thanks.

        Do you have to buy games a second time of each additional headset, if you want to use them simultaneously?

        • Adam Kontras

          No. My kids both play single player games on two headsets where I purchased it just once. For multiplayer however you need 2 separate quest and accounts…

          Only game you can get around that is RecRoom. I’ve logged onto different Rec Room accounts from the same Facebook account and played multiplayer.

          • Duane Aakre

            The multiplayer game I would be most interested in using simultaneously is Wander. My mom is 84. She has never tried VR. She might enjoy being able to see interesting places around the world, if I could control it from a second headset, which I believe is possible.

            I’ll probably need to do more research once we know a little more.


  • flamaest

    Why do the head straps keep getting worse and worse? With the hefty front-weight of this unit, more users will need to invest in a higher quality head straps to better balance this on you head. One of the reasons I returned my Oculus Go so quickly was because of the head strap which made the unit so horribly balanced.

    • TechPassion

      There should be Index/G2 headstrap with headphones, even if 100 USD more expensive.

  • fuyou2


    • Andrew Jakobs

      Well FYOU2…..

  • Chaven Yenketswamy

    That’s too high a resolution even 2880×1600 as used in the Samsung Odyssey + is more than sufficient for a standalone VR headset. Elsewhere it mentions 50% increase in pixel density, so the dpi is higher unlikely a higher resolution this will not be economical for battery usage.

    • TechPassion

      Go, find a doctor.

  • I really look forward to buying one… when they are back in stock… which at this rate should be at least 1 year after release.

  • dk

    just thinking about it ….. so 90hz and high res and wifi6 and maybe better usb link
    ….they might kill the rift s at the announcement
    …..but that would mean the 64 gb version will be the low end ….so I doubt that will also have the xr2 or the same display especially since in the ad they mention just the 256gb version

    ….it will be a very interesting event

  • Ace of Spadеs

    Any Quest owners here?

    So I have Rift S and want to replace it with Quest 2 for Tethered gaming, i wonder if you can use Native resolution trough the USB cable [the official one].
    Also i wonder what do you need the space for? Do you rather save 100$ and get 64GB version or pay 100$ more and get 256GB?
    In any case my bundle is Quest 2 + Fiber cable + elite strap
    I pre-ordered both 64Gb and 256Gb versions and need to cancel one, i mainly care about tethered gaming, but with XR2 we might get passable graphics, i only play in more advanced games, things like beat saber and other simple graphics, no story games are not interesting, only big graphical games.