Meta is again cancelling its F8 developer conference this year. Meta skipped F8 in 2020 and 2021 explicitly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however this year the company says it’s taking a pause to work on the metaverse.

“Similar to years past, we are taking a brief break in programming and will not hold F8 in 2022 while we gear up on new initiatives that are all tailored towards the next chapter of the internet, and the next chapter of our company too: building the metaverse,” says Meta’s Diego Duarte Moreira in a blogpost. “Similar to the early stages of the web, building the metaverse will be a collaborative effort at every stage – with other companies, creators and developers like you.”

Meta says it’s still holding a business messaging event called Conversations on May 19th, which it says is dedicated to businesses, developers and partners interested in building “better and faster experiences on the most popular messaging platforms.”

Netflix Discontinues Quest App Following Browser Streaming Quality Bump

It also says Connect, its annual XR developer conference, is still being held according to plan later this year, where Meta is slated to serve up more insight into its latest work on VR, AR, and metaverse platform.

The company announced back in October 2021 at Connect it was pivoting to put more emphasis on XR by becoming a “metaverse company,” and rebranding from Facebook to Meta.

In years past, Meta (then Facebook) used F8 as a way of building hype for XR in its wider developer community. At F8 2019, the company announced it was releasing pre-orders for both the original Oculus Quest and Rift S, and that everyone at the conference would receive a free Quest. At the event in 2018, the company also gave away Oculus Go, the company’s last 3DOF headset.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Anonmon

    Dear Facebook,

    Kindly #### off with, basically everything you do with VR.
    Flooding the market with impossibly cheap headsets stifling anyone else from doing anything meaningful in the consumer space outside of the enthusiast realm by way of setting completely unrealistic price/performance expectations into the uninformed general consumer.
    Trying so, so hard to push your Facebook Horizons as ‘the’ virtual world for VR, when it sets out to be a horrid bland over-moderated dystopian state, when VRChat already exists and is well established to laugh in the face of everything you do, with legs even.
    Either pushing developers/studios indirectly/with money to or literally buying them out to only publish software in your own ecosystem when we already had a good open system going in the PC realm to facilitate your anti-competitive ends.
    And in general being the absolute worst in every regard when it comes to buying out, trying to destroy, and trying to force your way ‘on top’ by every ###### practice that is literally written into law to not be allowed SPECIFICALLY to prevent what you’re doing, but end up squirming around anyway.

    Sincerely, the rest of everyone else who saw literally all of this coming from miles away the nanosecond the news broke out you bought (and ultimately subsequently killed) Oculus in 2014.

    To everyone else, please don’t feed the machine. Don’t take the bait. I hope for the good of everyone it all sizzles out, but that won’t happen when people feed the aforementioned machine.

    • GigaSora

      Na uh. Facebook is cool and the best.

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    • Hivemind9000

      Yeah, nah. Let them continue to pour billions into their little folly for a few years. It helps train engineers and pushes the whole industry forward by validating VR/XR (in the eyes of other investors). Better products/experiences will come from those other investments, and those are the ones we will be using/playing.

      • Anonymous

        Exacty. The VR industry needs all the help it can get to make VR mainstresm even if it seems like a deal with the devil now. Once the market matures someone else WILL rise up.

    • Anonymous

      Ah another butt hurt PC master race who is so attached to the little bubble of PCVR that gets nowhere and was barely survivable for most studios.

      Grow up and understand what necessary evil means.

    • PK

      yes to all of that