MasterpieceVR is a 3D creation tool that’s looking to get an edge on the competition by offering something no other volumetric art program has so far; a multi-user, spectator-friendly, sculpting and painting tool that promises to house everything you need in a single place.

MasterpieceVR boasts some pretty impressive features outside of its 20+ sculpting and painting tools. Up to four artists can collaborate on a piece while up to 20 spectators look on—something that Google-owned Tilt Brush (2016)Oculus Medium (2017) nor Quill (2017) can manage currently.

Additionally, the program also has the ability to view a desktop window while in VR, so you can easily check reference images while you create, or just have a YouTube video playing in the background.

MasterpieceVR features cross-play with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, with Microsoft’s upcoming VR headsets soon to see support as well. The app is available on Steam, Oculus Store, and Viveport for $30.

Like many VR sculpting programs and CAD software alike, MasterpieceVR can export models to .STL file format, making it possible to 3D print your virtual objects.

“We wanted to push the boundaries by creating an organic 3D modeling tool that is both powerful and easy to learn,” said CEO of Masterpiece VR, Jonathan Gagne. “VR was the medium to do this in. It let us take a big step forward in the development of a tool that let people work together in real-time to co-create on the same piece or contribute feedback or critique immediately.”

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“I think MasterpieceVR is a really special piece of software and is focused on giving you core tools with a clean interface which allows you to jump into VR sculpting more quickly than the competition,” said traditional and digital artist, Jon Payne. “I particularly love both the subtle surface control built into the primary sculpting tools and the intelligent way the smoothing algorithm works when you are blending your shapes. These unique features combine to give you a cleaner sculpt that is faster than other VR sculpting tools out there.”

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We haven’t had a chance to pop in ourselves, but artist Mary Ellis takes us through MasterpieceVR’s tools, creating a digital bust of a lion whilst comparing it to the real thing.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Seems amazing, even if from a business standpoint, having competitors like Oculus Medium won’t make life easy for them

    • NooYawker

      Or tilt brush. But what app doesn’t have a competitor.

  • NooYawker

    I have this app, these videos always make things look so easy. It takes a lot of practice to make the most simple sculpture to look like something. But it’s still fun just making “abstract” sculptures.

  • Xodroc

    I really just want Zbrush in VR. I’d love to be able to create blendshapes/morph targets in VR instead of importing models as just “reference”. All these volume apps are great for creating sculptures, but if you want to go beyond that you still end up outside of VR.

    • Raphael

      Same…. high level sculpting. This one looks more capable than Tilt Brush but still very far from zbrush,

    • Lucidfeuer

      I’ve been thinking about it too, but it’s not so much about the software, rather about tools and technics which don’t have yet precise incarnation for spatial/virtual manipulations.