Mobile-class Graphics

Of course, to make use of display and lens capabilities, you need the rendering power to back it up. For well optimized experiences, like the headset’s ‘home’ menu, you could see the difference the added resolution makes. With the headset fundamentally reliant on mobile hardware for rendering, the graphics simply can’t stand up to what’s possible on a tethered headset connected to a high-end gaming PC. The one game I had a chance to play (a cover shooter) didn’t feel like it was rendered and textured well enough to really make use of all the pixels available. That, of course, will come down to developer competency in the end, but one would hope that there’s premium content to match what HTC says is the premium choice among standalone headsets.

Vive China President Alvin Wang Graylin told me however that, thanks to an 8K video player available on the Vive Focus, video playback fidelity between the Focus and the Vive Pro is essentially matched. That could make the Focus a great headset for 360 and VR video, but there’s still a long way to go when it comes to fostering a library of strong video content for VR headsets, and making it readily available.


Photo by Road to VR

HTC has designed a headband which uses both a semi-rigid over-head strap and a rigid behind-the-head strap which has a tightening knob. The weight distribution of the headset feels quite near to your face, and the straps do a good job of keeping it from swaying, so your twisting and turning it doesn’t feel as much like you have a brick hanging from the front of your face. It’s also quite easy to put on. I was pleasantly surprised with the comfort of the Focus, at least for my initial hands-on time with it, but it’ll take a longer session to really get a feel for long-term comfort.

'Hitman World of Assassination' Delayed on PSVR 2 to March 2025

Premium + Casual = ?

Photo by Road to VR

There’s still the question of price and exactly who the target market is for such a headset. Even with Lenovo’s Mirage Solo, which the company intends to price “less than $400,” I had the same questions. With the Vive Focus, which we’d expect to launch in the US at around $525 (based on the exchange rate), the problem is compounded. It’s a VR headset for casual users, but I simply don’t know a lot of casual users who would drop $500+ dollars on a gaming device.

At least in my own experience, the only people I know spending that kind of cash for gaming are all hardcore gamers playing on either a game console or PC, which means they are quite likely to already have hardware capable of running a less expensive PC or console VR headset that’s capable of a higher fidelity experience with much better graphics. And if they don’t own a VR capable PC or console already, but still want some VR in their life, the $200 Oculus Go might sound more reasonable to casual users compared to a Vive Focus priced around $525.

Graylin argued that the kind of consumer who might buy a Nintendo Switch would be a good candidate for the Focus, given the headset’s portability, ease of setup (thanks to no need for external beacons), and therefor ease of sharing. He said it’s compact and easy to carry in a bag, which makes it readily available for killing 20 minutes here or there. He touted the quantity and price of VR content on Focus as a plus, compared to $60 games on Switch, but it’s my feeling that one great $60 game (something closer to a ‘killer app’) converts buyers at a much greater rate than even 100 decent $1 games; Graylin shared his thoughts with us about VR’s missing killer app last year.

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Graylin also pointed to some of the headset’s other use-cases, like web browsing and social communication (like being able to hang out with friends in Bigscreen, he said, which is soon due out on mobile platforms), which add to the value proposition.

– – — – –

Ultimately the market will decide if there’s a place for a standalone VR headset like the Focus that’s priced the way it is, a question which is likely to be greatly influenced by the timing of the headset’s broader rollout, and what Oculus has planned for its own premium standalone headset, Santa Cruz.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • So this is a standalone headset, what is the battery duration?
    Can the cameras at the front do assisted positional tracking for the rotation only controllers?
    Can we predict a closer Vive Pro price from this?
    I assume it has a microphone?
    Is the OS vanilla Android or some bespoke locked down version?
    Can we game stream from PC’s to it like how Steam-Link works?
    Can a XBox or other controller pair to it?

    • Darshan

      I see this headset D.O.A (Dead on Arrival) in US if they sell in along side Oculus Go. If by any chance Oculus Go could offer atlest 5 best of Gear VR game along side headset for Free… I don’t see reason to buy this form Casual User Point of view.

      From Gamer Point of View .. SD835 is just not enough…

      • Marcus

        Oculus Go does not offer any IPD adjustment, thus no sweet spot for big guys like myself (learned that lesson on PSVR) and only a tiny sweet spot for many other people. I’m very interested in such a high quality standalone headset, if it only had 90 Hz and proper 6 DoF controllers …

        • Darshan

          In case of no IPD adjustment, manufacturers are always considering individual lense keep sweet spot larger. There is also software IPD but how efficent it is a matter of question.

          • Marcus

            Sorry, but I do not understand your “individual lense” statement. As for software IPD adjustment, I just see no effect (always blurry). Seems like a placebo to me.

          • Darshan

            I ment if you see through oculus CV1 lense it has more area off centre of lense from where image still looks clear, i think its called eye relif, but correct me if i am wrong. Sorry to learn software IPD adjusment is not much useful.

      • Rowdy123

        Also – Oculus Go is only 3DoF – so not even room scale. HTC is 6DoF. That alone justifies even a huge price difference. Makes HTC entirely better as an “experience”.

        • Darshan

          Hmm half baked 6DoF, only headset 6DoF with 3DoF controller and PC scale asking price……

      • dk

        the go is a gear vr with snapdragon 821 and the 64gb version will be 250-280
        and with this u can do actual vr ….actually moving in vr space
        and the lenovo is way cheaper than the focus at 400
        and as soon as the 835 is as cheap as the 821 even the cheapest/crappiest headsets like the go will invest in 2 cheap cameras to get 6dof…..unfortunately we’ll have to wait a bit

        • Darshan

          Here hope lenovo may go cheap as $350/360 when they announce it for sale,if lenovo neil price right then it would be first choice due to positional tracking(though its limited,still better to none),

          I also hope OC FB will not lock headset at 32 n 64 gb version with no memory card support, if they do so it will be historical error.

          I doubt SD 835 be too difficult to be obtained for FB considering volume they are going to invest, also fact that SD845 is just at door step in Galaxy S9.

          I am more eager to know if OCULUS can come up with 2 camera and 6DoF for headset and 3 DoF controller at advertised price from very first day (not seem to be plusible still …you can wish sun n moon no limit to optimism, Mircales do happen)

          • dk

            350 maybe when it’s on sale after it has been on the market for a while….but it will start at 399
            as far as making a cheap similar platform …..when the sd835 is 2 years old or a bit older ….it will be pretty doable

    • Battery reported at 3 hours full use (Engadget)

      • Samantha

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      • Nick Dauchot

        I’m sure it depends on the software being run. But 3 hours isn’t half bad for a display like this. That matches the Switch’s battery life.

    • benz145

      Good questions:

      So this is a standalone headset, what is the battery duration?

      HTC claims “up to three hours.”

      Can the cameras at the front do assisted positional tracking for the rotation only controllers?

      HTC says they looking at / considering 6DOF controllers for their mobile headset, but for now the cameras aren’t directly being used to aid the controller’s tracking. I take it they would need to release an entirely new controller with some active makers in order to go from 3DOF to 6DOF for the controller.

      Can we predict a closer Vive Pro price from this?

      I think it does give us some insight knowing that it’s the same lenses and display—my guess at this point is $400/$500 for the Vive Pro ‘headset only’ option that’s coming first, and $800 for the full kit (which includes the headset, controllers, and new base stations).

      I assume it has a microphone?

      I haven’t heard any mention of it myself but I’ll try to get an answer next time I’m speaking with HTC.

      Is the OS vanilla Android or some bespoke locked down version?

      Totally bespoke, there’s zero tracers of Android shown to the end user. Jailbreaking of VR headsets may become a thing : P.

      Can we game stream from PC’s to it like how Steam-Link works?

      No official plans for that to happen, though it’s conceivable that some third-party app could make it happen, though it might require a jailbreak to be developed for the headset.

      Can a XBox or other controller pair to it?

      Good question, unfortunately I don’t know. It would be nice if they’d allow any standard BT controller to connect so that, for games which don’t require motion input, people could use their controller of choice. I don’t think it’s a very big use case right now so I’d guess ‘no’ out of the gate, but maybe they’d consider if it there’s demand for those kinds of games.

  • Ryan


    What kind of platform will it support ? android cardboard? daydream? Steam ?…


    • silvaring


    • benz145

      @disqus_W5gCUbnVXA:disqus Good question which I should have at least touched on in this article — HTC was planning to launch the headset under Google’s Daydream platform but pulled out from their ecosystem before the headset was fully announced. Instead they decided to build their own mobile VR platform called Vive Wave, which runs a mobile version of the Viveport store.

      • Justos

        This thing is DOA if it only runs viveport.

        • MasterElwood

          its DOA because it can´t do anything right. It has the wrong pricepoint for a 3 DOF controller – and for its pricepoint the wrong controller.

          If is had a pricepoint near the Go you could forgive the controller. If it had 2 6 DOF controller you could forgive the pricepoint.

          But HIGH pricepoint and LOW features… NAH.

          GO and SANTA will rule the standalone market.
          This: DOA.

  • “1,600 × 1,440 OLED display” for each eye? Are you sure about that?

    • benz145

      Yes, same as the Vive Pro (unless you are asking if it’s really 1,440 x 1,600 rather than 1,600 x 1,440, in which case, I’m not sure of the actual orientation).

      • Marcus

        Two displays? Then why does HTC says it’s only one?

        Display: 3K AMOLED, resolution 2880 x 1600


        • Engadget is reporting single-piece:

          To quote “and now we’re also told that there’s a 2,880 x 1,600 single-piece AMOLED display, which is actually sharper than the Vive’s 2,160 x 1,200 made up of two AMOLED panels.”


          • benz145

            Interesting. HTC told us clearly that it’s the same displays and lenses as the Vive Pro, and that the IPD adjustment was made possible because there are two displays. I’ll triple check with them on that.

            [Mentioning @m73:disqus because this response applies to his question as well.]

  • Jean-Sebastien Perron

    It does not matter since it wont be sold in democratic countries, only communist dictatorship.

    • gothicvillas

      Only dictatorship? Good news!! Must be coming to EU then.

    • Mei Ling

      Contrary to what you may think, China is one of the countries in the world that is “least” communist depending on how you see it.

      • Meow Smith

        Mmm hes talking about the leadership of the country not how it looks after its people so he’s still kind of still right.

        Ditto China isn’t a communist country, its quite the opposite if you don’t have the right connections.

        • Darshan

          The deifiniton is too broad, words are deceiving.. Many nations are under dectatorship without any citizen knowing it.

          Some times strings are so well guarded from vision they vanish under the veil of propegenda and purchased news. One accepts truth on what one sees hears and listen. world is more complicated then it.

  • Tomek

    The glasses work independently according to the All-in-One product line. Available on sale only through the official HTC VIVE distribution channel in China. VIVE FOCUS glasses are a standalone VR unit without the need of permanent connection with a computer equipped with cameras allowing tracking in space thanks to the developed depth algorithm. In practice, the spectacle cameras replace the tracking cameras, characteristic for sets cooperating with the computer and calculate the size of the space in which we can move without the risk of collision with the wall, the approach to the obstacle is signaled by a virtual grid.

    The main purpose of the tracking cameras used, however, is the ability to navigate in the virtual world of VR content, which were built on the basis of free movement in a three-dimensional space known as 6dof. For uninitiated users it means more or less that we can, for example, walk around a three-dimensional object like a car displayed in front of our eyes, look inside or on its roof, everything takes place just like in reality, if the VR application allows.

    The designers of the glasses placed loudspeakers in the slots of the side head holder, which are directed in such a way that they are audible to the user but not necessarily outside. The effect is amazing, we hear surround sound coming from everywhere, but without headphones. The use of glasses is extremely convenient and you can clearly see the impact of HTC Vive resources, capabilities and experience in everything. The design is very well thought out and the whole multimedia ecosystem and what we see before our eyes makes a huge impression.

    3K resolution introduces a completely new quality, pixels are barely visible and the picture seems to be almost smooth, it is much better than the version of goggles to work with the computer. Due to the beginnings of the Vive Focus product in the VR VIVEPORT content library, we currently find about 40 items for this headset. Available applications include games, film and educational presentations, a huge application with full-length 3D movies that we can see in IMAX theaters and multiplexes. The movies are streamed online and there are several hundred of them, which allows to think that everything so far has been released in 3D in the world is in the library of these goggles and it’s free. The quality of the films is very good and watching them is pure pleasure. The manufacturer announces a steady increase of the offer available in the Viveport library.

    The glasses have a micro SD memory card slot up to 2TB which allows you to store huge amounts of VR content, allowing you to view them freely on the go or anywhere in our stay.

    In the standard set we will find one 9-axis 3dof controller thanks to which we will be able to perform all activities in a virtual space. HTC Vive predicts in the near future to supplement the software with the ability to use the already known pair of HTC Vive controllers. VR content comes from the VIVEPORT platform, thanks to which we have access to VIVE proprietary VR programs and many more.

    HTC Vive Focus is a big step forward in the world of VR devices, which overcomes the existing barriers and sets new trends based on existing solutions. An unquestionable advantage is the release of goggles from a permanent connection with a computer that attached us to one place. Despite the fact that on the market of VR devices we can find a large number of different solutions for independently functioning glasses, however, none of them even in 1/3 approached the HTC Vive headset. The possibility of free and unhindered movement in the space VR is the essence and the most important feature of VR glasses, which was successfully transferred to a self-functioning device for the first time. Currently, it is certainly the best VR glasses in the All-in-One segment and for a long time there will be no competition for the current year, nothing that could change it.

  • Rowdy123

    I never understand statements like this – which journalists and reviewer make all the time. I am not being mean just confused:

    “The resolution is a bit of a step up from other mobile VR headsets (most of which use a single 2,560 × 1,440 panel split into 1,280 × 1,440 per lens), and a larger step up from first-gen VR headsets like the Vive (which has a 1,080 × 1,200 per lens resolution).”

    This is saying that mobile VR is better than original Vive and Oculus Rift. Reviewer always comare these number and say that – but the fact is mobile VR is a joke compared to original Vive or Oculus. Samsung Gear VR with a new S8 is still a blurry mess. More of a “fun to play for a minute” – than Vive or Rift – which have far better resolution.

    The answer is that the power of a PC and a Nvidia graphic cards make the resolution o Vive and Oculuc Rift far superior — but writers always jot down just the numbers and end up saying “yeah mobile VR is better”

    Happy to be corrected.

    • Marcus

      For me everything without IPD adjustment is a blurry mess. Maybe it’s the same for you.

    • MasterElwood

      GO is probably better than the PC-HMDs for things like 360 photos or virtual cinemas thanx to the LED displays (less SDE, better resolution, more subpixel) and the next generation fresnel lenses.

      But of course at every thing else the standalone / mobiles are WAYYYY behind.

      • daveinpublic

        The ‘graphics’ will be worse, but really the designers just have to use a different design philosophy. Just like the new Zelda game is literally one of the most beautiful games on the market, even though the hardware is nowhere close to and Xbox/PS. You have to work more with a stylistic vector style. So, ya the graphics are more powerful on a PC headset, but you can still achieve beautiful graphics with the power of a mobile chip.

    • Laurence Nairne

      Because these numbers are not the whole picture (pun intended).

      Resolution potential means nothing without the rendering power to back it up – which Ben states quite clearly later in this article.

      • Rowdy123

        Thanks for the correction! :)

    • Doctor Bambi

      To each their own, but I used GearVR for about 6 months before having enough money to get a Rift and while I love Rift, there was a small but noticeable drop in visual clarity, especially when combined with the god rays.

      Mobile and PC VR have their own strengths and both are great in the right context.

    • benz145

      As @laurencenairne:disqus mentioned, the resolution is just the number of pixels in the display. If you were to compare something like photo or maybe video viewing, the Focus would almost certainly appear to have greater clarity than first-gen tethered headsets like the Rift and Vive.

      In the section of the article with the header ‘Mobile-class Graphics’ I noted:

      Of course, to make use of display and lens capabilities, you need the rendering power to back it up. For well optimized experiences, like the headset’s ‘home’ menu, you could see the difference the added resolution makes. With the headset fundamentally reliant on mobile hardware for rendering, the graphics simply can’t stand up to what’s possible on a tethered headset connected to a high-end gaming PC. The one game I had a chance to play (a cover shooter) didn’t feel like it was rendered and textured well enough to really make use of all the pixels available. That, of course, will come down to developer competency in the end, but one would hope that there’s premium content to match what HTC says is the premium choice among standalone headsets.

    • Darshan

      Mobile VR needs right kind of lenses with large sweet spot, or IPD Adjustment & better if it has both. As your blurry mess comment has to do with worng IPD. Also mobile hardware does have limits when its doing other things like staying in network, handling apps in background and OS doing lot of other unkown stuff. when mobile chip Offloaded from this extra burden, it can manage 30/35% performance boost in VR app, then this all in one need creative developer who knows all quirks and excells of hardware to develope something which can shine on such hardware.

      IMO good standalone VR headset can beat teathered one. When done right…

  • Lucidfeuer

    I think the specs and design are okay. The price is nowhere near so.

    What I don’t understand is: since this is a “tethered” mobile hardware and not PC (so, no point in Viveport or Steam), will it run on Daydream since HTC platforms are on Android?

    • Laurence Nairne

      The survival of this headset will depend entirely on whether Oculus intends to deal with Xiaomi for Santa Cruz in China like they are with GO.

      I just don’t see a global market for 6DoF/3DoF combination where the hands are things sending only rotational data. It really has to be one or the other for me.

      They’d be absolutely barmy to attempt to pull their “Wave” shit in the rest of the world, but then HTC have not been making great decisions of late, so it’s anyone’s guess.

      • MasterElwood

        “I just don’t see a global market for 6DoF/3DoF combination where the hands are things sending only rotational data. It really has to be one or the other for me.”

        THIS! Be “all 3DoF” and cheep – or “6DoF” and expensive. A combination is just useless BS and DOA.

        Oculus gets it. HTC not.

        • Darshan

          Agree for right price may be 6DoF purist may go to LENOVO Mirage Solo, Those who are casual will go with OC GO.

      • Lucidfeuer

        I think they will, Xiaomi strategy so far is to direct deal and licence with established manufacturers or platforms to distribute and promote them through their brand on the chinese market.

        I personally think standalone headset is stupid, at the exception of the GO but only for the price, so the controllers are in the same problem vicinities as mobile head-tracking in the first place.

        But yeah, HTC doesn’t make sense.

        • Laurence Nairne

          I think the strategy of standalone is sound, it’s just grossly underpowered in practice.

          If we can outsource the rendering processing and stream experiences then they wouldn’t be quite so redundant. It’s really just a case of standalone vs. wireless PC-tethered which will likely merge at some point in the future when everything is coming from a server somewhere in native American territory.

          • Lucidfeuer

            “If we can outsource the rendering processing and stream experiences” to me that’s not a “standalone” then but close to being a first true virtual headset.

            We agree that Virtual/AVR Headsets should have been “untethered” and wireless from the beginning as in being able to switch wirelessly between an internal mobile platform, and wireless tethering to a host PC, or Mac, or Console etc…

          • Laurence Nairne

            I guess we’re arguing nomenclature, but I don’t disagree with you on the rest.

            I think the only reason we are in this place of prototypes/devkits being sold as commercial products is because Oculus would have R&D’d themselves into bankruptcy!

          • Darshan

            Thats reason one must release product at some point, no matter how better it could be, as to further develop resarchers need funds which without obligation or pressure can come from sales profit only……

            Oculus acted wise to not to RnD to bankruptcy and released product at good stage. Only thing went wrong was their internal team need to see god rays before consumer sees and need to find ways to mitigate them before release of headset.

            One may argue what consumer see is better version of it already and internal prototype may have even worst god rays, they might have settled at bigger eye relef, less screen door and acceptable god rays vintage point…. Only insider must be knowing, We dont have one to answer so best guess.

    • Doctor Bambi

      Focus was supposed to support the Daydream ecosystem, but the deal apparently fell through. It’s now using Vive Wave, a mobile equivalent of Viveport.

      • Lucidfeuer

        That’s beyond stupid, exactly what catalogue of app do they intend on proposing since Vive apps run on Windows.

        • Doctor Bambi

          They’re doing what they can to woo developers onto the platform, even offering a 100% cut of sales for a limited time, and it’s supposed to be very easy to port from Daydream. The frustrating thing is that, from a customer point of view, they have absolutely no information on their website about the current library.

          • Lucidfeuer

            We’ll see…

    • dk

      well ….lenovo

  • Ian Walker

    meh, I did better with my prototype for google cardboard years ago; the big boys, they ALL keep making the same mistakes. Just shows what a sad and sorry state of affairs there really is in consumer electronics – no-one has the guts to do it right, just rehash the consensus with incremental ‘improvements’ to a failed recipe. I’ll say it again – stolen fruit may taste sweet, but you just will never get the sekrit sawce…

    • Lucidfeuer

      I don’t think it’s so much a matter of guts, rather than a matter of mediocre governance strictly oriented by maximum cost saving at minimum development and iteration. Which is already the case of smartphones, the difference being Steve Jobs paved the way for a finite practical device from the get-go and since long established market…which isn’t the case for VR.

      • Ian Walker

        Lol, there is a back story to the whole Jobs and apple thing (well the ones prefixed with an ‘i’ anyways) that would blow your mind. And that the overarching design philosophy behind ‘retina’ display devices was to make them dual-useful for the nascent inception of VR and AR devices…

  • daveinpublic

    HTC is trying to change their business strategy, and be the software people. It’s a huge change, even though they aren’t marketing that, and I think it puts the customers at a disadvantage. They’re essentially trying to convince developers to help build yet another store for VR, and they’re hoping other hardware manufacturers build ‘Wave’ products as well. Essentially, they’re using the Android operating system to compete with Google’s DayDream and the Vive brand name to compete with Steam. I think it’s a bad move. Imagine what would happen if a few DayDream headsets come out, start to do well, and Google basically decides to smoke Wave by ‘opening up’ more features to their own headset and handicapping Wave by creating new branches of their operating system that don’t allow basic upgrades to new faster network protocols or whatever.

  • G-man

    how will bigscreen work on a standalone? you have no desktop to stream.

  • impurekind

    So: Headset good. Controller sh*t.

  • I still think it is aimed more at enterprise and prosumers more than at consumers. It’s too expensive

  • oompah

    say 1/2 – 1/3 of ur monthly salary for a headset

  • brandon9271

    I really wish they’d have added the option to tether to a PC. i know being stand alone is the whole point but being able to run PC games on it as well would add a lot of value. A product like this plus a TPCast type device would be GREAT

  • fuyou2


  • impurekind

    What we need is dual 6DoF controllers even for these standalone headsets. The Santa Cruz from Oculus is on the right track.