Back at the end of April, 2019, Oculus introduced “the new Oculus for Business” program, an enterprise-focused program which would see Oculus headsets sold with customized software aimed at large scale device management and business and commercial use-cases, along with specialized support and warranties. While the company expected the program to launch in the Fall of 2019, the Oculus for Business program is still not open for business.

If you’re an enterprise looking to use VR to enhance your business, you may have come across the Oculus for Business program. Through it, Oculus pairs the Quest headset for $1,000 with specialized software, licenses, and support for large scale enterprise deployments.

The official site presents the program as ripe and ready for enterprise needs, but for anyone except select pilot partners, the program has been “available soon” for months following its expected Fall 2019 launch. For businesses hoping to integrate VR into their organization, that’s months of frustrating uncertainty.

When we reached out to the company, Facebook gave us a status update but still wasn’t able to be any more specific than “soon” regarding open availability of the Oculus for Business program.

“We recently completed beta with a closed group of customers and ISVs, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. This month we’re continuing a gradual rollout to additional customers in the order with which they purchased and as hardware becomes available,” a Facebook spokesperson said. “Oculus Quest is currently backordered, and we’re working hard to replenish stock. We plan to continue with release to everyone, including new customers, soon.”

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While other companies have had enterprise programs in place for some time, the slow and uncertain rollout of Oculus for Business continues a trend which has earned Facebook a reputation for being obtuse to the needs of enterprise VR customers outside of hand-picked high-profile organizations.

That extends to which Oculus hardware Facebook even offers through the Oculus for Business program. If Rift S or Oculus Go are the best fit for your business, you’re out of luck; Quest is the only option, making ‘Oculus Quest for Business’ a more fitting name.

Facebook will sell Rift S and Go in bulk with an enterprise license, but key enterprise-focused features—like remote device management, provisioning, kiosk mode, and more—are only available on Quest. Oculus had planned to offer Go as part of Oculus for Business, but said it dropped the headset based on pilot feedback.

Image courtesy Facebook

HTC on the other hand—which has long touted its Vive Enterprise program alongside a turnkey VR arcade platform—offers enterprise features across its entire line of products, both PC and standalone.

Speaking with Facebook about the Oculus for Business program, the company pointed us to both the Enterprise Use Agreement which governs the program, and the Hospitality Entertainment Combination Addendum, which further details limitations and responsibilities for business-to-consumer use-cases like VR arcades and attractions. The latter, interestingly, forbids companies from “implementing any custom co-location functionality” (ie: two users sharing the same physical space for a multiplayer experience), a capability which, to our knowledge, Oculus has not made available to developers since demonstrating it more than a year ago.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Yeah, I know a bunch of companies that are awaiting for this, and Oculus always delays the availability of the Oculus For Business program…

    • Immersive Computing

      It’s not surprising HTC has done such good business in the enterprise and LBE markets?

      It’s always Vive Pro Eye when I attend experiences, another example earlier this week in London

      • Businesses like playing with edge case technology at events, but when it comes to actual implementations Enterprises balk at both the financial and technical hurdles involved.

        From my experience, Oculus is used in business environments at a much higher multiple due to the clear advantage in both areas.

  • Xron

    Well, they need to take their time to develop it as much as they can, so it won’t be bugged when they show it to business… First impression matters alot.

  • Jim P

    In business with the matter of you don’t have to have an ecosystem and money does not matter. They will lose.

  • Rob Walker

    I don’t see anything wrong with Oculus taking their time to trial suitability for business. The only thing that needs to change is the publicised expectation. Instead of ‘coming soon’, have a link to a blog or page with the oculus’s response stated in the article. That would give a better idea of the progress.

  • VR_IRL

    Would someone who has followed the AR/VR/MR space for a while help out a newbie? I really want to get into VR, but I’m not sure where to start. A lot of people seem excited about the Quest, but it’s almost a year old at this point (practically ancient in “tech time”). Is there good information out there about its successor? Given my interest in gaming and other novel experiences, should I be looking at Samsung or GOOG or MSFT or some other company instead/too?

    Also, as someone who doesn’t have a nice gaming PC or huge VR budget (I don’t want to spend more than $500 for the headset + a few games/experiences), what are the key specs I should look for in a current or next gen product that won’t leave me with buyers remorse shortly after purchase? As I understand it, FOV, refresh rate, and resolution are crucial, but I’m sure other stuff matters as much or more. Basically, I want to spend wisely, but I don’t want to wait indefinitely.

    Thank you in advance for any insight you can share!

    • Sven Viking

      Is there good information out there about its successor?

      No. Probably 2+ years off.

      Also, as someone who doesn’t have a nice gaming PC or huge VR budget (I don’t want to spend more than $500 for the headset + a few games/experiences), what are the key specs I should look for in a current or next gen product that won’t leave me with buyers remorse shortly after purchase?


    • Andrew Jakobs

      At this moment the Quest is your best bet.. There will always be better headsets around the corner. It’s because the Quest is almost a year old it’s a good bet as it has solid software support, also the new ability to link it to a PC makes it also a good contender..

      As you say you don’t want to spend more than $500 for a headset and a few games without a decent PC to drive the newer headsets, you only have 2 options IMHO, Quest or the PSVR (especially if you already own a PS4). Anything else requires a decent PC.. As you don’t mention what kind of rig you have, anything below the 1660 isn’t really capable to drive the current highend headsets without some serious limitations..

      Just be happy with what you can get now and don’t try to stare at the tech specs, just enjoy the games and experiences. VR is so much more immersive than playing on a monitor, but at this point you do have to look beyond the technical limitations.

    • vtid

      100% get a Quest. In a year or 2 I’d bet there wouldn’t be a better alternative for a standalone hmd, certainly for £400. I’m a huge VR enthusiast but still use an Oculus Rift cv1 from early 2016. It’s still great, although I want an Index but I don’t have £1000 to spend on it. A year in VR isn’t like a year in a lot of other tech industries just yet. Right now Quest is by far your best option. Absolutely no question.

  • Atul Salgaonkar

    In my business, I want to send out large quantities of Oculus GO devices so that newbie users (who find Quest to be overwhelming) can access pre-selected content. My customers/users want to make sure the device will not be used by someone else in their home to access inappropriate sites/content. For this, I was hoping to use “Oculus for Business” and its Over The Air programming to manage user access. However, now it seems that Oculus Go will not be a part of this program.

    • Hi Atul,
      Maybe you could consider making use of EZ360 ( in combination with Oculus Go Kiosk Mode by Tweaklab. That way you can make sure that only prepared (video) content can be opened and with EZ360 the user won’t have difficulties in watching the content.
      I’m founder of EZ360, you can contact me if you would like more information or help in setting it up.

  • Andrew Jakobs

    Ofcourse they won’t support the S in this program, it’s not their own headset, they just outsourced it completely. The Quest is what the company is betting on, with the Go now also being dropped as Oculus is gearing up for a new mobile headset, so the Quest will probably become the new Go and a new higher end mobile headset will replace the Quest. With the new higher end headset also being able to cater for PCVR so they only have to support one highend headset instead of multiple and one ‘lowend’ headset…

  • Lucas Cunningham

    I think they simply ran out of headsets, they weren’t expecting near the amount of consumer sales they were seeing this holiday season.

  • Kimberle McDonald

    I am not convinced Facebook really cares about pitching this to business. I remain convinced Zuck wanted this because he realized they could glean way more information about someone from a 360 VR share than a mere selfie or photo.

  • WyrdestGeek

    I guess they’re ceding this territory to Microsoft and Hololens.

  • Cam

    They had the Go listed as a compatible device in one of the images on the Enterprise page… until I pointed it out to them and they cropped it.