PlayStation VR 2 launched late last month alongside more than 40 titles, which included games entirely new to the platform as well existing games from other platforms and upgraded PSVR titles. The headset’s first monthly top download chart has revealed a big shift in which games are taking an early lead in the headset’s growing library.

Taking the top spot across the US & Canada, the EU and Japan is Kayak VR: Mirage, a kayak racing sim initially released on SteamVR headsets in 2022 by Amsterdam-based indie studio Better Than Life.

In it, players race across lush, photorealistic environments including ice caves in Antarctica, tropical locales in Costa Rica, storm waters in Norway, and the stark canyons of Australia. The paddling movement mechanic is also something that works really well in VR too, which we hope more games will make use of thanks to just how immersive it can be.

Horizon Call of the Mountain, undoubtedly a product of sizable investment by Sony, only managed to eke out third place in the US/Canada and the EU, taking second place in Japan, which on the outside may sound a tad disappointing to the Sony-owned developers Guerilla Games and Firesprite.

Notably, Horizon Call of the Mountain was included in a prominent PSVR 2 hardware bundle, which isn’t calculated in last month’s top downloads since only PS Store purchases are included, and not game upgrades or games bundled with hardware. That probably why you won’t see Gran Turismo 7 or Resident Evil Village on the list, both of which offer PSVR 2 support via free updates.

Horizon Call of the Mountain is a single-player adventure that showcases some of the best graphics you’ll find anywhere in VR. Combat could be a bit more fluid and climbing could have more interesting challenges, although it certainly stacks up to Half-Life: Alyx in terms of immersion. Check out why we game it a respectable [8.5/10] in our review.

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What’s more, it seems the era of Job Simulator (2016) ruling the PSVR top download charts has come to a definite end—despite it and sequel Vacation Simulator both offering PSVR 2 versions. Job Simulator has ruled the download charts nearly every month without fail since it launched on the original PSVR.

Take note: the February download chart only accounts for the headset’s first week in existence (Feb 22-28). March’s chart should be another fairly interesting read, as we see whether these top spots remain, or falter as more users pick up PSVR 2 headsets. Check out the chart below:

PSVR 2 Games

US & Canada EU Japan
1 Kayak VR: Mirage Kayak VR: Mirage Kayak VR: Mirage
2 Pavlov Pavlov
Horizon Call of the Mountain
3 Horizon Call of the Mountain Horizon Call of the Mountain
The Tale of Onogoro
4 Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge
Dyschronia:Chronos Alternate Episode I
After the Fall – Complete Edition
Moss and Moss: Book II Bundle
7 Swordsman VR Job Simulator Puzzling Places
8 Drums Rock Swordsman VR
Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge
9 NFL PRO ERA Drums Rock Drums Rock
10 The Light Brigade After the Fall Job Simulator


Update (4:00PM ET): Horizon Call of the Mountain was included in a hardware bundle, which Sony isn’t calculating in this list. As the PlayStation blogpost states, the chart is counting PS Store purchases and not bundled or upgraded content.

Thanks to our readers Dragon Marble and Piggy for pointing that out in the comments!

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Piggy

    Do the Horizon sales include codes redeemed from the bundles?

    • Hi Piggy, thanks for the question. Sony says the chart above is counting downloads and not sales. We’ve included an update above to clarify this. Thanks for reading!

      • Dragon Marble

        No, the footnote says “games bundled with hardware not included”.

        • Selective blindness strikes again! Thanks, Dragon Marble!

  • Octogod

    Really nice to see something new at the top of the charts!

  • Tommy

    I bet GT7 is actually #1 but they don’t count it as a VR title because it’s an “add-on”

    • MOT

      Yes hybrid games like GT7 and resident evil 8 arent included. I would be surprised if those werent top two. They are stunning experiences. As is Horizon.

      • Tommy

        My opinion is the Top 3 would be :
        1. GT7 – because this game is absolutely a system seller and the majority of non-VR people jumping in are buying it for this game alone.
        2. Horizon – add the downloads plus the amount of bundles and I’m sure it easily surpasses Kayak. Could rival GT7 for #1.
        3. RE8 – this is a must play and not in the charts because so many people already owned the standard edition. If you count people like me that bought it prior to PSVR2 launch in anticipation for VR, that would also surpass most in the top 10.
        4. I could be completely wrong about everything, lol.

        • MountainK1ng

          Agree. I had bought GT7 at launch, but part of my reasoning was that it would probably eventually have PSVR2 support. I only played a couple weeks before deciding to wait for VR. Also, it seems like there were a lot of bundles sold, so likely Horizon has the #1.

  • ViRGiN

    Pavlov switched to psvr2 cause they are incapable of releasing a quest version lol. Still no crossplay that was promised for a launch day a month ago.

    • dpig

      Came across a PCVR crossplay tester on a PSVR server the other day. No doubt crossplay will arrive soon.

      • ViRGiN

        Those are developers. They have been developing it for years now. No doubt it’s not coming soon. Time to stop inhaling that pavlov graded copium.
        Every single thing pavlov has ever promised – none has ever arrived on time. None.

        • MountainK1ng

          PSVR2 version launched on time.

          • ViRGiN

            Likely contractorly-obligated. Still the launch wasn’t confirm until 2-3 weeks before PSVR2 launch by Sony itself.
            Promised crossplay still hasn’t arrived a month later. Quest Shack still haven’t released despite december 2019 promises.
            Fck that game.

  • david vincent

    Kayak VR is nice and pretty but $23 for only 1-2h of playtime is a bit steep

    • Rosko

      It’s rubbish worth $5 at best.

    • MountainK1ng

      Hard to call it only 1-2h playtime when it’s as much time as you feel like spending in it. Granted I got it on sale for a few dollars less and have only spent about 40 minutes in it, but there are so many other games to play right now. It seems like a nice way to just chill for a bit. I was just tooling around the beach and wishing I was there.

  • hugorune

    I‘m so utterly disappointed. No Skyrim VR on PSVR2. Sold mine yesterday.

    • ViRGiN

      Booo! I’m selling the headset cause the game i wanted and was never announced isn’t actually on it! How dare they! Only steamvr!

    • ridiculous

      The HMD hasn’t even been out a month yet ffs

      • hugorune

        Bethesda is now Microsoft…

  • Rupert Jung

    Well, as Sony refused to launch Call of the Mountain as Disc version, you can’t sell it aftwards this definitly boosts download numbers ;)