Meta is releasing an update for Quest 3 that aims to fix one of the most irksome issues with the headset’s passthrough function: its terrible visual warping.

Using passthrough on Quest 3 has been somewhat of a blessing and curse. It’s great to have color passthrough for mixed reality games, and also for just keeping an eye on your surroundings. But ever since it launched in 2023, the headset has suffered some very apparent warping that can cause motion sickness in users since the world isn’t nearly as ‘solid’ as it should be.

Meta is now rolling out its v66 update which looks to fix this in Quest 3—said to improve image quality beyond the company’s big v64 update in April, which brought with it better color accuracy, exposure, contrast, and dynamic range.

The company says in a blog post that the new update “significantly reduce[s] image distortion in Passthrough, so that your hands and other objects look more natural in Mixed Reality. This improvement also reduces the warping effect around these objects while in motion.”

Check out a comparison between the v65 update and the new and improved passthrough in v66:

Meta says users will probably also notice that their virtual hands will now align better with the image of their real-world hands, which has always been a bit of a immersion breaker since the mismatch draws your attention away from MR content.

Shuhei Yoshida, Industry Veteran & Main Figure Behind PSVR, Departs Sony

Additionally, the new v66 update is also slated to include an improvement to how background audio works for 2D apps on Quest, and a new experimental feature that adds a wrist-mounted menu button.

As with all Quest updates, Meta says it’s rolling out the passthrough improvement feature gradually, which may even come as an independent follow-on update after you’ve actually installed v66. In the meantime, make sure to keep your eyes peeled on your hands to see if you’ve gotten the update or not—which should be very apparent.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Stephen Bard

    I have to wonder if this visual warping would have been improved if the comparison with the AVP hadn't so called attention to it. I am thankful every day that this insultingly overpriced device with claustrophobic FOVs and a ridiculous dangling brick didn't exist to further motivate Meta.

  • eadVrim

    Nice, That Q3 annoying boundary should be improved too, I would like to take on the headset and voila!, why the fk* should set boundary when I am going to play a MR game.

  • We need new Virtual Enviornments more than the frequency of once a year.
    And do we need to complain AGAIN about not being able to have guests …??
    []^ (

    • sfmike

      New virtual environments might mean they would have to spend some money and that's a no-no in the corporate world these days when customer service is a concept from the past and is now being left to AI to deal with.

      • ViRGiN

        Following the Steam playbook?

        • ViRGiN

          I'm a funny guy.

          I have a cult following you know- look at the many upvotes on here for a start.

          I have no friends.

          • Robert Smith

            Yeah, we can tell.

          • salamancer

            Not true

        • ViRGiN

          And a very small male generative member.

      • Stephen Bard

        Virtual environments cost virtually nothing compared to what Meta throws away every day on other stuff, so maybe you should find some specific R&D subject to complain about that they actually spend millions on.

    • philingreat

      New Environments is a nice to have, but I would put the priority on a UI that works reliable. Most of the time I go in and I can't click anything in the menu. Need to put the headset to sleep and start again to make it work. With hand tracking, so many times I bring up the UI by accident just by pinching while gesturing with my hands. Why can't I have more then 1 pinned app? Why can't I have a favorite folder of games? Why stay the games even if I uninstalled them? That's just the beginning of the list…

      • Stephen Bard

        For some reason, I never have any problem clicking on anything in this UI, because the controllers "always" work and even make a satisfying click that I can actually feel. Since you are so enamored with the unnecessary uncertainty of hand-tracking, in order to fully feel frustration, you obviously need an overpriced AVP instead!

        • Ardra Diva

          yes i don't seem to have any of those problems. it is definitely nice to filter by installed and no longer see uninstalled apps.

        • philingreat

          It doesn’t happen when I use hand tracking, it happens to me every single day while using controllers, I can’t click on anything in the UI. Only putting the headset to sleep and starting it up again fixes it. It’s nice that you don’t have that problem but that doesn’t fixes it for me.

      • Stephen Bard

        So yes, your ability to segregate your different Library apps has been rather limited to "All", "Installed" and "Not Installed", and the actual "unwanted" uninstalled apps are are currently a place-holder that is undeletable. Fortunately for you, this admittedly weak part of your UI will be improved somewhat in a few days with a new folder where you can hide stuff. "You" can call it "Favorites", but I will be using it for those dreadful undeletable apps that I don' t want to see any more in the "All" folder. For years I have spent alot of time finding potentially "interesting" apps in the App Lab via Sidequest (as opposed to the obviously bad ones, like hundreds of GorillaTag clones). Unfortunately, 95% of even the apps that emanate a little potential in the description/reviews do not long survive the test of install and are promptly uninstalled. So anyway, this new Library category is particularly useful for me, so 90% of the 2441 apps in my Quest 3 Library as of today will disappear into this new Hidden folder. This will be useful since some day some miniscule % of those dead apps might be revised and actually have become interesting.

    • Stephen Bard

      The latest, Lakeside Peak, looks pretty good, with lots of animations, on Quest 3, but I don't understand why they aren't at least double the current resolution on Quest 3. I was sure that the much-touted hi-res photogrammetry environments in the silly AVP would here again have motivated Meta to finally release Quest hi-res environments. Meanwhile, you can just open your Brink Traveler app on Quest 3 to get 28 much higher resolution animated environments, and you can fully use your Browser or any other window surrounded by the Brink scenes.

    • Jistuce

      Personally, I don't care about environments anymore. They're just a fancy menu background.

      I HAD a place in VR on my Rift. I spent some time setting up the environment to be a place I liked spending time in, made it MY place. There were a remarkable number of ways to customize it, and I availed myself of more of them than I usually would.
      I would sometimes load in just to chill in my little virtual home and not even play a game. Just sit in a chair and look out at the scenery from my virtual porch. Then the man drove a bulldozer through my home, destroyed it, and paved it over. Now I'm cyberhomeless.
      Maybe I'm being a little melodramatic, but… I miss my space.

      To my knowledge, Rift homes are gone completely, and hanging out in a sterile space that can't be modified or interacted with doesn't move me. It just reminds me of what I used to have.
      And if they bring back any sort of customizable home space in the future… I no longer trust them to not destroy my space on a whim.

      • Stephen Bard

        I am shocked by how much I miss my various Oculus Custom PC Homes and the homes of various creative Oculus PC friends. The basic Oculus home templates were varied and within each of those you could change the wall/ceiling/floor compositions. We received custom Oculus objects in accordance with how much time we spent online. My favorite object was a large rock with a tree on it, upon which dwelt a wonderful animated fairy, but if you approached to close it was programmed to hide in a little cave and peek out at you! Another cool object was a large animated orrery of rotating planets. In addition to the Oculus object inventory, you could download unlimited amazing static or animated objects from Sketchfab. The best home option though was that Oculus eventually allowed you to ignore their room templates and upload a completely original file that defined a walkable space of gigantic size. One of my many elaborate custom home spaces was a castle tower with furnishable rooms on about 10 levels, which was inside geometrically interlocking castle walls accessible by stairs. Next to the castle was a huge stone maze that took 15 minutes to walk thru if you knew the solution. Near the maze was a small town consisting of about 15 life-size buildings and also nearby was a large roman temple. The castle and buildings were situated on a plain inside a huge landscape of hills that extended out so far that it would take 20 minutes to traverse it. We discovered that that the actual maximum dimensions of our custom spaces were also much taller than advertised, so from the 200ft top of my tower I built a ziz-zag of ramps extending up so far that it took almost an hour to walk them. At the top was a platform that you could also furnish with objects. The greatest challenge in creating an empty space like this was that Oculus limited the file size to a miniscule 15MB! So, to build your spaces you ha to find models on Sketchfab tha were both elaborate/artistic and small memory consumption and stitch them together on something like Blender. Once you hade your empty template you could furnish it with hundreds resizable objects from the endless variety on Sketchfab. There was even an Oculus app that allowed you to custom frame your favorite artwork. Another of my custom homes was a futuristic city that I filled with and surrounded with gigantic animated psychedelic floating objects. So one day the Meta morons arbitrarily discontinued our wondrerful Oculus Custom PC Homes even though the development was already paid for and it would only have required a modest amount of server time to keep it going!

      • Hatori Hanzo

        i remember that, and loved it. how much i wish for a FP sims game :P


  • I'm pretty sure they didn't improve it, so much as simply turn it off. They couldn't magically enhance the 3D SLAM modeling of the room. That's what the distortion is: Video being texture mapped on a model of what the Quest is seeing.

    I suppose there's no good reason to see that anyways. It was always just a little "look behind the curtains". At some point, it's suppose to provide occlusion for the virtual world, although it seems far too low resolution for hands in it's current iteration.

    • Ardra Diva

      everything could always be better, and tech will always improve. but right now it's good enough i can read texts on my phone while wearing the visor, so it's pretty good already.

  • Wow… FINALLY

  • Rupert Jung

    I wish they would just stop displaying the virtual hand over the real one. It just causes distraction IHMO.

  • Dennis Tman

    Need better link support

  • Ardra Diva

    Still waiting for it, stuck on v65. Annoying, because I play with it daily just about.

  • Arashi

    yep still nothing here …