According to a report by BloombergApple may be planning to release a VR headset with limited AR capabilities as soon as 2022, which is said to be a precursor to its long-rumored, full-fledged AR device. Now, a follow up report by The Information contends the company’s first VR headset will cost around $3,000 and include a bevy of items high on any VR enthusiast’s wish list.

Update (February 4th, 2021): Citing people with direct knowledge of the device, The Information’s report maintains that Apple’s upcoming VR/AR headset will reportedly be equipped with more than a dozen cameras, which will be used for room-scale tracking, hand-tracking, and passthrough AR.

It’s also said to include dual 8K displays which make use of eye-tracking for foveated rendering, a technique of rendering content at its highest resolution where the center of the eye is pointed.

Internal Apple images leaked to The Information showed a late-stage prototype from 2020, which included a “sleek, curved visor attached to the face by a mesh material and swappable headbands.”

The report maintains that Apple internally discussed a $3,000 price point for the device, which suggests it will be pitched at the prosumer segment or at enterprise, similar to how Apple positions its Mac Pro computers.

Original Article (January 21st, 2021): “As a mostly virtual reality device, it will display an all-encompassing 3-D digital environment for gaming, watching video and communicating,” Bloomberg reports, citing people familiar with the matter. “AR functionality, the ability to overlay images and information over a view of the real world, will be more limited.”

Apple is reportedly aiming for a niche, high-end category with the VR headset. It’s said the device will be more expensive than rival devices in the VR space, with sales expected to be somewhere around one Apple headset per day, per store—small potatoes in comparison to the company’s fleet of mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers.

Bloomberg maintains the late-stage prototype headset is codenamed N301, however it’s still being finalized and could be subject to cancellation.

Oculus Quest 2 | Image courtesy Facebook

Much like Oculus Quest, some prototypes of the VR headset are said to include “external cameras to enable some AR features,” which could be used for hand-tracking. Considering it’s described as containing Apple’s “most advanced and powerful chips,” it’s reasonable to assume we’re talking about a standalone device with passthrough AR capabilities.

Weight savings was also a concern, the report maintains. The headset is said to be close-fitting, requiring additional prescription inserts due to the lack of extra room to accommodate for glasses. It’s also said to have a fabric exterior.

The AR prototype, which is projected to follow at some point, is said to be codenamed N421. It’s suggested N421 is still in an early stage of development, and has a reported 2023 unveiling.

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Apple doesn’t comment on its projects still in progress, but it’s been an open secret that the company has been creating headsets behind closed doors. Credible reports in the past have suggested the company has already begun preliminary work on AR optics. Code found in iOS 13.1 last fall even revealed AR headset codenames, display dimensions, and fields of view.

A rumor supplied by known tech leaker Jon Prosser back in May 2020 maintained the AR headset will be named ‘Apple Glass’, relies on Apple mobile devices for data processing, and would launch at $499 sometime this year. That may just be some hopeful conjecture though.

If the release strategy can be believed—first a VR headset with limited AR capabilities, then a true AR headset—we’re sure to hear plenty more about the two in the coming years leading up to their respectively release windows. Supply chains can’t always work in complete stealth, accessories are constantly revealed by lower-tier manufacturers, and app ecosystems don’t magically appear out of nowhere—the latter of which can make or break any new product class looking for consumer dollars (or rather pro-sumer if it’s exceptionally expensive).

For now though, all of it needs to be taken with a big grain of salt. Anything in pre-production from such a prolific company as Apple is always subject to cancellation. And like with all things Apple, the Cupertino tech giant also isn’t in a rush.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Kevin White

    “…one Apple headset per day, per store…”

    There are 506 Apple Stores worldwide. If they launched July 1, 2022, that would mean about 93,000 sold by end of year. Or a little under 185K per year.

  • Bob

    If this turns out to be an actual product from Apple then this will be very surprising.
    Virtual reality, as a technology, doesn’t seem to jibe well with Apple’s “lifestyle tech” agenda. No doubt Facebook will react to whatever Apple come up with which is obviously very good news for the consumer market. This will kickstart the beginning of real competition in the VR space in the 2020’s provided that this report is true.

    • kontis

      It also doesn’t jibe well with Facebook’s plans for XR since the day 1.
      They entered this market for mass market every day device targeting billion+ people. Their VR gaming interest is solely based on R&D and ecosystem.
      This is why they canceled Rift 2 and why all Oculus founders left.
      This is also why Facebook seeing that the tech progresses slower than anticipated and the adoption is not as good as they hoped they decided to manufacture prototype AR glasses for their employees that don’t even have any displays, just to do the data collection and computer vision.

      The point is Apple has the same dilemma and may act on it…

      None of these big companies give an actual sh… about VR gaming. Valve is an exception but they are a gaming company and not as big. And even Valve actually jumped on XR bandwagon because they slept on mobile and it frustrated Gaben.

      • Bob

        Facebook is at the forefront of research and development in the XR field with access to virtually unlimited resources and a massive roster of really brilliant engineers, so it’s safe to say that their progress with XR should more or less equal that of Apple’s. In other words, if they haven’t cracked it then neither should Apple.

        Point is: don’t expect miracles with this device.

        • Christian Schildwaechter

          Apple is at the forefront of research and development in the mobile AR field with access to virtually unlimited resources and a massive roster of really brilliant engineers, so it’s safe to say that their progress with XR should more or less equal that of Facebook’s. In other words, if they haven’t cracked it then neither should Facebook.

          Also, Apple sells more than 200M mobile AR devices each year, has an extremely lucrative app store, 20M registered iOS developers, and for years the performance of their ARM CPUs and GPUs has left any SoC available to Facebook in the dust.

          • Rogue Transfer

            @Bob @Christian: Eureka moments occur in the most random places and often to individuals who aren’t where you think they should be. Virtually unlimited resources and a massive roster of really brilliant engineers means nothing to such discoveries.

            It’s like having thousands of monkeys typing constantly, they might reproduce Shakespear’s works, but it’s much more likely that none of them are the one individual, in the right moment & time to have the vital discovery/thinking.

            Look at most of the great inventors. They were mostly individuals not in massive research divisions working for massive corporations(which I would say is antipathy to those individuals or such conditions they need for Eurekas to occur!). Once brought into a big corporation, it tends to suck the vital essence of true invention from creative thinking people. Not a good place to look for breakthroughs and often a place fledgeling breakthroughs die, due to mismanagement and inhouse politics.

        • Amni3D

          Facebook Reality Labs’ primarily contribution is Insight tracking. Otherwise, most of what they were doing, others already were researching/ attempting to ship to market. Their other primary contribution is sitting on patents they have zero intent of using (eg the curved VR display patent)

          Just because the Quest is the first decent standalone shipped, doesn’t mean others weren’t making effectively the same product. It’s just the other players in the scene were too slow.

          Also it’s worth noting Facebook, Apple, Sony, and Valve are all companies who have dedicated teams for VR and/or AR R&D. Saying “Facebook is at the forefront” is disagreeable in terms of innovation. These are the same guys that just barely gave us an IPD slider on Quest 2, and pretends it has to snap to 3 settings (it doesn’t actually).

          Insight is amazing, but “forefront” is pushing it.

          • Bob

            Smaller companies and/or institutions that have either made breakthroughs or are in the progress of making them in areas such as optics and computer vision have mostly been acquired by Facebook. They have been doing this constantly for years and years all of which has culminated in the formation of a single unified division dedicated to XR, of which the name you’ve already mentioned.

            Mentioning Insight with high praise is essentially testament to the capabilities of FRL, because as far I’m aware no other company, including Microsoft, has even come close to the effectiveness of Insight, and if they were they would have been known to Facebook and subsequently absorbed into FRL. Such a string of acquisitions means the cultivation and accumulation of very skilled labor over a long period of time, and we all know where Facebook are with capital. And this means that, yes, technically it isn’t an exaggeration at all to state that Facebook are in a leading position within R&D fields related to XR.

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            Apple acquired PrimeSense (USD 360M), the company that developed the Xbox Kinect depth-sensing sensor, in 2013. In 2015 they posted a job offer for a Sr. Display Systems Engineer that included the requirement “Candidate must understand the key issues associated with developing extremely high fidelity VR environments.” In 2020 they bought NextVR (USD 100M), who provided (mostly) VR live streaming of sports events, partnered with the NBA etc. And these are just a few.

            Apple has been working on AR/VR for a long time. Every iPhone since the iPhone 6S/SE is AR capable. Apple uses a ton of AI in their camera systems and includes a neural engine in their SoCs. The M1 reaches 11 TOPS. They have pretty much everything they need for a very powerful XR HMD, including the people and the competence.

            The big difference to Facebook is that Apple will deny working on any dedicated VR/AR products until they are ready to officially announce them. Facebook on the other hand has/had the OC developer conference and publishes a lot of research. So you probably shouldn’t base your judgement on what they have published. Yes, Insight is very cool and it is great that Facebook shared what they are doing. But how do you believe Apple got ARKit to run on more than 450M phones released since 2015?

          • Amni3D

            While true, this also applies to Apple and Microsoft.

            While Inisght is notable, so is Apple’s AR Kit and Microsoft’s HoloLens. I mean, even basic features like HDR, Panasonic beat Facebook to the punch. Where Facebook said “you don’t want HDR, we know best”, Valve said “it’s a game changer but hard to ship a product with”.

            If we’re talking about the lead in terms of inhouse innovation, it’s not Facebook. If we’re talking about the lead in aggressive R&D buy outs, then it’s a discussion of Apple and Facebook.

        • Ad

          Lol, Apple is worth 2 trillion dollars, have a truly massive research and hardware division, and a massive dev community. Facebook can’t make its own silicon, they’re a goldfish compared to Apple. And I don’t even like Apple.

      • Ad

        This isn’t a VR headset so much as a AR headset without AR so that you can get ready for AR.

        • Jeff Axline

          I agree completely. A very nice AR headset is a ways off, so they’ll probably release a VR one that pretends to be AR with cameras and LiDAR. The big draw will be the use of massive monitors wherever you want etc which AR promises. VR games etc would be there simply because it would be possible to do so. They’ll have their AR OS implemented and learn about what such a platform will be useful for.

          • Ad

            If there are no controllers then VR games might also barely show up. The VR games could just be AR games over a virtual environment.

    • Dave

      I think you’ve probably missed the point of this release. This is a testbed for AR which is there real interest and does fit exceptionally well into there “lifestyle tech” – just becuase there’s no precedence doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit.

      • Tick

        I just want to see some porn in this

  • NZ News

    So that’s why Gaben said Apple and Microsoft bought out all the headset component supply for the next 2 years.

    • psuedonymous

      That’s just general component supply, not HMD=specific components. This is also why car manufacturers are experiencing IC shortages: there are only so many component manufacturers on the planet, and demand right now is extremely high. The bigger the company you are, the more you can pay for components, and the more you can pay, the further to the front of the long queue you are for the limited production available.

  • dk

    that bloomberg article was so weird

  • kontis

    iOS app store means it will be much easier to get on the store (as long as it doesn’t break TOS), which is good news for many Side Quest devs.

    However, it also means no Side Quest for Apple VR, so if your app does something “illegal”, like having user comments or other UCG (some creative apps on Quest already do that) while not being a giant corporation with large moderation team, then you are doomed. On Facebook you could at least go with side quest… So some apps on Oculus store will never be allowed on iOS VR.

    The walled gardens mafias – so beautiful.

    • nejihiashi88

      Jaibreak exists

  • Wild Dog

    Little doubt it’ll just be an Apple Quest, probably with fewer games. I imagine they’re overestimating their developer-base.

    • Bob

      No I don’t believe this device is intended for gaming or will not be marketed as such i.e. Quest. Sure, Apple released Apple arcade for casual audiences but they are not a gaming focused company regardless. If you’re looking for a Quest competitor this device isn’t it (it’s expensive, limited stock, high-end).

      • Wild Dog

        Somehow I don’t think it’s well suited to be the Apple Glass though.

    • FancyButterfly

      Isn’t quest VR and this is AR?
      Nobody is going to pay $5k just for VR.

      • Wild Dog

        I think you mean $500. And it’s both it seems.

  • Christian Schildwaechter

    Bloomberg: “This time, though, Apple isn’t looking to create an iPhone-like hit for its first headset. Instead, the company is building a high-end, niche product that will prepare outside developers and consumers for its eventual, more mainstream AR glasses.”

    The estimated 180K units/year are Mac Pro numbers, not MacBook numbers and less than 0.1% of the 200M+ iPhones sold each year. This clearly look like a tool aimed at content creators, not customers. Probably better to compare it to the USD 4999 Pro Display XDR display, which is not intended for regular customers, but a bargain if you are a professional film editor that needs the 1600 nits on a reference monitor with high color precision.

    After Steam VR dropped MacOS support, the only VR device Mac developers can still utilize is the Quest, so the purpose of the device may be primarily to allow XR content creators to work on MacOS. While useful stand alone AR devices may still be a few years away due to FoV, CPU/GPU and power limits, developers can start working on software for these devices with a VR headset with usable camera passthrough plus access to its room sensing capabilities. Many current shortcomings of room sensing and object detection technology can be compensated by simply developing in a controlled, virtual environment that just blends with the camera images for a kind of virtual Augmented Reality.

    If this is Apples intention, the N301 would most likely not only be more expensive than both the Quest and the Vive Pro, but also pretty much useless unless you are a software developer working on AR titles for hardware that will not exist for years (N431).

    • FancyButterfly

      Why only developers? There are plenty of people that have no problem paying $5k for a headset if it is that good. Also renting headsets is obviously a good business.

      There has been plenty of Oculus headsets and even Apple added 3D cameras to ipads and iphones and in a year or two I don’t see a reason why developers wouldn’t be ready with good apps.

      • Christian Schildwaechter

        Developers only mostly due to a lack of apps. If Apple sells 180K per year, most of which go to developers, there will be only a very small number of customers to justify porting existing VR apps, let alone optimize for it. The optimal case would be Quest apps written in e.g. Unity against the Unity XR SDK. These would avoid any dependency to the Oculus SDK, and if Apple provides a plugin for the Unity XR Framework (which they probably will), this is the least effort possible for porting a VR app to the Apple HMD.

        But is still effort which must be payed for by sufficient sales numbers. By 2022 a couple of million Quests will have been sold to end users, about 100 times as much as could be expected for the Apple HMD. This makes it very hard to justify investing time into an Apple port, when Apple isn’t even marketing the device for end users.

        If they wanted to actually sell to end users, their best option would be to allow streaming from Steam similar to the Quest. This would allow those willing to pay the price for both the HMD and a very high end PC to utilize the specs that may be better than anything else available. Usually Apple doesn’t do this, but since they officially supported SteamVR and the HTC Vive at least for some time, there may do so for the new HMD too.

        Otherwise the market will be pretty much limited to developers and business customers that either build or commission custom apps for their specific needs.

  • Ted Joseph

    Sorry, but I am not interested in Apples VR product. I will continue with the Quest 2, and hopefully soon; PSVR2. The library of these 2 platforms makes it silly to purchase an Apple VR headset with no VR library built up yet. Facebook and Sony will be years ahead when Apple VR comes out. I am more interested in Apples AR glasses. Can’t wait!

    • Geoff

      If this device is capable of replacing a desktop monitor then I can see it having a huge appeal. That was once the holy grail of VR back when it kicked off if you remember? If you are talking about gaming? Then yes, look elsewhere.

  • xyzs

    Can’t wait for it.
    Once Apple does VR, everyone (bahhh bahhh) will do VR too.
    That will lead to the VR biggest takeoff :)

  • Christian Schildwaechter

    Bloomberg: “Apple is aiming to include some of its most advanced and powerful chips in the headset along with displays that are much higher-resolution than those in existing VR products. Some of the chips tested in the device beat the performance of Appleʼs M1 Mac processors.”

    I looked for benchmarks to compare the M1 to the XR2 in the Quest 2. I picked some that seemed comparable from different sources, but this was just a quick search, and I didn’t verify them.

    According to these the Apple VR CPU would be about six times faster in multi core than the Quest 2. The GPU would about three times faster, but this is still only about half as fast as a GTX 1060.

    Geekbench 5:
    – Oculus Quest 2: ~ 490 single/1380 multi core (source: geekbench site)
    – Apple M1: ~ 1750 single/ 7700 multi core (source: geekbench site)

    GFXBench Aztec Ruins High Tier:
    – Oculus Quest 2: 1142 (Source: UploadVR)
    – Apple M1: 3475 (Source: gfxbench site)

    • Xron

      Ps4 uses modified amd 7870, its a bit slower than gtx 760, and its ~2 times slower than gtx 1060. So we could get better than ps4 graphics on a standalone device, which would help us alot.
      Though I hope they won’t use it only for resolution bump…

      • Christian Schildwaechter

        The M1 also has a neural engine capable of 11 TOPS, which could be used to implement something like Nvidia’s smart, AI driven upscaling DLSS, which provides up to 120% performance boost. Now the tensor cores on the RTX 2060, the slowest DLSS capable card, provide at least 52 TOPS and it is not yet clear how comparable these are anyway. But with some luck (and a lot of network training) even the current M1 GPU plus neural engine could get to the same performance level as a GTX 1060.

        Upscaling might also reduce the burden on texture memory, as the M1 GPU shares the (very fast) memory with the CPU. DLSS 2.1 added VR support, is extremely impressive and a good reason to upgrade to a RTX card, so I’d expect any future VR standalone device to heavily rely on similar technology to improve performance/resolution.

        • Xron

          It would be interesting to see a game like Horizon Zero Dawn on a standalone Vr hmd.
          If Apple will release its own Vr hmd 2022 is there any chance that Facebook and other companies will follow? or will they wait and they to upgrade further? as Qualcom doesn’t have strong enough chip to compete yet and in pc/console space it might take time for Valve to upgrade Index and Samsung isn’t sure about PsVr 2 yet aswell.

          • silvaring

            One thing to remember is cloud computing, its no longer just mobile vs. pc vs. console, but cloud services are now also a part of that competition.

        • Rogue Transfer

          AI network training requires to be done on each scene type in every title, in a carefully planned manner(e.g. pathing through the scene to capture nearly all potential scenery views). It doesn’t ‘just work’ like most of nVidia’s tech, where you just turn it on.

          This is why so few titles(around a couple dozen) have it. It takes a lot of training time and cost(nVidia absort that, presently), that makes it infeasible to do for every title, from every company. If a device required it to run, there would be a very short list and slow rate of titles available for it. Just like DLSS suffers from now.

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            Only DLSS 1 required explicit training for each game. With DLSS 2 they switched to a system where the model was trained on generic game assets, but still had to be somehow parameterized for each game (what exactly they do is somewhat fuzzy). They announced that DLSS 3 will no longer require any specific training for a game, but software developers have to integrate special hooks that can connect to a generic DLSS 3 model.

      • Blaexe

        No, we won’t get PS4 graphics. A lot of PS4 games run below 1080p and at 30fps.

        The apple headset is supposed to have a significantly higher resolution than the Quest 2, so let’s say 3k per eye. That makes 18MP (without lens distortion correction) at 90fps (probably).

        More than 20x the pixels a typical PS4 game has to push…

    • Adrian Meredith

      You can’t really compare the CPU Benchmarks here as the xr2 in quest two is already severely down clocked due to thermal and power constraints.

      Saying that, would love to see Apple hardware in VR though

    • Till Eulenspiegel

      In the Bloomberg report, it says that Apple is using a chip faster than M1. It’s likely a 3nm chip that will double the speed of M1.

      Also, $3000 is really cheap for what it is, Apple’s 6K display is currently selling at over $5000, with this headset you get not 1 but 2 8K display!

  • Ad

    This report is a mess. It says they’re competing with PlayStation VR and HTC, two corpses that cost a fraction of this thing’s price with no customer overlap.

    “Instead, the company is building a high-end, niche product that will
    prepare outside developers and consumers for its eventual, more
    mainstream AR glasses.”

    Called it.

    • Wild Dog

      That clears it up. There’s no way this was going to be a good product, they just want to warm up their developers.

  • TechPassion

    They have no games. They will be the slave of Steam :)

    • Adrian Meredith

      I’m pretty sure if they wanted to they could pay for a lot of developers to get on board.

  • Personally, I don’t believe this is going to happen. Apple is working on different prototypes, and I don’t get what this could be useful to, considering that they are not focused on VR.

  • psuedonymous

    Is Apple working on semicustom or even fully custom one-off or short-run VR and AR rigs to experiment with user interfaces? Almost certainly. Apple worked on internal touch-screen devices during the decades between the Newton and the iPhone. Heck, Valve were working on semicustom VR and AR rigs for years before the Rift come along, and basically dropped their development efforts and started from scratch (canning all microdisplay-based HMDs for the large-panel non-rectilinear-optic layout) after that before producing the Vive.

    Is Apple working on an AR/VR device intended for consumer release? Very likely no, not until there is already a larger market of devices that has worked out most of the technical and UI challenges and produced a robust supply chain of the necessary components (same as PDAs existed for a decade before ‘smartphone’ became the buzzword du jure).

    • squarerootfoot

      What do you mean by “non-rectilinear-optic”? Lenses which introduce pincushion distortion and expect barrel distorted input?

  • Rudl Za Vedno

    Only 3,000 bucks? Meh, make it 10K, iSheep will pay.
    Massage to Apple from the rest of us Android normies:
    Be gentle with iSheep

  • Todd Ramirez

    $3000! Good lawd that’s a lot of money!

  • MosBen

    The question, of course, is what content will be available for a device with no current install base and a price that’s well outside the normal consumer levels? If the last several years of VR development have shown anything, it’s that it’s hard to create compelling content for essentially new medium from scratch. Granted, Apple is going to benefit from the fact that there are VR devs out there that have spend upwards of 7 years refining VR software design philosophy and language, so it’s not literally starting from scratch and they probably can (and have) hired some experienced and talented devs to work for them. But still, on the PC side there are still only a handful of really solid, AAA games.

    I’m not a fan of Apple, but I certainly wouldn’t count them out of any sector that they decide to dump a bunch of money and engineering into. Still, it’s a daunting task, and having a device that relatively few people will be able to afford won’t help.

  • eckehard

    Wenn das für 2023 stimmt – wird ja fast alles gut – Microsoft überholt- Oculus gekillt – bleibt noch übrig – ob eigenes Spiel-Biotop oder was sonst — die Zukunft kann kommen (hoffentlich ..!!)

  • Andrew Jakobs

    “dual 8K displays” are there even 8K displays available in a size as small as 6″ or less? I have a hard time believing the story.

    • Adrian Meredith

      Are there any display drivers that can handle the bandwidth of dual 8k at 90hz???

      • Andrew Jakobs

        haha, yeah, that was the other question I had. Even 3090’s already have problems with driving dual 4k screens at 90+hz with everything maxed.

        • Bob

          Even one 3090 is struggling to play a single game on a single screen at 90+Hz (MFS 2020) or even a flatscreen game (The Medium @4k)

      • Geoff

        The article update mentions Foveated rendering… I assume Apple are aiming for the virtual desktop workspace with dual 8k displays. As mentioned in the HP G2 review, even that can only provide an approx 720p “window” in front of you to a virtual desktop screen. 8K will solve that problem. As somebody with 5 monitors, I am very interested in this development.

  • JakeDunnegan

    And they will sell about 8 million of them to various Apple cultists because they overpay for everything with an Apple icon on it.

    True story.

  • Kevin White

    The price doesn’t shock me. 12+ cameras makes me incredulous though. So does running dual 8K screens on a mobile chip. We’ll see if any of this pans out I guess.

  • Peter K

    If it is dual 8k screens w/ foveated rendering, I wouldn’t be surprised at that price tag at all.

  • Whatever910

    8k… Not even quad RTX3090s could drive 2x 8K displays for refresh rate suitable for VR ( 90hz stable ).

    Stupidest product ever.

    • dk

      most likely it will be even less than a single 8k display (dp 2.0 can do 8k 85hz but yeah no pc can drive that well)….but if it has eye tracking they might use some trick like dual video signal one low res one and one 1080p one for the fovea which I don’t think it can work on a single display more likely varjo type setup……it could be basically varjo xr3 with pancake lenses or something like that

  • “passthrough AR” Apple headset. It’s going to be funny seeing all the people who said passthrough would never work and that no one wants to wear a passthrough headset, all of the sudden change their mind because Apple released this product and Apple making passthrough mainstream.

    It’s incredible how people see the same exact idea years before Apple introduce it and hate it and are certain it will fail but as soon as the Apple logo is on it all of the sudden becomes the next big thing.

  • TechPassion

    Trash product without SteamVR access. What do you want to play with it? A calculator ? :)

  • brubble

    Yeah swell, what is there to play on it? More “me do VR too” shovel-ware or more half-baked mediocrity? 2 choices, take your pick.

  • Ardra Diva

    So they are competing with Microsoft and Varjo, not Facebook and Sony. A shame. I was hoping they’d do something amazing for the consumer. Apple has never been about “games” other than mobile / iOS so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

  • nejihiashi88

    That’s a great news, 8k display means we can use the headset in the place of tvs and monitors, so 3k usd is a reasonable price if it replaces tvs, and with foveated rendering it will give you higher performance than traditional flat screens, also coupled with dlss like technology then you will get at least 80% performance boost from your devices.