According to a report from South Korean outlet The Korea Economic Daily (Korean), Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg will be in-country this week to finalize a deal with LG regarding a previously rumored competitor to Apple Vision Pro, which is reportedly set to be jointly built by the two companies for release in early 2025.

Citing unnamed industry sources, the report maintains Zuckerberg will be in South Korea to meet LG Electronics CEO William Cho on Wednesday, February 28th to discuss plans related to the joint development of XR headsets. Key executives from LG Group’s IT component subsidiaries are also said to be in attendance.

The report, which was first picked up by UploadVR, also alleges the two companies plan to release “the highest-performing XR headset in the first quarter of next year,” positioning it to compete with Apple Vision Pro.

These aren’t the first rumors to come out of Korea regarding a possible Meta-LG XR headset manufacturing partnership however. A separate report from South Korea’s Maekyung (Korean) in September maintained Meta and LG were planning on releasing two new headsets, a low-cost Quest model that will be priced at “less than $200” coming in 2024, and the presumed ‘Pro’ model Quest mentioned above.

VisionOS 2 Launches Next Week, But Three Big Features Won’t Come Until “later this year”

South Korean tech outlet The Guru (Korean) reported in January 2024 that LG will release a commercially available XR headset as early as next year.

Whatever the case, Zuckerberg is currently in the neighborhood. According to jet tracker ZuckerbergJet on Instagram, Zuckerberg’s Gulfstream G650 private jet is in Tokyo, Japan, having landed there just two days ago.

– – — – –

Reports aside, we really won’t know what’s on the horizon, although we already have a pretty good idea what a potential Quest Pro 2 could look like provided Meta really intends on going toe-to-toe with Apple.

Douglas Lanman, Senior Director of Display Systems at Reality Labs Research, held a guest lecture at the University of Arizona late last year wherein he talked at length about his own (re: not Meta’s) next-gen ‘Mirror Lake’ headset prototype. In it, Lanman explained that, with already available components, such a headset could include a bevy of wishlist items, such as holographic optics, multi-view eye-tracking, varifocal display, reverse-passthrough, and baked-in prescription.

Whether those things are actually go into a potential Quest Pro 2 is another matter, although if Meta wants to beat Apple at its own game, it’s certainly going to require some one-upmanship in both the hardware and software department.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Bram

    Curious to see if the likely included LG micro oleds will have sufficient low persistence performance as the Samsung/ Emagin displays are promised to have.

  • Why, Zuck …??
    Why, why, whyyyyyyy …???
    []^ )

  • another juan

    “Vision Pro Competitor” implies that it will cost over $3500, which would be crazy. More likely, it could become a vision non-pro competitor instead, or realistically, a Quest Pro successor.

    • AVP competitor ….
      Quest 3 Lite ….
      Quest 2/3 transition ….
      Too much too soon.

  • STL

    Competing against AVP is like taking a lolly from a baby. Same high resolution, halo headstrap and Steam connectivity – a job well done!

    • wcalderini

      Why would anybody want Steam Connectivity on the AVP?
      I mean it would be nice if it was there as an option, but it’s really not a part of it’s use case. (That and the lack of controllers).
      AVP is not a gamer. And I hope it stays that way.

      If somebody comes up with a High Res-Lighthouse compatible option that gives the same clarity and sense of space of the AVP, I’d buy it.
      But my use case would be gaming.
      Got the AVP for work. And it’s working pretty well.
      AND just got my invite from SplitScreen so things are about to get even better.

      • STL

        Maybe there will be enough non-gaming use cases. Customers will determine and Apple will find out.
        I personally don‘t think so.

      • Christian Schildwaechter

        Why would anybody want […] it’s really not a part of it’s use case […] AVP is not a […]. And I hope it stays that way. […] But my use case […] Got the AVP for […]

        It is very important to keep in mind that people are different and have different interests and needs. So concluding from one’s own personal priorities that others must think/want/need/do the same things is usually a pretty bad approach to evaluate technology.

        • wcalderini

          Yes they are. I guess I should have said it was MY opinion and MY use case. Never have wanted/needed/desired to speak for any others or offer no other opinion than my own. I will choose my words more carefully from now on. (Although I thought my intent and message was clear…you never know.)

      • Andrew Jakobs

        Why would you want the AVP held back by not having support for SteamVR? You still can do what you want with it, developers will still design native AVP apps.

        • wcalderini

          See above.

  • WilliamTellit

    I wonder if us suckers that bought the crappy quest pro one will get a discount

    • wcalderini

      I doubt it. But we DID get some nifty controllers out of the deal that DO work with the Quest 3.(I like them better and they track beautifully)

      • Christian Schildwaechter

        It is unfortunate that you don’t really care about SteamVR on AVP, as with also owning not only a Valve Index, but also a Quest Pro, you are sort of the perfect guinea pig for trying different kinds of VR controllers with AVP.

        As discussed a few weeks ago, there are ways to get the Index controllers to work with AVP and SteamVR, but of course this limits you to the lighthouse tracking space. The self-tracking Quest Pro controllers would be a much better solution, and you could use any of your Quest HMDs as a portable proxy to connect them to a PC when streaming Steam VR. I hope that Guy Godin will release an AVP version of VirtualDesktop soonish, which is supposed to get multi-monitor support on Quest that would hopefully also work on AVP. This could provide both a way to easily use SteamVR on AVP, and at the same time prove to be useful for you intended productivity use.

      • WilliamTellit

        True That!!