Sony Reveals PlayStation VR’s Most Downloaded Games of 2016

The Official PlayStation Blog has shared Sony’s most downloaded games of last year. This includes a dedicated list for PlayStation VR, representing almost three months of software sales since the hardware launched in October. PSVR now has more than...

EXOS Haptic VR Exoskeleton Glove Aims to Deliver Practical Touch Feedback

EXOS is a new haptic enabled VR glove which uses force feedback to deliver the sensation of physicality when inside immersive applications. Tokyo based developer Exiii are working on a new VR glove which delivers so-called "reactive force" in response...

Devs Behind ‘Max Payne’ and ‘Quantum Break’ Form New VR House, ‘3rd Eye Studios’

3rd Eye Studios is a new VR developer team formed from Remedy Entertainment alum and they're working on a new, original made-for-VR anthology inspired by 70's sci-fi television shows. Here's an exclusive first look at some of the first art for...

One of VR’s Best Party Games Now Supports Rift & Vive Motion Controllers

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is an undeniably fun VR party game that you can play together with a big group with only one VR headset. Now the game has added much requested support for both Vive and Rift's...

Researchers Demonstrate 100° Dynamic Focus AR Display With Membrane Mirrors

Achieving a wide field of view in an AR headset is a challenge in itself, but so too is fixing the so-called vergence-accommodation conflict which presently plagues most VR and AR headsets, making them less comfortable and less in...

HTC’s VP of Design Leaving to Join Google’s VR Team

According to a report by The Verge, HTC's VP of Design is leaving the company to join up with Google's Daydream VR team. Having joined the company in 2008, in recent year's HTC's VP of Design, Claude Zellweger, played a...

Vive President Says Next-gen VR Headsets Likely to Come in 1 to 3 Year Cycles

Over the course of the last 50 years, capital markets have significantly codified a generational model approach consumer technology products. New "generations" of products are expected to come at a regular pace and provide increased features and reliability at the...

‘RaceRoom’ Racing Sim Gets Initial Rift and Vive Support Through SteamVR

RaceRoom Racing Experience has received a major update that introduces Vive and Rift support through SteamVR. The update also includes a number of improvements and adds new content to this often underappreciated racing sim. Developer Sector3 has been largely silent...

Animated Short ‘Pearl’ is VR’s First Oscar Nominated Film

Pearl (2016), a 360 animated short film from director Patrick Osborne and Google's Advanced Technology and Projects group (ATAP), has landed an Academy Award nomination for this year's best animated short film, making it the first VR film in the running...

HTC Opens Applications for Free Vive Tracker Dev Kit

HTC announced earlier in January that they'd be giving away 1,000 Vive Trackers to developers. Applications to get your hands on one of the Trackers are now open through February 7th. The new HTC Vive Tracker is a standalone tracking...