Exclusive: GameFace Mark 5 Prototype Heading to E3 With New Form-factor, Front Facing Depth Camera, Ports, and Custom Lenses

At SVVR Conference & Expo, GameFace Labs shared with Road to VR info on a new prototype of the mobile head mounted display that the company intends to show off at E3 next month. The prototype features a brand...

SVVR Con: Ubercast 2014 – With Special Guest, Palmer Luckey

They have each individually done their part to fill your ears, minds, and souls with VR conversations and to help keep the enthusiasm for VR going. Now, at the 2014 SVVR Conference & Expo, Cris Miranda, Matt Carrell, Brian...

Survios Announces $4 Million in Venture Funding for VR Projects

The team behind Project Holodeck has announced that it has secured $4 million in venture funding to help them build their immersive VR experience.Project Holodeck - From University Project To Investment OpportunityWe've been following Survios (or Project Holodeck as they...

SVVR Con: Creating the VR Metaverse – LiveStream @ 3:00 pm PDT

The final panel of the first Silicon Valley VR Conference and Expo 2014 is entitled "Creating the VR Metaverse", and attempts to answer some of the key questions around what the future metaverse might look like: One global metaverse or...

SVVR Con: Kickstarting the Next VR Revolution – LiveStream @ 2:00 pm PDT

Join us for another SVVR panel livestream focused on the future of crowdfunding and its intersection with virtual reality. Topics: Crowdfunding VR projects What makes for a successful campaign? What are the pitfalls? Can a faltering campaign be rescued? Panel Members: Ben Lang, Road to VR William...

SVVR Con: Indie VR Game Developer Roundtable – LiveStream @ 11:00 am PDT

An open discussion with leading developers in the VR space discussing anything and everything around developing for virtual reality. What does your VR game development workflow look like? Does it differ from your standard workflow? What tools/functions are on your SDK/Engine wishlist? What...

SVVR Con: Panel Discussing Startups in VR LiveStream @ 10:00am PDT

On to the second and final day of the SVVR Expo. Next up is a panel discussion of the issues and opportunities of starting and operating a consumer VR focused business: Is now the right time? What does it take to...

SVVR Con: Non-Game Applications Enabled by VR – LiveStream @ 4pm PDT

Another SVVR Con panel discussion, this time exploring various non-game applications for consumer VR in areas such as entertainment, storytelling, cinema, tourism, health & wellness, fitness, CAD, 3D modeling, scanning and printing, education. Oliver Kreylos, VR Researcher, UC Davis Eric Greenbaum,...

SVVR Con: User Input and Locomotion in VR – LiveStream @ 3pm PDT

Our SVVR Conference and Expo 2014 coverage continues with a LiveStream of "User Input and Locomotion in VR", a panel discussion which aims to explore what challenges, solutions and challenges there might be to allow users of virtual reality...

SVVR Con: Keynote Talk by Philip Rosedale, CEO High Fidelity – LiveStream @ 2pm PDT

Philip Rosedale, the man behind Second Life and the CEO of new startup High Fidelity. Philip has been at the forefront of the creation of virtual, connected worlds that allow people to communicate and interact with each other without ever...