In what could be dream VR title for many out there, a leaked article from DigitalSpy have revealed details of an upcoming virtual reality Star Trek title that lets 4 players command the bridge of a starship.

Given the crossover of certain demographics in our readership, it’s probably fair to say that there’s like a high proportion of Star Trek fans reading this right now. If so, this latest news will really stir your dilithium crystals.

In leaked information apparently sourced from DigitalSpy, images and details of a new Ubisoft published, Red Storm developed, official virtual reality Star Trek game, based on the universe of the original series, is on its way. According to information and images posted on Reddit, the new title – dubbed ‘Star Trek: Bridge Crew‘ – has you enter VR and assume one of four key roles of a starship crew.

The new game appears to be built not only for virtual reality, but for online co-op too, with up to four players taking their seat on the bridge of a new starship, the USS Aegis. Star Trek: Bridge Crew is set in a post JJ Abrams ‘rebooted’ universe, with the timeline apparently following on from the first movie in the new franchise – released in 2009.

The game is apparently mission based, requiring you and your virtual crew mates to pull together to progress. “The Bridge Crew experience is highly social. That’s the type of VR we’ve been exploring at Red Storm – social VR,” explained David Votypka, Senior Creative Director at Red Storm. “Like with Werewolves Within, we really take the tech and apply it to this brand. The social element is already in the DNA of the Star Trek brand.

The game has apparently been previewed by some familiar names from the world of Star Trek already, with reactions perhaps predictably positive. “I have to say, this was an extraordinary experience. It’s one thing to be on set and imagine a scenario like this, but it’s an entirely different beast when you are actually in this game and your adversaries are fully-3D rendered right [in front of you],” said Karl Urban after playing Star Trek: Bridge Crew.

One thing to re-emphasise, the above information and accompanying images were sourced from an unofficial source, in turn sourced from an alleged leak. However, with E3 imminent, and with Ubisoft rumoured to be showing off 2 new VR titles at the show, it would make sense to see Star Trek: Bridge Crew in playable form. It’s not yet clear which platform the game is in development for, but it sounds as if it may have been cleverly designed (i.e. seated play style) to suite both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

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Road to VR will be at E3 all week, and we’ll let you know once we get our hands on the game.

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • Ghosty

    This is a great idea for VR… And I love the co-op… We need more multilayer VR titles both co-op and vs! Now let’s hope they bring this to the Vive and Oculus and allow both to play together!

    • Torben Bojer Christensen

      It IS being made for for both Vive and Oculus as well as PS-VR

      • Ghosty

        Make it so!! and ummmm…. Engage!! Seriously though thanks for the heads up… at the time I hadn’t heard if it was going to be for the Vive yet and I didn’t want another disappointment like Obduction who is going Oculus only as least in the beginning… Im sure in time they will port it to the Vive as well…

        • Torben Bojer Christensen

          Rejoice. Fallout 4 is said to arrive specifically for our HTC Vive’s in 2017. Doom on its way to.

          According to vrupload: “It’s unclear whether the Oculus Rift is included in plans for either game. Bethesda is owned by Zenimax, which sued Oculus after original Doom programmer John Carmack left another Zenimax company, Id Software, to become CTO at the startup”

          By principle i hope they will come to the Rift as well. To hell with VR exclusivity unless it is on behalf of functionality!

  • Torben Bojer Christensen

    Ubisoft and their subsidiary Red Storm Entertainment (which is behind the game), is fortunately not a gang of dilettantes. Red Storm Entertainment is the company behind, among others, the Far Cry, Rainbow Six and Tom Clancy series. So it actually gives reason to hope for a well conducted production. And if it turns out to be a decent game, the potential for such a game really is huge, when you also take into account the social VR aspect, with the requiered cooperation and the ties that thus arises between the 4 CO-OP VR players the game requires.

    I have some hope and as such I am thrilled and excited! … So go ahead; Beam me up!

  • Dunnlang

    But it’s the wrong Trek Universe!

    I know, first world problems. A Star Trek bridge simulator is one of the holy grails of gaming. It would be the perfect VR system seller if done right. I just can’t… It’s the wrong ships and uniforms!