‘Superhot VR’ Spiritual Successor ‘COLD VR’ Gets New February Launch Date


COLD VR was supposed to launch on January 21st, but was delayed last minute by developer ALLWARE and publisher Perp Games, which maintained it still needed a little more polish. Now the studios have announced the game’s new, definitive launch date: February 11th.

Couched as a spiritual successor to smash-hit game Superhot VR, Cold VR aims to serve up time-distorting action, albeit flipping the script somewhat.

Like Superhot, Cold VR’s movement mechanic is all about how movement interacts with the game clock; when you move, time actually slows, forcing you to think quick on your feet and never take too long to figure out your next move, otherwise the game’s enemies speed up.

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Cold VR is coming first to Quest and PC VR headsets, available over on the Horizon Store for Quest 2/3/Pro and Steam for PC VR headsets, priced at $20.

The studio says its also bringing the game to PSVR 2 “soon,” which we tend to believe since you can already wishlist the game on the PlayStation Store.


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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • 石雨濛

    I played Super Hot – flat, was fun but not worth playing in VR. This also doesn't look all that good with a very ignoring trailer – 'let's fing go' – that is so cringe.

  • Tonanamous

    Will it work with the Mavrik StrikerVR that I just got and love?