Synth Riders, the VR rhythm game that went into Early Access last summer, is now available on Oculus Quest in addition to being officially out of EA on PC VR.

Update (November 1st, 2019): Synth Riders is now live on the Oculus Store for Quest

In addition to the music packs mentioned below, developers Kluge Interactive say in a Steam news update that the PC VR update features new visuals including:

– New stage called “The Monolith”
– Graphic improvements in all the stages
– Dynamic lights improvements

Original Article (October 11th, 2019): Developers Kluge Interactive say in a Steam news update that Synth Riders will be getting nine new tracks, an exclusive “Into the Void (Synth Riders Edit)” song by Celldweller, redesigned UI and menus, and stability improvements. Multiplayer is also among the updates queued for post-launch.

The new tracks are divided between two packs, the FiXT and Ninety9lives music packs. Check them all out below:

FiXT Music Pack

Exclusive release by FiXT founder and hard rock electronic artist Celldweller combined with his alter ego Scandroid and retro-pop from Prizm.

  • “L.O.V.E.” by Prizm
  • “All Night” by Prizm
  • “Phoenix” by Scandroid
  • “Into the Void (Synth Riders Edit)” by Celdweller

Ninety9lives Music Pack

Featuring fast-moving EDM tracks.

  • “​Paris Night Walk” by ROY
  • “Id” by Ben Lepper, Reflekt
  • “Underdog” by Kastra, Freshcobar
  • “Outburst” by Never Modern Talk
  • “Spectrum” by Axtasia

Synth Riders is a rhythm game that tasks you with hitting different colored notes that fly towards you according to the beat. Using the corresponding orb in your hand (and dodging obstacles) you hit a variety of note styles, such as single notes, long lines of notes, notes that need a specific orbs, and others with both orbs simultaneously.

Out Now, New 'Beat Saber' Music Pack is Also a Final Farewell to Quest 1

We’re looking forward to reviewing Synth Riders, although if you’re already sold on the game, you can buy the Early Access version on Steam and the Oculus Store for PC VR now. You can also keep an eye on the Quest version here.

Synth Riders supports Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and Windows VR headsets.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • MosBen

    Anyone know if it’s any good?

    • gamechanger

      Steam says 95% positive reviews so I guess not that bad

      • MosBen

        Interesting. I tend to love active rhythm games like Rock Band or Beat Saber, but while I appreciate more game-y rhythm games like Thumper or Audio Surf, I don’t have nearly as much fun.

    • Luke

      its really good, fun and simple on lower settings and difficult and engaging on the higher settings. best of all, the soundtrack beats any other rhythm game imo!!

  • Jarilo

    Beat Saber, Audica, and soon Pistol Whip. I’m good, I only need so many of these damn music games.

    • Yah, but… is Pistol Whip really a music game? There’s music, and you can get a bonus for shooting on the beat… but… it’s just a shooting galley.

  • TwinFire

    When are we going to get VR DDR? or, DDVR, to be confusing.

  • Trenix

    Hate these kind of games. I only own beat saber cause my wife wanted it. It’d be cool if someone made a game where you can learn to play the drums, piano, or some sort of instrument, not just do pointless movements. Rather play a real game if that’s the case, one with multiplayer support.