‘Thrill of the Fight 2’ Brings Multiplayer Boxing Action to Quest Today, Now in Early Access


Halfbrick Studios and The Thrill of the Fight (2016) original creator Ian Fitz today released the long-awaited sequel to the popular boxing sim, available now on Quest in Early Access.

A fully-reimagined sequel to the original game, The Thrill of the Fight 2 is now live on Quest headsets, including Quest 2, Quest 3, Quest 3S, and Quest Pro.

While the original was all about PvE battles, the sequel is launching in Early Access today with one of the most anticipated features: online PvP boxing.

“This early release of the game will include only multiplayer modes, giving fans eager for online play the chance to jump in without delay,” Halfbrick Studios says. “Single player content and further improvements to multiplayer are in development and will be added over time during early access.”

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The studio says development will continue into 2025 with the addition of single player content including competitive AI with dynamically generated behaviors and appearances, additional training modes, and more. Further updates will be released during Early Access that continue to add content and refinement to the full immersive experience of the game, the studio says.

As it is today, the game features customizable avatars, online PvP mode with skill-based matchmaking, and true-to-life physics for what the studio promises will be another “realistic boxing feel.”

The Thrill of the Fight 2 also comes along with a spectator camera, letting onlookers watch your matches with a ‘live sports’ style camera on a connected PC.

You can grab The Thrill of the Fight 2 on Quest today on the Horizon Store, priced at $10.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Foreign Devil

    I guess I need to explain to you that it is just a video game and you aren't really hitting anyone. I think this is the first game that simulates boxing so closely without all the injuries of real boxing!

    • VRDeveloper

      I simply expressed my discontent with the lack of division as in real boxing, I just really don’t like the idea of hitting a woman. And honestly, the entire marketing around this game and this decision reeks of modern corporatism, with a whole agenda behind every detail. When I look at these modern games, I can almost sense it, and it’s just cringe, just cringe marketing and some dumb decisions. If that’s not the case for you, that’s fine, maybe I'm getting old..

      • Harris was crushed.

        Get tf over it, Comrade ….


    • ApocalypseShadow

      His right wing extremist view is just total nonsense anyway. Blame the education system.

      I bet you he probably had no problem beating up the woman in Streets of Rage or Street Fighter or Dead or Alive or any game that had women in it that he had to pummel to victory. Probably killed countless women in RPGs or online shooters.

      But now he has a problem with it. Lol

      • VRDeveloper

        You don't know what I'm talking about. It's a series of elements that might seem simple to you, but anyone in the industry surely knows what I'm referring to. It would take a massive text to list all the absurdities of the modern industry. Anyway, I don't expect you to understand. Maybe the day you face censorship at your job in the 21st century, you'll understand what I meant.

      • VRDeveloper

        You know, the part that annoys me the most about all this is that when we complain about these things, to outsiders, it really does seem like you're either prejudiced or crazy. But those who are actually living the reality of modern studios know exactly what I'm talking about. Companies no longer make games for players—they make games for social media. Very few modern companies still create games for players. And if you want to do something thinking about the players, you will be sencured.

        • ApocalypseShadow

          Just answer these questions for me…

          How many women did you FINISH in Mortal Kombat? Explain in detail what you did. What did you rip out or rip off or freeze or set fire to? Did you beat senseless Chun Li as much as you can take a sip of water? With how many sonic booms and dragon punches did you hit Cammy with? Did you feel uncomfortable beating the snot out of the DOA ladies with the male characters?

          So, doing it yourself with motion controls is somehow different that when you were hammering those buttons to put them in the dirt? Let me guess, they have to be evil ladies or demon ladies like in RPGs. That put your mind at ease I'm guessing. Maybe it needs to be cartoon like in smash brothers for you?

          Your comment was silly. I'm just throwing truth at it like a boxing punch. Do you think any woman is going to have a problem hitting the men in this game?

          You might want to stick to simulation racing and flying games. Any other game you might have to run into a women you might have to defeat.

          • VRDeveloper

            You know what, I'm tired of people like you wanting to tell me what I should think, or what I should do, is my opinion.. just that.

            Every time someone expresses an opinion, no matter how simple it is, you freak out, you are a bunch of unbalanced and spoiled people.. You should go cool your head, maybe assaulting some woman like your people do every day.

  • ApocalypseShadow

    Game looks good so far. Hope it turns out well. I just don't like buying unfinished games waiting for the rest of the content. For me, no single player content at launch, no buy.

  • An online habd-to-hand combat game is utter GENIUS and I wonder why this hasn't been done before!

    Defo pickup for ne.
    []^ )

  • ZarathustraDK

    So did they invent a magic bullet for network-lag in pvp-melee or something?

  • Storymode Chronicles

    Bro it's just a game chill you're not actually punching anyone in the face

  • Alexander Fewings

    They actually have an option in the game to override your opponents gender to avoid hitting women, so the devs saw the exact point youre making, and made an option to fix it so good on them. I think many people will likely use it.

  • Ardra Diva

    Curious what happens if someone aborts/logs off during a match they're losing. Draw? Loss? NC?