Today Valve is hosting a SteamVR developer showcase in Seattle, WA. Featured are titles from 12 VR developers, all of which will ship on the HTC Vive in 2016, says Valve.

With the HTC Vive approaching pre-orders at the end of April, Valve is building interest in their SteamVR platform and content that will launch with the system. Today’s developer showcase at a venue in Seattle, near Valve’s Bellvue headquarters, the company is showcasing 12 titles that will ship this year on SteamVR.

Here’s a quick look at the titles which we’ll be going hands-on with throughout the day.

Final Approach


Phaser Lock Interactive’s incredibly fun airport management action game has you defending and guiding air-planes in to land safely using Vive’s SteamVR motion controllers.



A new title we’ll be taking a closer look at during the content showcase – more on this soon. We’re guessing a VR, rhythm action title.

Elite: Dangerous


Frontier’s space simulator is already a VR classic on the Oculus Rift and it’s coming to HTC’s Vive soon. Check out our hands on with the title running on the new Vive Pre at CES 2016 here.

Budget Cuts

Another title we know little about – other than this was one of the games supposedly leaked in a recent web snafu. It’s at the showcase, we’ll bring you more on this soon. Meanwhile – here are some brand new screenshots.

The Gallery: Call of the Starseed


Another OG of VR gaming, the developers at Cloudhead Interactive have been tinkering with their VR adventure since 2013. Their latest versions include an innovative VR locomotion system called Blink. This is a title which takes full advantage of motion controls in VR.

Sony to Discontinue Free PSVR Camera Adapter for PlayStation 5 This Month

Fantastic Contraption


The classic flash game becomes on of the most intriguing looking games to come to VR yet. Build your physics powered contraption and watch it come to life. From the developers at Northway Games.

Cloudlands: VR Minigolf


Virtual reality mini golf using motion controllers, this gorgeous looking title from developers Futuretown looks great and we’ll have our hands on this today.

Hover Junkers

HoverJunkers Menu Stress Level Zero

Stress Level Zero have been a key part of the VR scene for a while now, and their Vive exclusive first person “room scale VR flying platform game” with a dose of shooting action looks to take full advantage of the VR system’s propensity for free roaming. More soon.

Tilt Brush


The virtual reality painting game which seems to be almost universally adored by those who try it is a great demonstration of the power of VR when mixed with the urge to create. The Skillman & Hackett developed title will be on show at the content showcase.

Space Pirate Trainer

Another new title, with not even a screenshot to clue us in as to its content. We suspect it may have something to do with Pirates though. And possibly space. More on this soon.

Job Simulator: the 2050 Archives


Owlchemy Labs’ somewhat insane but incredibly fun title tests your mettle in various roles, but ultimately challenges you not to start mucking about with the VR environment.

Arizona Sunshine


The first person shooter with a hefty dose of Zombie action from developers Vertigo Games will be on show at the event. It apparently features realistic depictions of weaponry, and looks to use motion controls to good effect.

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Disclosure: Valve covered airfare and lodging for one writer to attend the SteamVR Developer Showcase.


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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • MosBen

    I have no idea if this matters to most people, but the lack of a platformer a la Lucky’s Tale is disappointing. Maybe they felt that whatever they could get, even if it was genuinely good, would be unfairly criticized as copying Oculus. Still, it’d be nice to have more games which are more game-y than paint but less hardcore than Elite. If I get a VR headset this generation it will be largely used to proselytize VR to friends and family, most of whom aren’t gamers.

    • specs10

      I hear you, but I don’t think there will be any shortage of bite-sized games. Besides, mini golf seems like a pretty good option for proselytizing to me.

      • MosBen

        That certainly possible, but my girlfriend who doesn’t really play video games played the Lucky’s Tale demo at PAX and had a lot of fun. It’s a good introduction to VR, is charming, and isn’t overwhelming. It’s a valuable tool in Oculus’ belt.

  • nettech99

    Why does the Elite Dangerous section have a screenshot from Eve Valkyrie?

    • RoadToVR

      Don’t know what you mean sir. *whistles*

  • dashmaul

    Seems like half life, l4d and portal are missing…



    This is a healthy stable of VR goodness. It’s not about Rift OR Vive. It’s about Rift THEN Vive. Then PSVR. Damm, I’m gonna be broke in 2016.

    • care package

      lol me 2

  • Badelhas

    Did you guys read this?:

    Its a hands on with every title shown there.


  • virtualHC

    What happened to the February 29th pre-order date? This article says end of April.

    • TheKeyToHeart

      The preorder date is February 29, they will be shipped in April.