Valve unveiled its Steam Deck OLED late last week, offering up a hardware refresh for the first time since the company launched the handheld gaming device last year. While the company has been full steam ahead on handhelds and developing Steam OS, Valve says it’s “still pushing forward” on VR.

Valve ostensibly has a standalone VR headset in the works, and although there wasn’t any big announcement (or acknowledgement) of what the company has in store just yet. Talking to Norman Chan of Tested though, it was revealed the company is still working on VR.

In an interview, Valve designer Lawrence Yang spoke about the overlap between Steam Deck’s design relative to its VR efforts:

“There’s a lot of things [informing hardware decisions]. Working with an APU, working with miniaturization of computers. We don’t have anything to announce today in terms of a VR other than we are still working on VR, and we’re still pushing forward on it. Just like Steam Deck is learning a bunch of stuff from controllers and VR, future products will continue to learn from everything we’ve done with Steam Deck.”

Somnium Begins Shipping VR1 PC VR Headset in the US, Announces Incoming Price Hike

Following up, Valve hardware engineer Yazan Aldehayyat said this:

“Obviously there’s a lot of overlap, from technology pieces that we can use; wireless streaming is very applicable to VR. That benefitted Steam Deck as well in improving the wireless experience. But also from just establishing relationships with part suppliers, hardware partners, and that kind of stuff. The SteamVR team and the Steam Deck team work together. There’s a lot of inoculation of ideas, parts and technologies.”

At Steam Deck’s initial launch in February 2022, Valve chief Gabe Newell told Edge Magazine that Steam Deck represented a “steppingstone” to portable VR for the company thanks to its battery-capable, high-performance horsepower.

More recently, the company released its long-awaited SteamVR 2.0 which drastically upgraded the platform’s VR interface. Whether this is in preparation for an upcoming VR standalone headset remains to be seen; it’s certainly a knock-on effect of improvements made specifically for Steam Deck’s UI.

You can check out the full breakdown of Steam Deck OLED in the Tested video below:

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Jose Ferrer

    If Steam Deck is a self contained miniPC with batery, you could keep it in a large pocket.
    So, a wise step from Valve could be to produce a light VR device (with no battery, just display and tracking) to connect with USB/HDMI cable for SteamDeck but also for PC to replace current Index

    • ViRGiN

      No display port = no buy!!

      • Jose Ferrer

        Steamdeck has DP 1.4 via USB-C output.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      No thank you, any cable, even if it’s to a battery, is a nogo IMHO.

      • Jose Ferrer

        For seated games (flightsim, racesim, space sim, etc) the cable is not really an issue. I am currently using the Quest3 with cable (Questlink and power charging).
        For other non-seated games you can have the steamdeck in your pocket (or backpack) with an extra batery.
        But the weight of the batery should not be put in the headset.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          I understand, but the amount of seated games I play are very few, so in most cases I’m using it ‘roomscale’ and in that case, any cable is just awful. I really hate the cable from my Vive Wireless module going to the battery as it requires extra time to suit up, properly move the cable down my body, but even then, during playtime the cable moves around, sometimes getting caught and yanking my headset into a specific direction, or the battery clip comes loose and the battery drops.
          I have no problem with the battery being in the headset, if the headset and strap are well balanced. I agree with you if all the weight is in the front with a crappy stretchband as the original strap from the Quest 2/3, but when using a well balanced strap with the battery on the back/slight backtop I’d rather have that then the cable down my body and the battery in a clip or in my pocket.
          But as I said, if you only do sitting flight/racingsims, yeah, then I also wouldn’t mind the cable, but those are the games I hardly play.

          • Jose Ferrer

            Yes, the problem is balancing the headset.
            With the Index I used an extra weight in the back to be confortable.
            The Pico4 (with the batery in the back) is better balanced than all the Quests.
            So, if Valve produce a VR device with dual usage (Steamdeck with cable & PCVR with cable) they could include an extra batery in the back of the headset.
            In my case 95% of VR usage is seated (flightsim)

          • Jesse Kindwall

            I also play primarily room-scale games (and quite active ones at that) with the vive wireless adapter, and while I have had the occasional issue with the battery cable, most of the time its a non-issue. I’d much rather remove as much weight as possible from the headset itself in favor of a battery/processing unit in a pocket or strapped to my waist. With all the reviews I’ve watched of the Big Screen Beyond, the comfort factor of an extremely light-weight headset seems like a potential game-changer. The only reason I haven’t pulled the trigger on one of those yet, is I refuse to go back to a full wired tether to the PC.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            Personally the weight of the Vive Pro (1)/Wirelessmodule doesn’t bother me at all, but the cable bothers me a lot of times, during putting on/off the headset. A well balanced strap provides the best solution IMHO.
            I guess people have different idea’s of what is comfortable, any cable running down from my head down my body isn’t it for me.

      • Mike

        i guess you’ll just have to miss out then,

    • CrusaderCaracal

      Steam Deck already dies in like 2 hours imagine how bad it’ll be with a vr headset attached.

      • ViRGiN

        battery life is not an issue as long as it has lighthouse tracking!111111

      • Jose Ferrer

        True, but the display of the Steamdeck will be off, so you could have the same 2 hours as well. Same than current Quest3.
        If needed an extra batery can be put in your pocket or backpack.

        • CrusaderCaracal

          1. That display is only going to be more demanding (requires 2 very powerful displays)
          2. The addition of an extra battery is only going to be more cumbersome.
          3. Even then you’re still going to have 2 really hot devices in your pocket or backpack, when you could just have a quest.

          It’s a cool idea but Pimax is already doing the same thing

          • Jose Ferrer

            The new Steamdeck OLED has a larger batery (50Whr, previous was 40Whr). Also, if Valve will use micro-OLED displays for the VR headsets (like BigScreen headsets) this will reduce the power consumption. I really don´t know the power consumption of the OLED Steamdeck display versus 2 micro-OLED displays.
            The extra batery would be optional, and it could go in your pocket or in the back side of the headset, like Pico4 or the Quest3 Elite strap with batery.

            Pimax is not doing what I said. If you refer to the Pimax Portal is a diferent concept. In that case, the Portal display is used as the display for VR.

    • scottosaur

      Using the SteamDeck as a “compute box” could make sense, but they’d 100% need to support a wireless connection and not rely on USB-C. That’s absolutely doable. I don’t think the headset should be a complete thin client, though; they’d be smart to include at least passive media viewing in a standalone option.

      • Jose Ferrer

        The point of making simple VR headset (with DP via USB-C) is that they will not need any kind of expensive XR chip on the device. It would be as simple as the bigscreen beyond (but with better FOV). This and the battery will help to reduce the price.
        The wireless could be just an extra module of the headset.

  • J.C.

    The real question isn’t if their headset will compete with the Quest 3 in specs. It very likely will. The question is if they’re going to subsidize cost to keep the price sane. No one is going to spend (I’m guessing here) $800 for a headset that isn’t much different than the $500 one from Meta.
    It’s be nice for there to be some real headset competition! That WOULD mean Valve would have to put their headsets on shelves and have places like Best Buy run demos. They seem quite reluctant to enter the retail space.

    On the other hand, Valve’s hardware has typically sold as fast as they can produce it, so in their eyes, retail may be pointless.

    • ViRGiN

      Bruh, it doesn’t exist. They aren’t working on VR.

      • kakek

        Who knows ?

        Valve is one of those companies that has a bunch of project they don’t talk about until it’s ready. And sometime never release just cause they never achieved what they wanted to do.
        It’s only years after that we learned there was at least 3 or 4 HL 3 prototype over the years ( though we never know what they looked like ). And an almost finished addon to HL2.
        Plus 2 other VR titles that ended up more or less incorporated into Alyx in the end.

        I would bet they ARE working on VR. in the sense that they still have a hardware team affected to fumbling around, trying to see what a steamdeck straped to your face could be like, and what improvement it would take to make it a real product.

        Does this mean they have plans to release something ? No.
        Maybe they will, maybe they won’t.

        “They are still working on VR” is almost certainly true. But it just as certainly means nothing concreate for gamers.

        • Bob Smith

          You are replying to an obvious troll, with a known history. Why waste your time?

          • ViRGiN

            Awwww! I hurt your feelings. I didn’t mean to. I actually think you provide a valuable service! Same way a carnival geek used to. No matter what troubles or difficulties anyone else might be facing, all they have to do is come on here and see your posts and think: Jesus. At least I’m not that guy!

            So keep up the good work. :)

          • kakek

            I enjoy it.
            I know perfectly what I’m doing and who I’m talking to. So does he.
            Sometime, this kind of sterile argument is what my brain needs to produce dopamine and temporarily forget real life problems. I stop when I’ve had enough.

    • Alex de Vienne

      Yes of course! What they learned with the steam deck they will also use on the next vr headset!

      I’m sure there will be different versions of it. Cheap model and high end.

      • ViRGiN


        Pathetic German valve fanboy.
        You have no idea how valve works.

        • Alex de Vienne

          oh boy! I really do! I know them almost since 20 years… so please just go home and leave this website in peace!

          If you have no idea of VR at all why you even discuss about it.

          You just search for a place to let go your frustration about life, but that’s not the right place for it here.

          • ViRGiN

            Ah, so you just fell for the propaganda of that mysterious valve workplace where magic always happens. Yeah, sure.

          • tyretes

            how did this brain dead still exists.

          • ViRGiN

            you watch anime online, so your opinion is irrelevant. shouldn’t you be spending time in vrchat?

    • Andrew Jakobs

      But we don’t know if Meta is actually really subsidizing the Q3, maybe they are selling it at components cost, or even a tiny margin.

      • XRC

        According to Skarredghost:

        “Quest 3 may still be sold at a loss

        The BOM (Bill Of Materials) of Quest 3 has been released by a Chinese website. From it, it is possible to see that the cost of all the components and the manufacturing of the Quest 3 may be US$428.22 per device. This number is very close to the final price of the headset ($499), so its cost is not able to cover the price of the device and all the R&D that was needed to create it.”

        • shadow9d9

          There is no way to know negotiated prices of components.

          • kakek

            Not precisely.
            But close enough for an rough estimation of wether a device is sold at a profit or not.

        • silvaring

          If they are taking a $70 loss per headset thats $70 million in losses for every million headsets sold.

          For a company like facebook, and given their billions in monthly expenses for their VR division, it doesnt sound like a big loss.

    • Bpendragon

      No one is going to spend (I’m guessing here) $800 for a headset that isn’t much different than the $500 one from Meta.

      I know I’m not alone in being willing to pay the premium in order to not deal with Meta.

  • ViRGiN



    When was the previous time they said a word about it? Let’s see… Oh yeah, in 2022, during event COMPLETLY unrelated to VR, in a school full of kids, someone candidly asked and they went “uuuuuuum, ye, he-he-he”.

    • Disqus_Panda

      You have no clue how a company works, do you? You are not spending resources, workforce and time for just updating the SteamVR client just to appease 3rd party hardware users, when they have their very own runtime, store and Co.
      A company will never split its resources to something, when there is “nothing” behind it. Sorry to bring it to you, but something which you may or may not have registered with your small “shill denying” brain is, that patents won’t be made just for fun.
      There are lots of codes leaked from the drivers about several pointers towards new hardware.

      No workforce is willing to waste his time programming something and leaving it unused forever.
      If you personally have no clue how programming, company management and fathom a business strategy getting into next-gen hardware is like, then please, keep your fingers away from that keyboard.

      • J.C.

        Oh, Virgin’s only information is his red-hot hatred of Valve. Clearly, at some point in the past, Valve banned his account for cheating, and he’s absolutely furious about it. No one has that much hatred for a company without some personal event occurring.

        He hates a company that has refused to go public, while frantically rubbing himself against the one that went public and objectively evil. I’m not saying Meta hasn’t been instrumental in VR’s advancements; just that any company with stockholders will always have a single objective.

        • ViRGiN

          > He hates a company that has refused to go public
          Beach please, you are worshipping company that has released special chinese version of steam for chinese market, appeasing to chinese censorship, and adhering to chinese draconian laws. When high level chinese communist died, guess who turned their entire website into black and white? Yup. VALVE BEACH!

          • Alex de Vienne

            Asia is a big market… and it’s just understandable that sucessfull companies want to sell their products there too.

            Of course you have to follow the law in other countries and respect their rules.

            Except you are rude.

          • ViRGiN

            You stink of chinesium

          • ViRGiN


      • ViRGiN

        Bruh, noone predicted new Steam Deck. Stop shilling for Valve. Where is ANYTHING VR from them? lmao. updating steamvr? they just changed GUI, called it 2.0, and you say they care. Get a life, touch grass.

      • ViRGiN

        you have pretty big mouth for valve shill AND A PIRATE. lol. enjoying your cracked games? this is how you save up for non existent valve headset?

    • kakek

      This is as article worthy as the 25 prediction for what quest 3 would be like we had since … quest 2 release really.
      This has barely more value than every “Meta is working on a headset with such and such feature.” articles.
      Cause we already know Meta is trying out prototypes of potential future headset. Cause they do, constantly, dozens of them. Zuckerberg explained it. It does not mean any of those prototype is the future quest 4, or even that they ever intended those feature to make it into a commercial headset.

      well, at least this interview adds a new ( if very anecdoctal ) info.

      Namely that Valve still has teams looking into VR. Not necesserally a headset. Not necesserally with clear plan to bring any of what they are doing to the public. But they still have people affected to it.

      That’s not much. But that’s still something we were not even sure of.

      • ViRGiN

        This article is worth nothing, unlike Meta showcasing their prototypes. Just because some features wont make it into a final product doesn’t mean it’s worthless. What’s worthless are empty thirst-trap statements from valve where they talk a little, and do absolutetly nothing. All it achieves is preventing some internet-brainwashed people from pulling the trigger on actual headset that already exists and will be supported for years to come, versus waiting for a product that doesnt exist from ‘company that is every gaymer friend’.

    • Foreign Devil

      Did Valve murder your mother or something? Weird irrational hatred for a corporation.

      • ViRGiN

        You wouldn’t believe it, but yes. Gayben bought his freedom with his money.

  • Naruto Uzumaki

    Yes i bought a ton of games on the quest and i will move right away to valve that was sarcasm its to late for them to get into vr

    • ViRGiN

      yup, never buy games from steam, when you eventually change your headset, it’s always going to be Meta one.

      • Alex de Vienne

        Of course not… only buy at steam ;-D The worlds best and most successful game shop.

        • ViRGiN

          you’re pathethic

          • Undead_Mage

            You’re pathetic.

      • LOL

        Ignorant troll alert!.
        Do not feed it!

    • Alex de Vienne

      No worries ;) The time will come when you move to Valve, It will.

      Besides Steam VR has much better games anyway.

      • ViRGiN

        Steamvr has indeed vast library of thousands of dead games. Even the latest and greatest games are dead. It sucks to be you, selling your soul to steam and unable to move forward cause you’re locked to steam garden.

        • Alex de Vienne

          poor gramps ;) you have nothing better to do than to grumble around , thats sad actually

          • ViRGiN

            Pathetic. Go discuss index superiority once more, and tell us how amazing nofio will be

          • Alex de Vienne

            Now you got it! Nofio is indeed amazing… and delivers a better performance and streaming quality on the Valve Index than META’s headsets can deliver.

          • ViRGiN

            lmao nofio doesn’t even exist. valve solved wireless problems in 2017, then 2 years later released a headset fully tethered. nice!

          • LOL

            Ignorant troll alert!..
            Do not feed it!

          • ViRGiN

            bad bot

        • kakek

          Let’s go into PCVR vs Mobile VR, once more, with a different approach.

          Look, in reality I’m pretty agnostic.
          Have a Q2 after all, I will play games wherever they release.

          But all considered, if I try to remember the VR games that really blew me away, that made me glad I had a headset, it turns out most of them are still PC titles.

          Maybe that’s just me. Everyone has different favorite titles. Just like for flat VR or movies or books.
          But if I try to rememeber the experiences that impressed me, out of my head I come up with Alyx, vertigo 2, narcosis ( underrated ), beat saber, lone echo 1 and 2, hellblade, RE7 (with mod ofc ) Superhot, blair witch VR ( Underrated as well) and recently 7th guest VR.

          This is a completely subjective but also candid list, heavily biased toward horror titles because that’s what I like. But I really just tried to remember titles that left a long lasting impression, without any consideration for the plateform or develloper. Just the experience.

          And here you have it : based on the only thing that really matter, gaming experience, if I had to pick with between the 2 I would still pick PCVR. Despite how it’s dying, despite the unquestionable commercial success of Quest, that’s still were I’ll find most titles that makes me enjoy VR.

          Honestly, what do YOU play ? What are the titles that makes you love VR ? ( Do you even really love VR gaming in fact ? )
          Forget the hatred / love for the companies, what makes you prefer Quest games over PCVR games. Not as a consumer considering who he buys from, jsut as a gamer that enjoy playing ?

          • ViRGiN

            > Forget the hatred / love for the companies, what makes you prefer Quest games over PCVR games. Not as a consumer considering who he buys from, jsut as a gamer that enjoy playing ?

            Money is not an issue. But after considerating the cost of getting into PCVR, I get zero PC value out of it. This is the same PC that can run Starfield and COD, at once. What does PCVR offers me? A big pile of NOTHING. Alyx isnt a good game for me, it’s a game made by valve and that’s why it was received positively, and those with different opinions are suppressed. Quick glance at player counts on PCVR show what is actually being played – several years old games, or hyper-mobile games like Gorilla Tag. Nobody plays anything. It’s a dead platform. Why would I want to support it? I’ve been into PCVR since getting DK1 in 2013. Enough is enough. It’s stop a slowly growing platform, it’s fully regressing and is abandoned by everyone, incl the monopolist valve. If valve cared, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
            Quest meanwhile provided everything PCVR did, minus the wire and minus $1500 of PC hardware. Everything relevant has already been ported to mobile. And many games arent even bothering with PCVR at all nowadays, which is the right move. It’s wrong to say mobile games look worse – it’s correct to say PCVR games looks like mobile games.

            I loved RE4 on Quest 2. In few days we are getting Assasin Creed and a month after that Asgard Wrath. 2024 should begin the year of Quest 3 exclusives. Why deny reality and act like there is any reason to stick to PCVR?
            I work from home, on my PC. I don’t have any issues with connecting to PCVR – yet 10 out of 10 times, I only pick standalone. PCVR is simply unimpressive.

          • kakek

            I, at least, really enjoyed Alyx
            Not because it’s a Valve game. But because the moment the vault to the quarantined zone open, with the buildup, the go that drops from it, the strange things inside, the every music … All that was simply one of the most immersive experience I ever had in gaming since I was 10.
            Again, you lean on number as a proof that’s it’s bad. But I know what I felt when I played it.

            I challenged you to be a gamer, to talk about what you like. And you didn’t. Not yet at least.
            You have given me the usual argument about why pcvr is bad – no sales – and quest is good.
            And ONE game you liked. Re4.
            Come on, there must be more. What are the games that made you love VR before that ? What where your genuine ”wow” moment ingame ? Do you ever, even for a brief moment, feel wonder and excitement while playing ? What tickles your inner child ?

          • ViRGiN

            I mostly play Contractors – FPS game with tons of high quality mods, all running on standalone. For example, it can turn it into best Star Wars VR game, and on top of that, it’s multiplayer. Something no other official SW title does.

            I played a bunch of games early on – but none of them were long lasting impressions. It was more like OK, VR is here, we have 6DOF controllers and sufficient fov and resolution. Games sucks, but “im sure” within few years things will change for the better. It never really did. I had more fun with HL2 and Razer Hydra in 2013 than I did with Alyx on launch day. I still have more fun with the recent amateur mod for PCVR. It’s a proper game, with some dated graphics, but those aren’t that important. But if I’m using RTX4090 with everything maxed out, I would expect more, meanwhile there isn’t even ray traced Beat Saber version, or Super Hot.
            Given mobile power restrictions, Quest ticks all the boxes, and exceeds expectations, something I can never say about PCVR.

        • Alex de Vienne

          You have really no idea! lol

          More than 40 % of Steam VR players are using a Meta Headset! So I guess they are not there to play bad games… not at all.

          They escape the poor games on Meta and try to find better software. 40 % That’s a lot.

          What is dead are your boring comments.

          Steam VR is open to any Headset… no wonder Half Life Alyx is the best selling VR Game.

          • ViRGiN

            shiling fake info makes you desperate.

          • CrusaderCaracal

            Stop pulling the alyx card. 308 people currently playing.

          • ViRGiN

            483 currently tethered to beat saber

          • Alex de Vienne

            So what!?

          • CrusaderCaracal

            Deceased game

          • shadow9d9

            VR players on steam is a tiny, tiny percentage of overall vr players.

        • LOL

          Ignorant troll alert!
          Do not feed it!..

      • david vincent

        So does it pay well to work for Valve ?

      • shadow9d9

        Steamvr’s game development has nearly completely dried up and devs have been abandoning it for a while now.

        • ViRGiN

          are you new to VR? i got one word for you: prgaydog

  • Dragon Marble

    “Still working on VR”? Sure. “Pushing forward on it”? I’ll reserve my judgement until I see SteamVR monthly player count start trending up again. As the Index and HLA have already shown, releasing a headset or a game once in a blue moon only pushes the platform forward a little bit — before it starts to slip backward again.

  • Hussain X

    Valve is “still working on VR and still pushing forward on it”

    As a PCVR guy, I struggle to accept that statement. If Valve was the only company working on VR and it did for PCVR what it has done so far, VR would’ve died a long time ago with nothing much VR to work on or be in a position to push it forward.

    • ViRGiN

      bbbbbbut reviewers loved alyx!

    • Alex de Vienne

      Valve is one of the most important companies which are pushing VR.

      And yes it takes time. It makes no sense to release a headset with a poor quality or many bugs. There are enough of them already out there including PIMAX, HTC, PICO and many more.

      No Company excluding Meta sold more VR Headsets than Valve. That is a great success! And while I’m typing here the Valve Index is still in the top 30 of the most sold products on Steam, 4 years after it was released.

      • ViRGiN

        > Valve Index is still in the top 30 of the most sold products on Steam
        it’s literally not even on best buy top 10000000 sold products list.

        • Alex de Vienne

          Of course not, cause it’s sold over the steam website. Good morning. ;-D

        • LOL

          Ignorant troll alert!
          Do not feed it!.

      • Average Gamer

        No Company excluding Meta sold more VR Headsets than Valve

        Accept maybe Sony…

        • Alex de Vienne

          It was about PC VR Headsets ;)

          • ViRGiN

            all five of them?

          • Alex de Vienne

            yes at least 500.000, if not more.

          • ViRGiN


        • CrusaderCaracal

          Sony doesn’t make pcvr headsets

        • ViRGiN

          Yet there are PSVR SteamVR users ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        • Pup Twilight

          Mmmmm… you are on the wrong subject

      • shadow9d9

        No VR device in nearly five years and only 1/3 promised games in 7 years. So, no.

        Sony sold more psvr 1 headsets.

  • Alex de Vienne

    Valve is taking VR very serious, I’m sure about that.

    The Steam Deck is just another step to the new VR headset. And with the new steam deck oled we see how serious Valve is as a new hardware producer.

    The steam deck is the most sucessful pc handheld.

    I have no doubt that it will be the same with their new vr headset.

    In the meanwhile the valve index sold really well if you think about the high price of the headset. After 4 years its often still in the top 40 most sold products on steam and more than 20 % of all users on steam us the valve index. That’s a huge sucess.

    Valve is for sure planing to release several vr headsets in different price categories, like the steam deck. A very cheap one, maybe a mid priced one and a high end version.

    While steam vr 2.0 was released and is getting better and better, there is just the new hardware missing, the vr headset.

    But it’s still not ready yet… innovation takes time. Valve want to sell millions of units of their new vr headset.

    And when it will be released, I’m pretty sure that it will compete very well with the headsets from apple, meta and sony.

    It’s never too late if you release a better product.

    • ViRGiN


      • Alex de Vienne

        Oh yeah and it lacks all steam vr functions! ;-D

        It’s like you use the new vision pro without vision os!

        Good try! And good luck with it! You won’t get far tho. HaHa

        • ViRGiN

          What steamvr functions? Dude you’re insane.

          • Alex de Vienne

            Man wake up, it’s an operating system!

            When it’s finished and improves the performance no one will ever remember virtual desktop anymore.

          • ViRGiN

            Operating system? No, it’s a game launcher, with built in pc desktop mirroring. It doesn’t do anything special, and doesn’t do anything right. You are worshipping something that has zero value. Where is the eye tracking support in 2.0?

        • shadow9d9

          Bypassing steamvr through VD gives 10% performance boost. Steamvr itself is not great and doesn’t add anything to the experience.

          • Alex de Vienne

            omg! Just forget it…

            * Bugs, Bugs and more Bugs
            * A lot bad ratings
            * Many VR Games not working with it
            * Used by very few users

            Are you serious promoting this crap of a software here?

            Steam VR works with any headset and any game and it will be great, no worries.

          • ViRGiN

            valve index has more braincells than your entire family has

          • ViRGiN

            there are 7 billion quest 2 active users online right now, while valve index has only 3 (three), including you

      • LOL

        Ignorant troll alert!
        Do not feed it!

        • ameba#23234 mdrea

          got that person blocked millenias ago just do it and enjoy the improvement

    • CrusaderCaracal


  • ViRGiN

    I’m sorry to hear that you feel that way. If there’s something specific that has upset you, I’m open to discussing it constructively. However, using offensive language doesn’t contribute to a positive conversation. Let’s try to communicate respectfully and address any concerns you may have.

    • Alex de Vienne

      Like a Virgin… touched by the very first… ;-D

  • david vincent

    If Valve really wanted to “push forward on VR”, they would have released their full Source 2 SDK already.

    • foamreality

      Yeah, this really is inexcusable. Only good comment here today.

      Alex has been out for 4 years. Imagine where big game devs could be now if they had full access to this engine. Valve main business model is selling games. Its insane and probably held back PCVR games for a decade all in.

      In fact I couldn’t care less about any new headsets, there are dozens of them, but can count on one hand all the VR games ever made that are worth playing.

      Valve did nothing for games. The obsession with hardware is pointless. Meta are no better, they shut down their PCVR game devs. Valve should have jumped into that 5 years ago esp when they have ZERO competition for pushing PCVR. I don’t even know why vario, pimax etc make headsets they are all currently dependent on people wanting to play just 5 games forever. And there’s seemingly no plan to change that by anyone in the VR space.

      I don’t think its an exaggeration to point out that there are more VR headsets on sale right now than there are triple a VR games ever made. (and that doesn’t include the many headsets that are no longer on sale)

      • ViRGiN

        if gaylord pcvr elitists werent addicted to steam, meta would still pour money into pcvr. why are you blaming meta here? its the basement customers fault they cant imagine buying anywhere outside of steam. valve killed pcvr.

        • LOL

          Ignorant troll alert.
          Do not feed it.

          • ViRGiN


  • ameba#23234 mdrea

    Ha so definietly wireless standalone and that’s super great. After quest 3 I simply cannot buy a wired headset

    I just wish I had my index speakers though and the nofio style bleeding edge wireless tech

  • Bob Smith

    Just block this @ssh0le like so many of us have. You’ll feel better not wasting your time with him, plus he gets off on it. Just block the creep.