Christer-Andre Fagerslett (aka Namielus), the developer of VirtuaView (previously known as Virtual Cinema) has launched a Crowdfunding campaign via IndieGogo for his extremely promising multiplayer / multimedia Virtual Reality project.

Virtually There

We’ve kept in close contact with Christer-Andre since we covered his Virtual Cinema project back in April this year. He was the first to make progress in the emerging Virtual Reality Cinema genre and his vision to incorporate multi-player and social networking aspects too really caught our imagination.

Back the Virtua View Indiegogo Now!

Chris has set his funding goal at $50,000 with a duration of 30 days and has told us that this will enable to continue expanding the development team to push on and complete the first version of the product.

His pledge tiers and rewards range from $5 (Reward: A Huge Thanks!) to $15,000, which gets you the entire 1st floor of the Virtual Lounge.

Virtual Meetings

We’ve been privileged to try Virtua View a couple of times over the last few weeks and on both occasions it left quite an impression. The latest playtest (which you can see featured in the campaign’s video above)  involved a spin around the standard cinema, various fantastical meeting rooms (including a lovingly  AV Boardroom in space) all realised in glorious Oculus-Rift-o-Vision. In addition to the immersive visuals, Virtua View also incorporates full Razer Hydra support and is used to enhance communication in game. Want to wave ‘hi!’ to a friend in game, make the motion and it appears, illustrated via your avatar’s virtual hands.

“..the immediacy of the experience transcends anything you might have felt before.”

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This seemingly simple feature has so much impact when in Virtua View because, when you’re in a virtual space via Virtual Reality, the immediacy of the experience transcends anything you might have felt before. Yes, we’ve all had Skype calls and we’ve all played an online First Person Shooters, but the connection you feel to your friends / colleagues whilst ‘plugged in’ cannot be overestimated. It has the potential to become the bridge between online and physical meetings.

The potential too for leveraging the power of VR for educational purposes via Virtua View is huge. Indeed, Chris includes a virtual meeting room designed to illustrate this. As seen in the campaign video, we’re transported to a huge planetarium, suspended in the vastness of space complete with 3D orbiting planets. Pupil engagement via this medium, perhaps enabling teachers to reach those finding it difficult to connect with the material, is of particular interest and one which Chris is keen to emphasise.


Chris has spent the last 6 months pouring his time and his own money into this project, one in which he passionately believes. But development is expensive. He’s now in need of investment to ensure his project and the myriad ideas tied up in it see the light of day.

We’d love to see this project funded and to have a chance to see that vision realised. If you have some spare cash and are interested in helping a genuine, first-of-its-kind software project ‘happen’ head to IndiGogo via the above link and pledge away.

We’ll have a more in-depth look at Virtua View in a forthcoming article, including some exclusive video playtests. Stay Tuned.

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • TheWizardOs

    This is simply amazing.

  • Andreas Aronsson

    Backed it as soon as I saw it :D Go go Namielus!

  • TheWizardOs

    Even my girlfriend was impressed enough to consider backing it. LOL