Sci-fi Shooter ‘Arken Age’ Coming to PSVR 2 & PC VR in January, New Gameplay Revealed


VitruviusVR, the studio behind Shadow Legend VR (2019), finally announced the release date for its upcoming single-player sci-fi shooter, Arken Age.

Coming to SteamVR and PSVR 2 on January 16th, 2025, Arken Age promises a 10 to 15-hour story-driven campaign set in the lush arboreal environment of a terraformed world.

Here’s how VitruviusVR describes it:

Celestial Custodian’s Tower on the shores of the Bio-Chasm, a terraformed realm created to harvest Arkenite Energy. Its divine founder, the Grand Arborist, has ceased cultivation of your planet and every transmission sent to him has been met with abject silence. Uncover the truth behind the disappearance of the Grand Arborist, forge alliance with the Nara alien race, and take up arms against the usurper Hyperion & his legion of corrupted soldiers.

Additionally, the action-adventure game promises to let you freely jump, climb, and swim as you engage in physics-based combat, featuring a modest arsenal of weapons you can switch up with 30 different mods.

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Check out the new gameplay in its new trailer, which features a thick slice of the game’s weapons, modding system, and surprisingly frangible baddies, which you can dismember and destroy in some pretty interesting ways.

Notably, the new trailer includes a more in-depth look at what appears to be the first boss battle, showing off the different tactics required to down a fairly gnarly four-legged tree-beast.

You can wishlist Arken Age on Steam and PSVR 2 ahead of its January 16th release.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Runesr2

    2024 started with a bang with Underdogs, which now has an average rating of 98% on Steam based on more than 1,000 ratings. Let's hope we can start 2025 with a similar bang :-)

  • Super long trailer…

  • Hussain X

    After watching this trailer, I was super disappointed… dissapointed that the combined reviews of Shadow Legend on Oculus and Steam didn't reach even a thousand reviews at least. Such a great game for it's day and even for today.

    I hope Arken Age sells extremely well on PSVR2 and PCVR, maybe sell even more copies of Shadow Legend. PCVR players ask for ground up high quality VR gaming, that is also fully developed and not just an Early Access game (that may also get abandoned). Now that we're getting another high quality PCVR title, I hope they vote with their wallets and pause on activities such as modded VR gaming made for flat screens, etc, and support an actual, ambitious, developed for PCVR title so we get more such higher end VR titles for PCVR (and PSVR).

  • Michael Speth

    Compare this game play to the Garbage Batman Arkham Shadow and you will understand why Meta Quest 3 is a garbage headset that has retarded VR for several generations. Thankfully we are getting nice graphics with real VR gameplay with Arken Age.

    Batman is proof that meta gamers don't know what good VR is. Arken Age is proof that real VR can only be found on PC and PSVR2.

    • Batman Arkham Shadow wins VR game of the year at the TGA…kek

      • Michael Speth

        Proves my point regarding Quest 3 gamers don't know what good VR is.

  • NL_VR

    Looks ok.
    What promising is the developer.
    the only "problem" I saw was that the combat didn't look anything special.
    not impactful. I dont want soft pew pew pew gun shooting and simple parrying a slow incoming melee attack. At least make it a little faster like asgards wrath 2 (which also isnt enough but better) so you must work for your success

  • Jeremiah

    Really hope they deliver, cos this looks really promising!

  • NL_VR

    lol Michael Speth was to ebarrased so he left deleting his stupid post.
    lame PSVR2 fanboy, be gone.

  • Every time I see new footage of this one I get more and more hyped! looks like such a fun game, cannot wait to play it