Sony today released the monthly download rankings for PSVR. Coming as no surprise to anyone, the hit block-slashing rhythm game Beat Saber (2018) has again placed at the number one spot this past month, putting it now six months in a row as the top downloaded game on the platform.

Beat Saber first released on PSVR back in November 2018, and from that moment it shot to the top of the charts.

What’s more, within only a few weeks of release, it was named the number two most downloaded PSVR game of all of 2018, beating out all competition but the long-standing fan favorite Job Simulator (2016).

Here’s this past month’s breakdown:

  1. Beat Saber
  2. Job Simulator
  3. Superhot VR
  4. Creed: Rise to Glory
  5. Gun Club VR
  6. Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs
  7. Killing Floor: Incursion
  8. Drunkn Bar Fight
  9. Borderlands 2 VR
  10. Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality

You might attribute some of Beat Saber’s staying power to its recently released paid DLC song pack, ‘Monstercat Music Pack Vol. 1’, although many of the games above have gone more or less unchanged since their respective release dates, possibly suggesting that the top 10 list reflects a continued influx of new players downloading the cream of the crop, which keeps the list fairly static.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Adrian Meredith

    Job simulator must have made an absolute ton by now, how is it still at the top of the charts?

    • Jarilo

      I have no idea how that over glorified tech demo that gets boring in 20 minutes does that. Like how is it up there all the damn time?

      • wcalderini

        Probably because it is still one of, if not THE best demo’s for people to show off thier VR gear to first timers. It’s immersive, fun, an NOT complicated, making it the perfect demo for the genre. (That and “The Lab”) I have done a few “demo days” for co-workers at my office and it is one of my “go-to’s” when I’m demoing to someone who is not even a gamer, let alone a VR gamer. And in the end, why even have a VR setup, if you can’t lord it over the uninitiated at times? At least that’s my 2 cents.

        • Jarilo

          It’s a fair 2 cents, but I was over the evangelizing VR and experiences like that back probably around late 2017. I guess there will be a disconnect for a while between new-comers and us VR vets.


    Its a great list! – the tracking? Not so much. I‘m curious how much love my PSVR gets once the quest enters our household…

  • Moriar

    i can’t wait to see when beat saber will be replaced and what game it will be. so i love bs.

  • oompah

    I regret buying Beat Saber
    Its more of a hype
    Its too tough and a child could not complete
    even the lowest level nor could I,
    Why they make these games too tough
    Initial level should be an infants play then
    there should a permission to raise level
    every time.
    Few flailings then
    Always fail

    • gothicvillas

      Child? VR is not really for young age kids

      • oompah

        or child with grey hair ;-)

  • Jonathan Pratte

    Well deserved.