While Meta doesn’t offer much publicly in the way of understanding how well individual games & apps are performing across its Quest 2 storefront, it’s possible to glean some insight by looking at apps relative to each other. Here’s a snapshot of the 20 best rated Oculus Quest games and apps as of July 2023.

Some quick qualifications before we get to the data:

  • Paid and free apps are separated
  • Only apps with more than 100 reviews are represented
  • App Lab apps are not represented (see our latest Quest App Lab report)
  • Rounded ratings may appear to show ‘ties’ in ratings for some applications, but the ranked order remains correct

Best Rated Oculus Quest 2 Games & Apps – Paid

The rating of each application is an aggregate of user reviews and a useful way to understand the general reception of each title by customers.

Rank Name Rating (# of ratings) Rank Change Price
#1 The Room VR: A Dark Matter 4.89 (12,719) ↑ 1 $30
#2 Moss: Book II 4.88 (631) ↓ 1 $30
#3 Puzzling Places 4.86 (1,839) $15
#4 Walkabout Mini Golf 4.86 (10,442) $15
#5 I Expect You To Die 2 4.85 (2,861) $25
#6 Vermillion – VR Painting 4.82 (693) New $20
#7 Budget Cuts Ultimate 4.82 (141) New $30
#8 Swarm 4.81 (2,393) ↓ 2 $25
#9 I Expect You To Die 4.81 (5,375) $25
#10 ARK and ADE 4.81 (146) ↑ 3 $10
#11 COMPOUND 4.8 (516) ↓ 4 $20
#12 Moss 4.8 (6,591) ↓ 2 $20
#13 Red Matter 2 4.8 (1,234) ↑ 2 $30
#14 GOLF+ 4.8 (20,642) ↑ 4 $30
#15 Cubism 4.79 (809) ↓ 1 $10
#16 Ancient Dungeon 4.79 (990) $20
#17 Ragnarock 4.79 (1,308) ↓ 5 $25
#18 Pistol Whip 4.78 (9,658) ↑ 2 $30
#19 YUKI 4.78 (217) ↑ 3 $20
#20 Into the Radius 4.78 (4,553) ↓ 1 $30

Rank change & stats compared to May 2023

PatchWorld – Make Music Worlds, DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate, Eye of the Temple

  • Among the 20 best rated Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 4.5 out of 5 (–0.1)
    • Average price (mean): $26 (+$2)
    • Most common price (mode): $30 (±$0)
  • Among all paid Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 4.2 out of 5 (±0)
    • Average price (mean): $20 (±$0)
    • Most common price (mode): $20 (±$0)

Continue on Page 2: Most Popular Paid Oculus Quest Apps »

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Christian Schildwaechter

    I’m still a big fan of these monthly top 20 charts as they provide the rare opportunity to observe developments in VR over a longer stretch of time, with very few usable sources of data being available. Of course everything is only relative to previous data from the Quest store and doesn’t necessarily match what happens e.g. with PCVR, but the general trends seemed to correlate a lot for a long time, at least until the numbers from the Steam hardware survey startet to jump around in ways no longer explainable by small errors in measurement.

    But lately I’m asking myself how distorted this relative view actually is. One problem is the difference between the best rated apps and the apps that added the most new ratings. “Walkabout Mini Golf”, “Golf+” and “Into The Radius” are the only titles that show up in both lists, and the at least somewhat surprising lack of sales of the “best apps” cannot be explained by those being older titles.

    The fact that two of the apps on both lists are actually Golf games/simulations also hints that looking at either the apps best rated or adding most reviews doesn’t necessarily paint a picture of “typical” Quest use. A lot of enthusiasts were very astonished when Meta stopped bundling Beat Saber and offered Golf+ instead, but that’s possibly because most enthusiasts aren’t “single app users”. We’ve known for a long time that there are many people that use VR on Quest/PCVR/PSVR pretty much exclusively for Beat Saber, for fun and/or exercise. There is a section of VR users that are only into fitness apps. The “serious” Golfers are another surprisingly large group that don’t care about VR in general, but only use it as the best possible simulation of the sport, with a tiny industry providing specialized accessories such as golf club controller attachment adapters, and Golf+ being #1 or #2 in “most new ratings” for the last year and never below #4.

    The train of though was triggered by two numbers: WSJ reporting there were 6.37mn active Quest users in 2022-10, and GorillaTag reporting 2.3mn monthly users in 2023-01, a lot of which seem to play GorillaTag almost exclusively. Just assuming they all only play GorillaTag, more than 1/3rd of all Quest usage would be just GorillaTag. Add x% for those that only play Beat Saber, y% for those that play only Golf and those that only play multiplayer FPS, and we most likely end up with way more than 50% of all Quest users that stick to pretty much one app and never buy new ones.

    In early 2022 Meta announced that the Quest store had generated USD 1bn in revenue, at that time split over ~10mn Quest 1/2, meaning on average every Quest lead to USD 100 in software sales, meaning probably 4-6 titles. I know I bought a lot more, so there must be others that bought a lot less or nothing at all. Looking at the active user number has always been interesting because those represent the people that might actually buy software and therefore provide a motivation for developers to create new titles. Now I’m wondering if of these active users more than 20-30% are actively buying users, and if these are pretty much the only ones the monthly top 20 lists represent. And what it means for the average Quest usage that the typical “single use app” Golf+ has been so dominant for more than a year. Given the general low retention of VR, but the highly enthusiastic VR golf community, are there now more people using VR exclusively for Golf than even for Beat Saber?

    • Ben Lang

      I’m glad you enjoy the data, I’m also glad to read your takes on it!

      • ViRGiN

        It’s an interesting rant.
        But the thing journalists like you should VERY closely look into is the HYPER-popularity of 2 dollars games discounted by 84%, and those games, after years of abandonment, are in TOP10 of most popular PCVR games. And these are not a quality title by ANY metrics imaginable – Killer Klownz, The Slopes, Machine Learning – pure shits that doesn’t take any skills to create are among the MOST played PCVR games ever.

        Vertigo 2, such an “awesome” game is basically unknown despite glorifying reviews. Nobody wants to actually play it.

        PCVR engagment seems to be primarily driven by CringeTubers recommendations, and PCVR users sorting for their next purchase solely by lowest price.

        • Ben Lang

          In what sense are these the most played PC VR games ever?

          • ViRGiN

            Seems like you are not willing to perform any sort of inspection of your own.

            Look at when these titles were made, what they represent, and how many concurrent players they suddenly have, and how long they are lasting on steamcharts or whatever website of your choice.

            There is something inherently wrong, straight out demoralizing when “high end PCVR” values Killer Klownz at least 10x as much as “one of greatest games since alyx” at any given time of the day, especially given “high cost” entry barrier to PCVR. This isn’t some mobile platform we are talking about.

          • Ben Lang

            I see them, just don’t know if briefly having some players makes them a top title. In any case, what do you make of them appearing on charts even briefly?

          • ViRGiN

            PCVR has long shifted from “enthusiast, high-end” stigma towards kids who has access to just enough money to get a PC and VR headset. The games are super appealing to todays youth – clowns are really really hot topic and have seen big ressurection. Pavlov main use is basically playing as a clown. It’s related to animatronics. Games like Five Night at Freddy are picking up steam again.

            Fake virtual discounts like steam offers also play a big role. Boredom of VR is a thing. People have played pretty much through everything already, and are browsing for new titles, sorting by lowest price. Others see that it’s popular, and it’s booming as well. Very interesting phenomenon.

          • Brian Elliott Tate

            Killer Klownz isn’t actually being played by anyone. It’s a part of some more recent exploit where bots try to mine games on Steam that have trading cards.

            The last time it was actually played with in like 2017 (so that should be ignored when looking at any list and no conclusions of how VR player habits have shifted should be drawn from it)

          • ViRGiN

            What’s your evidence for that?
            And what’s the point of steam trading cards and why 2 dollar vr only game has them?

          • Brian Elliott Tate

            I was curious about it and talked to the owner of the game.

            Google for Steam Trading Card Bots. There’s a niche audience that REALLY cares about them for some reason and they have actual value. It’s hard now to get trading cards for a game, but these dirt cheap older games that happen to have trading cards are really high targets for the bots to mine the cards off of them and sell them.

          • ViRGiN

            So if that is true, and such games can be manipulated, how many pcvr users really are there from now reported 8000+?

            Wouldn’t those bots have to create some sort of layer of emulation for vr? I doubt they can just launch the game and let it idle.

            On the other hand, it’s not that impossible that pcvr simply enjoy killer klownz. After all, gorilla tag is also regarded as top3 game by player count.

          • ViRGiN

            I did look a bit deeper… but I find your theory a bit impossible. The items of the game seems to cost under 10 cents. How is anyone going to make any real money off it?

          • Dawid

            Please do not have any discussions with ViRGiN. He is a well known hate speech expert in VR comments section, so you can just ignore him.

          • ViRGiN

            Ben Lang has been thinking this website for years, and he himself knows better.

          • Ookami

            according to what metric? if you’re talking about top concurrent players, HL:A beats KK by 15x, and owner estimates reflect that. KK is also only $2 vs Alyx’s $60, which is worth considering if we’re talking “success”.
            BTW if your comment isn’t going to provide your metrics, than I’ll just ignore it.

          • ViRGiN

            You already call everything i ever say a lie, you are stupid guy who fought for weeks that you need good internet to stream locally from pc. With alyx you couldn’t comprehend that game doesn’t support room scale and denied to provide even definition. So no thanks, I’m not getting productive again for you just so you can dismiss it.

            Alyx had 40k+ concurrent players on launch, where tf is everybody now? Pcvr has never seen such number across all games combined 3 years later.

  • Ookami

    It would be interesting to see actual player counts, but unfortunately we don’t have access to that info