Initially released in early access on Steam in 2018, VR roguelite COMPOUND is slated to get a Quest 2 version following its 1.0 version on PC, its developer says. And that 1.0 version is coming “soon,” developer Bevan “NotDead” McKechnie has now revealed.

Update (June 16th, 2022): McKechnie says in a Steam update that he’s nearing the release of what he calls “by far the biggest update COMPOUND has ever seen.”

Among the new additions (of which there are supposed to be many) some of the highlights include a Giant Minigun, three different story endings, a couple new weapon features such as a new weapon tutorial and handling system, as well as Steam achievements. Admittedly, McKechnie says there’s “much, much more!”

There’s no release date yet, however everything points to a launch right around the corner, as the developer says the 1.0 update is “very close to being ready for release!”

There’s also no word on when a Quest version is due, although you can keep an eye on the game’s public roadmap to follow along. The original article follows below:

Original Article (April 14th, 2022): Though little-known, Compound is the 5th best-rated VR game according to Steam (with an ‘Overwhelmingly Positive’ 97% rating) and the 12th best-rated according to Steam250 (which uses its own algorithm to determine rankings).

Created by one-man indie developer Bevan “NotDead” McKechnie, Compound was originally released in early access on Steam in 2018 and has seen slow but steady development ever since. The game is a roguelite with a unique pixel-art style and an arsenal of fun weaponry with which to experiment.

Now that the developer is homing in on the 1.0 release of the game on PC, McKechnie tells Road to VR that he’s planning to build a Quest 2 port of the game once the PC version is complete. Both the 1.0 version of the game and the Quest 2 version are expected to launch in 2022.

Graphically, McKechnie expects the Quest 2 port to be quite similar to the PC version of Compound, thanks to its low-fi art direction.

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The game’s public roadmap shows that Compound may also see some updates beyond the 1.0 release, including the possibility of custom level support, more weapons & mutators, and a non-VR version of the game on PC.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • knuckles625

    Good for him, still one of the most well done VR games in my opinion. Glad more people will get to experience it

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  • Awesome. I saw this in my Steam library recently and wondered if it would ever come to standalone. Great to hear it will!

  • You do not realize how many hours I will lose of my life once this releases on Quest. I used to play it so often when my main headset was the Rift CV1, it will 100% become my main shooter again once it’s on Quest 0o0

  • Ted Bowie

    This is such a great game, 90’s pixel strafing fun and still on my top 5 VR games. The roguelite aspect can be a little frustrating at times but makes the game’s longevity shine. Looking forward to the final version and congrats to the dev, I’m sure sales will go through the roof when the Q2 version releases!

  • ViRGiN

    Finally, a mobile grade game comes to mobile.

    • Allison Morgan

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    • John Doe

      Cry more

      • ViRGiN

        get triggered again

    • ?????

      • ViRGiN

        which part you did not understand?
        it was pcvr only since day one. this had no right to exist for pc only for so long. community responded accordingly, and almost nobody really played it. it has it’s chance on quest.

  • Bertie

    Very exciting. It’s a great game and fits the Quest 2, which is sorely lacking in half decent shooters of any kind.

  • Jonathan Winters III

    Glad to hear it’s actually going to be completed/released, after 4 years in Early Access.

  • Ratm

    Why only quest 2? You can run this x2 using an amiga..

  • JB1968

    So sad this is “best-rated VR game” in 2022. But OTOH it fits the Quest2 ecosystem well.

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    • Jistuce

      It IS a pretty fantastic game with broad appeal, though. I can think of worse games to hold up.

    • Raphael

      People often go way over the top with praise/accolades. This might be a good game but the simple retro graphics limits the appeal somewhat. I find the flat lighting irritating to look at. No shadows.

  • NL_VR

    i think i buy this game for Quest. i have only played the demo.
    I Like rogue-lite and Quest 2 is a perfect plattform for rogue-lites in this style.

  • TotallyMarioBro Gaming (TrueTG

    Imagine Ultrakill on the quest 2